Healed (The Found Book 3) (30 page)

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Authors: Caitlyn O'Leary

BOOK: Healed (The Found Book 3)
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Of course, she'd had to promise not to write anything about the starship but she'd been given permission to write up the interview with Madami Valan. The article she'd written and the accompanying picture of Madami Valan showing her how to operate one of the food processors at the landing station had made her famous. It had also drawn the attention of several government agencies who demanded access to her recordings of the interview. When she'd admitted there wasn't one and that she'd only taken written notes they'd demanded details. A big disadvantage now that she was on the run. If she could make it to the landing station though she might be able to sneak onto one of their ships and hide until they reached Zarronia. Then, and only then, would she announce her presence and ask to see Ambassador Eirikson.

Hours later the sound of a garbage truck dropping a heavy metal bin woke her. Daria rubbed her tired eyes then peeked out. At the end of the alley, the lunch crowd hurried by taking no note of her hiding place. Reluctantly, she joined them for a few blocks until she saw a sign for a thrift shop. Darting through the door, she moved into the deep shadows between two racks of used clothes but kept an eyes on the door. When it remained empty she breathed a sigh of relief and began looking for something to wear.

The teenage clerk at the counter looked at her once then went back to the magazine she was reading. Daria chose a long dress in a dark blue color and a pair of black ankle boots. In the back of the shop she found a rack of coats next to a shelf of hats and amazingly a row of wigs. She grabbed a thick coat then chose a shoulder length blonde wig. Gathering her choices she carried them to the counter where the young clerk reluctantly lowered the magazine. She smiled then showed her the cover featuring several Zarronian warriors. "Aren't they hot?" She fanned herself. "I ran into one coming out of a building last week. He was huge and so good-looking." She laughed. "My boyfriend got mad because I flirted with him, but I mean, really, who wouldn't?"

Daria smiled but thought not me. No way, ever. They had too many secrets and she'd learned the hard way that people with secrets were dangerous."

The girl looked down at the items Daria placed on the counter. "Is that all you want?"


"It's half-price day. Are you sure you don't want anything else?"

Daria smiled then noticed a display of sunglasses. She grabbed a pair and added them to the pile.

The girl added up the price. "Eight credits."

Daria shuffled her feet. She didn't dare use her credit chip. She pretended to search the tote she carried then patted the pockets of her jacket. "I don’t have any credits. Will you take a trade?"

"I don't know. What kind of trade?"

Daria shrugged the leather jacket from her shoulders. "How about my jacket?"

The clerk hesitated then smiled and nodded. Daria handed it over. "Could I use your ladies room to clean up and change?"

"The boss says we're not supposed to let the customers use the facilities. If we let one then they'll all be coming in here."

"Please? I have a job interview this afternoon. I'll be quick." Daria glanced out the front window of the store. Thankfully, she didn’t see anyone waiting for her but that didn't mean they weren't out there.

The clerk shoved the jacket onto a shelf below the register then nodded. "If you hurry you can use it. The boss won't be back until one. If he comes back early you can just duck out the back door. Okay?"

Daria picked up the pile of clothes. "Thank you. You're a lifesaver."

The clerk laughed and pointed toward the back of the store. "The bathroom is in the back to your right. The light should be on. The boss doesn't like me to leave it on but it's spooky back there in the dark, you know?"

"I know. I don't like the dark either," Daria whispered, remembering how scared she'd been the last four nights while hiding in any dark corner she could find. She moved to the door into the back room and peered around.

The room was dim and full of tables stacked with bundles of clothes. Directly across from her a door led to the alley. Beside it was an open door with light shining from it. Figuring it was the bathroom she moved toward it, went inside and locked the door before she looked in the mirror. She was a mess. Grime covered her face and her hair was a tangled mess. The right shoulder of her sweater hung from her shoulder. A dried blood stain on her sweater looked like a coffee stain. Only she knew it was Emma's blood. Looking away from it, she turned on the hot water not expecting anything to happen and was proven right. She turned the other faucet and a dribble of cold water fell into the bowl. A small sliver of soap melted in a pool of water on the sink.

She stripped, grabbed a handful of paper towels and washed, shivering when the cold water hit her skin. The warm air dried her while she gathered the makeup from her tote and applied a thick layer then outlined her eyes with black eyeliner and coated her lashes with several layers of mascara. The shape of her face changed as she used blush to make her cheekbones appear rounder. Lastly, she pulled on the wig making sure none of her own hair showed, and then arranged the blonde strands around her face.

She dropped the baggy dress over her head and stepped into the boots. Her clothes went into the bottom of her tote before she pulled on the coat. She left the bathroom and hid the bag under a large pile in the far corner of the room. The door to the alley appeared to be unlocked so she opened it and peered out. Seeing the way was clear she slipped out, put on the sunglasses and walked to the end of the alley where she joined a group of tall suit-clad men. She walked close behind them until she spotted a taxi cruising toward her. Hailing it she jumped in as soon as the driver pulled over and told him to take her to the alien station.

The driver gave her a funny look. "You one of those women going into space with those warriors?"

"Yes, and I'm late so could you please hurry?" Daria glanced through the back window looking for anyone who might be following her. She tried to remember what she'd been shown during the tour of the station and starship but the adrenaline that had kept her going was wearing off. Leaning over, she rolled down the window and let the freezing air revive her. She knew every female who entered the station had to eventually show her ID. Somehow she'd have to avoid it as she'd left her identification in her tote and certainly wouldn't show it anyway. Remembering the layout of the station she realized she might be able to go directly to the changing rooms.

Madami Valan told her the women who went to Zarronia weren't allowed to take anything with them, not even their own clothes. In the changing rooms they stripped, showered and dressed in gowns provided by the Zarronians. They were then transferred to a starship and taken to a dorm-like chamber which they shared during the journey. That would cause a problem as well. Once on the starship the females were carefully monitored. She'd have to get away before she was taken to the women's chamber and find a place to hide. Madami Valan had also showed her the second level of the starship where several quarters for Ambassadors and other VIPs were located. She remembered asking Madami Valan if she lived on the starship and she had said the quarters were unoccupied unless an Ambassador was on board. A small hysterical laugh escaped Daria's lips as she realized she might make it after all if she could reach the second level and gain entry into one of those quarters.

"Here we are, lady. Sure hope you know what you're doing," the taxi driver said.

"I do, too." She opened the door and swiveled around to get out of the vehicle. "How much do I owe you?"

"A hundred credits." He chuckled at her look of shock.

Daria patted her pockets. "I don’t seem to have my credit chip with me." She removed the diamond necklace from around her neck and held it out, letting it swing back and forth while it caught the light and sparkled. "Will this do?"

He laughed, grabbed the necklace, examined it and nodded.

Curiously she asked, "What would you have done if I couldn't pay your price?"

"Nothing, lady. But, I figure anyone who comes out here won't need the credits anymore and I do." He laughed and waved at her as she shut the door and turned towards the white stone building.

She approached the doors. They opened to let her enter the reception room that held hundreds of women. The women in the back, closest to her, glanced at her, gave her the once over and turned away. Catching a reflection of herself in the glass wall she snorted. In the ugly wig and heavy makeup she was no prize that was for sure. She made her way to the right side of the room and stopped next to a large potted tree that stood next to a closed door. Beyond that barrier was a hallway that led directly to the changing rooms and her ticket to freedom. All she had to do was get through it.

The women around her moved toward the other end of the room where a row of doors were lined up. One by one they stepped through them. Most of the women never returned but a few would appear again escorted by a stony-faced warrior. They'd be marched out to a waiting shuttle and Daria figured they'd been rejected and would be given a ride back to the city. Her reporter's curiosity rose and she fought the urge to run out to the shuttle and ask the women what had happened. The door opening next to her saved her.

Several warriors came through it. She waited until they moved away then scurried around the tree, saw that the corridor was empty and slipped through the door right before it closed. The corridor ended after twenty feet. She hesitated then peered around the corner and chose to go left toward a door that led to the changing rooms. She slipped inside and several women glanced at her then went back to fixing their hair.

Mirrors and sinks lined the walls on either side of her and dozens of showers were placed along the back of the room. She moved to the last one and stripped then shoved her clothes through a small door that was marked as a disposal unit. After adjusting the temperature of the water she stepped into the shower and scrubbed her skin but avoided smearing her make-up. The temptation to remove the wig and wash her hair nearly overwhelmed her but she resisted it and decided to leave the wig on until she was on the starship.

Several women waited to use the shower so she stepped out, dried herself, and pulled on one of the Zarronian gowns. A glance in the mirror had her groaning. The dress was skintight and outlined every inch of her curves. It clung to her breasts and stretched across her hips and belly before it ended at her knees. The material was silky and thin, but thankfully not transparent. Accepting the situation she moved into the next room and used one of the brushes to smooth her hair.

"Didn't you hear what the man said? No make-up allowed," the dark brunette next to her said.

"Uh, no, I guess I didn't hear that part. Are you sure?" Rats, she thought to herself, without the make-up she might be recognized.

"I'm sure. You better wash it off. They said anyone who didn't want to comply wouldn't be allowed to transfer to the starship."

Cursing beneath her breath, Daria leaned over the sink and began removing the thick layer of cosmetics. She had to wash twice before it all came off. Standing, she patted her face dry, and looked at herself. She was back. Drats!

"I don't know why you wear all that stuff on your face. You don't need it," the brunette told her, smiling.

Daria nodded and moved away. It wouldn't do to get too friendly with anyone. When she disappeared they might start asking about her.

She wandered toward a group of women who waited to be escorted to the transfer rooms. Leaning against the wall, she closed her eyes and thought about sleep. When she made it to one of the Ambassadors' quarters she was going to sleep for twenty-four hours. Maybe longer. A hand shaking her shoulder brought her back to awareness. She opened her eyes and saw a small brunette smiling at her.

"It's time to go," she said with a smile.

"Oh, thank you." Daria followed the others out the door and down the corridor to a transfer room. She and five other women stepped onto the transfer plates. For a moment, she felt dizzy and disoriented, then the feeling faded as she rematerialized on the starship. She stumbled as she left the transfer plate and a huge warrior reached out and caught her. She smiled at him and he held her until she was steady on her feet before releasing her. His eyes slid slowly down her body then back up, and he grinned. She frowned at him. Men!

"You have beautiful eyes, female." He ran his knuckles over her cheek and smiled. "The same shade as the wolfens' on Zarronia."

A shiver of feminine awareness slid along her spine as he spoke and her mind went blank. The Zarronians were unbelievable. They had everything. Great bodies, gorgeous faces, and a level of sensuality that was nearly impossible to resist. To top it all off when they looked at a woman every ounce of their attention focused on her. She shivered again and forced herself to resist the need to rub herself against him and moan with pleasure.

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