Highlander's Faerie (Highlander Heat Book 5) (11 page)

BOOK: Highlander's Faerie (Highlander Heat Book 5)
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“I can’t believe this is happening.” Katherine jiggled on top of him, her breasts bobbing so close to his mouth he couldn’t deny himself another taste of them. “Oh,” she sighed. “I really love it when you put your mouth on me like that.”

“Then say aye to our joining and make it quick.” He licked the peaking tips again. “I’ll begin. I, John Joseph MacDonald, of Islay, pledge my troth to Katherine MacLean, of the MacLeans of Duart. With this handfast, I take her as my wife for the next year and a day.” He moved to her other breast and gave it the same attention. “Speak your vow, love.”

“There’s still Madison to consider.”

“Nay, there is no’. What does your heart tell you?”

“That joining with you always feels so right, and I’m not sure I can let you go.” She heaved her skirts up and spread her folds. Gently, she held his cock and rubbed the head over her slick entrance. “I want to make us one.”

“Then do it.”

“You’re so impossible at times.” She looked deep into his eyes and smiled. “But my impossible.” She slid his cock deep inside her hot channel and panting, moved up and down. “Oh, yes. You feel sooo good inside me.”

“I’m still waiting to hear your vow.” With a low moan, he rocked his hips. “Give yourself to me. I will love and cherish you for all of my days.”

“I gave myself to you the moment I fell through the veil.” She caressed his chest. “I want to feel all of your skin on mine.”

Hell, her skirts were bunched between them, albeit at her waist, and he still had his trews half on. Growling, he came out of her long enough to kick his pants off and ease her gown down her legs. Rolling her over onto her back, he came up on top. His cock hammered at him to take her, and as he claimed her lips, he plunged deep inside her channel and made her his.

“Perfect.” She clutched his butt and urged him to go faster. “Make me soar.”

“Aye, I shall always do so.” Losing himself in the woman who held his heart, he didn’t hold back. He kissed her, ravishing her mouth as he pounded harder and deeper inside her. His faerie held an intoxicating allure he’d never be able to resist. She was sweet, fiery, and roused endless passion within him.

“More,” she panted.

“You’re so beautiful, Katherine. I want to make you come, over and over.” Needing to give her everything, to hear her pleasure and have it thrum through him, he slid his hand between them. He caressed her nub then thrusting in balls-deep, took them both over the edge of no return.

“John.” She gasped his name as her inner muscles tightened and dragged him home.

Giving into his own desire, he came deep inside her and with no strength remaining, collapsed on top. “Mine. You’ll always be mine.”

* * * *

Katherine lay on the thick rug before the hearth, John a delicious weight on top of her as the sky lightened outside the window. She stroked his back and blew gently over the light sheen of his sweat dampened skin. “John, wake up. It’s almost dawn.”

He eased up onto his elbows and looked into her eyes, his gaze strikingly focused. “I wasnae asleep. ’Tis impossible to find rest within the enemy’s walls. Are you ready to come home?”

“I’m sorry I doubted you, and that I left without speaking to you first. The fae told me to keep my warrior protector close and to bring peace, we must unite. It’s our union which is needed and I see that now with such clarity. You and Marie both raised the question about actually bringing about some peace, and yet I continually pushed your concerns aside. All I saw was the need to travel here.” She threaded her bound fingers through his and smiled as the small strip of knotted cloth around their wrists tugged tighter against her flesh. “I want to speak my vow, to bind us together for all time. I just wish I didn’t have to change your future to do so.”

“You must have faith that the fae wouldnae have chosen wrongly for you. I hold a piece of your soul and that is meant to be.” His cock twitched inside her and he rocked his hips. “Bind us together, otherwise peace will continue to elude me.”

“You’re also insatiable.” She stroked his cheek. “But there is no one I would ever wed other than you.”

“Then I shall ask you formally.” He kissed her, sweeping his tongue along hers with a slow thoroughness that made her melt. “Katherine MacLean, will you do me the great honor of becoming my wife? I wish to hold you each and every day, to love and cherish you for the rest of our lives.”

“Do we get to consummate my vow once it’s spoken?”

“I believe that might be possible.” He glanced at where they were still joined.

The full evidence of their union hummed through her and gently, she wrapped her legs around his hips and took him deeper, feeling the stretch of tender muscles as she did and loving every moment of it. “Then yes. I’ll marry you, my warrior protector.”

With a deep moan, he eased out then slowly sank back in. “Hurry, love, I need to hear your vow afore I lose my mind once more.”

She didn’t hold back. “I, Katherine MacLean, of the MacLeans of Duart, pledge my troth to John Joseph MacDonald, the man who holds a piece of my soul. With this handfast, I take him as my husband for the next year and a day.” She kissed him, her soul lifting and twining fully with his. Heat consumed her, took over her mind as every part of her fused with him. “I should have understood what the fae meant sooner. She told me I no longer belonged to the future. Even my mother told me I had to accept my place here in the past as Marie had done. I belong right here with you. Always and forever.”

“Aye, always and forever, with me.” He pushed even deeper, moving harder and faster with each heavenly thrust.

“You make me feel too much.” She rocked forward, consumed by the scalding heat that devoured her each time they joined. Digging her fingers into his shoulders, she rode the waves of pleasure that contracted her channel and demanded he join her.

“Katherine.” He pulled her harder against his cock, holding her in place as he seized her mouth and kissed her until she lost all thought.

* * * *

When her senses finally returned, Katherine stretched underneath John and breathed in his warm scent. “Mmm, I definitely feel at peace. What about you?”

“Aye, my wife, I feel at peace even though I’m within the enemy’s walls.” He nuzzled her neck then drew the soft skin of her flesh into his mouth and sucked.

“John.” A knock sounded on the door.

“’Tis Archie,” John whispered to her. “Aye, brother. I’m here,” he called to him.

“Margaret is awake and asking to see Katherine. Arthur too wishes to speak with us, and our men grow restless to leave. We dinnae wish to overstay our welcome.”

“We’ll be out shortly.”

“Good.” His footsteps faded away.

John nipped her lips, eased out of her and taking her hands, helped her to her feet. “I need you to remain quiet and allow me to ensure our safe leaving. As my wife, none can keep you from me, or gainsay my decision to take you from this place.”

“I understand, although you should know, I’m not really all that good at following orders.” She donned her blue gown and adjusted the long sleeves over her wrists.

“Aye, as I’ve learnt.” With a mischievous smile, he shrugged his cotun on over his white tunic, fastened his black leather trews at his waist and strapped his weapons on. “Come. We’ll thank our hosts for having us then be away.”

He unbarred the door then with a hand on her lower back, guided her into the crowded great hall. The trestle tables had been moved back into position and serving maids now weaved around the benches and set platters of cooked meats and bowls of hot oats on the tables. So many MacLeans filled the hall, a hundred or more warriors, their postures rigid and gazes narrowed on the trestle table holding John’s men.

“I feel terrible.” She burrowed closer into his side. “I didn’t come here to inflame the feud.”

“I know, love, but by your actions you’ve forced two clans to come together no long after we’ve battled. The MacLeans also outnumber us a dozen to one and that places them in a position of great power. ’Twould be so easy for them to sweep aside the Highland code of hospitality and have their vengeance. It has happened twice in the recent past, no’ only to Angus when he tried to stem the feud, but also to one of our close kin, John MacIan from Ardnamurchan. The MacLeans will go to any means to win this war. I can only say, the sooner we’re gone from here, the better.”

“Katherine.” Margaret called her name and motioned to her from the dais where she was seated between Arthur and Archie.

“Remain beside me at all times.” He steered her toward the dais and clasped his brother’s forearm. They spoke, so quietly she hadn’t a chance of hearing what they said.

“Sit beside me, Katherine.” Margaret shuffled closer to Arthur in her bronze skirts and made room for her. She took a seat as Archie eased across the other way and made room for John to sit next to her.

She perched on the wooden bench and squeezed Margaret’s hand under the table. “Things have changed. It appears I must now go back home to Islay.”

“That is for the best considering your MacDonald clan’s arrival.” Margaret’s brows twitched nervously as she watched another dozen MacLean warriors stride into the great hall and grumble. She leaned closer, and murmured, “Eat a bite or two if you can. My clansmen need to see I’ve welcomed you to our table.”

“Of course.” She picked up the large pitcher and filled two goblets with warm cider. She passed one to John as he filled a trencher with steaming bacon, crusty bread, and sliced cheese. He nudged her to share his food. Quickly, she laid a bacon strip on top of the bread and took a bite.

Arthur, dressed in tan breeches and a forest green jerkin over a beige tunic, removed his dirk strapped to his thigh, stabbed a wedge of boiled egg from his trencher and ate it from the tip. “Do you sleep well?” he asked her.

“I’ll sleep better once I return home. I’m sorry if I’ve caused any problems with my arrival.”

“Aye, these circumstance are no’ to my liking. Mayhap Finlay shouldnae have brought you to Mull.”

“Your warrior, as far as we can tell, acted alone in doing so.” John slid his hand under her hair and around her nape as he spoke to Arthur. “Provided we’re assured safe passage from your shores, we’ll hold no grudge against you and your kin for his actions. And by we, I mean my new handfast wife, myself, and my men.”

“I see.” Arthur lifted a brow as he twirled his dirk then speared a slice of ham from the platter. “An interesting turn of events. You should know though, that none of my men were instructed to remain on Islay after the battle, and as long as you dinnae seek to attack us, we will do naught more than protect our own borders while our chief remains in Edinburgh.”

“Then we shall agree to do the same while Angus is imprisoned.”

Katherine’s heart lifted. Had a truce just been reached while their chiefs were in the king’s hands? Perhaps her trip to Mull to seek some peace between the clans hadn’t all been in vain.

“Good.” John slowly stood and tugged her to her feet. “Then it appears we must leave. My thanks for your hospitality.”

Archie pushed back his chair as he eyed John. “My congratulations on your handfast, brother. Your timing is impeccable.”

“My congratulations too, Katherine.” Margaret rose. “You’ll need to fetch your things. Come, I’ll help you.”

“Be quick.” John released her and he nodded. “I’ll wait right here.”

“I won’t be long.” She clutched Margaret’s hand and hurried upstairs.

In her chamber, Margaret nabbed her traveling bag and handed it to her. “Keep the gown. There’s no need for you to change afore you leave. At least now we’re more aware of where the MacDonald clan stands, particularly with your warrior’s promise just now to curtail any warring until his chief’s return. That’s a good sign.” A spark of hope lit her eyes. “Tell Mary I’ll be thinking of her.”

“I will. I know she thinks of you.”

A knock sounded and a MacLean guardsman wearing a darkened nasal helm, chainmail and black boots marched in. His green eyes, a paler shade than Arthur’s, glinted through the slits as he scrutinized first her then Margaret. “My lady, Hector asks for you. The boy frets when so many MacDonalds remain within our walls.”

“I’ll be but a moment.” Margaret hugged her. “Hector is my son. I must go to him.”

“Thank you for all you’ve done for me.”

“You’re welcome. Take care as you travel.” She grasped her skirts and walked from the room.

The guard shut the door, closing them in. “Now,” he grated, “’tis time for you and I to speak.”

“I too must go.” She tried to edge past him, but he blocked her way. Towering over her, he removed his helm and scrubbed a hand across his scraggly brown beard. Finlay. “What are you doing here?”

“Arthur may lead this clan in my laird’s stead, but I know Lachlan’s wishes well. He would never sit idle when we held such a bargaining chip in our hands.”

“I’ve been given safe passage to leave.”

“And you shall, with me.” He shoved a dirty wad of linen in her mouth and knotted a strip of tartan around it.

She fought, clawing at his face and kicking.

“Nay, lass.” He grabbed her hands and rammed her into the wall.

Her head hit and she gagged as the room spun.

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