Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2)
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     Antonio and I are in the master bedroom
watching one of his classic movies.  “Can I ask you something Antonio?”

     “Anything Babe.”  He responds distractedly,
clearly into the movie.

     “Can I taste you?”  That gets me his undivided

do you mean by

     “You know…can I
you?  You’re
always tasting me.  I want to know how you taste.”

     “Oh gawd yes Baby!”  He quickly turns off the
flat screen and presses the button on the remote control that allows it to
automatically lower into a hideaway compartment at the foot of the colossal

     “But here’s the thing…I don’t want you to
touch me.”  I rush to continue when he raises his eyebrow in question.  “I want
to be in complete control.”

     “Okay, you got it.  You’re in control.”

     “No, I mean it Tony.  You like to control
things and this time I want to call the shots.”

     “Okay, Baby…it’ll be all your way.”

     “Good.  Now take off your clothes.”  Antonio hasn’t
moved this fast since the first time we made love.  He shoves the pillows from
behind his back and hurries to undress while I calmly turn down the lights.

     “Now lie flat on your back.  Put your hands
above your head and keep them there.”  He complies with a lusty smile.  “Really
Tiressa, step by step instructions.”

     “I’m calling the shots Antonio.  You agreed.” 

     “What about your clothes?”

     “No.  I’m leaving my nightgown on.”  Clearly,
he doesn’t like hearing that, but I’m calling the shots.  Reclining close to
Antonio’s hip, I run my fingers from the tip of his rod all the way down to the
base and then back up again, repeating the caress several times.  “You’re so
hard…yet so soft.”  Antonio’s breaths are becoming shallow and he’s holding
onto his pillow.  “Your rod’s not only long, but it’s also fat!  This is why it
sometimes hurt when you’re rough with me.  I can barely wrap my fingers around
it.”  I say, sliding my hand slowly up and down, fascinated by the smooth warm
heat of him.  “Baby, I told you, you’re small and it’s going to take some
time.  But FYI, there’s nothing on me that’s fat.  My shaft is thick, and it’s
getting thicker and longer because it wants to be inside you.”  His rod
twitches as if it knows it’s being discussed and agrees with what he is
saying.  “Not yet, Tony, I haven’t had my taste.”  I say in my sexiest voice
and he groans.  “I haven’t had my taste, come here.”  He says, sitting up and
reaching for me.  “Antonio, you agreed!”  Exhaling a deep impatient breath, he
reluctantly lays back down.  “And your arms.”  He lifts his arms back above his
head.  Shifting, I lay on my right side, with my head resting on his right
side, just below his ribs.  Moving closer, I place a gentle kiss on the tip of
his rod.  I like the way it feels.  It feels firm, yet soft like his lips when
we kiss.  I like the way he smells…all fresh clean man and musk.  I plant more kisses
then slowly lick the bulbous head, not tasting the same spot twice.  Suddenly,
Antonio yells and lurches up breathing heavily, he flips me onto my back as he
moves to position himself between my legs.  “Now it’s my turn.”  

     I love Antonio, but there’s just no getting
around it—he’s a very passionate lover.  The more turned on he is, the more
physical he becomes.  And judging by the expression on his face…he is very
turned on!  We make passionate love until neither of us can think straight. 
Resting my head on his chest, I snuggle closer.  “Good night Tony.”

     “Good night Baby.”  He says just before he
places a kiss on the crown of my head.



Chapter 26


     “Antonio are you paying attention?”

     He wasn’t.  He was wandering why Ti isn’t
answering her cell.  He left a message almost two hours ago.  “Of course I am
Dad, but as I said before, as much as it pains me not to have Mother there, I’m
not going to beg her to attend our engagement party.  I’d rather not have her
there if her presence is going to upset Ti.”

     “Antonio, I understand how you feel, but this
is just as upsetting for your mother.  Give her a chance to make the right
decision.  Please, just go to her, invite her to the engagement party.”  Before
Antonio can reply, his cell rings.  “Dad, it’s Will.” He says and answers the
call.  “What?!” Antonio shouts getting to his feet.

     “Antonio, Tiressa and Katherine have been in a
car accident.  They’ve been taken to Lake Mary’s.  I’m on my way over to the
hospital now.”

     “How serious is it Will?”

     “I don’t know, Tony—”

     “Never mind.  I’m on my way.”

     “Antonio, what has happened?”  Mr. Bentini
demands to know, standing up also.

     “Dad, Ti and Kathy have been in a car
accident.  I have to get to Lake Mary hospital.” 

     “Of course, I’ll tell Ms. Fuller to clear your
calendar.  You go on, your mother and I will be there.” 

     Antonio doesn’t waste any time getting to the
hospital. Walking up to the reception desk in the emergency room, he gives the
lady Tiressa’s name and tell her that she’s his wife; his expression dares her
to question it.  He’s immediately taken back to the examining room.  “Dr.
Lassiter, this is Ms. Hawkins’s husband, Mr. Bentini.”  Antonio and the doctor
instantly recognize each other.  “Antonio.”

     “Chase.”  They shake hands and the doctor
hurries to set Antonio’s mind at ease.  “Congratulation on your marriage, Antonio,
your wife and baby are both fine.  Her shoulder’s a little sore and she’s a
little shaken up —understandable considering what she’s been through, but
luckily the car was sideswiped on the passenger side.”

     After standing as still as a statue staring at
his old friend in wonderment, Antonio finally pulls himself together.  “Chase,
are you sure about the baby…that there is a baby?”

     “Yes, Antonio, the test came back one hundred
percent conclusive that she is pregnant.”  The doctor says with absolute

     “How far along is she?”  Antonio asks in awe
and growing jubilation.

     “I examined her myself, Antonio, she’s in her
second trimester, about thirteen weeks.  The baby’s firmly settled in the

     “And you’re sure the baby’s okay?”  Antonio
asks, needing to hear it again.

     “Yes.”  The doctor replies with a big grin,
nodding his head.  “Your baby is just fine.”  Antonio breathes a sigh of relief.
 “Where is she?  Where is Tiressa?”  Antonio asks anxiously looking around the
examining room.

     “The young lady she was with wasn’t so lucky,
she’s been admitted.  Your wife insisted on going up to the fifth floor to
check on her friend.”  As soon as Antonio gets that information, he starts
walking out of the room.  “Antonio, your wife has been discharged.  You can
take her home anytime.  And again congratulations.”

     “Thanks Chase, we’ll catch up some other
time.”  They shake hands again and Antonio heads to the fifth floor in search
of his fiancée and his baby.




      “No one blames you for the accident,
Tiressa.  We all know that the other driver crashed into you.”  Antonio waits
for me to respond, but I keep my head turned away.  “You aren’t at fault. You’re
not the reason Katherine is in the hospital.”  I know that logically, but logic
has nothing to do with guilt.  “How long are you going to give me the silent
treatment, Ti?”  Antonio demands.

     “Antonio, you dragged me away from my friend! 
I want to be there for her when she wakes up.”

     “I know how you feel, Ti, but you can’t be
there for her if you fall ill yourself.  For gawd’s sake, if you’re not going
to think about yourself, then think about the  –think about how worried I must
be!  There isn’t anything anyone can do for Katherine that the doctors aren’t
already doing.  Her parents are there and so is William.  He’s going to stay
all night if need be.  We can go back to check on her in the morning.  I’m
under doctor’s orders to get you home and into bed, and that’s exactly what I’m
going to do, whether you like it or not.”  Glancing over at Ti, I’m struggling
not to show my frustration.  Yes, I’m worried about Katherine—we all are—but, I
want Ti to tell me she’s carrying my baby…I want to talk about the baby…I want
to hold her close.  Oh gawd, I could have lost her…I could have lost my baby. 
I grip the steering wheel tighter until the trembling in my hands subsides.   

     “I’m sorry Antonio.  You’re right, but it
doesn’t change how awful I feel.  I was driving the car.  We were heading to
that café near B&S to have a late lunch.  I was telling Kathy that I’m
rather surprised at how well Gabby and Mya are working together on the
engagement party.  We haven’t spent much time together since I’ve been back; we
were catching up.  She told me that she and William are getting back together…I
was so happy for her.”  I look over at Antonio smiling with tears in my eyes.  “I’ll
never forgive myself if Kathy isn’t okay.”

     “Ti, calm down.  You heard what the doctor said;
she may wake up within the next twenty-four hours.  Sweetheart, trust me…we
have some of the finest doctors taking care of her.  You know William will
settle for nothing less.  Kathy will be just fine, you’ll see.  Now please slide
over here, I need to hold you.”  Snuggling up to Antonio, I instantly feel
safe, protected, loved.  I want to tell him about the baby, but I guess I’m
still trying to come to terms with the fact that I’m actually pregnant.  Oh
gawd, I’m pregnant!  I’m going to have a swollen belly when I walk down the
, what lousy timing.  Mrs. Bentini will definitely believe
that I trapped Antonio for sure.


     “Welcome home Ms. Hawkins.”  The housekeeper and
the cook greet me with concerned expressions.  “Thank you Ms. Graye, Garrett.”

     “Is there anything you need…anything I can do
for you?”  The housekeeper ask.  “No, thank you Ms. Graye.”  I reply turning in
the direction of the stairs.  “What time will you be expecting dinner?” 
Although Garrett directs the question to both of us, Antonio answers.  “Have a
light meal sent up in about an hour.”

     “I’m not hungry Antonio; I just want to lie

     “Send the tray up Garrett; I’ll make sure she
eats something.”

     “Yes, sir.”  Garrett says heading back into
the kitchen. 

     “Here, let me help you.”  That’s all the
warning I get before he sweeps me into his arms and carries me up the stairs. 
I’m so tired that I don’t even make a fuss.  Antonio puts me down in one of the
cozy chairs in the bathroom.  “You sit right here, I’ll run your bath.”  Antonio
starts the water running and then quickly return to help me undress.  He’s
being so gentle, so caring…he must be more shaken up than I thought.  Antonio
comes back into the bathroom, and I notice that he’s had a shower.  He insists
on carrying me into the bedroom and tucking me in under the covers.  “Antonio,
I need my nightgown.”

     “No you don’t, Baby, not tonight.  I don’t
want anything between us.”  He says, undressing and sliding into bed next to

     “Antonio, I really appreciate how attentive
you’re being, but I don’t have the energy tonight.  I really do just want to go
to sleep.”

     “I know Baby, the doctor told me that you need
to rest for the next twenty-four hours and I’m going to make sure that’s
exactly what you do…you’re not leaving this bed for the next two days.”  He
vows, planting light feathery kisses from the top of my head down to my breast. 
Bracing himself above me, he places his big warm hand on my belly and spreads
his fingers wide.  He stares at my stomach for a long minute.  “The doctor also
told me that you’re pregnant.”

     “Antonio, I was going to tell you, I swear…I
was waiting for the right moment.”  I insist, looking up into his bright,
intense eyes. He scoots down on the bed, until his mouth is hovering over my stomach. 
“I love you Ti.”  He declares, kissing my flat belly.  “I love this baby.”  He
says planting more kisses all over my belly.  “Hell, I even love those two bits
of fluff in the other room.”  He chuckles looking at me as he slides back up on
the bed.  I know he wants to talk about the baby, but I’m so sleepy I can
barely keep my eyes open.  “I love you, Antonio…I love you so much, and I’m
proud to be having your baby.”   

     “Ti, I need to be inside you.”


     “Wait. Listen. I know you’re exhausted. We
won’t make love, I promise. I just need to be inside you, linked to you and our
baby.”  He says, positioning our bodies spoon-style.  Snuggling close behind me,
with nothing between us but heat, Antonio whispers, “Open up Baby, let me in.” 
Letting out a sleepy moan, I rub my ass against his groin and lift my leg on
top of his, sliding my foot up and down his calf.  I love the feel of his body
hair.  “That’s it Baby, that’s all you have to do.”  Antonio groans as he slowly
slides his shaft between my ass and into my softly pulsing core.  He pushes
himself deeper as he wraps his arms around me, resting his chin gently on top
of my head, one big hand cradling my breast and the other lovingly caressing
our baby.  Just as I’m dozing off, I hear Antonio ask, “Tiressa, when are you
going to make an honest man of me?”  I lovingly caress the hand caressing my
belly.  “Soon, Tony. Very Soon.”

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