Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2)
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Oh, she wanted him. She'd never been this turned on by a man just by looking at him. But she was scared, too. Desire and self-control warred within her, and self-control took the upper hand.

"I'd really love to, Rob, but I think it's time for me to head home. I have a client meeting first thing tomorrow morning."

She saw disappointment course through Rob as he inhaled sharply. "Just one drink?" he asked with a pouty, lopsided smile that weakened her resolve.

Damn. He really is so cute. And irresistible.
"Ok, just one," she conceded as she wagged a finger at him, letting him know she wouldn't agree to anything more than that. Or was it herself she was trying to convince?

Rob's face shone with a bright smile that made her breath hitch. "Great! Where do you want to go?"

"Let's go to the one just around the corner," she said firmly. The farther they were from his hotel room, the better.

They walked leisurely towards the bar, enjoying the atmosphere of the Darling Harbour area, which was bustling with people on a beautiful mid-autumn night. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to Jessa as they held hands while they strolled.

A street performer juggling three sticks that were burning on both ends as he balanced himself on a unicycle compelled them to stop and watch. Rob released her hand to put his arm around her waist. Electricity crackled between them as they stared into each other's eyes for a breathless minute.

"Jessa …"


"I'd really like to kiss you now."

Her heart jumped. "So why don't you?" she whispered.

Rob captured her mouth for a slow, passionate kiss as they stood there among the crowd.

Her mind went blank as Rob's lips and tongue elicited desire that swamped her being. She was, at the same time, falling and flying. Her arms came up to rest around his neck. At that moment, she was ready to go wherever he wanted to take her.
Never had she had this kind of response to a man before. Was it the long sex drought that was responsible for this? Or was it her recently awakened desire to meet someone special coupled with Rob attracting her like no other?

A small, distant voice reminded her that Rob would never be 'The One' because he simply wouldn't choose to be. Reluctantly, she pulled away.


Rob was unwilling to end his kiss with Jessa but stopped himself from cupping her head and bringing her lips back to his. His body's response to her was rapid, and they were in a very public, very inappropriate place.

As he pulled away, he caught the unguarded look in her eyes that pierced through his fog of desire. There was raw honesty in that look that scared him. It created a strong suspicion that she wasn't into casual sex, that she was someone who took relationships seriously.

This is the time to be upfront, Rob.

A big part of him hated that he had to break the delicious spell that encapsulated them. Instinctively, he knew revealing his intentions would mean she wouldn't end up in bed with him tonight. But he wasn't a cad. And Jessa very much deserved respect.

"Jessa … can I be upfront with you?"

"Sure," she answered with a curious expression.

He ran a knuckle over her cheek. "You must already know I find you incredibly attractive. I very much want to act on that attraction if you're okay with it."
He exhaled heavily before continuing. "But I need to let you know I'm not looking for a serious relationship."

He saw disappointment cross her face. It was gone in a second, replaced by a too-bright smile.
"Yes, I know that." She bit her bottom lip as she contemplated her next response. "Can I be upfront with you, too?"

"Of course."

"I find you incredibly attractive as well, Rob," she said as she looked far away.

He waited for her to finish. He sensed a 'but' coming.

"But … I don't know …" She peeked at him. "Can I think about it? I admit I'm
tempted," she said candidly. "But I've never considered casual sex before. It's not that I think there's anything wrong with it. I just … don't want to do something I might regret afterwards."

It thrilled Rob that Jessa was
tempted, but his overriding reaction was something resembling shame.

Since when did propositioning a woman for a one-night-stand or casual sex bother you?

The answer that popped in his head surprised him.

Since tonight.

His eyebrows shot up at this realisation.

For some reason, he didn't want Jessa to think he was just a playboy wanting to have his fun. He didn't want her to think he only saw her as a sex object. She deserved a bit more respect than that.

Ah, respect. Yes, that's what it is.

He answered her question. "Of course, you can think about it, Jess. For as long as you want."

Jessa's smile showed relief. Playfully, she said, "No seduction until I've made my decision, please."

He grinned mischievously. "Why not? Am I not entitled to do what I can to get what I want?"

"Hey, this isn't an everyday thing for me. I really want to think this through first, without my strong physical attraction to you getting in the way."

He liked Jessa's candour. It was refreshing. "Okay, no seduction. I'll try to behave while you make up your mind."

"Are we still on for at least one drink tonight?"

"Absolutely," he replied as he took her hand and started walking to the direction of the bar. Unconsciously, he caressed Jessa's palm with his thumb.

"Rob …"


"You said you'd behave."

He sent her a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Stop stroking my palm."

"Oh. I didn't realise I was doing it." His lips curved cheekily. "Why? What was it doing to you?"

She punched his arm playfully. "I bet that's one of your subtle seduction techniques."

"I wasn't doing it on purpose," he protested.

She narrowed her eyes at him in warning.

He laughed out loud. "Okay, so I'll stop holding your hand." He put his arm around her shoulder instead as they continued walking.

Jessa shrugged out of his embrace. "I think you should keep your hands to yourself. You're muddling my brain."

"Don't overthink it. Just go with how you feel," he responded in a soft, caressing voice.

"You promised no seduction."

"That wasn't meant to seduce. It was meant to be very good advice from a caring friend."

Jessa chortled, clearly delighting in their banter. "It was suggestive advice from a caring
friend with an

"So, no hand-holding or arm around the shoulder?"

"No touching at all."

"Up until when?"

"You said I can think about it for as long as I want," she responding with a big grin.

"Oh, man," he groaned as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "Just to be clear, I said I'll
to behave while I wait for your decision, with 'try' being the operative word."

Rob couldn't remember the last time he enjoyed a date because of the conversation. The women he usually went out with were hot and sexy but conversations with them weren't exactly absorbing. But he found himself enthralled by Jessa. She had a beauty that was raw and natural - almost innocent. She was funny, witty and very intelligent. And damn, he found her very, very sexy. He could only hope she'd make up her mind soon.


Rob knew he was going to have a long, uncomfortable night. He'd just walked Jessa to her car, and the kiss they shared before she got in it and drove away simply fanned his smouldering desire for her. But there wasn't much he could do tonight to assuage it.

He contented himself with the fact that she'd agreed to see him again in three days' time. That would be his last night in Sydney before he returned to Melbourne the next morning. She had promised to let him know her decision by then. All he could do was hope she'd listen to her body.

He reached his hotel and watched a group of four beautiful women dressed in tight, short, sexy dresses walk to the busy bar area. Two of them glanced at him, and the blonde one smiled. He smiled back.

Now there was a place where he could pick up a one-night-stand if he really wanted it. His body was still humming with desire. If he chose to, he need not wait until Friday for Jessa. For all he knew, she might refuse to sleep with him, anyway.

He strode towards the jam-packed bar, full of attractively dressed people, and stopped near the entrance to scan the crowd. The four women he saw earlier were standing not far away from him and the blonde one was staring at him with blatant interest. His eyes locked with hers as he appraised her. She looked sensational and from the way she carried herself, she knew how hot she was. Without breaking eye contact with him, she whispered something to her friend, then purposefully walked towards him.

"Hi," Sensational Blonde said with a sultry smile. "If you're here alone, why don't you join me and my friends for a drink?"

His lips quirked upwards. "Thanks. I'm actually looking for someone. She's not here, so I'll be heading off."

Sensational Blonde's face registered disbelief at his unexpected response. She shrugged, tossed her hair and walked back to her friends.

He left the bar, shaking his head imperceptibly as he headed towards the elevators to go back up to his room. Did he just refuse an invitation from a hot-looking woman? He stroked his chin as he tried to figure out his uncharacteristic reaction.

Damn, Jess. Looks like it has to be you.

He couldn't wait until he saw Jessa again. He tried not to think about the fact that she might say no. That would be frustration overload.


"Lunchtime!" Victor announced as he stood at the doorway of Jessa's office.

"Already?" Jessa checked her watch and was surprised that it was indeed time for lunch with her friends. She mentally berated herself for spending much of the morning daydreaming about Rob and agonising over whether to sleep with him or not. She had work that must be finished before the day ended. Well, she would have her friends, with whom she could talk things through during lunch. "Is Clarise ready?"

"Yes. She already left to get money out of the ATM. She'll meet us at the cafe. And Faye should be on her way there now, too."

"Okay, good. I need you guys to help me think things through."

Victor raised an eyebrow. "Would this be about the hunk who asked you out last Saturday?"


"Great. I can't wait!" Victor's glee was obvious. "Who do you think is hotter, Rob or Will? I think they're both absolutely gorgeous. Don't tell Faye but I think her Steve only comes third."

She laughed. "Victor, whatever would Evan say if he knew you were drooling over other men?"

"Oh, they're straight men. He knows I'll never be with them," he answered dismissively. "If I was drooling over another gay man he'd hit the roof."

Jessa was aware of the expectant looks on her friends' faces after they'd all ordered their lunch. She smiled, guessing what each one would likely say if she asked them what they would do if they were in her place.
She knew Faye and Victor would be full of encouragement about having 'fun' with Rob. Clarise would be a bit more circumspect although when she met Will, she had certainly shed some of her conservativeness just to be able to spend time with him when he said he wasn't ready for a relationship. Look at where they ended up: in love and ridiculously happy together.

She knew things wouldn't go that way with Rob. She was surprised she was still seriously contemplating sleeping with him when it would only ever be a one-night stand. But she knew why. She still couldn't believe that he found her attractive, that he
her. She felt his desire and knew it was real. That was very arousing and irresistible.

Faye was getting impatient and asked with her usual directness, "Well? How did last night go? Did you guys end up in bed?"

She exhaled heavily. "No."

"You sound disappointed with that."

"Well, yes." She sat up straight in her chair, her face alive with excitement and confusion. "Guys, I was really so, so tempted. I still am. I'm having dinner with him again this Friday and he's expecting an answer."

With eyebrows raised, her three friends looked at each other.

"So what's holding you back?" Victor asked.

She folded her arms across her belly, which seemed to be full of fluttering butterflies whenever she thought of Rob. "I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that I've never had casual sex before."

Clarise regarded her closely. "What exactly are you scared of, Jess?"

She bit her lower lip as she considered her answer.
What exactly am I scared of?
"That I don't know what's going to happen afterwards."

"Ah," Faye nodded sagely. "The classic fear of the unknown. The 'I want certainty' syndrome. The old 'Jessa and Clarise affliction'."

"Hey!" Clarise called out, chuckling. "You have to admit I'm not as bad as I used to be."

"No, you're right. When you met Will, you were the one who seduced him and propositioned him with a casual relationship, which shocked all of us to the core."

Clarise's cheeks pinked but she laughed out loud along with them. "Well, you were the one who pushed me to stop being so serious and have fun."

"Yes," Faye concurred with a twinkle in her eye. "I'm glad you took my advice to open your legs after seven years of celibacy."

"I'm glad I did, too."

Clarise had a dreamy look in her eyes and Jessa knew she was thinking of Will. A feeling of longing pinched her. It was lately becoming all too familiar.

She was deep in contemplation during the lull in the conversation while they got busy eating.
I already know what's going to happen afterwards. Nothing. It would just be sex and that would be it. Is that what I'm really afraid of? That nothing else will happen after that? That someone like him wouldn't end up with someone like me?

"You know, Jess, sometimes it's wanting a certain outcome that kills," Faye said quietly. Faye was so close to the mark that it startled her. "If you want Rob to fall for you then you'll most probably end up getting hurt, so it would be better not to see him again. But if you're just aiming for a night of hopefully incredible sex with him, without any expectations, then there shouldn't be a problem. As long as you don't fall in love and you don't forget to use protection, of course."

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