Heart of Ice (3 page)

Read Heart of Ice Online

Authors: Jalissa Pastorius

Tags: #romance, #love, #action, #mercenaries, #kill, #smut, #contemopary

BOOK: Heart of Ice
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“What do you teach?” Matt’s smooth voice
slid across her skin. She fought the instinct to close her eyes and
surrender to his touch.

“I work in the criminal justice department
teaching security management courses.” She said in a rush.

“You must be very good at your job, to be an
associate professor. How old are you anyway?” he asked her, leaning
in. She inhaled deeply; she could smell the alcohol on his breath.
His lips were so close, losing her cool at his close proximity, she

“I need to go to the bathroom, err, ladies
room. Please excuse me,” and she fled from the table. Once in the
privacy and safety of the bathroom, she wetted a paper towel and
tried to cool herself off. Her chest was red and her eyes were
bright, at least she thought they were or it could be the effects
of the alcohol finally hitting her. She ached to let her hair down,
the bobby pins were killing her, but she didn’t want to hear a
lecture from Sarah.

“You can do this Christina. You just walk
out there, give Sarah the signal, make up an excuse and get the
hell up out of there.” She nodded at her reflection. She totally
had this under control; there were no bombs going off, no stampede
of people. She could handle one single man. Exiting the restroom,
she was surprised when someone grabbed her wrist and slammed her
against the wall. Before she could cry out, a hot demanding mouth
came down on her, silencing her.

Chapter 3



His tongue invaded her mouth swiftly,
plunging itself into the back of her throat. Christina had never
been kissed with such force. Breaking the kiss, green eyes that
burned with lust stared back into her startled grey ones. He leant
forward dragging his nose along her collarbone before biting down
on her ear. A small gasped escaped Christina as hot liquid seeped
from her. Placing her hands on his chest she tried to get her

“Wait,” she said breathlessly. His hand
clasped her thigh and he hiked it around his waist, pressing his
hard length into her. My god, they were in a bar lounge. Surely,
Sarah and Collum was able to put one and two together.

“I have to have you,” he whispered, dragging
his tongue down the side of her neck. She whimpered. She was not
some woman who would toss her morals aside, despite what Sarah may
think or want.

“I can’t, I’m not this kind of person.”
Stopping, Matt looked her in the eyes, she was serious. He never
ravaged a woman in public like this, it was out of the norm for
him, but when he saw the curvaceous creature making her escape, he
had no choice but to follow. Taking one whiff of her, he could no
longer contain himself. He didn’t ask for much, but when he wanted
something he got it. In that moment, he could think of nothing he
wanted more than the grey eyed angel, and he would have her.

“What do you want?” he asked her.

“I don’t do one night stands. This was fun,
but now it’s over.” Christina fixed herself and forced herself to
move. If she didn’t force herself to leave, this man would continue
to ravage her and she wouldn’t have the power to stop him. As she
walked away, she felt his eyes on her. Her legs shook, she was
emotionally drain, sticky and just wanted a bath. Taking a seat at
the table, she hoped her red cheeks didn’t give her away. Seeing
the knowing look in Sarah’s eyes, she knew she wasn’t going to get
away without an explanation. Pleading with her eyes, she hoped
Sarah got the message. She was ready to call a quits.

“I was just telling Sarah here, that it’s a
shame we wouldn’t be in town longer,” Collum said to Matt as he
took his seat at the table. His friend was very hard to read at the
moment. There was a frustrated look in his eyes that wasn’t there
before. Ah, the black haired beauty must’ve turned him down. This
had suddenly got interesting.

“Well you know Matt’s off he’ll be
vacationing in Colorado.” Matt grumbled looking at his friend, he
was playing with fire. Matt didn’t want anyone knowing about his

“That’s too bad, I’ll be working,” Sarah
said giving Christina a wink. She was going to kill Sarah, she was
being so obvious. She avoided making eye contact with Sarah. The
night was going downhill and fast.

“But Christina is off,” she said coyly.

“Sarah! That’s not nice. He already has
plans,” she whisper yelled at her friend.

“Au contraire, I don’t. Would you like to
accompany me,” he asked her. Christina looked at everyone with wide
eyes. They were setting her up. It was obvious; everyone was in on
some major secret and conspiring against her. Who were these
people? Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. She felt so hot
she thought she would faint, and the liquor whatever it was had
caught up to her.




Sensing her anxiety Matt placed his arm
around her, “It’s okay, give me a call.” He didn’t think that grey
eyes could bring out his protective side. He didn’t like how
quickly the woman was getting under skin, but she called to him. He
didn’t know if it was her vulnerability or something else. Pulling
out the black card, he wrote his personal cell phone number on it.
It was a number that only two people now three had who could reach
him at.




“Well, gentlemen I think we’ll call this a
night,” Sarah said finally realizing the magnitude of Christina’s
anxiety. She wondered how Matt picked up on it.

“Do you guys need an escort home?” they
asked in unison. This made Christina laugh and some of that panic
that she had been feeling eased away.

“I’ll take that as, you’ll be fine,” Matt
stated. Christina looked up as Sarah excused herself to go to the
ladies room and Collum exited the restaurant, leaving her and Matt
at the table. She was waiting on that inevitable awkward silence to
descend, but surprisingly it did not. Her heart jumped in her
throat as he pushed the loose strands of hair that escaped the
tight bun behind her ears. It was when he leant in taking a whiff
of her perfume that made her nervous.

“Exquisite,” he mumbled before placing a
kiss on her neck and getting up from the table. Instantly her
nipples harden and a little moan escaped her.

“Call me,” he said before leaving out of the




Once the gentlemen left, Sarah sat down
beside her. “You’ve got it bad doll face.”

“What are you talking about? I don’t have

“C’mon, Chris, do you take me for a fool. I
want to know what exactly happened while you were away in the
ladies room?” she asked leaning in.

“Sorry honey, I don’t kiss and tell.” She
said getting up from the table. The guys had already covered the

“But Christina, that’s not fair!” she whined
follow her friend out the restaurant and into the crisp air. The
girls had no idea; the men sat in their car, watching every move
they made. Once they ladies were safely in their car, they preceded
to the hotel where they’d been staying until they catch their
flight to New York the next morning.






Sarah mumbled a quick goodnight to Christina
as she turned in for the night. She did have exams to study for.
Christina was lucky, being an associate professor did have its
perks; she only had to work a half a day tomorrow. She’d go in,
hand out exams to anxiety filled students, and then go home. Piece
of cake. Drinking two bottles of water, in hopes of trying to
prevent a hangover, Christina ran herself a bath. She used oils,
bath beads and bubble bath, she couldn’t help it, she enjoyed her
soaks in the tub. All she was missing was some rose petals and that
hunk of a man. Sliding into the tub, she recalled the night’s






“Tell me dear friend, did you enjoy your cup
of southern hospitality?” Matt bit back a smile as they sat at the
bar in hotel having additional drinks.


“Well, do tell. She turned you down didn’t

“Yes and no.”

“Care to elaborate.” Looking over at Collum,
Matt wasn’t sure he should tell him what he thought about
Christina; then again he had to be grateful to the man because he
never would have met Christina.

“I had a chance to taste her, but she pushed
me away, before things could get anymore steamier.”

“Interesting, go on.”

“I think she’s an innocent.”

“Innocent as in the cherry hasn’t been

“Well yeah.”

“No. That’s not possible. Women are
promiscuous, probably not her, but she had to have some experience.
I mean unless she’s a prude, and that’s not good for you my man. If
she’s an associate professor, I’m putting her at twenty-seven years
of age, even though she looks younger.”

“But what if she is?” he asked

“And what if she isn’t.” Collum asked his
friend. Matt sighed dragging his hands through his hair.

“So is the Billionaire Matt Dallas, going to
give up?”

“Well no.”

“You always get what you want right?”


“Do you want the girl?”

“Well yes, I want her.”

“Then what the hell are you waiting for?”
Collum asked finishing the rest of his drink.

“A phone call,” Matt said dejectedly,
causing Collum to roar with laughter. Tears sprung to his eyes. Who
would’ve thought the ice man himself would be vying for the
attention of a small woman. This was going to be good. Collum hoped
the woman would call Matt; it wouldn’t be good for his self-esteem
if she stood him up. Ever since the treachery surrounding Natalia,
his friend questioned everything about himself. There was clearly
nothing wrong with Matt, but he insisted on working himself to
death and shaping himself into what he perceived as perfect. Matt
had no idea that he was no longer living life. Instead he was bound
by laws of a hierarchal stereotypical society that limited his
growth. Collum knew that in this world he and Matt were each
other’s family. They couldn’t even trust those closest to them.
Collum had even been used to get to Matt, but he wouldn’t talk
about that right now. All he wanted was his friend’s happiness and
he would ensure that it happened.




“Alright man, I’m calling it a night. We do
have an early flight tomorrow.”

“I suppose you’re right.” Collum wished Matt
a good night as his eyes surveyed the area. There was a brown eye
brunette who caught his eye. He flashed his million dollar smile as
he made his way towards her. It seemed tonight wasn’t a complete

“I’m Anna what’s your name?” she asked
seductively trailing a finger down his chest.

“Call me David,” Collum said as he followed
her to her room.






Rose petals floated in the tub, a husky
voice whispered in her ear. Her body shudder as he leant in to lick
her inner ear. Swirling his tongue around it and biting down, her
body grew hot. He then whispered her name in her ear before moving
on to her neck. His teeth grazed her skin and his tongue wreaked
havoc on her body. When his lips moved to claim hers, she sighed in
utter bliss as he dominated her with a crushing kiss. Moving his
large hands to pinch her hard peaks she couldn’t help the sounds
that spewed from her mouth. It was when his hand began to sink
lower that raised alarm. She wanted it no demanded it. Christina
jerked awake. The water sloshed around causing her to shiver. She
needed to cool off. She had been dreaming of Matt. Damn that man
and his good looks. She didn’t even remember falling asleep in the
tub. The water was now a biting cold. She quickly washed herself
before getting out the tub. Enveloping herself in a large towel she
entered her bedroom. She pulled out the business card from her
clutch. Pulling out her phone, she took the cowardly way out and
send him a text.



If your offer is still on the table, I would
love to join you on your trip.



She sent the text before turning her phone
off. She was in no state to converse with him. She was already
dreaming about the man. She needed a break. Closing her eyes, she
looked forward to what tomorrow would bring.


Chapter 4



Christina jerked awake. The hot dream she’d
been having left her a little shaken and slightly embarrassed. She
took a shower to cool off. Checking that she had everything she
needed before she left; she noticed a text message from Matt
flashed across the screen. She still couldn’t believe, she texted
him, especially when she thought about the implications of her
actions. What did it imply? Was she ready to lose her virginity to
this man? They were bound to be having hot rigorous sex, right?
Ugh, why did everything have to be so complicated?



I’ll pick you up Friday morning at 9am.



She thought about it some more. Was she
ready to lose it? It was too late to back out now. Bleh! She knew
next to nothing about the art of seduction. It was what she got for
being such a book worm. Throwing everything into her bag, she got
into her vehicle and made her way to the university.




Christina was glad the day was almost over.
She passed out the final exams to the students in her loss
prevention course. They were mostly seniors who would be
graduating. She was proud, she had a good group; it still was
awkward, teaching students who were two or three years older than
her, but hey she got to eat. Revealing her age was something that
she fought the university on. Relieved that they finally complied,
she continued her employment there; however, she still suspected
that some of the students knew her true age—not that they tried
anything. This was Vanderbilt University, very prestigious. No one
wanted to jeopardize her wrath and face expulsion, or the angry
parents who was investing so much into their education. At least,
this was what she thought until the last student in her class
turned his test into her.

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