High-Sided: An Armed & Dangerous Novel (22 page)

Read High-Sided: An Armed & Dangerous Novel Online

Authors: L.P. Dover

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: High-Sided: An Armed & Dangerous Novel
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I waved her off. “She needed it. Hopefully, she doesn’t pay for it tomorrow when she has to drive home.”

She brushed the hair off Madison’s face. “She’ll be fine. I made sure she drank a lot of water. I just hate what happened today. The girl has had horrible luck with men the past few years.”

My phone beeped; it was Micah. “I’m sure it’ll all work out.”

Kassie glanced at my phone. “Is it him?”

I nodded. “He’s at the Hendrix party, getting ready to meet with Brad. He wants me to listen in.”

She looked down at Madison who was sound asleep on her lap. “I’ll stay here, so she doesn’t wake up. Let me know what’s said.”

“I will.” Hurrying down the hall, I shut myself in my room. The wire Micah had on was connected to the government issued software on my laptop. I logged in and slid the headphones over my ears. Micah wouldn’t be able to hear me, but I could hear him. There were voices all around, along with the sound of music.

“What if he offers you a spot on the team? You gonna take it?” I recognized the voice as Mark Danvers. I turned up the volume.

“Don’t know,” Micah replied. “Gotta see what the big dog offers. He told me to meet him in his office.”

“Good luck, man. We’d love to have you on the team.”

“Thanks, bro.” The voices grew dimmer and I could hear Micah’s footsteps thumping along the floor as he walked. “What a fucking prick,” he whispered. “These people are full of shit.”

“Yes, they are,” I replied, even though he couldn’t hear me. I heard him knock, then Brad Hendrix’s voice called out for him to enter.

“Thanks for coming,” Brad said. “You enjoying the party?”

Micah snorted, his voice cocky and disinterested. “It could use a bit of livening up.”

Brad chuckled. “I’m sure it could. I’ve heard a lot about you, Micah. Seems you have a strong distaste for a particular rider on the Bennett team.”

“That’s putting it mildly. I hate the fucker. He tried to screw up my life.”

“I hate to hear that,” Brad stated. “I also heard you blew up the track during tryouts. We could use a guy like you on the team. I need a racer who can outmatch the Bennett riders.”

Micah scoffed. “I was the best one out there. Chandler’s a pansy-ass bitch.”

Brad cleared his throat. “Do you think you could put aside your differences with him and race for us? Your riding is impeccable, but I know about your attempts to thwart Chandler off the track. I can’t have you doing that if you want to be a part of my team.”

“You want to win, right?” Micah argued. “Who cares what happens to the cocksucker.”

“I do. It’s no secret my guys don’t get along with the Bennett team, but I refuse to be a part of anything malicious. Levi’s death was a tragedy and it’s already dampened my reputation with people thinking I was involved with it. I can’t have anything like that fall on me again.”

“So you want me to ride clean?” The sound of disgust evident in his tone.

“Yes. Either you ride clean for me, or you’re out. I don’t want my riders involved in any scandals.”

The sound of a chair scraped against the floor. “Then I’m out. Sorry Hendrix, but I’m not a clean rider. Logan’s got payback coming to him for what he did to me. The fucker’s going down.”

Brad sighed. “I have to say I’m disappointed. Feel free to show yourself out.”

“So that’s it?” Micah growled. “You’re not gonna give me a spot on the team because of my vendetta for Chandler?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. I want to win, not hurt people. Now get out.”

A door slammed and Micah thundered away, his steps sounding angry. “Dude, what’s wrong?” Mark called out.

“Fuck off,” Micah growled.

The voices slowly dimmed, then I heard a door slam. Micah’s truck rumbled to life and he sighed. “Pick up your phone.”

A few seconds later, my phone rang. “That wasn’t what I was expecting,” I said.

“Me either. He looked appalled the whole time. The guy may be a dick, but he’s not a killer. I don’t think he’s the one we’re looking for.”

I wasn’t there to see the look on Hendrix’s face, but I trusted Micah. “We’re back at square one.”

“Not unless Hendrix is testing the waters,” he suggested. “I’m not saying I’m wrong in my assessment, but if he’s the one we’re looking for, maybe he has to trust me first.”

“I don’t know, man. I’m running out of options.” I didn’t like doubting myself, and even worse, investigating the people closest to me. I’d hoped it wouldn’t come to that, but it looked like I had no choice.

“Nah, man. We’re not running out of options. Maybe we’re looking in the wrong place.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.”

“What do you want me to do? If Hendrix doesn’t approach me again, I’m done on that end.”

I ran a hand through my hair. “Right now, hang tight and make sure you’re seen around town. If Mark and Jacob still want to hang, then do it. There’s no way you can join up with Bennett Racing after what we did.”

“What if you need help? How am I going to do that?”

“I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out.”

We hung up and I shut my laptop. There were so many factors, I couldn’t pinpoint where to start. If my accident was intentional, then who would want to hurt me? And what did that person have in common with Levi and Ethan? There was a name that came to mind, but Kassie wasn’t going to like it.


woke up and the last thing I remembered was Logan picking me up in his arms and carrying me to his bed. After taking shots with Madison, I must’ve been drunker than I thought.

“Don’t we have to be at your dad’s for lunch?” Logan asked. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, realizing I was still in my clothes from the night before. The alarm clock said it was ten. Logan turned off the TV and pulled me into his arms, his T-shirt soft against my face. His blond hair was slightly damp and he smelled like he’d just gotten out of the shower. “I would’ve let you sleep some more, but I figured you’d need to take a shower.”

“I can’t believe I fell asleep. I wanted to hear what happened.” I looked up at him and his face fell. “What’s wrong? Did you find out anything?”

He nodded toward his bathroom. “Why don’t you get your shower in, then I’ll tell you.”

Getting up, I took off my clothes and hurried into his bathroom to take a shower. The room steamed up, so I hopped under the water. “Is Maddie still here?”

Logan walked into the bathroom. “She left about an hour ago. I think she’s ready to leave town.”

I wanted her to be happy, but she always picked the wrong guys to get involved with. You could look at Micah and tell he was dangerous. Which, in a way, was how I saw Logan now. He wasn’t just a motorcycle racer, but a lethal man who could actually kill someone. Once I finished with my shower, I climbed out and Logan held up a towel for me, his face an unreadable mask.

I knew whatever it was, it wasn’t going to be good. “Just go ahead and tell me.” I followed him out of the bathroom and he sat on the bed, while I threw on a pair of clean clothes.

Sighing, he ran his hands down his face. “Hendrix came up empty. I’m not sure he’s the one we should be investigating.”

I gasped. “Are you serious? He’s the only one who hates my father.”

Logan nodded. “Which makes it easier for someone to frame him. If everyone knows Brad has a beef with your dad, they’ll automatically turn the blame to him. I think it’s time we let the local PD know.”

“Who do you think it could be? If not Brad, then who?” He bit his lip and stared at me, the look of regret evident on his face. “Tell me.”

“I want to investigate Sean,” he admitted.

It felt like the breath had been knocked out of my lungs. “What? No,” I growled. “He would never do anything to hurt you, Levi, or Ethan. Besides, he was with me when Levi was killed.”

“I know, but it doesn’t mean he didn’t have an accomplice.”

I shook my head. “This is wrong on so many levels. Sean isn’t like that.”

Logan jumped to his feet. “You may not think so, but anything’s possible. You wouldn’t believe the fucked up shit I’ve seen, Kassie. I’ve hunted serial killers, rapists, and members of the mafia. I’ve seen innocent looking men prey on women and kids, doing ungodly things to them. I’m the one who found some of those mutilated and tortured victims. And all the while, the people closest to the killers never suspected a thing. That’s how it works in this world. You can’t trust anyone.”

My eyes burned and I closed them. All I could see was Sean’s smiling face. There was no way he would deceive me. “What exactly are you asking of me?” I trusted Logan with my life and I could tell it hurt him to confide in me.

“I want you to be careful around him, at least until I can prove myself wrong. I can’t think of a reason why he would want to hurt Levi or Ethan, but the guy hates me. All those years ago, he had access to my bike, and for all we know, he might’ve wanted me out of the way so he could get to you.”

“What happens when he comes up clean? What then?”

He released a heavy sigh. “I don’t know. The hidden cameras are in place at your shop. We might have to sit back and observe.”

“I don’t like this,” I murmured.

Logan wrapped me in his arms. “Neither do I. But right now, we need to get to your dad’s.”

“Are you going to tell him you’re investigating Sean?” I asked.

He shook his head. “He won’t understand. And I’m sure you wouldn’t want to answer his questions on why.”

“Good point. I’ll be ready to go in ten.” I wasn’t ready to tell my dad about my relationship with Sean. It’d become a scandal Bennett Racing didn’t need.



“Hey, guys,” Sean greeted once he walked into my dad’s house. Janie smiled and waved. They were at the kitchen table talking to Madison, while Angela pulled the ham out of the oven. Everything smelled heavenly.

My father came up behind me and squeezed my shoulders. “Doin’ okay, peanut?”

I turned around and kissed his cheek, his white beard tickling my lips. “Yep. You?”

“Can’t complain.”

Logan leaned in close and whispered in his ear. “We need to talk.”

My father’s brows furrowed and he looked at us. “All right, let’s go to my office.”

“You all about ready to eat?” Angela called out.

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