Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2)
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Jessa sat quietly on the driver's side of her car, twisting her hands in her lap in nervous anticipation. She glanced sideways at Rob, who took a deep breath, looking nervous.

"Jess," Rob began, shifting to his side so he was facing her. "I don't really know how else to say this so I'll just come out with it."

Her brows furrowed as she twisted so they were eye to eye.

"I really want us to keep on seeing each other," Rob declared as he reached out to stroke her knee absently, "and not see other people while we do so."

Her mouth slackened in surprise as her heart raced. That was the last thing she expected from Rob - the Rob who said he wasn't looking for a relationship.

Was he serious? He looked serious. Hope sprouted within her but she stalled it. He obviously had more to say.

"I'll be living in Sydney for four months," he continued. "It would be great if we could have an exclusive relationship while I'm here. Only while it works for both of us, of course."

"What do you mean?" she asked, her heart thumping madly in her chest.

"Well, essentially, I'm asking you to be my girlfriend while I'm here in Sydney. When I go back to Melbourne, we release ourselves from the exclusivity arrangement. We can also call it off at any time before I leave if it's no longer working."

"While you're here in Sydney," she repeated, letting the meaning of it sink in. Rob wanted to have an exclusive relationship with her, but it would still be casual. It would be one with no possibility whatsoever of a happily ever after. In fact, it already had a termination date. She hadn't even agreed to it and she already knew when it would end.

"Jess, I said to you before I wasn't looking for a relationship. What I meant was I'm not looking for long-term commitment. I don't want to mislead you about that. But we have this unbelievable sexual chemistry and it would be such a shame to put it aside when the fire is still burning so intensely. I still want you badly, and I think you feel the same. I'm also not prepared to share you while we still enjoy being with each other."

A whispered warning floated in Jessa's head but it was muffled by an ecstatic voice.
I'm seeing him again! This isn't goodbye yet!

"So you can manage short-term commitments, as long as they don't end up being long-term or permanent," she observed.

Rob considered her comment. "Yes."

She looked down at Rob's hand gently stroking her knee. The simmering heat that simple touch stoked in her confirmed she would find it extremely difficult to walk away from his proposition. But she had already fallen for Rob and she knew her feelings for him could only grow deeper if she agreed to this arrangement. Could she trust herself not to fall apart when the time came to let him go?

She gazed at his handsome face. Four months wasn't long, but it was more than some people had spent with someone they cared about. If she took the chance, it would be four months of her life where she could say the man she loved was hers and she was his.

"Okay," she whispered.

Rob's face broke into a wide, relieved grin. He held the back of her neck and pulled her to him. His kiss drowned out all caution from her mind. His tongue was slow, sweet and tantalising, his lips hot.

Yes, she wanted this. She wanted him. Her time with him would be short, but she would take each day as it came. She vowed to make the most of it.

"Just so you know," Rob murmured against her lips, "you're my girlfriend starting today, so you better cancel those other dates immediately."

"But you're not officially in Sydney yet," she teased. "Don't I have two more weeks of freedom?"

"No," he barked. Then his lips tugged upwards. "Unless I can also have my two weeks of freedom."

She froze for a second. "I'll cancel them tonight."

"Good," Rob murmured as his lips moved to her throat and his hand moved further up her thigh under her skirt, heating her up all over.

She moaned softly and caressed the back of Rob's neck. It was so easy for him to arouse her. She was already getting w—

A car horn blared and its occupants, three teenage boys, yelled and made crude gestures with their hands. She suddenly remembered where they were and blushed. Rob grinned at the boys, gave them the thumbs up, and then waved them away. "Fuck off, kids," he muttered and watched the car to make sure they were really gone. Fortunately, their level was full, so there was less chance of having constant interruptions.

When the area was empty of people again, Rob turned to her, his gray eyes blazing. "I have to go soon. But first I want to do this." He slid a hand under her top, unhooked her bra and reached around to cup her breast, while his other hand travelled closer and closer to the apex between her legs.

"Rob!" she cried in alarm and looked around to see if there was anyone about.

"Keep your eyes open and watch for people, sweetheart, while I concentrate on you." He massaged her breast and flicked an already hard nipple, making her gasp. When he found her clit unerringly and started rubbing through her panties, she couldn't help the moan that escaped her lips.

"Rob, how can you expect me to watch for people when you're doing that?" she asked breathlessly.

"Do you want me to stop?" he asked as he nipped her earlobe and pinched her nipple lightly, all the while continuing to rub her crotch.

"If you stop, I'm breaking up with you even before you get out of this car."

Rob chuckled and pushed her panties to the side to slide a thick, long finger in her wetness.

She mewled. The danger of being discovered inflamed her further. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a car approaching. "Car coming!"

Instead of stopping, Rob stooped down so he wouldn't be seen from the outside. "You're just alone in the car, baby, waiting for someone."

He made himself as comfortable as he could in his crouched position and continued to pay attention to her sex. He put his two hands to good use. He added another finger in her and deliciously thumbed her clit. His fingers moved exquisitely and tirelessly as they gave her pleasure, making her hips buck involuntarily.

"Mmphh … ohhh … ohhh!" Her soft moans filled the car. She was beyond caring if anyone was passing by. All she was focused on was the orgasm that was rocking her whole body.

When she came down from the clouds, her eyelids peeled open and she was greeted by Rob's tender yet impish smile.

She cupped his face and he kissed her palm.

"I have to go or I'll miss my plane," he said gruffly.

"Are you comfortable?" she asked as she peeked at his crotch. The bulge there told her he must be feeling the opposite.

Rob grinned. "No, but I'll be okay. We don't have time." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'll drive you to the airport," she offered.

"No, thanks. That's out of your way. It's just as easy for me to catch a cab." He reached for his overnight bag on the back seat then gave her a sweet, lingering kiss. "See you in a couple of weeks, baby."

"See you."

Rob gracefully got out of the car and closed the door. She opened the passenger side window and he stuck his head in. "You know what to do tonight."

"What? Dream of you?" she asked as she fixed her clothing.

Rob laughed. "Yes, do that. But first, cancel those damn dates."

"Okay," she grinned happily. She'd do that and she'd certainly dream of him, too. She turned on the ignition and slowly drove off as she waved goodbye to Rob.

As she exited the car park, she felt bereft and lonely without him.

Oh, God, I'm in trouble. If I feel like this when he's only going to be away for two weeks, how will I feel when he leaves for good?

A lump formed in her throat and her vision got blurry.

Fuck it, Jessa Allen. Just enjoy it while it lasts,
she berated herself.


All four friends were seated around their usual table at their regular Monday lunch haunt, and Jessa told them about being Rob's girlfriend during his Sydney stay.

"Hey, that's great!" Victor commented. "You get to enjoy the hunk for longer than you thought. So what's he like in the sack, huh?"

"Victor! You'd want to know, wouldn't you?" Jessa laughed.

"Of course. So?"

The steamy sex scenes she had with Rob played in her mind, culminating with the episode in her car. She flushed all over and fidgeted in her seat. "He's good."

"Well, I don't think we need to ask you how good. Your face says it all," Victor said with a wink.

"And you're really okay with that arrangement, Jess?" Clarise asked.

She nodded. "It's more than I expected. As Victor said, I get to enjoy him for a much longer time. Although," she looked down on her plate, "don't be surprised if I'll need a shoulder to cry on when we're done."

"You've fallen for him," Clarise said softly.

Jessa smiled her confirmation. "I know there's a case to be made for not getting on the bus when you know it's going to crash but the thing is, I know when it will crash. I'll just have to jump off it before it does. I'll probably get scrapes and bruises in the process, but I think the experience will still be worth it."

"Then we're here to cheer you on while you're on the bus, and we'll be there to help you treat those scrapes and bruises when you jump off it."

"Oh, Clarise, that's so sweet. You're all so sweet. Thank you."

Jessa noticed that Faye hadn't said much at all. Normally, she was the most inquisitive of the four of them, the one who wasn't shy about asking for details of everything - including sex. Today, Faye looked subdued.

"So that's me done with my updates," she announced. "Faye, do you want to be next?" she asked gently.

Faye looked up from her plate. "Sure." She took a deep breath before forging ahead. "Steve said his boss has offered him the sales manager position for the combined South Australian and Western Australian territories. If he takes it he would need to move to Adelaide."

All three gazed at her in shock. They were silent as each contemplated what it would mean to Faye if Steve moved to Adelaide.

"Do you think he'll take it?" Clarise asked tentatively.

Faye shrugged, her eyes watering. "I don't know. He said last night he was still thinking about it. It's a big step up for him so I know he's very tempted." She dabbed her eyes with her serviette. "But what's bothering me even more is that he doesn't seem to want to talk it through with me. He seems to want to make his decision without my input. I mean, sure, it's his career and his life, but we've been together for almost a year. It will be our anniversary in two weeks. It's as if how I feel about it doesn't matter."

"How do you feel about it?" Jessa's voice was soft, feeling for her friend.

"Half of me is very happy for him and half of me hates the fact that he has this opportunity. If he moves to Adelaide, then it's either I move with him or we break up. It will be a very hard decision because I love Sydney. This is my home. I love my job here and I don't want to be away from my family - including you guys."

The other three regarded each other silently, none of them finding the right words to say. Finally, Clarise took Faye's hand and squeezed it. "How can we help you with this?"

Faye smiled tightly. "Just help me treat the scrapes and bruises as I get them. There's bound to be a few."

A chorus of 'of course' and 'no problems' rang out from around the table.

Jessa glanced at her hands on her lap. Doubts about her agreement with Rob surfaced as she imagined herself being in Faye's shoes in the not too distant future. But of course, there was that one big difference in their situations. She didn't have the option of following Rob to Melbourne. He didn't make that choice available to her. Her only option was to break up with him.

"Hey, Jess," Faye called out. "I think you made the right decision with Rob. You need to live a little," she grinned.

Jessa chuckled and looked fondly at her friend. Faye was really something. If anyone was entitled to happiness, it was she. If Steve hadn't realised how special she was after a year together, then he didn't deserve her.


Jessa checked her phone messages in dismay as she got ready to head off for lunch.
Not only was there no word from Rob - it had been three days since he left - but her to-do list kept on piling up faster than she could tackle them. She knew Clarise was in the same position. The magazine's readership and popularity was growing exponentially and the pressure on them as the two senior writers and editors was increasing.

She would have much preferred to duck out and buy a sandwich to eat at her desk but one of their top clients had invited her, Clarise and their boss and magazine owner, Ray Thackery, to a special 'Thank You' lunch. Apparently, their results from their advertising campaign in
Lifestyle by Design
had exceeded their expectations.

"Are you ladies okay to walk for twenty-five minutes in those shoes?" Ray asked them as he eyed their high heels.

"Twenty-five!" Jessa exclaimed.

"What's the matter with taking a cab, Ray? Surely, you're not cost-cutting on us," Clarise quipped.

Ray chuckled. "For you two? Never. I'm joking, of course. It's only about ten minutes away."

As they walked to their destination, admiring glances were thrown at them by both sexes. Women even smiled at Ray, which was not surprising. He was a sight to behold in his expensive suit and with his confident gait. As a very good-looking and successful business owner at thirty-four, Ray was a great catch in any woman's language.

Men also tried to attract their attention as they sauntered past. Previously, Jessa would have assumed the male interest was mainly for Clarise. But lately, her confidence about how she looked had blossomed enough that she boldly gazed back at them. She was still surprised to notice that some had their eyes fully directed at her.

Ray updated them on the status of his search for another senior writer to help cope with their increasing workload. He had three candidates in his short-list and would be doing his final round of interviews in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully, within a month or so, they would have someone else join their team.

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