Her Vigilant Seal (24 page)

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Authors: Caitlyn O'Leary

BOOK: Her Vigilant Seal
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“Dooley sure as hell didn’t do it,” Finn said as he sat on Mason’s picnic table. Mason listened, but most of his concentration was on Darius, who looked grim. He wanted to hear what Dare had to say, but knew he needed to wait for Finn to complete his report.

“Dooley damn near pissed himself when we showed up. The guy wants to take a plea so bad it’s killing him. He babbled on about being in rehab. We couldn’t get him to shut up.” Clint nodded in agreement. Now that Finn was done talking, he looked over at Darius.

“Spill it Darius,” Mason commanded. Darius continued to pace Mason’s backyard. Even Drake was silent. Everyone watched him. Mason heard enough from Clint and Finn earlier to know it was Darius who talked to Krill, and he’d been on edge ever since.

“It’s him. We need to do some recon,” Darius bit out.

“What makes you so sure?” Mason asked.

“He denied it. He was smooth. He’ll be good up in the witness stand. But his eyes were dead like a shark. He’s a killer. You’re not going to convince me this is his first time, he’s been torturing animals since he was a kid.” He stopped right in front of Mason, looking down at him where he sat.

“Psychopath,” Drake said.

“With his sights set on Sophia,” Darius concurred.

Mason controlled the urge to get to Sophia, but he needed to hear the rest.

“What about Brenda’s boyfriend, Tate?”

“Oh, something’s up with him,” Clint said. “That dumbass was jumpy and mean, I wouldn’t put it past him threatening your woman.”

“Please note the past tense,” Finn chimed in. “He won’t be coming within fifty feet of her going forward.” Mason looked between the three men and saw identical looks of satisfaction.

“I take it he now knows the fear of God?”

“Oh yes,” Darius said with a satisfied smile. “It was nice being able to scare the bejesus out of him after having talked to Krill.” That sobered Mason up.

“Of course, we can never discount the stupid factor, and our man Tate has that in spades.”

“Fuck, there is that,” Darius agreed.

“I’m going over to the diner right now,” Mason said, getting up and pulling his keys out of his pocket. “She’s working the lunch shift.”

“We’ll figure out a schedule, Mase. Your girl won’t be left unprotected. You have our word on it,” Darius assured him.

Mason felt the slightest bit of his tension ease knowing that every man on his team had Sophia’s back. But he wasn’t going to feel good until he was holding her safe in his arms.

Mason pushed the speed limit on the way to San Clemente. The diner was just closing as he arrived. He headed around the back so he could catch Peter.

“Hey Mason, Sophia’s inside.”

“I actually wanted to talk to you,” Mason said to the older man.

“What’s up?” Mason liked how Peter stopped on his way to his car, realizing something was wrong.

“A couple of guys on my team visited the bastards who beat up Sophia. We’re convinced they’re going to come after her before the trial. We’re going to be here 24/7, but I wanted you to be aware.” Peter’s face went hard.

“I might never have been in the armed services, but I know how to protect the people I love. Make no mistake, I consider Margie and Sophia my family. I’ll help any way I can.” Mason felt even more tension roll off his shoulders.

“Thanks, Pete. I better get inside.” Mason went in the backdoor and heard Brenda’s raised voice.

“I’m just saying you need to stay away from him. He doesn’t appreciate you trying to get into his pants.”

Fuck, this was definitely the day from hell.

“Brenda, I want Tate like I want a hole-in-the-head. I didn’t want to tell you this, but he’s come onto me. I don’t think he’s been faithful to you.” The last was said with empathy. God, Sophia was too nice for her own good. Mason walked into the dining room.

“Mason, your girlfriend is trying to cheat on you with my boyfriend. You better keep a close eye on her,” Brenda said. Mason cringed, her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard. He walked up to Sophia and put his arm around her waist.

“You’re out of your mind, Brenda. Tate is the one who has come onto me and I had to beat him off. If anyone better keep a close eye on their lover, it’s you.”

“I trust Sophia. Isn’t it time for you to leave?” She gave the two of them a dark look, and rushed to the kitchen. She was back with her purse, and left without a backward glance.

“So, it seems like you were having a good day. I was surprised when you called me and said you were going to work today. I thought you said Margie was taking care of the diner.”

“Helen wasn’t feeling well so she wanted to babysit again. I said I could cover.” Mason dropped a kiss on her forehead. Of course Sophia was going to cover for Margie.

“So when are you going to fire Brenda and hire some

“You’re a mind reader. Margie and I were talking about that. She put the word out the other day. She’s hoping to have some applicants soon. I want to know why you’re here. I thought I wouldn’t see you until tomorrow.”

“How about I take you out to dinner? Maybe have a margarita or two?” Her face lit up.

“That would be great. Ashley called me, I can fill you in on that. I didn’t realize her mom and dad are rich. Her dad actually has a lawyer on retainer and everything. So she wasn’t kidding about having the best divorce attorney in Southern California,” Sophia giggled. “My dad isn’t going to know what hit him.”

Mason smiled as he guided her up the stairs to her apartment. He waited while she changed. He got a charge out of the fact Ashley already texted her with pictures of Louisa. Of course Sophia was over the moon.




Sophia knew it had to be bad if Mason was stalling.

“Mason, I can handle whatever you need to tell me,” she said as she reached across the table and grabbed his hand. Mason looked at her and smiled. He turned his hand over and laced their fingers.

“I know, you’re the strongest person I’ve ever met, honey.”

Sophia snorted.

“Seriously, Sophia. What you’ve been through would have broken most people, but you just keep getting up and taking care of business.”

“For just a moment, let’s also call things out, okay? I totally suffer from self-esteem issues. I am constantly worried I’m not good enough. Hell, I get on my own nerves half the time. I still have a lot of things I need to work on.”

He rubbed his thumb over her knuckles and looked into her eyes and smiled.

“Okay, maybe a little bit,” he acknowledged. “But I love every part of you, even the parts that need a little extra care and feeding. What the fuck, you even put up with me when I channel Drake Avery.” She burst out laughing. Thank God, she hadn’t been eating.

“Good point. Now tell me what you haven’t wanted to tell me.” She stopped at his grimace, but continued. “Is it really that bad?” Now she began to regret having eaten so much.

“I wasn’t there. You know it was Darius, Clint, and Finn who went and met with…”

“I know,” Sophia cut him off, not wanting to hear their names.

“Anyway, Darius is sure you’re right. That one is behind the calls and it’s not safe for you. I wanted you to move in with me, but it’s not practical with you needing to be at the diner so early in the morning.”

“I’m not surprised that was your first thought.” Mason protects people, that’s who he was.

“Yes it was. So instead I’m proposing that I move in with you, until this is over with.”

Her knee jerk reaction was to say no, that she could handle this on her own. But looking into the eyes of the man she loved, the man she knew she could depend on…

“I would feel a lot safer if you moved in,” she finally admitted.

Mason let out a deep breath.

“Thank God.”

“I take it you didn’t think I would go for it?” Despite the scary situation, she was happy that she surprised Mason in a good way.

Mason brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers.

“I was worried. But there’s more. When I can’t be here, one of the team is going to be here with you.”

“Isn’t that overkill?” Sophia couldn’t help the feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach.

“I’m sorry honey, but Krill has Darius really worried.”

“How long?”

“Until the trial.” His gaze was calm and steady.

“But that’s five weeks away.”

“They know that. It’s not a problem.”

She saw he was dead serious.

“Look Mason, I can handle you living with me, that makes sense, but all of the others being here, it’s too much.” She wrenched her hand out of his.

“Sophia, it’s not a big deal.”

“Are you out of your mind? Of course it’s a big deal. You’re saying for the next five weeks, if not you, then one of your team is going to be by my side, correct?” He nodded slowly.

“That’s a big fucking deal,” she whispered furiously.

He winced. She didn’t use the “F” word all that much so he must know she was upset.

“Yeah it is. But every one of them volunteered. You can’t keep them away. They’re not doing it for me, they’re doing it for you.” His calm voice didn’t make her feel any better.

“They’re going to put their lives on hold because of me?” It was too much to take in. She fumbled in her purse for some cash and placed it on the table. “Let’s go.”

Mason frowned at her paying but had the good sense not to argue.

She walked to his truck and waited while he opened her door and helped her in. The process settled them both. When he got in, he once again proved he understood her, because he asked where she’d like to go, instead of just assuming she wanted to go home.

“Moonlight Beach.” It seemed fitting since it’s where she’d first seen him. They were silent during the drive. He magically had the same thick coat in the backseat to keep her warm.

“What were you? An Eagle Scout?” she asked as he helped her slip it on, before heading down to the shore.

“The Navy teaches you to be prepared. I always want to make sure I’m taking care of you.” The man had the most beautiful eyes. She stroked his jaw and he arched into the caress.

“I love you, Mason, even when you make me crazy. I love you.” He took her hand and they strolled down to the beach. When they got there and sat down, she snuggled into his arms and looked at the blue and pink sunset sky.

“So explain it to me. Explain why you can finally lean on me, but you can’t let my friends take care of you too.”

She heard the confusion in his voice. She tried to twist around so she could see his face, but he kept her between his knees, facing forward, his head resting on hers.

It took Sophia a while to answer. “I love you Mason, and I trust you. I finally believe you when you said you won’t think of me as a burden when I need your support. That you’ll still love and respect me when I need to lean on you. I just don’t have that level of trust with your friends. To make it worse, I’m afraid that they’ll think badly of you for having a girlfriend that requires so much time and effort.” His arms pulled her closer to his chest.

“I feel like I’ve won a medal.”

“For having the most neurotic girlfriend,” she teased ruefully.

“Shit Sophia, do you realize what a big deal it is for you to have agreed for me to stay at your place? It’s huge. And the reason for the medal, is that you chose me.” He nuzzled her neck, and they stayed like that for long minutes, watching as the sky changed colors.

“Okay medal boy. You still want to tell me that I need to let the others watch after to me?”

“You’ve got it in one.” This time when she tried to turn around to look at him, he let her.

“It’s just so much to ask.”

“But you’re not asking. This is what we do. They’re an extension of me. They’re my team, my brothers. After having worked as a unit for so long together, we can’t
come together in our personal lives. Sophia, you
my personal life. I love you.”

It was amazing that she could still feel her heart beat since it was so much goo it must be actually oozing out of her chest.

“I love you too Mason. All right, I can accept this help. When I start getting antsy, and I will, can you give me a shake?”

“How about if I kiss you out of your antsiness?”

“That’ll work.” Their lips met, and she melted even more. When they let up for air, she giggled.

“What?” he asked.

“So what crazy plan do you and your friends have cooked up?”

“Well, besides loving you…like a sister...they all want free food. I have a list in my truck. Clint wants apple brown betty.”

“That would be Darius,” she corrected.

“Whatever. Just know they aren’t doing this for free. I of course want sexual favors.” Just like that he managed to make a stressful situation fun.

“What about your work? What happens if you have to go on a mission?”

“I’ve already talked to my commander. I’ve explained the situation. Until the trial I’m stateside. I explained it was a family emergency. He understands.”

Sophia thought she might melt again at him using the term family.

“I need to explain to Billy why he can’t come over for a while. I don’t want him in harm’s way.” Mason kissed her temple.

“I think that’s probably for the best.”

They sat like that until the sun went down. Then Mason took her back to her apartment and they made love until she finally fell asleep without any nightmares.

Chapter Nineteen



With only a couple of exceptions, the last three weeks were the happiest of Mason’s life. The only thing that could make it better, is if Sophia were living in his house, but he intended to take care of that after the trial. Every night he was in her bed, and he had the added bonus of having all of his friends thinking he was the luckiest bastard on the face of the planet.

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