Heartsville 02 - Unscripted (Nico Jaye) (9 page)

BOOK: Heartsville 02 - Unscripted (Nico Jaye)
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Playing the character—or at least dressing it—was pure fun, and what had started as a comedic costume when he’d first come to the Oasis had become his Halloween signature nine years later. He greeted his patrons in costume, teasing out the virgins to the show, and loved to see their reactions.

The butler’s platter had been switched out to offer various RHPS audience props for those who’d forgotten theirs. After checking it, Teddy asked Gia to refill the stack of glow sticks.

She rolled her eyes at him but reached below the counter. “You look outrageous, you know,” she said, the affectionate look in her eyes belying her words.

“You wish you had these legs,” Teddy shot back, arching a sassy brow at her.

She laughed and moved around to line up the new glow sticks. “That’s more of you than I’ve ever wanted to see, big bro.”

Teddy grinned. “It’s more of me than most people ever see.”

“Speaking of which, how’s your… partner?” Gia’s deliberate pause was telling.

Even more telling was Teddy’s blush.

Gia’s eyes went wide. “Ohmigod. I knew he wasn’t just a business partner or whatever bullshit you tried to sell us!”

Teddy tried to ignore his butterflies but felt them take flight anyway. “Carter said he might come tonight,” he said, dodging her question.

“Uh-huh,” Gia said, brow arched. “If you have anything to do with it.”

Teddy realized what he’d just said and flushed anew. “God, don’t give me that look!”

Gia met his gaze and merely lifted her brows. She nodded toward the clock in the lobby. “Show’s about to start, bro.”

Teddy realized the trickle of last-minute theatergoers had disappeared, and he glanced at the clock. He didn’t know if he was disappointed or relieved Carter wasn’t here yet.

He wanted to see Carter, but… what would Carter say about this aspect of the Oasis? Would he support chaos and sequins as much as adaptations of Shakespeare?

With a deep breath, Teddy turned to Gia. “I’m going in.”

“Break a leg!”




As he took the stage carefully in his high heels, Teddy flicked on his mic and looked out onto the crowd. A spotlight hit him, and he squinted before acclimating to the brightness.

“Thank you all so much for coming to our annual Halloween event! The place to see and be seen, of course! Before we get this show on the road, I know we have some vi
gins in the house tonight!” Teddy rolled the “
” with vigor and cast a lascivious look around the room.

There was hooting and hollering as some of the more boisterous audience members began pointing at their unsuspecting neighbors, who likely had been wondering why they had received red lipstick
s on their cheeks upon entering the Oasis.

“Well, let’s get ‘em up here!”

After around ten virgins made it to the stage with some prodding, Teddy emceed the opening games, which began with a game of Suck and Blow and concluded with his auctioning off a wiry lad wearing a pair of sequined shorts and rainbow suspenders.

Once the virgins had been duly humiliated and returned to their seats, Teddy tossed his hair dramatically. “Well! Now that we’ve ensured all V-cards have been properly and thoroughly punched, I must ask… are you ready?”

“Yeah!” the audience shouted.

“Are you ready?” Teddy repeated louder.

“Yeah!” “Ready!” “Bring it on!” they called out jubilantly.

“I don’t know if you’re ready…,” Teddy teased.

There were groans and good-natured jeering from the crowd.

“I see you shiver with anticipation,” he said archly, stretching the word, and the audience laughed and whooped. Teddy grinned. “Without further ado, let the show begin!”

The spotlight disappeared, and the chords of the piano opening began. Teddy took the side steps down as quickly as his heels would allow him.


Carter waited at the base of the stairs, still in his trench coat and holding a gorgeous bouquet.

Teddy bit his lip.

Carter had come after all.

“Should I go back up and introduce you?” Teddy whispered. At dinner they’d briefly talked about making Carter’s role at the Oasis public knowledge.

Carter shook his head and leaned in to speak into Teddy’s ear. “C’mon, let’s talk outside.”

They exited out of the side door as Usherette mourned the failures of Fay Wray and King Kong, and once again Teddy squinted into the brighter lights of the lobby before he turned to Carter.

Carter’s mouth was curved in a small smile, and he offered Teddy the flowers. “For the star of the show.”

Teddy smiled and reached for the colorful spray of red, orange, and gold. He buried his nose in it, catching a complex, spicy scent. “Wow, that smells amazing,” he said, lifting his head. “Thank you.”

Tilting his head in acknowledgment, Carter watched him with a gleam in his eyes and a smirk on his lips. “That’s quite a costume you have there.”

“Oh, this?” Teddy said, striking a pose. “Just something I whipped up.”

Someone snorted behind him. Teddy turned to find Gia, rolling her eyes.

“Hey, Doc, do you mind keeping it down?” Gia tilted her head toward the theater, where the audience could be heard singing along to the opening number.

Teddy glanced at the bouquet in his hands and looked up at Carter. “My outfit is sadly lacking in pockets, so I’m going to leave these in the office for later.”

“I’ll come with you,” Carter said quickly. When Carter offered his arm, Teddy smiled gratefully and took it.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to introduce you?” Teddy asked as they climbed the stairs together. “Maybe during intermission?”

Carter shook his head and opened the office door for Teddy to enter. “No, it’s fine. There’ll be other opportunities.”

Teddy’s heart warmed at that. It meant Carter was planning to be around for a while.

Teddy moved into the office and set down the bouquet on his desk. Turning, he said, “Okay, well, if you change your mind….”

Teddy trailed off and choked on the last of his words as Carter undid the belt of his trench coat.

Bare chest. Muscles.

A lot of them.

Under his trench coat, Carter wore a pair of metallic gold boy shorts and little else. His naked skin was also turning a delicious shade of pink under Teddy’s wide-eyed stare.

“I’m late because I wasn’t sure about coming,” Carter said gruffly. “Then I figured I’d show up as part of the Oasis with a crazy costume and everything, but now I’m having second thoughts about that. A lot of second thoughts.”

Teddy swallowed past his amazement and approached Carter slowly. He slid his hands over Carter’s tight abs to behind his back and under the trench coat, feeling nothing but warm skin.

“I’m speechless.”

Carter huffed a short laugh, his arms circling around Teddy’s waist. “Now you know how I felt. Never knew I had a thing for fishnets.” When Carter moved his palms down to cup his ass, Teddy’s breath caught in his throat. “You look really fucking hot,” Carter said in a low growl.

At the press of Carter’s body to his, heat zinged through Teddy. He cleared his suddenly dry throat. “You, uh… you gonna do anything about that?”

“About how hot you are or this?” Carter nudged forward with his hips, pressing their barely covered bulges together.

“Both?” Teddy asked hopefully.

A wicked grin slashed across Carter’s face, and in Teddy’s peripheral vision he saw the office door swing shut as Carter kicked it closed. Teddy’s heart began to pound, and his lips parted just as Carter bent his head for a kiss.

Kissing Carter felt like kissing heaven.

It was familiar, yet new. He wanted Carter, true, but he also knew Carter was much more than just a fucking great lay.

He wanted to know everything about Carter. What made him tick, what he dreamed of accomplishing, what sweet spots on his body would make him groan with pleasure.

But Teddy was getting ahead of himself.

Carter tugged Teddy to him, never breaking their kiss, and Teddy gasped when Carter’s hands skimmed below his black garters to dive into his tight black satin underwear. Teddy pushed impatiently at Carter’s coat, and they broke apart while Carter shrugged out of it.

Blinking up at Carter, Teddy saw heat in his eyes… and red smeared across his lips.

Teddy peeled off his costume’s gloves and reached for Carter’s cheek to rub it gently. Wincing, Teddy said, “I’m getting lipstick all over you.”

Carter laughed and arched his brow. “All over me? Is that a promise, Teodoro?”

His hands stilling, Teddy took in the expanse of skin before him, scanning down Carter’s firm pecs dusted with hair, his tight dusky nipples, his muscular abdomen, and—Teddy blinked—his large bulge straining against the gold material of his shorts. Shorts that were tight enough to see the head of Carter’s cock. His gaze shot back up to meet Carter’s amused look.

Teddy dropped his hands to Carter’s waistband, tucking his thumbs into the elastic. Carter’s eyebrows shot up, Teddy noted with satisfaction.

“Won’t know unless I try.”

Teddy didn’t know he could be so smooth, but in one fluid motion, he managed to slide Carter’s shorts off, get him seated on the green loveseat against the wall, and take his place between his legs. Carter shot him a surprised look, but Teddy didn’t see much more once he buried his face into Carter’s crotch.

Carter’s hair was trimmed neatly, and Teddy angled his head, nuzzling along the base and taking in Carter’s heady scent. Carter groaned when Teddy slid his hand along Carter’s cock, rubbing his cheek against the silky skin.

“That’s… not everywhere,” Carter gasped.

Teddy ran his tongue up Carter’s cock and glanced up. “Is that bad?”

Breathing harshly, Carter shook his head in response.

Grinning, Teddy ducked again to lick Carter’s shaft, coming up to the flared head. Carter was salty, the thick weight of his cock lying heavy on Teddy’s tongue. With a firm grip on the base, Teddy bent down to suck the tip, pull off, then take Carter’s cock in deeper.

Carter cupped Teddy’s head, his fingers raking through Teddy’s fluffier than normal hair. The gentle scalp massage felt really fucking great, and Teddy hummed his pleasure around Carter’s cock.

“God, that’s good,” Carter groaned, rocking his hips slowly. “Come up here.”

Tugging at Teddy’s hair, Carter guided him up into a heated kiss. Teddy settled over Carter, straddling his lap and feeling Carter’s bare cock brush against his clothed one.

With an impatient hand, Teddy palmed his own dick, shocked to discover how hard he’d become underneath the restrictive satin. He moaned into Carter’s kiss, rolling his hips against him.

“So fucking hot,” Carter murmured against Teddy’s lips. He ran his hands up Teddy’s thighs, toying with the edge where stockings met skin. “I want your legs wrapped around me.”

Before Teddy could react, Carter had gripped beneath Teddy’s ass and hoisted him up, switching positions so quickly Teddy was left breathless. Teddy curled his fingers around his cock, the satin material providing a thin barrier, and watched Carter reach for his trench coat.

He’d honestly never had sex in this costume. Teddy had never really thought it was a kink of his, despite the overtly sexual nature of the whole ensemble, but right now he loved the feel of the smooth satin against his sensitive cock, the brush of the corset against his nipples, and the caress of the stockings along his hairy legs.

Teddy lost himself in the sensations, massaging his cock while watching Carter’s gorgeous body as he fished in his coat pocket, then moved to the desk and back.

Carter gripped his hand, stilling him. “Let me take care of that, Teodoro.”

Meeting Teddy’s gaze, Carter lifted the edge of the satin panties. Teddy recognized the pair of scissors in his hands from the mug Teddy kept on his desk. Carter carefully cut first one side of the fabric, then the other, releasing Teddy’s cock to the open air as the material fell away.

“I’ll replace these,” Carter promised with a wicked gleam in his eyes. “Gladly.”

Running his hands along his bare skin, Teddy bit his lip and nodded. He felt exposed with his legs parted and his cock out in the open, but he felt so goddamn horny too.

Carter would take care of him.

He just knew it.

When Carter opened a slick metal business card holder with a
, Teddy’s eyes widened to see him pull out a condom and a packet of lube. “Talk about prepared,” Teddy said with a short laugh.

Carter smiled indulgently, leaning forward. “When it comes to you, my wild and untamed thing, I like to be prepared.”

Teddy grinned at the reference, pulling Carter in for another heated kiss. “Go on, then. Make my heart thump and my blood sing.”

The hooded look Carter sent his way made Teddy shiver with anticipation. Carter opened the lube and coated his fingers, moving forward to kneel between Teddy’s parted thighs. Holding Teddy’s gaze, Carter petted Teddy’s hole, circling the entrance with his finger before sliding one, then two inside.

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