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Authors: Sherri Hayes

Hidden Threat (18 page)

BOOK: Hidden Threat
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Chapter 26

Thursday went much like Wednesday with the exception of Jessie fixing them breakfast and Cali managing to make it until two before having to call it a day.

Thursday evening, Matthew made her spaghetti and meatballs, and they sat around the kitchen table eating and talking. It would have been difficult for an outside observer to think they weren’t a happily married couple.

On Friday, Cali insisted she needed to work through the day so she refused to take any pain medication. By four o’clock, she was starting to ache. She’d just shifted in her seat trying to get comfortable when Matthew walked into her office, telling her it was time to go.

She looked at the clock. “It’s only four.”

“Yes,” he said, moving to pick up her things, “but we have a gala to attend tonight.”

“That isn’t until seven.”

Rolling her chair back, he offered his hand to help her up, which she refused. “And I don’t want you to be rushed getting ready.” He moved to the side to let her pass but kept his hand on her lower back. “I can tell you’re exhausted, Cali.”

“I’m fi…” She let the words die on her lips as she looked at him and saw he didn’t believe her. He could be very stubborn when he wanted to be. Besides, he was right. She was exhausted. Luckily, the stabbing pain of the first two days had faded to a dull ache, but it still made staying in one position for a long time uncomfortable.

They drove home with minimal conversation. Once inside, he put her things away and suggested she lay down for a while. She was too tired to argue and dragged herself to her room.

Stripping down to her underwear, she slid under the covers. She could hear him moving around downstairs. The sound was soothing, and soon she was drifting to sleep.


Matthew continued to work in Alvin’s study until it was time to wake Cali. He walked into her room quietly and just stood for a moment, watching her sleep.

She was on her side facing him, and her mouth was slightly open. Her mouth. The mouth he’d almost kissed two days ago.

He swallowed. That’s right, Matthew, he told himself. The mouth of your boss you almost kissed two days ago.

The mouth of his boss he still wanted to kiss even though he knew it was wrong.

Shaking those very dangerous thoughts from his head, he reached out and with a gentle hand on her shoulder, nudged her awake. “Cali,” he said, “Cali, you need to wake up.”

“Matthew,” she mumbled.

He removed his hand as if burned. The way she’d said his name did things to him.

Made him want to do things to her that he couldn’t do. That he wouldn’t do. He had to get out of there. Now!

Cali’s eyes opened. The strange expression on Matthew’s face put her instantly on alert, and her body tensed, thinking there was trouble. “What’s wrong?” she asked in a soft but firm tone.

He shook his head, and as he did, he shook his face free of the emotion there.

“Nothing. It’s just…time to wake up. You need to get ready for the gala.” With a quick glance, he stepped back toward the door and then another. Not looking back, he said, “Can you be downstairs in an hour?”

“Yes,” she said, now sitting up in the bed and holding the sheets tightly to her chest.

She saw him nod, and then he was gone.


What just happened? Cali stared after him for several minutes before getting up and heading to the shower.

As the water streamed down her body, she made a firm decision to put whatever was going on with Matthew Andersen out of her mind tonight. The gala was about the hospital and representing her father’s company. She would go and do her duty. She’d worry about the “crazy whatever this was” later.

Just as Matthew was coming down the spiral staircase in his tux, the doorbell rang. He looked at his watch. It was almost six thirty, and they would have to leave soon. He wasn’t expecting anyone so when he opened the door he was on guard.

“You clean up nice, little brother,” Jason said, looking him up and down.

Matthew rolled his eyes and stepped back. “And to what do I owe this impromptu visit?” he asked, closing the door behind his brother. The door clicked shut, and Matthew stopped cold, whirling to face Jason. “Did something happen?” 

Chuckling, Jason shook his head. “No. At least I don’t think so.” He paused briefly.

“Did it?” Jason asked, raising one eyebrow suggestively.

Matthew didn’t miss the meaning of Jason’s question. “No,” he said with as much force as he could muster.

Jason just sighed and shook his head. Putting his hands in his pockets, he just continued to stare at his brother. “Was there something you wanted, Jason, other than trying to interfere in my life? Cali will be down any minute, and we need to get going.” Looking at his watch again, he realized how true that statement was.

Matthew glanced at the still empty stairs, “I’ll be right back. I need to make sure she’s okay. We really do need to be leaving.”

Jason placed a hand on his brother’s arm. “Let me,” he said, already taking the stairs two at a time. “I need to use the facilities anyway.” 

With a deep sigh, Matthew watched his brother disappear up the staircase and down the hall. It also hadn’t escaped his attention that his brother still hadn’t told him why he was here. Walking into the study, he opened the top drawer and retrieved, what appeared to be, a pen. A very nice pen, but a pen nonetheless.

Making a few adjustments to the outer casing, the pen came apart and revealed a small knife. It wasn’t much, but it was all he would get since weapons were prohibited at tonight’s function. There was no way he was going in there empty handed, not with someone after Cali. A well-placed knife in the jugular was quite effective. Hearing noise on the stairs, he put the pen back together and placed it inside his jacket.

Walking out of the office, he stopped. Cali was descending the last few steps. He barely registered Jason’s presence in the room. Cali was magnificent. She wore an elegant, black and white, ball gown. It was strapless and clung to her body. He felt his body react, and he didn’t care.

She walked to him and came to a stop just out of arm’s length. That was probably best since he was having a very hard time controlling himself. He continued to stare at her until Jason cleared his throat.

Matthew’s eyes shifted to his brother, to Cali, and then back to Jason again. His brother just smiled a knowing smile, and Matthew winced internally. “I’ve gotta go. I’m having dinner with Lisa tonight, and I don’t want to be late,” he said, moving closer to the door. Pulling it open, he made a parting comment. “You two kids have fun.” And with that, he disappeared.

Matthew closed his eyes and sighed. Focus, he told himself. You need to focus.

Cali noticed his struggle but didn’t understand it. “Are you alright?” 

His eyes popped open. “Yes. Yes, of course.” Moving toward the door, he opened it and motioned for her to go first. “Shall we?”

She nodded and disappeared through the door, out of his sight for just a split second. He took a deep breath and forced himself to relax.


With a huge smile that wouldn’t go away, Jason pulled into Lisa’s apartment complex. She’d told him of Matthew’s addition to the gala invitation and how that’d come about. Then there was her interruption and the awkward moment between Cali and Matthew two days ago.

As he rode in the elevator, he thought back to the look on Matthew’s face when he saw Cali coming down the stairs tonight. Jason laughed. His brother was a goner. Strike that. His brother was already gone.

Knocking on the door, it only took a few seconds for Lisa to open it. “Hi,” she whispered in that soft sexy voice he loved. Yep, that’s right, loved. He wasn’t going to be stupid about it like Matthew.

Lisa stood before him in stocking feet, still wearing her work clothes minus her harsh suit jacket. She’d unbuttoned the top three buttons of her stiff blouse and he could see just a hint of the treats lying beneath the silk fabric. She was sex on legs, and she was his.

Stepping inside, he kicked the door closed behind him and turned the lock.

Reaching out with his other hand, he snaked it around her waist and pulled her flush against his body. “Hi,” he breathed back at her.

She leaned into him, feeling the beginnings of his arousal. “I made dinner,” she said weakly.

“Later,” was his reply before capturing her mouth in a kiss that was anything but chaste.

Her answer was to bring her hands up to his chest and begin unbuttoning his shirt. Man, he loved this woman!

They only made it as far as the couch. Luckily, he had some protection in his wallet thanks to his recent purchase. His last coherent thought before he surrendered to her warmth was that he hoped Matthew was at least half as grateful as he was for his foresight.

Chapter 27

Matthew and Cali arrived at the gala right on time. It was held downtown in one of Chicago’s finest hotels. The valet opened Cali’s door, and Matthew met her, offering his arm. She took it, and they walked quietly into the stunning hotel. The second floor lobby was full of men in tuxedos and women in fancy ball gowns.

Once they stepped out of the elevator, the high society atmosphere permeated the room. It’d been years since Cali had been to one of these. She’d felt so out of place back then, on her father’s arm. This was different though. Tonight she was here as the acting CEO of Stanton Enterprises. And tonight it wasn’t her father’s arm.

Cali glanced over at her companion. He was watching her. “Are you ready?” She smiled back at him and nodded. Placing a gentle arm around her, he moved her through the outer area and into the vast ballroom.

Matthew’s eyes took a quick survey of the room, noting the exits. He also registered the various security measures including several guards stationed around the room. It was good to know he wouldn’t be acting completely alone should something unplanned arise. At least he could count on having trained assistance.

His eyes fell on one of the security guards a second time. Charles. Just then, the man looked in Matthew’s direction as if sensing someone watching him. His face broke out into a grin, which Matthew mirrored right back.

Charles Westbrook had been a close friend of his father when he was growing up.

He’d taken a confused Matthew under his wing and helped him find the focus he’d needed when he couldn’t decide what to do with his life after college.

Cali’s movement beside him drew his attention back to her. She was looking up at him with a concerned look on her face. “Everything okay?” 

The smile he gave her was genuine. “Yeah. Just saw an old friend is all.”

“Oh. Well…um. Are you ready to do some mingling?” 

With one last glance at Charles, he turned his full attention to her. “Lead the way. I’m at your full disposal tonight.”

Cali’s eyes locked with his for a moment, and she swallowed. He seemed to catch the double meaning of his words a moment too late, and she looked away.

Finding the first face in the crowd she recognized, she headed toward it.


At eight, everyone took their seats while dinner was served. It was a delicious five-course meal, and by the end, Cali was stuffed. As the waiter came to take the final plates away, Jackson Gerber, the CEO of Chicago Memorial, rose from his seat to say a few words. What she wasn’t expecting was a specific mention of Stanton Enterprises.

With his brief remarks complete, a band took their seats in the far corner of the room and began to play. Some couples got up to dance, including two from their table. Cali looked longingly at the dance floor. She loved to dance, but it had been so long. In fact, it had been right here at the gala three years ago.

Cali looked up and found Matthew in front of her with his hand outstretched.

“Would you like to dance?”

She paused for a minute, not sure if she should. If they should. Unfortunately, her body wasn’t having the same doubts as her mind was. She placed her hand in his.

They glided to the dance floor filled with swaying couples. Cali’s stomach was full of nervous butterflies.

Matthew’s right hand pressed into her lower back, pulling her close as his left held her hand in his. The band was playing a smooth waltz, and he easily led them both around the dance floor in step with the music.

After a minute, Cali found her words. “I didn’t know you could dance.” 

He smiled. “I’m sure there are a lot of things you don’t know about me.” 

Cali smiled. “Is that so?”

He smiled wider. “I have many, many secrets. I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.” He winked. She laughed out loud. Cali had no doubt he told the truth, but Matthew didn’t often let down his guard like this, and she loved it.

They continued to dance to several more songs before her muscles began to protest, and he led her back toward their table. They didn’t make it that far. Five times, various people wanting to talk to Cali intercepted them.

By the time they arrived at the table, it was after eleven, and Matthew noticed Cali leaned more and more of her weight on him for support. “Are you in pain?” he whispered.

She sat down. “Just a little. I’ll be okay though.” 

Matthew reached into his pocket and retrieved two of her pain pills. Picking up her water, he handed her both. “Here.”

Cali shook her head. “I can’t.”

“Why not? You’re in pain, and you don’t have to be.”

“You’ve seen what happens when I take them. They knock me out. I can’t be falling asleep at the gala. It wouldn’t look right.” 

Opening her hand, he forced her to take hold of the water. “It’s after eleven, Cali. You’ve made your appearance. No one is going to think anything if you leave.” 

Cali looked around doubtful. She knew he was right, and her muscles did ache.

Dancing had probably not been the best idea, but she wouldn’t have traded it for anything. She sighed. “Okay, let me just say goodbye to Jackson before we go.” 

Getting up, she went to put her water down but a hand came out to stop her. She looked up and met his gaze as he said, “Take these first.” 

She wanted to argue but didn’t. Taking the pills from Matthew, she put them into her mouth and downed a large drink of water. “Happy?” she asked with a hint of sarcasm.

BOOK: Hidden Threat
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