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Authors: John Robbins

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Praise for

“John Robbins is one of the most important voices in America today. He cuts through nonsense like no one else does. He delivers crucial information like no one else does. He gives hope like no one else does. His words are lifelines for both the body and soul. This book can literally save our lives.”

, author of
A Return to Love
A Woman’s Worth


“This is a remarkably open and heartfelt book full of wisdom and love by an extraordinary man who has been teaching us how to live more healthy and compassionate lives for over twenty years now. John Robbins has created a new vision of aging for American society”

, CEO, Whole Foods


“As the low-carb diet craze is gone, John Robbins proposes a far healthier approach that leads not just to a healthy weight but also to a joyful and fulfilled life. Healthy at 100 is packed with informed and heartfelt wisdom.”

, author of
The 3-Hour Diet
, and creator of


“John Robbins inspires me on every page. His unique experiences and viewpoints were the reasons I wanted him to be in my film
Super Size Me
. This book only reinforces my faith in him as a thought-provoking humanitarian.”

, producer and director of
Super Size Me


“If you want your years to be long and rich with fulfillment and energy, and if you want your heart to be filled with love and light at every age, read this book. It is steeped in wisdom, and a pleasure to read.”

, author of
Healthy Aging


“John Robbins, once again, as in his brilliantly written earlier books, makes a strong connection between personal health and social consequences. Written by an author already famed for his courageous and well-researched writing, this book is a must-read for anyone concerned about health, be it planetary or personal.”

, Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry, Cornell University, and author of
The China Study


Diet for a New America: How Your Food Choices Affect Your Health, Happiness, and the Future of Life on Earth


Reclaiming Our Health: Exploding the Medical Myth and Embracing the Source of True Healing


The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life and the World


May All Be Fed: Diet for a New World


The Awakened Heart
(with Ann Mortifee)


I wish you health.
I wish you wealth
That passes not with time.
I wish you long years.
May your heart be as patient as the earth
Your love as warm as the harvest gold.
May your days be full, as the city is full
Your nights as joyful as dancers.
May your arms be as welcoming as home.
May your faith be as enduring as God’s love
Your spirit as valiant as your heritage.
May your hand be as sure as a friend
Your dreams as hopeful as a child.
May your soul be as brave as your people
And may you be blessed.

—Wigglier Blessing

A new vision of aging that can help you live years longer
Abkhasia: Ancients of the Caucasus
Where people are healthier at ninety than most of us are at middle age
Vilcabamba: The Valley of Eternal Youth
Where heart disease and dementia do not exist
Hunza: A People Who Dance in Their Nineties
Where cancer, diabetes, and asthma are unknown
The Centenarians of Okinawa
Where more people live to 100 than anywhere else in the world
Eat Well, Live Long
What is the optimum diet for human beings?
Nutrition and the Health of Humanity
The price we pay for processed food
The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted
Why a plant-based diet can save your life
The Road to Health and Healing
What you need to know to thrive on a whole-foods, plant-based diet
Stepping into Life
What is as important as diet?
Born to Move
Why your cells and your bones crave a challenge
Keeping Your Marbles
Simple things you can do to prevent Alzheimer’s
Confident and Clear-Thinking
Breaking the stereotypes of aging
What’s Love Got to Do with It?
The healing power of relationships—new evidence that stuns even the skeptics
The Strength of the Heart
Why loneliness will kill you faster than cigarettes
How Then Shall We Live?
Today’s choices for tomorrow’s health
Breaking Free from the Cultural Trance
The real news on this planet
Grief and Healing
Can this wisdom survive?
Death and Awakening
Finding the true fountain of youth
Resource Guide

very young man,” wrote Ernest Hemingway, “believes he will live forever.” And the same could be said for every young woman. But whatever our beliefs and thoughts about life, there remains an undeniable and ever-present fact: We are, each and every one of us, growing older.

This is true in every country and among every people throughout the world, but the way different cultures have responded to this reality has varied widely.

For many of us in the industrialized world today, our aging is a source of grief and anxiety. We fear aging. The elderly people we see are for the most part increasingly senile, frail, and unhappy. As a result, rather than looking forward to growing old, we dread each passing birthday. Rather than seeing our later years as a time of harvesting, growth, and maturity, we fear that the deterioration of our health will so greatly impair our lives that to live a long life might be more of a curse than a blessing.

When we think of being old, our images are often ones of decrepitude and despair. It seems more realistic to imagine ourselves languishing in nursing homes than to picture ourselves swimming, gardening, laughing with loved ones, and delighting in children and nature.

In 2005, the famed American author Hunter S. Thompson took his life. He was only sixty-seven, and had no incurable disease. He
was wealthy and famous, and his thirty-two-year-old wife loved him. But according to the literary executor of Thompson’s will, “he made a conscious decision that he…wasn’t going to suffer the indignities of old age.”

It doesn’t help to live in a society where there is so little respect for the elderly. Television shows and movies frequently portray older people as feeble, unproductive, grumpy, and stubborn. Advertisements selling everything from alcohol to cars feature beautiful young people, giving the impression that older people are irrelevant. Colloquialisms such as “geezer,” “old fogey,” “old maid,” “dirty old man,” and “old goat” demean the elderly and perpetuate a stereotype of older people as unworthy of consideration or positive regard.

Greeting card companies routinely sell birthday cards that mock the mobility, intellect, and sex drive of the no longer young. Novelty companies sell “Over-the-Hill” products such as fiftieth-birthday coffin gift boxes containing prune juice and a “decision maker to assist in planning daily activities” (a large six-sided die, with sides labeled “nap,” “TV,” “shopping,” etc.). Gifts for a man’s sixtieth birthday include a “lifetime supply” of condoms (one), Over-the-Hill bubble bath (canned beans), and “Old Fart” party hats.

We may chuckle at such humor, but negative stereotypes about aging are insidious. They attach a social stigma to aging that can affect your will to live and even shorten your life. In a study published by the American Psychological Association, Yale School of Public Health professor Becca Levy, Ph.D., concluded that even if you are not aware of them, negative thoughts about aging that you pick up from society can undermine your health and have destructive consequences.

In the study, a large number of middle-aged people were interviewed six times over the course of twenty years and asked whether they agreed with such statements as “As you get older, you are less useful.” Remarkably, the perceptions held by people about aging proved to have more impact on how long they would live than did their blood pressure, their cholesterol level, whether they smoked, or whether they exercised.
Those people who had positive perceptions of aging lived an average of 7.5 years longer than those with negative images of growing older.

Negative images not only lead to compromised health and shortened lives—they also are distressing in the present. Dr. Levy’s study found that people with negative perceptions of aging were more likely to consider their lives worthless, empty, and hopeless, while those with more positive perceptions of aging were more likely to view their lives as fulfilling and hopeful.

When we are disrespectful to older people and make them invisible, we attempt to ignore the aging process we are experiencing. We hide its signs and look away from the longer-term consequences of our lifestyles. As a result, we make lifestyle choices that may make sense in the short term but take a heavy toll in the end.

I asked a friend recently how he thought he might age. “I’ll probably end up in a nursing home somewhere,” he replied with some bitterness, “with a feeding tube in my nose, staring at the acoustic squares in the ceiling, incontinent, impotent, and impoverished.” Sadly, such views are not unusual. I’ve seen bumper stickers that say “Avenge Yourself: Live Long Enough to Become a Burden to Your Children.” When you distrust the aging process, it’s hard to imagine yourself enjoying your older years, doing things like dancing, jogging, or hiking. It can be difficult even to consider the possibility that you might, during every phase of your lifetime, have the capacity for growth, change, and creativity.

In the last hundred years we’ve added nearly thirty years to the average life expectancy in the industrialized world, but for many older adults the later years are not a time of happiness and well-being.
A century ago, the average adult in Western nations spent only 1 percent of his or her life in a morbid or ill state, but today’s average modern adult spends more than 10 percent of his or her life sick.
People are living longer today, but all too often they are dying longer, too—of chronic diseases that cause debility and cognitive impairment.

By 2025, the annual cost of managing chronic conditions in the United States will exceed a trillion dollars. Already, half of those age sixty-five and over have two or more chronic diseases, and a quarter have problems so severe as to limit their ability to perform one or more activities of daily living. Meanwhile, the average age of the chronically ill is continually getting younger.
Throughout the industrialized world, people are living longer, but they are getting sick
sooner, so the number of years they spend chronically ill is actually increasing in both directions.

Sometimes I think we have not so much prolonged our lives as prolonged our dying. While we have extended the human
span, we have not extended the human

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