Her Guardians Lost (Her Guardians Trilogy #2) (14 page)

BOOK: Her Guardians Lost (Her Guardians Trilogy #2)
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With my mind made up, I grabbed some things and started placing them in a bag. I sat and waited with an apprehensive smile on my face, hoping and praying this would work.

Once Luana was back, we climbed on her bike and I yelled out directions along the way. For some reason, I think she knew where we were going, but it was only when we were sitting outside Michael’s house that she confirmed it.

“Why are we outside Michael’s?”

I climbed off the bike. “I don’t think he’s home, which is great.”

Luana threw her shapely leg over the bike and took her helmet off. “What are you up to?” she asked, helping me off with mine.

Without answering, I looked around his porch for a key. I knew some people hide keys under flowerpots or something, so I wondered if Michael would do the same.

“What are you looking for?”

Bending down and looking underneath a bush, I found a little pot in the corner. I pushed it aside. “Voila!” I shouted as I came back up.

Luana saw the key and shook her head. “I don’t think Michael will take too kindly to us breaking into his house.”

breaking into his house. I just need to set up the scene.”

“The scene for what?” she asked, following me in.

The same white walls greeted us as we walked into the living room. That picture of an angel was still high above the fireplace.

“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

Luana’s voice almost made me jump. “Yes, she is.”

“So, are you going to tell me what we’re doing here?”

I bit my lip, wondering if she would go along with this. “I need you to call Michael and I need you to sound really upset.”


“Well…,” I said, pacing the floor. “If Michael wants a damsel in distress, I think we should give him one.” I set my bag on the sofa and dumped it out, revealing a dress. “Michael hasn’t seen me in this yet. You seem to be the same size I am.”

Luana blinked a couple of times, shaking her head. “I don’t understand.”

I could see the confusion in her face, so I walked over to her and grabbed her hand. The feeling of nothing washed over me. “You and I are friends, right?” She nodded. “I want to give you something as one friend to another. You deserve it.”

I saw the tears in her eyes and it made my heart swell. “That’s good. Keep those tears coming because you’re going to need lots of them in a minute.”


“Because we are going to get you out of these jeans and put this dress on you. Then you are going to call Michael and tell him you came around to visit him, only to find me in his house. You can say I came around to speak with him, but when I saw you, I flipped. I will spit so much venom at you, Luana, that Michael will see me as the heartless bitch and will see you—”

“As a damsel in distress,” she confirmed.

“Exactly. I won’t mean anything I say, of course. It will be hard for me, but just know that whatever bad thing I say means how much I admire you.”

I saw the hint of excitement in her eyes, but I knew she was somewhat conflicted. “I don’t think I can do damsel.”

Squeezing her hand, I made her look at me. “I’m going to be so horrible, the shock of my words will have you hurting. You have to cry, Luana. Even if you can’t do damsel, you certainly can act like one.”

She saw the determination on my face and started laughing. It wasn’t long before I was joining her. I said, “Come on. We have to act fast. I’m not sure where he is or how long he will be.”

We got to work straight away. Thankfully, the dress was a good fit, and the transformation was amazing. Michael would be putty in Luana’s hands when he catches a glimpse of her.

“Beautiful. Just beautiful, Luana. You have the most amazing legs. Why don’t you show them off more?”

Luana actually blushed. I knew there was an inner damsel in there just screaming to get out. “I guess I’m just so used to being who I am.”

Pulling her golden hair around her face, I smiled. “You’re going to knock his socks off. Now, let me hear it. Act like you’re crying so we can get on with this call.”

Luana smiled and went into actress mode. After a couple of tries, I thought she was ready.

Picking her phone up, she began to dial his number. We both waited as the call connected and his loud voice could be heard. “Michael?” she said timidly. “It’s Cassie… She’s here at your house,” she said in a shaky voice. I put my thumb up to let her know she was doing really well. “She…she was waiting for you when I arrived. She’s mad, Michael. Really mad. Can you come home, please? I’m not sure what she’s going to do.”

I could hear Michael’s commanding voice on the other end. I could tell he was mad and it made me doubt what I was doing. I didn’t want Michael to be mad at me.

“He said he’d be here in five minutes,” Luana said after hanging up.

I took a deep breath and gathered my composure a little. I was about to act my heart out and I was extremely nervous.

“Why don’t you slap me across the face—you know, for good effect?”

I don’t know why, but I found this hilarious. “Luana, I could never slap you.”

“Oh, come on. It would be fun.”

“You are kidding me, right?” She shook her head. “Oh, boy.” I started pacing the floor, wondering how the hell I was going to pull this off.

“This is going to be fun.”

Looking over at Luana, I didn’t know how she could be so calm. I was as nervous as hell, and I was the one who came up with this crazy idea in the first place.

“You’re supposed to be crying. Remember?”

She nodded. “Oh, yes. Of course. Give me a minute.” Luana walked out of the room, leaving me in silence. I took some deep breaths and waited for the inevitable monster about to barge through those doors at any minute.

Just when Luana returned, tears running down her cheeks, we heard a rev of an engine outside.

“That must be him.”

Letting out a deep breath, I glanced at her. “Okay. Are you ready?”

She smiled through her tears and it made me wonder how she could have faked them so well.

Inhaling a deep breath, I started shouting. I had to give Michael something once he opened that door. “You can’t just come in here and take over, Luana!” Pacing the floor, I saw her giving the thumbs up as she sobbed. It kind of made me feel like a bit of a bitch.
Oh well. I’m in too deep now.
“How dare you waltz in here and act like you belong!”

I could hear the slam of a door and Michael’s footsteps approaching. It made my heart pick up even more.

“What the hell is going on in here?” Michael boomed.

I saw him look at me with anger, then back at Luana with shock. He saw her tears, and couldn’t help but look at her attire.


Walking over to Luana, he grabbed her arm to see if she was okay. Through her tears, she timidly looked up at him and nodded. God, she was good.

Then the attention was back on me. “What has gotten into you, Cassie? You’re making her cry.”

“She’s a bitch!” I seethed.

I heard the collective gasps as a little sob escaped Luana’s lips. It just made Michael’s blood boil. “I think you should leave before you say something you regret. I don’t know what your problem is, Cassie, but it doesn’t give you the right to shout at Luana like this.”

“That’s it. Take her side, Michael. I thought you were on mine.”

Michael shook his head in exasperation. “I
on your side and, believe it or not, so is Luana. She’s your friend.”

I knew he would never elaborate. “Yeah…well, that ship has sailed.”

Michael turned to Luana and protectively put his arm around her. “How can you be so callous, Cassie? You’re not normally like this.”

Looking at his arm around her, I saw it as an opportunity. “I see. Is that what it’s like, Michael? You’re going to choose her over me?”

I saw Michael’s chest expand as he took in a breath. “It’s not about choosing, Cassie. It’s about being fair. You’re not being fair to Luana. She’s done nothing to make you behave like this. If it’s petty jealously, it’s not welcome here.”

I started laughing. I was on a roll. “Oh, Michael. Don’t you think you’re fooling yourself here? You’ve always wanted me. All I would have to do is snap my fingers and you’d come running. You know it, and so does that pathetic excuse for an angel right there.”

Michael thumped his fist on the wall, making Luana and I jump. “That’s enough!”

I could see it now. The fire in his eyes. The disappointment in me. It almost made me falter, but I knew I couldn’t back down now—no matter how painful my chest was.

“I’m not going to talk to you when you’re like this, Cassie. I want you to leave. I will speak to you once you’ve had a chance to calm down.”

I threw my hand in the air. “You’re throwing me out?”

He nodded. “I think we’ve established that.”

“You’re throwing me out and she gets to stay? How could you, Michael?”

Letting go of Luana, Michael stomped over to me. “How could I? How
I? Cassie, I’ve done nothing but be there for you, and—”

“And what?!” I shouted, interrupting him. “And you want me to thank you? Throw all of it in my face so I have to be grateful? Bow down to the holy Michael, giving thanks because of everything you’ve done? Is that why you did it? Just so you could get praise and feel good about yourself?”

I saw the hurt in his eyes and it nearly set off my tears. I had to hold on. It was killing me, but I had to do this for Luana. For them both.

“You know that was never why I did all those things. I don’t expect anything from you, other than respect. You come into my home and disrespect me and someone I love and care about.”

I shook my head and laughed. “I see how it is now. I’m not going to stick around here while you insult me.”

I edged myself towards the door, turning around to face Luana. I know she asked me to slap her, but I couldn’t find myself to do it. My palm itched to do it, but my body wouldn’t allow it. Instead, I raised my finger at her. “And as for you, coming in here thinking you could take over…” I poked her for good measure. At least I could offer her that. She staggered back with a gasp. Guess I caught her off-guard with that. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Michael getting nearer to where I stood so I knew I had to act fast. “There’s a word for women like you.”

“Cassie!” Michael bellowed, grabbing my arm. “Get out!” He guided me to the front door, opened it, and gently pushed me out. Even though I was being a bitch, he still couldn’t find it in him to be rough with me.

I heard the door slam behind me and it made me jump. I walked a few steps away from the house, conscious that Michael might still be watching me. Once I was out of view, I found the nearest wall and sank to the ground.

I buried my head in my hands and took some deep breaths. I wasn’t sure how I managed it, but it obviously worked. I didn’t mean to hurt Michael in the process, but my words just ran away with me.

I shook my head. “Will he ever forgive me, Stephen?” I whispered. I felt the familiar tingles and I knew he was here with me, offering me his support.

“You know I didn’t mean anything I said, right? I would never do anything to hurt Michael. I was just doing what I thought was right.”

The tingles washed over me more and I took my time absorbing its calming effect. I was so busy with my thoughts, I didn’t even realise someone was watching me.

“Are you all right, miss?”

With a gasp, my head snapped up to man in a suit and tie. He looked to be all business with his perfect hair and shiny Brogues.

“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you,” I answered, trying to get back up.

“Here, let me help.” He eased me up and I rewarded him with a smile.

“Thank you. I just broke up with my boyfriend. You know how it is.” I was trying to be nonchalant now, but I was still hurting inside.

“Yes, I do. I’m sorry.”

“I just need to get home, but I’m not that familiar with the area. Could you tell me where the local train station is?”

The stranger smiled, putting his hands in his pockets. “I was going that way myself. Why don’t you walk with me?”

I was quite shocked at this. He looked to be all business, but used the train. I don’t know why, but I had visions of him having his own private driver to take him wherever he wanted to go.

“Thank you. That would be kind.”

We walked for about ten minutes, just having idle chitchat. Once at the station, we went our separate ways, and I was left shaking my head at the realisation I never once asked him his name.

I got back to Fulham in around a half-hour, and I was glad to be back. The argument with Michael was still coursing through my veins, making the guilt stronger. I felt horrible for what I did.

On the walk home, my phone alerted me to a message. Fishing it out as quickly as possible, I opened up a message from Michael and held my breath.


Everything going well here, Cassie. Thank you for all your help. You did really well. Luana. xx

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