Hidden in the Stars (Falling Stars #2) (45 page)

BOOK: Hidden in the Stars (Falling Stars #2)
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"No," Mia blurts. "I'm ready." She nods to Sid and then glares at Chris.

"Get out of the way, Christopher."

He opens his mouth.

"Christopher Tobias Mason, I swear to God, if you don't walk away right now, not only will there be no sex until we're married, but I'll insist we live separately."

Chris snaps his mouth shut, but flames burn in his eyes.

Grumbling inaudibly, he storms off to lick his wounds in a chair next to Jackson, Red, and…Xavier, I think. It's Xavier who claps Chris on his back, which earns him a glower.

"Damn, girl," Sid whistles and begins the shoot.

While Sid does her thing, I walk over to where the guys are watching.

"Liza, your cousin is a girl after my own heart." Red grins.

"She can be pretty amazing." I return the smile.

"And fucking insane," Xavier mumbles.

I fight not to laugh when I remember the picture Jackson showed me of Xavier in the closet tied up.

"Where's Kel?" I look around for my brother.

"I've got him looking over inventory." Red motions over his shoulder with a thumb. "Your brother is a damn wizard with that shit. I've been trying to get Todd, the head bartender, up to speed on it, but he just can't get it. Your brother stepped right in to help me out and he's rocking it."

"Really?" I ask, the warmth of pride filling my chest.

"Red's almost convinced him to go to Business College," Jackson adds, pulling me to him and sitting me on his knee.

"Seriously?" I ask Red, eyes wide with hope.

"Told him he needs to go to school and I'll hire him to help manage this place." Red shrugs.

"He's only eighteen."

Red nods. "I know. I talked to him. He can help out around here and learn, but won't be official until he has a degree. He won't be serving, so he doesn't have to be twenty-one."

Slipping off Jackson's knee, I wrap my arms around Red's shoulders and squeeze.

"Thank you." I fight off the tears.

"No problem," he says, giving me a one arm hug and pat on my back.

"Okay, he gets it." Jackson grabs my hips, pulling me back onto his lap. "Red was also just telling us about an idea he has for a benefit concert," Jackson says.

"When?" I ask Red.

Sighing, he rubs his large hand over his cropped hair.

"Not sure. It will take at least a year to plan and it's a lot to take on right now."

"Because of my stuff," I say.

"Partly, yeah." He nods.

"Red, you don't have to—”

He puts a big hand in my face, shutting me up.

"I chose to be your manager, Liza. I know the business and you're good business."

He levels a look at me, daring an argument. I keep my mouth shut.

"I'd like to plan it for next year around the anniversary of Ethan's death," Red says, eyes shifting to Xavier.

He stiffens and slowly looks at Red.

"What are you up to?" Xavier's brow furrows.

"I'd like to have Corrosive Velocity play for the benefit," he admits.

"Without a fucking lead singer?" Xavier snaps.

Red shrugs, and says, "I was thinking of asking Chris or Mia to stand in as the front man."

"You're out of your mind if you think Corbin will go for any of this."

"If we present a united front, I think we could get him to step up for a cancer benefit."

Jackson stills and his thigh muscle tightens beneath me.

"We'd probably play the benefit," Chris offers quietly. "I'd have to talk to the guys first, but…" he lets the words die off and completely ignores the topic of singing for Corrosive Velocity.

"Liza," Sid calls, getting my and the rest of the table's attention. "You're up."

She leans forward to pick up a lens from her bag and catches Xavier staring. Slowly, she raises her middle finger, kisses the tip, and blows. Xavier growls.

"Damn it, she's soooo my kind of crazy."

Red chuckles.

I climb off Jackson's lap and follow Sid to the piano set.

"We're starting here and then you can change for the next set." Sid directs my body in front of the piano, ass facing her camera angle.

"How many of the scenes are we doing?" I ask.

"You are doing all of them." She lies on the floor, focuses her lens, and snaps up at me. "Then Red can decide what he wants to use on the calendar and other shit like your website."

"I have a website?" I ask.

"Don't make that face." She cringes. "It won't photo well."

Schooling my features, I pose for her shot.

"Yes, you have a website." She clicks the camera and climbs from the floor. "You're welcome."

"Sid?" I ask through a perfectly practiced lip curl and eye fucking.

"Yes, my dear." She brings the camera close to my face and snaps.

"I want to hire you."

"For what?" She lowers the camera.

"Well, Jackson has Julia to help him and me, but you can do the website and such. You can obviously still do the other stuff, I just want to be one of your clients."

"You really trust me to help you with stuff?" Her head tilts.

"I trust you with my life, Sidra."

Her nose wrinkles at her full name.

"I trust you with my son."

She smiles and wraps her arms around me, pulling back quickly.

"Holy shit, those crystals are hard as fuck," she states, rubbing her boobs. "They tried to take out the girls."

Shaking my head, I giggle.



It's bittersweet to sit front row at the Hidden Talent finale. And, if I'm honest, I wouldn't be here tonight if Jackson and Chris weren't performing. Their set has been kept a secret, only being mentioned as a surprise performance in the commercials leading up to the show. Jackson won't tell me what they're doing.

The reporters went crazy when Jackson and I entered the building. Over the past weeks, we've established an understanding with most of them. We give the reporters and cameramen ten minutes or so and most will back off. Of course, it doesn't always work and not all of the paparazzi actually follow through, but it does lessen the numbers.

Big Kam is the first to take me away from Jackson, talking about wanting to feature me on a track he's working on. Jackson steals me back, telling Kam to speak to Red.

Tonight, the mentor chairs are gone. They've been given the first few rows for themselves and their guests. Chris and Mia sit on Jackson's right with me on his left. Jimmy, Kat, Laney, Xavier, Sid, and Kel sit a row behind us.

Hushed Mentality is the second act to take the stage and bring the audience to their feet. Xavier fills in on drums since Serena is home with the new baby. Jimmy even steps out from the side and joins Laney. The performance makes me a bit more jealous of Mia. The girl can sing, play guitar, and bare her soul in beautifully constructed lyrics. And the look of pride on Chris' face makes my stomach warm. The raw love in his eyes is the stuff little girls dream about.

Next up is one of the finalists. In fact, it's the sweet bubblegum snob who called me a prostitute. It's taking a lot of effort not to stand up and out sing this little bitch during her performance. It's petty and arrogant, but I know I could do it. Instead, I take satisfaction knowing she had to follow Mia Ryder's performance.

"I've gotta go back," Jackson whispers.

I smile and nod. He and Chris make their way around the side of the stage into darkness. Anticipation brings pterodactyl size butterflies to life in my stomach.

"It will be great," Mia whispers, slipping into Jackson's empty seat.

"Do you know what they're doing?" I ask in a hush.

She shakes her head. "Chris only said Jackson needed to do this," she says, and glances over her shoulder.

I follow her gaze and find Jimmy.

"The fact that he's not going back has me really curious," she states, her face turning back to me with a large grin.

The stage darkens and a spotlight lands on the host of the show up on a balcony.

"Tonight, we have a special performance by two members of The Forgotten. They will be giving you a peek into their newest unreleased song," he announces with a grin.

The crowd screams.

"In a stripped down performance, I give you, Christopher Mason and Jackson Shaw."

With a wave of his hand, the backdrop of the stage turns blue. A soft spotlight lands on Christopher behind a grand piano and microphone. The piano is slanted so he faces the crowd at an angle. Another illuminates Jackson sitting next to him on a stool, holding his guitar on his lap. A mic stand stretches from the floor toward Jackson's mouth.

The once roaring crowd falls silent.

Jackson starts a slow rhythm, leading everyone along his journey, higher and higher, until Chris comes in with the piano. He strokes keys, licks his lips, and hums into the mic. And then, Jackson's voice fills the room, starting off the song.

"Your presence consumes me.

Taunts me without a single touch.

I'm freed by your beauty,

Making my tainted chambers beat once more."


Chris joins with him on the chorus.

"Intoxicated by your mouth,

You fascinate.

I want to taste the red of your lips.

Intoxicate me."


And then it's back to Jackson.

"Slipping under layers of betrayal,

Desire burrows beneath my flesh.

I crave the torture of your existence,

Hungering to wear the fragrance of your skin."


They continue to alternate between the two.


"Intoxicated by your charms,

You taunt.

I want to taste the words you speak.

Intoxicate me.


Eyes see through the illusion,

Piercing the darkest parts of my soul.

Fear of a four letter word disintegrates,

Replaced with a need for devotion.


Intoxicated by your kiss,

You haunt.

I want to taste the air you breathe.

Intoxicate me.


My shadowed heart is unworthy,

But I'll own your love.

I sacrifice what remains of my soul,

Staking yours with my claim.


Intoxicated by you.

Devoted to your taste.

I will savor your submission.

Intoxicate me."


Chris carries the last note to a place Jackson can't. The stage dims back down and the crowd erupts so loudly, my first reflex is to cover my ears. Then, I see him.

Jackson strides to the end of the stage, focused on our seats. There's no way he can see me with the spotlight on his face, but he knows where to find me.

"Go to him," Sid orders, shoving at my back.

"That was for you, Liza," Laney adds. "Go to him," she yells on a laugh.

He leaps down from the stage, a spotlight finding and following his every move. Mia grabs my arm and pulls. I finally move, meeting Jackson halfway between the seats and stage.

Jackson slides his hands up the sides of my neck and holds my head. Thumbs under my jaw, he tilts my head and leans in close.

"I fucking love you, Eliza."

His words dampen my lips and underwear.

"I love you, Jackson," I respond.

"Say it again," he says against my lips.

"I love you."

Our lips meet in a mutually hungry kiss as the cheer of the crowd fades away around us.

The End 

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