Her Old-Fashioned Doctor (3 page)

BOOK: Her Old-Fashioned Doctor
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She listened in awe as he went on to describe his nonprofit and the type of people he usually helped. As he described the difficult winter months and putting chains on his truck tires to visit patients high up in the mountains, her respect for him deepened. He explained that he’d grown up outside of town in the same house he lived in today. His father was also a doctor and had worked at the nearest hospital located an hour away, but he’d eventually set up a small practice in town to help the locals, the very office that John saw patients in today. While anyone could show up at the hospital for treatment, even if they didn’t have insurance, finding the transportation for the hour long trip was often too great a hindrance.

“Does your father still live around here and practice medicine?”

Sadness flickered in John’s dark brown eyes. “No, he’s not in good health. He lives in an assisted living community with my mother outside of Charleston.”

“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.” She didn’t know what else to say, so she reached across the table and squeezed his hand briefly, not meeting his eyes as she did so.

“What do your parents do?”

Again, the intensity of his stare startled her when she met his gaze. No one had ever focused on her like that before, as if nothing else in the world mattered. His demeanor made her nervous and filled her with warmth at the same time. “You might have heard of my family. My grandfather founded Bennington Technologies, and my father is the CEO of the company now. My mother has never worked a day in her life, although she does run several charity organizations.”

“I’ve heard of your father’s company. It’s in the news now and then. Any siblings?”

Melissa almost groaned at his question. “Um, yes, one older sister. You might have heard of her too. She had a reality TV show a few years back.” She grimaced, not wanting to tell him the name of the show but knowing he’d ask. Everyone did. “It was called
Single, White, Rich Girl.”

“You’re kidding.”

“I wish I was, but yeah, that was my sister. She’s been trying to land another reality show ever since hers was cancelled, and my parents are forever trying to get her into therapy. As you can imagine, they weren’t pleased with the subject matter of the show.” Melissa had been in primary school during the show’s run, and her parents’ attempt to shield her from the fanfare had proved impossible. She’d watched a few episodes at a friend’s house, enough to realize her sister was spiraling out of control, her life revolving around partying and dating sleazy guys that were only interested in her money and her looks. The popularity of the show persisted in reruns, and the tabloids still ran the occasional story about their family, including Steven once news of their engagement broke.

“I remember that show. I confess I never watched it, but I remember the commercials. So, you don’t want to be a reality TV show star?” he asked teasingly.

“Absolutely not. I love painting and sculpting. They’re my two favorite things to do, and I’d originally wanted to go to an art institute for formal training, but my parents insisted I get a regular, four year degree. They begged, pleaded, and threatened until I relented. If my sister wasn’t such a dark splotch on their reputation, I think they wouldn’t have minded so much. Anyway, I always thought I could go back to school for what I wanted, after I married Steven.”

“But? I’m sensing Steven wasn’t very supportive of your dreams.”

“Steven never even paid attention enough to know what my dreams were. He always referred to my paintings as my little drawings, and he got angry when I sculpted in the house because he doesn’t like the smell of clay.”

“I’m glad you left him, Melissa. You strike me as a very strong woman that can do anything you set your mind to.”

His compliment made her heart dance and sent heated pulses throughout her body. She lowered her head, unable to prevent a blush from spreading up her neck and across her face. “Thanks, John. You’re sweet.”


* * *


Sweet. She’d just called him sweet. If she had any notion of the depraved thoughts currently running through his head, she wouldn’t have called him sweet, or even nice. He wanted to take her home and peel that blue dress off her slender, smooth body. He wanted to spank her little bottom while she squirmed over his lap and begged for mercy.

After he’d leveled a stern look on her for snapping at him, her reaction to his subtle dominance hadn’t gone unnoticed. Her eyes had grown wide, she’d flushed, and she’d lowered her head and apologized. During that exchange, his cock had been rock hard and pressing painfully against his pants. Maybe his initial impression of her was wrong. Maybe she was exactly the type of girl for him, her age and inexperience be damned.

Amy Lou cleared their plates and hurried back with a big slice of chocolate cream pie.

“Oh my. That’s huge. Do you normally eat one of these all by yourself?” Melissa stared down at the dessert and picked up a fork.

“I do. But I’d much rather share a slice with a pretty girl.” He reached across the table and his hand caressed the back of hers for a moment, then he gently pried the fork from her and scooped up a bit of the chocolate cream. “Here.” He held the fork in front of her lips. “Taste it.”

When her lips parted, she sucked in a shaky breath before leaning forward to accept the bite of pie, her tongue flicking out before her lips closed over the end of the fork. Her head tilted to the side and she sat back, her eyes fluttering shut as she gave a pleasurable moan that sent a vibration straight to his cock.

Though he wanted to hand feed her the whole pie, he passed the fork back to her, lest he scare her off. He had to remind himself they’d met less than an hour ago. It was too bad she’d continue on her way after dinner. Glancing at the dark circles rimming her eyes, he worried she wasn’t fit to drive much farther tonight. The nearest hotel was over an hour away, and given that her GPS had lost signal several times on the way here, there was no telling if she’d actually make it back to civilization. He could give her directions, but he hoped it didn’t come to that. When she covered a yawn and blinked sleepily, his concern for her deepened.

He ate his share of the pie, his gaze riveted on her the whole time. By the time she took the last bite, she’d yawned over a dozen times and seemed to be struggling to keep her eyes open.

“You’re too tired to drive, Melissa.”

“I’m fine. Really. I’ll ask the waitress for a coffee to go.”

Stubborn girl. He didn’t want to come off as a creep trying to lure her into a trap, but he couldn’t in good conscience let her drive off into the night. As tired as she was, even a large cup of dark roast wouldn’t get her very far.

“Look, Melissa, I know we just met, but I promise you can trust me. I’m worried for your safety and I don’t like the idea of you driving off and looking for a hotel when you’re this tired. You are more than welcome to stay the night at my house, get a good night’s sleep, and then be on your way tomorrow.” After he said it, his chest constricted at the thought of her leaving tomorrow. “I always have several guest rooms prepared just in case another doctor arrives to volunteer their time.”

She put a hand up and shook her head quickly, her wavy hair gliding over her shoulders with her movements. “Thank you, but I must be on my way.” The regret in her eyes told him she wanted to say yes, but her pride and possibly her fear of him kept her from accepting his hospitality.

“I promise I don’t bite.” He winked at her, pulled out his wallet, and extracted his drivers’ license. He slid it across the table to her. “That’s me. My full name and address. Call or text a friend of yours right now and let them know where you’ll be tonight. I want you to feel safe with me, Melissa.”

She peered up at him, her eyebrows bunching together. “I don’t know, John.” She yawned again and an angry look stole across her face, as if she were mad at herself for being so exhausted. She sighed deeply and fished her phone out of her purse. “Do you promise you’re not an ax murderer?”

“I promise.” He watched her type in a text message. “Who are you contacting?”

“My friend Francine from college.” She finished sending the text and stuck her phone back in her purse. “There. All set.”

When Amy Lou brought the check, Melissa snatched it off the table before he could reach it. After she paid, he guided her outside, the gravel crunching under their feet as they approached their cars. The locusts and crickets competed in the night, their chorus blaring for the stars sparkling above. The air was humid, and thunder rumbled in the distance. They paused at the door of Melissa’s car, and the urge to cup her pretty face in his hands and kiss her soundly overcame him. But damn. If he kissed her now, she’d probably peel out of the parking lot and drive all the way to Westchester before she stayed with him.

“Next time, I’m buying you dinner,” he said, opening her door. She might be on her way to Florida tomorrow, but damn if he wouldn’t try to tempt her into staying longer. The air seemed to crackle with tension when she was around, and he wanted to get to know her better. “I’m a short mile outside of town. Just follow me.” He shut her door after she nodded.

They arrived at his house less than five minutes later, a single porch light casting a thin strip of yellow down the front walkway. He opened her car door and waited as she stepped out, standing a little closer to her than necessary.

“I, uh, need to grab my suitcase.” Turning, she leaned over into her car to press a button on the dashboard.

His hands itched to reach out and grasp her firm bottom, but he resisted touching her. Instead, he grabbed her suitcase out of her trunk after she popped it open.

“Oh, thanks, John.” She smiled at him, the porch light bathing her face in an ethereal glow that made her look even more radiant. “Wow, the bugs are even louder out here.”

“Welcome to the country, darlin’.” He tightened his grip on the suitcase and spun on his heel. “Come on inside.”

He ushered her up the creaking porch steps he’d been meaning to fix for ages and into the large cabin he called home. He flicked several lights on, and when she stepped inside and looked around, the house didn’t seem as empty as usual. Some nights he found the silence deafening, and he often fell asleep with the television flipped on in the other room just to give the illusion that he wasn’t alone. He glanced around the house, grateful he’d tidied up this morning before heading out to visit patients.

“You have a beautiful home.”

Her words filled him with pride, and he swallowed hard as he met her sparkling eyes, still slightly bloodshot but not as noticeable as earlier. “Thank you, Melissa. My grandfather and great uncle built it back in 1955.”

“Well, I like it. It’s cozy and warm. It feels like a home.” She shot him a playful glance. “You might have a difficult time kicking me out.”

“You’re welcome to stay as long as you like.”

She lowered her head and dark pink bloomed across her cheeks. “I… I was just kidding. I’ll be on my way to Florida tomorrow. But I’m grateful to you. I was actually worried I might have to sleep in my car tonight. I’ll be sure I’m out of your way at first light.”

Placing the suitcase down, he stood in front of Melissa and cupped her face in his hands. He tilted her head up, giving her no choice but to stare into his eyes. “You don’t have to rush off.”

She bit her lip and peered at him with a bashful gaze that stirred his desires. “Well, I did see a lot of beautiful scenery I’d love to take some pictures of, so I can paint the landscapes and buildings later. Especially the old barns and covered bridges. Those are my favorite. If you really don’t mind, I’ll sleep in a little and then set out to do some exploring for a few hours before I resume the drive south.”

Excitement bounded through him at the thought of her staying here longer, if only a few hours. Still holding her face in his hands, he brushed his thumbs over her cheeks ever so gently, and her lips parted in a little gasp. He didn’t know what the fuck he was doing, touching her like this, but he couldn’t tear his hands away. “It’s settled, darlin’. You sleep in tomorrow and then join me for breakfast. The hours in my office don’t start until eleven, and that leaves me plenty of time to give you a personal tour of the countryside. I’ll drive you around and show you the most scenic spots. How does that sound?”

She grinned. “That sounds wonderful, actually. You’re sure I’m not being an inconvenience to you?”

“I’m sure.” Reluctantly, he dropped his hands from her face. “Can you be up and ready for breakfast by nine?”

“I’m an early riser. Even if I sleep in a little, I’ll probably be ready by seven.”

He smiled at her in approval. “It’s settled, darlin’. Breakfast at seven and then Doctor John’s Tour Bus leaves at seven thirty on the dot.”

Her tinkling laughter warmed his insides, and memories rushed back in a whirl of sounds and images. It had been too long since a woman’s laughter filled his cabin. He shook the memories away and peered into the depths of Melissa’s eyes.

“Thanks, John,” she said. “It’s nice of you to help me like this.”

“Come on, I’ll show you to your room now.”

Chapter Three



Melissa joyfully snapped photo after photo of an old red barn that was situated next to an abandoned house. John remained close behind her, talking about the family that had once lived there. Weeds had overgrown both structures, and she wasn’t surprised to learn the weathered buildings hadn’t been occupied in over fifty years. She stepped up on a rock to get a shot that captured the house with the barn angled to the side of it, and when she turned to hop down, warm hands gripped her sides. She peered down at John, her pulse quickening at the heat she swore flickered in his gaze.

“Here, let me help you, Melissa. Grab onto my shoulders.”

She nodded, suddenly speechless and breathless as she put her camera back into its bag. Her stomach fluttered and she placed her hands on his shoulders. A smile warmed his expression, but she still detected the desire in his eyes. The heavy flirting they’d engaged in last night had carried over to breakfast this morning, and the longer she spent in his presence, the thicker the tension between them grew. He lifted her down off the rock and sat her on her feet, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear before moving two steps back. The entire side of her head tingled with the memory of his touch, and she ached for him to touch her again and keep his hands on her longer this time, perhaps as he cupped her face and leaned down to kiss her. Her cheeks heated at the thought. She was certainly letting her imagination run wild.

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