Help Wanted (2 page)

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Authors: Meg Silver

BOOK: Help Wanted
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Amanda let the bra down onto the massage table, then skimmed the dress the rest of the way over her hips, and folding it over one arm before making a neat pile next to the table. And then, very glad she’d waxed in anticipation of a honeymoon that never happened, she hooked her thumbs into the band of her panties and slowly stepped out of them as well.

She stood naked in front of Steph, who began to move, then, walking around her, having a look from all angles.

Steph said, “We might need to cut your hair, just an inch or so. It’s a little long.”

Amanda nodded. It was nearly to her waist right now.

“But don’t, whatever you do, bleach it. We’ve got blondes coming out our ears, and I have need of a natural brunette. Now. How would you feel about a small performance? Feeling comfortable enough to try something if I tell you what to do?”


“Good. This is something we have all applicants do, male or female. Just a little test to see that you’re willing and capable. Sit down, please, there on the edge of the massage table.”

She did as Steph asked, wondering where this was going. She half suspected she would have to pleasure Steph, and felt a pang of disappointment. She would have hoped for more from a high-ticket place like this, that it wasn’t run by people who would take advantage of their position for their own personal gratification.

Steph proved the suspicion wrong, however. “Okay, now I want you to run your index fingers over your nipples. They’re already erect, and I want you to make this feel good.”

Amanda felt a flush warm her cheeks, partly from nerves, partly from excitement. She arched her back, lifting her breasts slightly and watched herself as she lightly rubbed just the very tip of both nipples. Twin zaps of sweet quicksilver stole from the contact straight to her pussy, warming and swelling the flesh there.

Unbidden, she pinched each tip, heightening the sensation as she looked up at Steph, who said, “Very nice. Now I want you to lie back and spread your legs wide for me. Continue working your nipples so you don’t lose the pulse rate.”

Very clinical, she thought, and connected eye-lines with Steph. It surprised her how liberating it felt to do this in full view of someone else, to be in control of her body and her pleasure, and not be met with disapproval. She got the opposite impression, in fact., and Steph left no doubt about what she liked. “Your body is nice. Supple and curvy. And I like your confidence. Clients would like it, too.”

Thus bolstered, Amanda felt a bit more certain as she lay back and slowly raised her knees before parting them, slowly, then pushing her thighs back toward the cushioned tabletop, opening her sex wide while giving her nipples a sharp pinch.

If she were Steph, she’d want to know her staff liked pleasure and could overcome inhibitions. So she turned up the performance, and pinched and worked her nipples, feeling totally wanton, enjoying the liquid rush of desire that zipped from her breasts to her pussy, stimulating. Swelling, exciting and making herself ever wetter and slicker.

It didn’t surprise her to find that she liked Steph to look at her. She’d always fantasized about being watched. Not necessarily by another woman, or by an entire spa full of strangers, but she liked knowing they were looking at her pussy, and watching the way her fingers pressed and rubbed her clit.

Once again, Steph approved. “Good, good. Now bring yourself to orgasm by rubbing your clitoris. You may not close your legs. I need to see the muscle flexion. It would be better if I could feel it. That is, if you don’t mind. Just to feel the orgasm. I’ll use a glove.”

More than a little breathless by now, Amanda nodded. “Yes, please. I’d like that.”

Steph breathed out a laugh that had an edge of appreciation to it. “Yeah, this is moving a little faster than I normally would. But you’re the perfect age, appear in good health both physical and mental. Mind you, you’ll have to pass all the exams and go through further testing to determine whether you’re really cut out for this.”

While she spoke, Steph slipped on a latex glove and came to perch on the edge of the table near Amanda’s hip, facing her direction. “Okay, go ahead whenever you’re ready.”

Amanda settled back onto the table, continuing to pinch her left nipple while reaching her right hand down to place her index finger on her clit. She had better go slowly, gently, or Steph would miss the whole thing.

She slipped the tip of her finger farther down, dipping into the slick heat of her cunt to wet the tip. Masturbation had always felt better that way, her clit more sensitized when it was wet. She rubbed now, slow circular motions, and a melting, scorching vortex soon began to form around her pussy.

A soft moan of warning escaped, telling Steph that orgasm wasn’t far away. Steph responded quickly, painting two fingers along her slit to moisten the glove before slipping the fingers inside.

Steph had small hands and fingers, but having a virtual stranger—a female stranger—participate in this crazy public test made the growing ache double in speed and intensity. She stopped rubbing, wanting to prolong the deep, warm flare glowing inside.

A casual smile lifted the corner of Steph’s mouth as she made eye contact. “Yes, good idea. Let it build up for a big release.”

With that, Steph withdrew her fingers slightly to add a third, opening Amanda up a little wider, and applying more pressure as she thrust her fingers in deep this time, hard, straight into Amanda's G-spot. The jolt caused an explosive burst of pleasure that swelled down her thighs and up through her torso, setting her nipples ablaze with hungry sensation.

Steph slowly pulled out and then thrust in again, her eyes lit up with challenge and intensity. Amanda, all thoughts of the performance lost now on a wave of desire, spread her legs as far as they would go, urging Steph to thrust hard again, and began to rub her clit in earnest. The sensations were almost overwhelming, but she felt safe and sexy and never wanted to stop feeling this way.

“Rock your hips,” Steph instructed. She coupled the order with another surprisingly strong thrust, and Amanda obeyed. Or tried to. As soon as she lifted her hips and pressed herself against the pressure of Steph’s hand, she felt the orgasm take root and contract muscles clear around into her buttocks, clenching them, gathering strength like a windup toy. And with a pinch of her nipple, it all let go into a stuttering, prolonged climax that held her breathless in a whiteout of pleasure, holding her aloft for seconds before the pulsing began, slow and strong at first, then rapid and so satisfying she curled forward.

Just when she was about to attempt a breath, Steph pushed Amanda’s hand away from her clit and pressed her thumb there firmly, then began to pump her fingers inside, hard and fast. Instead of ebbing away, the orgasm roared back to life, spreading and spasming and making Amanda cry out in alarmed ecstasy while her pussy pulsed and clenched at Steph’s fingers.

The older woman said something. Amanda barely heard her, let alone understood. And while she was still breathing hard and quivering like summer air after a violent storm, Steph hauled her to her feet, and back into the business office. Amanda was given a few minutes in a large, well-equipped bathroom to dress and get herself together, and then Steph sat her down in front of a computer to fill out a formal application. Really, she thought, it was like applying for any other job, save the physical and mental evaluations. Steph set up appointments for both the following day.

She spent that night at her hotel, and hardly slept a wink. She would never have believed it of herself, but she was anxious to get this job, burning with curiosity and hope. This was something completely off the beaten path, a challenge of a sort most people would never dare volunteer to face. And sure, she was nervous about the unknowns, but she still had more testing to take. She’d learn more about the place. See how they operated and what they expected of her. If it didn’t pan out, it didn’t pan out, but she’d be disappointed if Fantasy Heights didn’t live up to its name.

Next morning she met with the psychiatrist, who made her take a very, very long test on the computer, then talk about what had brought her to this point. At first, she hesitated to explain that she’d just been jilted, but the doctor, another woman, seemed to know Amanda was running from something.

“I just couldn’t believe it,” Amanda explained. “I was always the one with the bigger appetite and wanting more, but he was the one who cheated. How does that work? I mean, on what planet does that happen?”

The doctor tented her fingers and asked a few more questions, probing the soft-spots Amanda herself had been probing just the day before. Her pride had taken a serious hit. Trust was at a premium, and she felt as if no one would ever want her again. Physically, maybe, but not emotionally. She felt sad and disconnected and scared, and with her feelings so exposed, she was pretty certain, on her way out of the office, she’d just done herself out of a job.

Still, she had to hurry a couple blocks north to make her clinic appointment, where they asked the usual questions and took blood, then informed her they would supply Steph with the required information.

Amanda passed an even rockier night, and overslept, forcing herself awake with a brisk swim in the pool. She was toweling off when a porter delivered a note, requesting she come out to the spa around four o’clock. The note gave no indication whether she’d passed her evaluations.

Nervous, she was greeted by Steph again at the office building’s front door. They walked together through to a smallish office awash in bright, cheerful sunlight. And as usual, she didn’t dither. “Medical and psych tests are cleared, so that’s good news. Your background cleared, too, but there are a number of other tests you’ll have to pass before I make any decisions. Even then, I like people to spend about a week here, taking some small bit parts and completing those tests, enough to get a good feel for what it’s really like to work here.”

Amanda nodded. Understandable. A week would be long enough to scare off anyone prone to second thoughts.

Steph continued with more general information, confirming that the resort specialized in fantasy fulfillment. Most, but not all, of the fantasies involved sex. Like the staff, the clients had to pass physical and mental checks. No cameras or recording equipment. Because this handicapped the resort security-wise, there would always be an observer in the room or nearby. No drugs of any kind, and though alcohol was allowed on the premises, the staff was never allowed to work above the legal driving limit.

Because the spa had been in business nearly forty years, had earned the right to be insultingly picky about which clients got in, and which didn’t. The resort offered both custom and stock packages. Stock fantasies were ongoing twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Those packages started at two-thousand a night and went up from there, and the resort had staff who did nothing but give estimates for more specific fantasies. Either packaged or customized, the clients paid top dollar for ceremony and theater and atmosphere. The staff was paid top dollar to focus on pleasuring the clients, plus maintaining security and confidentiality, abiding by safety measures and other rules of conduct.

Steph explained. “One failed drug test, and you’re gone. We will allow clients to show favoritism, but not the staff. And once you sign, you may not see clients outside working hours, or outside the spa grounds.”

Amanda nodded again. Nothing Steph said had been unexpected, or seemed the least bit unreasonable. Steph changed course and began to explain their training system. The spa worked almost like a military organization, with ranks determining duties, seniority and availability. She would take part in small bit parts at first and earn her way up in stature and paygrade. To start, she would  be trained on the job, working mostly with  mid-rank staff, and very limited exposure to clients.

“During testing, you will stay in staff quarters. If you’re hired, you’ll have an office of sorts where you can stay if you got an early or late call. Many of the staff just live here, though a few do keep an apartment in town,” Steph said. “That will be your choice, if and when you sign. Now, one more rule for trainees that you absolutely cannot break; while still in training, no penis penetration. Vibrator, fingers or whatever are fine, but no straight-up sex with client or staff member.”

“Not that I object, but why?”

“Because once, very long ago, a girl who didn’t pass tests got mad and claimed to be pregnant and, of course, sued. So now, no penis penetration unless you’ve signed and we know for sure your birth control is in effect.”

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