Hidden Ability (Book 1) (10 page)

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Authors: Aldus Baker

Tags: #Action, #Mystery, #Young Adult, #Magic, #Medival Fantasy

BOOK: Hidden Ability (Book 1)
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Darla sits back in her chair as thoughts race through her head. She thought she understood the demands of House Yen. Her goal is always to maintain and improve upon the prosperity her father created. For the first time she sees there is more to the legacy of House Yen. Her father was a brilliant military commander. He would have known what to do. Over the years since Lord Yen’s passing Darla came to terms with what the loss of her father meant to her. Now, she is faced with what the loss of him means to everyone else. No matter how well she fulfills the role of Lady Yen, Darla can never be General Yen. Even the advice of her mother can not fill this void. She has no choice but to accept the advice of Captain Erida. It is the best counsel available to her.

She returns from her thoughts and looks at Captain Erida. “Be seated Captain. Let us work together on a list of all that must be done and order it by greatest need. And then a second time by what may be accomplished most quickly. It may be that some needful things are quickly done and that several goals might be achieved together if we carefully consider who leads the effort and what resources are required.”


Today is Jalan’s Name Day. He wonders if it will have any special significance. He is 13 now. That is different but not different. He is only one day older than yesterday when he was 12. What difference is one day? It does not seem likely that today will be special or exceptional when compared to any other day. Life on the Yen estate will move as it always has. He will spend his day training, being made ready. Today will be like yesterday and tomorrow. It is a special day for Jalan, but an ordinary day for everyone else. That is the way Jalan thinks about it when he wakes up.

Jalan barely finishes dressing when he is summoned to Darla’s study. He would knock, but the door is wide open and several people are already in the room. Darla and a woman Jalan does not know are sorting papers and placing them in boxes. Maid Ranie is dusting a set of empty shelves and the cook’s helper, Juna, is sweeping the floor. It is almost shocking to see so much activity in this normally sedate quiet space. “Lady Darla,” Jalan calls into the room.

His sister turns to him. “Jalan? Oh, yes, yes. You need to go see Captain, er, Major Erida. He’s been promoted and you’ll need to remember to call him major now. He was just here, but left to see to several things. You will most likely find him at the lancer barracks.” Darla begins looking through the papers she is holding.

Assuming he is dismissed, Jalan proceeds down the hall. As he reaches the stairway down to the first floor he hears Darla call to him.

“Good fortune on your Name Day!”

Jalan cannot help but smile as he bounds down the stair two at a time in search of Major Erida. He has no idea what is going on, but Darla remembered his Name Day.

Jalan hurries out of the manor. The grounds look uncharacteristically empty and the half dozen lancers he does see are jogging or running instead of walking. None of them look in his direction. They all seem intent on going somewhere in a hurry. He decides to emulate them and runs toward the barracks. The barracks are actually three large, two story wood frame structures on the far side of the corral and stables. The corral is all but empty with only one horse in it, a fine heavy warhorse. The strong shoulders and quarters are obvious even from a distance. The stablemen seem to be working on the barn they have talked about ever since learning of Master Enmar’s Training Hall.

Outside Lancer Barracks One, or just One as it is usually called, men are busy polishing pieces of plate armor, oiling leather and repairing their Tan and Blue uniforms. These chores are easier to perform outside where the light is better. Jalan wonders if there is an important ceremony coming up that he has forgotten about. “Major Erida?” asks Jalan of the lancer nearest the main barracks doorway.

The man cocks his thumb at the open door and says, “Inside.”

Jalan knows all the lancers on sight after his years of training. He says, “Thanks Yustel,” and sprints inside.

The barracks is a long building and the main doors open into a wide hallway which runs straight through the building to a similar set of double doors at the back. Immediately to the left and right of the main doors are stairways that run up to the second floor. In the center of the hallway, on each wall, are wide single doors that open into barracks rooms. Those rooms contain two rows of pallets stuffed with straw and laid atop wooden frames. The pallets are positioned end out from each wall. On the left side of each pallet is a deep closet used to store armor, weapons, uniforms and personal belonging. On the right side of the pallet is enough open space between the pallet and the storage closet of the next pallet over for a man to stand in. Unmarried lancers are the primary residents. A portion of their pay is set aside as rent for their pallet and to cover meals at the mess hall.

With 20 pallets along each wall, a barracks room can house 40 men. There are two rooms per floor and three barracks buildings. 360 lancers can stay in the barracks. Jalan knows House Yen only has about 200 men housed in them. Approximately 100 more lancers live either on small parcels of nearby land or in one of the villages near Yen Manor.

After entering the ground floor of the barracks, Jalan turns left and slows his pace to walk along the divide between the two rows of pallets. A door at the far end of the room leads to the Command Room. Within the Command Room are two tables and several chairs. Shelves and chests for storage line the walls to Jalan’s left and right. A large fireplace is centered in the Command Room wall across from the entry way. This is the only source of heat in the barracks. As the weather is warm, there is no fire and the fireplace has been swept clean. Two either side of the fireplace are two small windows that allow the only natural light to enter the room.

Standing in the Command Room are the newly made Major Erida, Lieutenant Burk and three other men, Lieutenants Martus, Rinlan and Sert. They suround one of the two large wooden tables and are studying a map that has been spread out upon it. Major Erida looks up as Jalan enters.

“Good,” says Major Erida, “Now that we are all here we can discuss assignments.” Jalan and the four others focus their attention on Erida and listen carefully as he continues. The Major addresses each of them in turn. “Captain Burk, you will lead a company of lancers to secure the area around Southway Outpost. The reports state that there is very little left of the outpost. You will need to take the appropriate supplies and support for one month in the field. Report daily on your status. Reestablish what you can of the outpost. You will be the provisional commander there.”

Major Erida turns to the next man. “Captain Martus, you will lead a similar company provisioned and supported for a month to Midland Outpost. Work directly with the outpost commander, Lieutenant Caser. Secure the area around the outpost and assist in rebuilding and repair. Report daily on your status and have Lieutenant Caser do so as well.”

Now Erida addresses Lieutenant Sert, but Jalan discovers quickly that Sert is now a captain as well. “Captain Sert, you will lead a third company of lancers to Pass Outpost. You will secure the general area and reinforce the outpost. Congratulate Lieutenant Niksus on his promotion to captain and relieve him. Captain Niksus is to return here for further orders. You will report daily on your status.”

Next the Major speaks to Jalan. “Captain Yen, you will lead a company of mounted archers. Find your old archery instructor, Sedic. Inform him of his promotion to sergeant. After Captains Burk, Martus and Sert have formed their companies and moved out, you and Sergeant Sedic will choose the best mounted archers you can from the remaining lancers. You will need to select at least 10 men as the core of your company. As new recruits are trained or skilled riders join us, you will need to add men until you have at least 20 under your command.”

Finally, Erida directs his attention to Lieutenant Rinlan who also must have been promoted. “Captain Rinlan, you will begin a sweep through all settlements within the Yen holdings and recruit as many able men as possible. Take a fist of lancers with you. Before you leave, stop at Yen Manor. A sheath of public notices is being prepared for posting wherever you think appropriate. Lady Yen is also being quite generous. Any man that joins will be given a horse if he does not own one, or if he does, the new man will receive the equivalent value of his horse as a bonus. The value will be determined by the Yen stable master. Hopefully, that will induce men to bring a good mount with them.”

Jalan does his best to keep a neutral expression on his face as his curiosity climbs almost beyond enduring. The lieutenants are all captains. Captain Erida is now Major Erida. He is now Captain Yen. Not Mar, his true last name. His identity is still a secret it seems. But, captain?
What is going on? I’m 13. Is this a joke?

“Captain Yen, do you have a question?” asks Major Erida.

Apparently his confusion is obvious. “Yes, major. What has happened?”

All the men in the room stare at him. Major Erida says, “The attacks on the outposts? Didn’t Lady Darla tell you? Didn’t anyone tell you?”

“No, sir. They didn’t.”

“Welcome to the military,” says Erida with a wry smile. The other men chuckle politely. “Our outposts were attacked yesterday. Southway may have been destroyed. The others are damaged. Pass faired the best. You just heard the orders I gave each officer here. There will be another briefing with Lady Darla this evening at an hour before last bell. You may attend and report your progress on formation of your company.” Erida sweeps his glance across everyone else in the room as he asks, “Are there any further questions?” The response is silence and after a brief moment the Major says, “Captain Yen, I’d like you to stay for a minute. Everyone else dismissed.”

The other four captains file out of the room. Burk is the last to leave and he closes the door behind him.

Major Erida’s manner relaxes a little and he says, “Your sister really said nothing to you about any of this?”

“No, sir. She only told me to see you.”

“Let’s sit down and talk for a minute.” Major Erida pulls two wooden chairs close together and sits in one. Jalan sits down in the other.

“I could tell by the look on your face that something was wrong. You did well not to balk when I gave you your orders. You’ve been made a captain because of who you are and because you have demonstrated the ability to do the job. You’ve had extensive training in weapons and lancer tactics. If you were a little older, no one would question your appointment. We, your sister and I, discussed it and Lady Darla agreed that because of the attacks and the lancers that have been killed we need everyone who can serve. Do you understand?”

“I think so, sir.”

“I’ll be honest. We’re doing our best to give you a command with the least chance of getting you injured or killed. You are a prince and serving in the lancers is a normal part of learning to command men. But, you are also a boy. No matter how extraordinary your skills are, I am not putting you in the van. You are part of our reserve, once we actually have enough men to create a reserve force. If things go as I am afraid they will, you will see battle and have your trial. There will be no need for you to seek out the fight. It will come to you. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. And, there is one last thing. I’m not going to be able to take you aside like this in the future. When I give you orders you have to carry them out just like all the other captains. No matter what your misgivings, you have to appear confident in front of your men and the other captains. If anyone questions your authority, you have to find a way to deal with it without running to me. That’s the only way the men will respect you.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I’m not telling you what to do. But, if I were you, I’d run along now and find Sedic. Then I would let him know he’s a sergeant and that he reports to me. I imagine he has an opinion on which lancers you might want in your new company as well.”


Jalan knows that once the captains gather their companies he will be left with the least desirable lancers. He needs a way to hang on to a handful of good archers and he thinks he knows how to do it. Before doing anything else, Jalan follows Major Erida’s advice and seeks out Sedic. In short order they compile a list of good archers and Jalan goes to see Lady Darla.

Next Jalan visits Mistress Treana, the Yen family seamstress. He does not recall any time in his life that he actually sought the woman out. Past visits have all been made under silent protest and lasted only as long as it took the seamstress to measure him. His sister Vee, on the other hand, had to be told to stop requesting new garments. She is now limited to one new dress every season and cannot approach Mistress Treana without mother in tow.

The seamstress is the only practitioner of a trade that works exclusively for the family. Jalan does not know how it came to be, but Mistress Treana has her own quarters, shop and salon tucked away in one wing of Yen Manor. He suspects that between mother and his four sisters, there has always been enough work in progress that close proximity made the greatest sense. Even after marriage and moving away, both Guri and Aena have visited Yen Manor in order to have Treana create gowns for them.

At the door to Mistress Treana’s salon, Jalan knocks and waits. Before he can take two breaths the door is opened by Mistress Treana’s personal maid, Brianne.

“Young mister Jalan! What a nice surprise. Please, come in. I will let my mistress know you are here,” says Brianne in a lilting singsong.

Jalan has never understood how the woman can put so much energy into everything she says. He withholds speculation on a cause and simply says, “Thank you.”

The salon is not large. There are several chairs and a small love seat arranged against the walls. The center of the room is clear and easily seen from any seat in the room. Jalan recalls being forced to stand there and be inspected by his mother and Mistress Treana as they fussed over some detail of an article of clothing. He sets aside his reminiscing when Mistress Treana enters through a doorway at the back of the room.

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