Her Vigilant Seal (25 page)

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Authors: Caitlyn O'Leary

BOOK: Her Vigilant Seal
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They’d reported the phone calls to the police and the D.A., but as expected, there wasn’t a lot that could be done. They found the same thing—the calls came from a throwaway phone. Clint blocked the number from coming into Sophia’s phone. Then another unidentified number started calling. Drake was there when that happy horse shit started, and he’d been so angry Sophia was lucky her phone was still in one piece. Clint blocked that number as well.

Finn took a week to go to Minnesota to help his mother move to San Diego. Clint was still tied up in knots over Lydia, but at least she was now out of the hospital. But according to her sister, Elsbeth, she was bedridden.

The trial was set for mid-August and he had talked his parents into coming down to stay with him for the first of November. He really wanted them to meet Sophia and Billy. He was on the way into the base after having spent the night at Sophia’s apartment. He’d left with Clint eating a big enough breakfast for two people. He was still in paperwork hell. He hit the speaker on his phone.

“Drake, I’m going to need your help today.”

“Name a day when you don’t need my help.”

Mason laughed.

“Seriously, you have sisters, one of them is even married. I need taste and judgment.”

“You’re going ring shopping and you’re asking me? You’re a dumb shit.” Drake’s disgust carried clearly through the phone. “Mase, you need to ask Margie and Frannie. I can’t believe I even have to tell you this.”

Mason wanted to hit his forehead against the steering wheel but commuter traffic on the Five Freeway was hell.

“Okay, I will gladly accept the dumb shit award.”

“How is Sophia doing? She seemed antsy yesterday.”

“She wants the trial to be over. I want the trial to be over. On the good news front. Her dad is rolling over on the divorce. Ashley hired a private investigator. Apparently he’d been playing fast and loose with his company expense reports. So she is holding that over his head. He’s even agreeing to pay back child support for Billy. Ashley is ruthless. I really like her.”

Drake was laughing midway through his story.

“That is a beautiful thing. I’ll invite Ashley to the next big food fest at your house. I talked to Tony, he said as long as we covered the booze he could talk the ladies into cooking. Apparently they like cooking for studs like us.”

“How about Tony, what’s his incentive?”

“Happy wife, happy life. Frannie really enjoyed herself, and having her happy worked out well for him. So he’s more than happy to cook.”

“I’ll coordinate one for this coming weekend since I’m going to be talking to Frannie and Margie today.”

“Great, I’ll tell Ashley,” Drake drawled.

“Excuse me? Did I just hear you say you’re going to call Ashley Crandall? Sophia’s soon to be ex-stepmother?” That sure as hell came from left field. There was silence on the phone.

“When you had me drive Sophia home that day from her dad’s house, all she did was talk about Ashley and Louisa. She said she was worried her dad could end up trying to intimidate her. I offered to call her. Sophia really liked the idea.”

“So how often have you called her?”

“Well I’ve met her a couple of times. I just wanted to make sure she was all right, and knew she had someone she could reach out to if she needed protection.” Mason thought about the pretty brunette. He could easily see how Drake might be attracted, but still.

“She is just coming out of a shitty relationship and she’s still married.”

“I know that. It’s nothing like that. She just reminds me of one of my sisters.”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Look asshole, I’m just saying I can call and invite her over to the food fest is all.” Mason decided to let it drop.

“Sounds good to me.”




“I don’t like Brenda.”

Sophia laughed at Clint’s dark expression. She’d taken a seat in the opposite side of him in the booth. He’d been watching the whole breakfast rush, and it had finally dwindled down to nothing, and she had time to rest.

“Better not let her hear that or she might spit in your food.”

“Nah, you always serve me.” Clint smiled. Sophia was happy to see he was now drinking tea instead of coffee. These men drank far too much coffee as far as she was concerned.

“Why don’t you fire her?”

“Keep your voice down.”

“It is down.” He was right nobody could hear him. Come to think of it, all of Mason’s team mates knew how to whisper. Well, except for Drake, he seemed to only know how to yell.

“Margie and I have found a perfect replacement but she can’t start for two weeks. She’s doing the responsible thing and put in her notice. I really like her.”

“That’s great. Brenda’s a lazy skank.”

Sophia laughed at the disgust in Clint’s voice.

“I sure don’t ever want to get on your bad side.”

“You never could. Even if you broke up with Mason, I would still think highly of you. You’re a good person.”

Sophia stared into Clint’s sincere eyes. It was amazing how her entire self-assessment had been put on its ear since meeting Mason.

“Thank you, I think you’re pretty wonderful too. As a matter of fact, I made some cherry pie this morning.” His face broke out in a grin, his hazel eyes twinkling.

“Did I say good person? You’re a goddess!” Sophia looked up as the door tinkled, and saw six people coming in.

“Oops, looks like some early customers for lunch. I’d better get a move on.”

Sophia looked around for Brenda but she was nowhere to be found. After thirty minutes of handling the customers on her own, she went out back and saw Brenda and Tate smoking cigarettes and talking.

“Brenda, I need you to help me, the lunch rush is starting.”

“She’s taking her break.” Tate sneered.

“Brenda, you’ve already had a break and your lunch break,” Sophia said, ignoring Tate.

“I’ll be there in a few.”

“I need you now.”

“I said I would be there when I’ll be there.”

Sophia mentally counted to ten.

“Brenda if you don’t come in now, you’re fired.”

“You can’t fire me. Who else is going to work at this shithole?”

“I’ll find someone. Are you coming in or not?”

“Fine.” She threw her cigarette on the ground and stomped it out.

Sophia held the door open for her and Brenda flounced in. Before Sophia could follow, Tate grabbed her shoulder.

“I was talking to her and it was important.”

“So is her job.”

“You think you’re so high and mighty. You’re nothing.”

“Get your hands off of her.” Clint picked Tate up like he weighed nothing and Tate was on his back on the parking lot. “Sophia, you need to tell me if you’re going anyplace other than the bathroom or the kitchen, remember?”

“You whore. Are you sleeping your way through the whole army?”

“The Navy. I’m sleeping my way through the whole Navy. Get it right.” She turned to Clint. “Thanks. I’ve got to get back inside. Can you come with me?” She really didn’t want Clint wasting anymore of his time on this piss ant.

“Bowers, you weren’t supposed to be coming around the diner anymore. Expect a visit tonight.” Clint glared at the man on the ground and then turned back to Sophia.

“What was that about?” Sophia asked.


Sophia watched as Tate ran towards his car like the hounds of hell were chasing him.

Before the day was over Sophia wasn’t at all surprised to find Clint in back helping Peter with all the dishes. Usually all of Mason’s men couldn’t stay still in the diner, they had to be doing something, and they all ended up doing KP. Peter loved this new program.

Her phone rang and she was happy to see it was Mason.

“I’m on my way.”

“Well then, I’ll get the cherry pie and brownies with ice cream ready.”

“Oh yeah, it’s Clint who’s there today. For some reason I thought it was Darius.”

“Good for you. You’re remembering who likes what desserts. I’m so proud of you,” Sophia teased.

“I’m bringing your favorite dessert for you.”

“Yum, I love Almond Joy.” Out of the corner of her eye she saw Brenda yelling into her cell phone. She walked past where Sophia was sitting and she heard her telling Tate to go to hell, and that they were through. Apparently their time in paradise was over. At least for today.

“What was that?” Mason asked.

“Nothing, just the usual. I’ll see you soon.” She hung up and then her phone rang again.

“Did you forget something?”

“No I remembered everything.”

Sophia slammed down her phone. Fuck! She’d thought since Clint had blocked the last number she was done getting these calls. Her hand was trembling.

“What? Trouble in paradise?” Brenda asked, echoing her earlier thoughts.

“Isn’t it time for you to leave?” Sophia asked.

“You have to pay me.”

Sophia got up from the booth and made her way back to the desk in the kitchen.

“So is your SEAL finally kicking you to the curb?” Brenda asked as they went through the swinging door. Clint and Peter looked at one another and Sophia ignored her.

“Just take your paycheck and leave.” Sophia handed Brenda an envelope.

Brenda grabbed it and stormed out of the kitchen. When the bell over the front door rang all three of them sighed in relief.

“That bitch is twisted,” Clint said.

“Her last day can’t come soon enough,” Peter agreed.

Clint’s phone rang. He flicked the water off his hands, grabbed a towel, and then pulled his phone out of his pocket and answered it. Immediately Sophia could tell it was bad news.

“Is everything all right?” Sophia asked after he hung up.

“I need to catch the next flight to Dallas.” He was looking at his phone, obviously searching for reservations. Within five minutes he was on the phone.

“Mason, it’s Clint. I have a situation. Lydia is back in the hospital. I can’t stand the thought of her going through another bout of pneumonia without me again. I can catch a flight out of Orange County if I leave now.”

Sophia watched as he listened intently.

“Yep, Peter’s here. Great, you’ll be here in twenty? Okay, I’ll have them lock up behind me.”

As soon as Clint hung up she went up to him and gave him a strong hug. “I’ll say a prayer for her. Please call and let me know how she’s doing, okay?”

He nodded, his eyes anguished. He turned to Peter.

“Don’t worry, son, I’ve got this. Go take care of your lady.” Clint shook Peter’s hand and they followed him to the back door and locked it after he left.

They went back into the kitchen to finish the cleanup.

“So who is this Lydia?” Peter asked.

“I haven’t really asked, but from what I’ve gathered, they rescued her on their last mission. She was badly injured and Clint carried her for days to safety.”

“Well I hope she’s all right. I know when Ruth was sick I was a basket case.”

“I remember,” Sophia teased. “She just had a head cold.”

“But you made her a pineapple upside down cake, which is her favorite, and brought it over to her. She still talks about that. You’re a good girl.”

Sophia blushed. They looked up from the sink when there was a sound at the back door.

“Clint must have forgotten something,” Peter said.

“I’ll go.” Sophia grabbed a towel. The door from the back opened and there stood her attacker from the alley holding a gun.

“I knew your watchdogs would eventually leave you alone. I just needed patience. I’ve finally gotcha, girly.” He smiled. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Peter pick up one of the knives out of the dishwater. As Krill moved closer, Peter lunged, and a shot rang out.

Sophia screamed as she saw Peter lying on the floor blood pouring from his chest.

“Stop screaming!” He was standing right in front of her. She could smell his breath, see his eyes.

Dead eyes. She was going to die. Oh God, she was going to die. He hit her and everything went black.




“Peter?” Mason recognized the number, but all he heard was heavy breathing. “Peter? Answer me man.” Still nothing. Mason was still fifteen minutes away from the diner. “Peter?”

“Shot. Took Sophia.”

Ah fuck. No.

“You’re shot and someone took Sophia?”
Say he got it wrong.

“Yes.” It was just a gasp of air.

“Hang on Peter, I’m getting you help. You did good man.”

Mason hung up the phone and dialed 911.

Thirteen minutes away.

Twelve minutes away.

“No, I won’t stay on the phone. Get to Omega Grill in San Clemente. A man has been shot.” Mason hung up the phone.

He voice dialed Drake.

Ten minutes away.

“Pete’s been shot, Sophia’s been taken.”

“Where the fuck is Clint?” Drake demanded.

“On his way to the Orange County Airport, Lydia’s sick.”

“He’s closest, I’m calling him back. The rest of us will be at the diner as soon as we can.”

Six minutes away.

Finally he was there. Cop cars were everywhere. He pulled up next to Sophia’s baby blue Cadillac. Peter was being loaded into the ambulance. He rushed up to talk to him, pushing past the officers who tried to stop him.

“I’m family,” Mason said.

Peter shoved off the oxygen mask.

“Son,” he gasped out. He couldn’t be doing too badly if he could play along with Mason.

Mason bent down close to Peter. “Do you know where he took Sophia?”

“No. He knocked her unconscious and dragged her out of the diner. I didn’t tell the cops. I knew you boys would be the best ones to find her.” Mason replaced the mask over Peter’s mouth.

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