Hetty (34 page)

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Authors: Charles Slack

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Bradstreet, Elizabeth Anne. “Hetty H. R. Green Hall.”
The Wellesley Magazine
, April 1931.

Briggs, Ruth Lawrence (as told to Meras, Phyllis). “And Then There Was Uncle Ned.”
, spring 1988.

“The Burden of Money.”
Outlook, February 28, 1917. Hetty memorial.

“Col. Edward Howland Robinson Green.”
New England Historical and Genealogical Register
, vol. XC, July 1936. Obituary.

Cooper, Dan, and Brian Grinder. “Women on Wall Street: An Historical Perspective.”
Financial History
, no. 73, fall 2003.

Daggett, Mabel Potter. “Hetty Green: Mistress of Finance.”
Broadway Magazine
, January 1908.

Flynn, John T. “The Witch of Wall Street.”
Mentor, December 1929.

Glasscock, Jean. “The College and the Colonel.”
, spring 1988.

Gordon, John Steele. “The Fortunes of Hetty Green.” Audacity, summer 1996.

Green, Hetty. “Why Women Are Not Money Makers.”
Harper’s Bazar
, March 10, 1900.

Griswold, J. B. “A Rich Man Who Gets His Money’s Worth.”
American Magazine
, September 1933. Ned Green profile.

Henry, Sarah M. “The Strikers and Their Sympathizers: Brooklyn in the Trolley Strike of 1895.” Labor History, vol. 32, no. 3

“Hetty Green’s Philosophy.”
Literary Digest
, August 5, 1916.

Hodges, Leigh Mitchell. “The Richest Woman in America.”
Ladies’ Home Journal
, June 1900.

Lefevre, Edwin. “Mr. Williams and the Chemical National Bank,” publication unknown, 1902. From JP Morgan Chase Archives.

Menand, Louis. “She Had to Have It: The Heiress, the Fortune, and the Forgery.”
New Yorker
, April 23, 2001.

Nicholls, C. W. deLyon. “Hetty Green: A Character Study.”
Business America
, May 1913.

O’Quinn, Truemann. “Texas, Taxes, and Where Did Colonel Green Live?”
Texas Bar Journal
, September 1961.

Spencer, Miranda. “Money Mad.”
, August 1997.

Tolf, Robert W. “The Incredible Story of Hetty H. R. Green.”
, spring 1988.

Wyckoff, Peter. “Queen Midas: Hetty Robinson Green.”
, June 1950.


Anonymous, “An Open Letter: A Protest and a Petition, from a Citizen of California to the United States Congress,” 1895. Library of Congress.

Bolles, Mary Nims. Untitled paper with memories of Hetty’s daughter, Sylvia, by her lifelong friend. From the Arthur Lewis papers at Temple University.

Gelt, Joe, et al. “Water in the Tucson Area: Seeking Sustainability: A Status Report by the Water Resources Research Center, College of Agriculture, The University of Arizona,” 2002. Found at Web site: http://ag.arizona.edu/AZWATER/publications.

Medeiros, Peggi. “Hetty Howland Robinson Greens Birthplace.” Unpublished paper in the collection of the Kendall Institute, New Bedford Whaling Museum.


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“Abuses in Medical Charity, The” (Brudenshaw), 113

Adams, Jack, 76

Adams, John Quincy (grandson), 56, 70

Adams, John Quincy (president), 56, 60

Agassiz, Louis, 56–58, 59, 62

Alexander, E. P., 109–10

Allen, Phebe, 39

Allen, Walter P., 212

Almy, Sylvia H., 39

ambergris, 4

Anderson, H. H., 140–41

Armour, Philip, 30, 32

Astor, John Jacob, 65, 175

“atom smasher” prototype, 213–14

“At the Million Dollar Tango Ball” (White), 191–92

Austin, Ann, 7

Bancroft, Mrs. Herbert, 202, 205

banks, 73–74, 135, 204, 216

failures of, 74;
see also
John J. Cisco and Son; panics, economic

in panic of 1907, 166, 167–69

Barling, Henry A., 43

lawsuit against, 138–43, 163

Bartlett, Sidney, 56, 58

Bellows Falls, Vt., 74, 75–86, 88, 89, 93–94. 99. 104, 105n, 115, 145–46, 157–61, 187, 223, 226, 234n, 236n

Episcopal cemetery of, 159–60, 193, 202–3, 219, 225

Hetty’s parsimony in, 77–80, 81–83, 95

schools of, 80–81

Vermont inheritance taxes and, 204–5, 206

see also
Tucker House

Bennett, Edmund H., 52–53

Bigelow, Jacob, 39

Blackmer, William, 12

Bok, Edward, 153

Bolles, Mary Nims, 81, 83, 85, 145–46, 224, 226, 234n, 236n, 239n

bonds, 151, 167, 189

municipal, 136–37, 167

railroad, 73, 74, 88–89, 91–92, 96, 120–23, 12
7, 20

U.S., 70–71, 72, 73, 135

Boswell, James, 67

Boynton, M. P., 190

Bremer, Frederika, 21

Briggs, Ruth Lawrence, 216–17

Brooklyn, N.Y., xi, 104–8, 143–46, 149

Hetty’s lifestyle in, 104–7, 143

Hotel St. George in, 143, 148, 161–62

trolley workers’ strike in, 144–45

Brown, Eliza, 28, 37, 39, 45

Brownell, Fally, 22–23, 40

as beneficiary, 39, 45

Hetty’s dislike of, 28–29, 39, 45

Brownell, Frederick, 35, 40

Brudenshaw, J. H., 113–14

Buffet, Warren, xii

Byrd, Richard E., 213

Capitalists, 30–33, 101–4, 233n

abused workforce of, 31–32, 33

Civil War and, 30–31, 32–33

methods of, 31

philanthropy of, 33

public expectations of, 106

Carnegie, Andrew, ix, xi, 30, 102–3, 165

Civil War service avoided by, 32

Fifth Avenue mansion of, 106

philanthropy of, xi, 33

striking workers of, 31

Central Eureka Mine, 136

Central Pacific Railroad, 89, 119, 124

Charles W.
Morgan (whaling ship), 214

Chemical National Bank, 89, 97, 114, 116–17, 122, 132–35, 139, 145, 163, 236n

cash reserves of, 133

courtesy as policy of, 134

establishment of, 132–33

Hetty’s mail delivered at, 151, 164

Hetty’s office at, 126, 134–35, 146, 151–53, 159, 161, 191

shareholders of, 133

Chicago, Ill., 115–18, 131, 156, 208

loans to churches in, 189–90

real estate holdings in, 115–16, 135–36, 139, 187–88, 204

Chicago Times
, 117

child labor, 31–32

Choate, Joseph, 142

cholera, 11

churches, loans to, 189–90

Cisco, John A., 88–91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 99

Cisco, John J., 88, 90, 97, 99

Civil War, 74, 101–2, 109, 137

capitalists and, 30–31, 32–33

greenback notes and, 72–73

New Bedford in, 23–24, 28

Clifford, John H., 23–24, 64

Clifford, Nathan, 64, 68–69

Colquitt, O. B., 185–86

Comer, George N., 61–62

Committee of Trust Companies, 168–69

Conde, Lisa, 236n

Congress, U. S., 11, 119, 120, 158

Connecticut River Railroad

Company, 115

Cortelyou, George B., 168–69

cotton boll weevil, 130

Crapo, William Wallace, 15, 48, 70–71, 157, 236n

Crocker, Charles, 119

Daggett, Mabel Potter, 170–71

Dart, Christopher, 125

Davis, Abner, 34, 43, 139, 140–41

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, 168

Dewey (pet dog), 150, 153, 154,
155–56, 182
, 237n

Douglass, Frederick, 5

Dreiser, Theodore, 144–45

Drew, Daniel, 166n

Eastman, Arthur, 33

Edward VII, King of England, 19, 196, 233n

Eliot, Thomas Dawes, 39

Elmendorf, Augustine, 192–93

Emery, William, 10, 17, 71, 204, 232n, 236n

England, 66–74, 105n, 212, 234n

, 9

Evans, Benjamin, 5

Federal Reserve banking system, 169, 237n

Fisher, Mary, 7

Fisk, Jim, 30, 102

Flagler, Henry M., 30, 103

Flynn, John T., 73

Foote, Frederick W., 88–91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99

forgery allegations, 54, 60, 65, 66, 69, 233n

Years of American Finance
(Noyes), 101, 235n, 237n

Fox, George, 6

Frank, Isaac, 161

Gahagan, Charles, 156

Gates, Bill, xii

Georgia Central Railroad, 108–10, 123

Gibbs, Moses, 11

Giovanni del Drago, Prince Don, 174–75

gold, 70–71, 73, 133, 136

Goodspeed’s Book Shop, 210

Gordon, John Steele, x, 231n, 237n

Gordon, Maria, 43

Gordon, William A., 36–38, 39, 47,

as beneficiary, 41, 42–43, 47–48, 70

laudanum administered by, 37, 41, 45, 52. 53

as trustee, 41, 43, 48, 52, 70

Gould, Jay, ix, 30, 102, 106, 124

Gray, Pardon, 22, 27

as beneficiary, 40, 52, 69

Great Depression, 211–12, 216, 237n

Green, Anna, 76, 77–80

Green, Edward Henry, 48–50, 52, 64–74, 156–61, 181, 193, 225, 233n

as allegedly murdered, 162

background of, 48–49, 75–76

in Bellows Falls, 74, 75–80, 84–86

court testimony of, 51, 65

death of, 158–61, 162, 163

in England, 66–74

estate of, 160

financial difficulties of, 89–91, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 131–32, 160

fortune of, 50, 160

funeral of, 159–60

Hetty’s introduction to, 48, 49

Hetty’s relationship with, 49–50, 64–65, 78, 79, 100, 131, 156–58, 159

Hetty’s wedding to, 65

in Hoboken, 156–57

marital separation of, 100, 131

obituary of, 160–61

in Philippines, 48–49, 76

prenuptial agreement of, 66

son’s medical care and, 84–85

Texas Midland directorship of, 131–32

tombstone of, 203

as Wall Street trader, 85–86

Green, Edward Howland Robinson “Ned,” 68, 80, 97, 137, 143, 179, 196, 200–201, 202, 208–21, 225

appearance of, 112, 218

as auto racer, 185

business fantasies of, 114, 116–18

in Chicago, 115–18, 131, 208

collecting of, 210–11

death of, 213, 219

Easter egg hunt of, 215

electric car of, 213

estate of, 219–21

first job of, 115

funeral of, 219

and Hetty’s baptism, 192–93

as Hetty’s business assistant, 182, 186–89

as Hetty’s protégé, 111–12, 114–18, 123, 125–31

Hetty’s relationship with, 84, 113, 114–15, 235n

Hetty’s strokes and, 198–99

as honorary colonel, 185–86, 215

Huntington’s threat against, 126, 235n-36n

ill health of, 216, 218–19

impotence of, 216

inheritance of, 205, 206

investment strategy of, 211–12

leg amputation of, xi, 114, 235n

leg injury of, 83–85, 104, 112–15

medical care of, xi, 84–85,
–14, 235n

pet dogs of, 217–18

philanthropy of, 215–16, 217

political activities of, 183–85

private yacht of, 208–9

railroad interests of, 118, 125–31, 158

at Round Hill,
Round Hill mansion and estate

scientific interests of, 129–30, 213–14

social life of, 130–31, 220

spending spree of, 208–17

Star Island estate of, 215, 216

strict allowance of, 118, 130–31

tax avoidance of, 215, 220–21

in Texas, 118, 123, 125–31, 156, 158, 159–60, 173, 181, 182–86, 215, 219, 220–21

“wards” adopted by, 216–17

wedding of, 208

will of, 219, 220

Green, Frank, 160

Green, Henry Atkinson, 76

Green, Hetty Howland Robinson:

appearance of, 13–18, 19, 27–28, 50, 65, 77, 95, 154

beauty treatments of, 172, 237n

beneficiaries of, 204, 205

birth of, 11, 12

black reticule carried by, 137, 163–64, 195

black veil worn by, 152, 169

boarding schools of, 16, 19, 20

childhood of, 1–3, 6, 13–17

death of, 180, 199–202

divine retributions forecast by, 157

early business education of, 3, 16–17, 44. 111

Episcopalian baptism of, 192–93

estate of, 204–8, 211

fashionable clothing of, 19, 176, 179. 196

fortune of, ix, xii, 8, 22, 70–71, 72–74, 86, 90, 135–37, 167, 204, 219–20, 226

foul language of, 18, 77, 95

funeral of, 202–3

guns owned by, 126, 161–63, 235n-36n

as heiress, 14, 17, 22, 33, 43–44, 48, 70–71, 72, 73, 135, 138–43, 205

at Howland family reunions, 14

infant brother’s death and, 3, 13–14

investment strategies of, ix, 72–74, 108–10, 115, 120–23, 135–37, 166–67, 211

memorabilia stored by, 194–96, 238n

as moneylender, ix, 9, 135, 136–37, 155, 167–68, 189–90, 236n

nursing skills of, 71–72, 85, 155, 156, 159

obituaries of, 200–202

parsimony of, xi-xii, 7–8, 14–16, 25–27, 28–29, 49. 77–80, 81–83, 84, 88, 94–95, 104–7, 113–14. 118, 134–35. 137. 143. 151. 152, 155–56, 208, 235n

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