Read Haven 3: Forgotten Sins Online

Authors: Gabrielle Evans

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Haven 3: Forgotten Sins (15 page)

BOOK: Haven 3: Forgotten Sins
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Elder Winters rose to his feet and folded his hands together in front of him. “As established by The Council, Enforcer Jonas Tracer has fulfilled the terms of his obligations and is cleared of all charges.” He turned and looked directly at Macintosh. “As is his right, Torren Braddock will be instated as Elder Council Member for the Magiks.

Once he can be located, I propose that Camdin Maywater be instated as Elder of the fae.”

“I second that,” Elder Cortez said in his deep, rumbling voice.

Elder Means simply nodded dazedly.

“As for The Council seat dedicated to the representation of demons, I nominate Jory Lahman.”

“Me?” Jory squeaked from Stavion’s side. He looked up at his mate with wide, rounded eyes. “I’m only nineteen,” he hissed. “I can’t even take care of myself. I can’t do this, Stavion. Tell them no.”

“Seconded,” Cortez said, flashing his pearly whites in Jory’s direction.

“Leader McCarthy.”

Nicholas snapped his attention to Elder Winters, nervous about what would come next. “The Olympia Coven is hereby returned to your leadership, and you are free to leave when you wish.”

“Thank you, Elder.”

“Call me Layke.” He waved a hand toward Macintosh, who hadn’t uttered a word or moved a muscle during the entire ordeal.

“Enforcers, if you would escort Mr. Macintosh to his cell, please.” Nicholas didn’t miss that Layke had already stripped Samuel Macintosh of his title of Elder. Maybe good changes really were on the horizon for the future of their world.

“Braddock,” Layke addressed the witch. “You will be sworn in immediately, and your first act of duty will be determining if Enforcer Becker has been bewitched and still remains under Miss Halstead’s spell.”

“Yes, sir. Do you have a theory? It might be helpful if I have a starting point.”

“I believe Becker is part witch himself. As to whether or not he was charmed, I can’t say.”

“Understood.” Torren bobbed his head, his eyebrows drawing together as though he was deep in thought.

“I think that covers everything. Elder Cortez, do you have anything to add?”

Cortez turned to face the crowd and smiled. “There has been some complaint about The Council Registry and the right of the Enforcers to carry guns to better protect their packs, circles, covens, et cetera. If those against the registry and in favor of carry firearms wish to argue their case, I think we should hold a meeting next month to hear you out.”

Loud cheers of agreement went up around the room, and Cortez set the date of the meeting for the following month. He chose Halloween as the date and proposed a party on Council lands to follow the meeting—which earned him several more cheers.

Nicholas was beyond shocked at the turn the night had taken, but he couldn’t have been happier. They would return for the meeting, but he was ready to be back in Washington. He just had one more question.

“What will happen to Phillip?”

Layke sighed and shook his head. “I’m sorry, Nicholas. His crimes are too great to allow him to go free. The Council will convene at a later date to determine his punishment. For now, he’ll be kept tranquilized in one of the holding cells.”

“We need that book.” Maybe it made him the lowest scum on the planet, but Nicholas could care less if they executed his brother before daybreak—not after he attempted to murder Jonas. They really needed to find out what Phillip had done with the Book of the Banished before that happened, though.

Layke nodded slowly. “I see what you’re saying.” He looked over Nicholas’s shoulder to Torren. “Do whatever you have to do to get the information from him. We can’t let that spell book fall into the wrong hands, and by that, I mean anyone other than us.”

“Absolutely,” Torren agreed. “As an elder, I have the right to choose my own guards and council, correct?” Smiling as though they were sharing some inside joke, Layke conceded. “Correct. I look forward to seeing your brothers again.” Nicholas didn’t know what was so funny, or who Torren’s brothers were, and he didn’t care. Turning to Jonas, he took his mate’s hand and squeezed. “Are you ready to go home?” Jonas looked at him and smiled. “I wanted to stay in Haven because it felt like I finally had a family for the first time in my life.

In the last week, I realized that
are my family, and home is wherever we are together.” He whispered his lips over Nicholas’s cheek and then nuzzled it with his nose. “So, yes, take me home, Nicky.”

* * * *

“How long is the drive to Wyoming?”

Jonas rolled his eyes as they trudged in through the front door of Nicholas’s house. “Almost seventeen hours. We’re not driving to the meeting on Halloween. You can suck it up and fly one more time.”

“Two,” Nicholas corrected. “I’ll have to get back.” Jonas dropped his bag beside the door and turned to face his lover.

“You’ll survive. I know you don’t like flying, but a man of your position can’t really avoid it.” He sauntered closer and wrapped an arm around Nicholas’s waist, tugging him closer. “Maybe I can distract you the next time.”

Nicholas grinded against him and fisted one hand in the hair at the nape of Jonas’s neck. “Just what did you have in mind?”

“How about a demonstration?” They’d made love before leaving Wyoming, but Jonas had almost two hundred years of sexual deprivation to make up for.

“I have a better idea.” Nicholas pecked his lips and stepped away, backing out through the still-open door. “Come with me, Jonas.” Frowning in confusion, Jonas reached for his mate. He’d always been an instant-gratification kind of guy, and he wanted Nicholas naked and panting, not to go traipsing through the night. “Stop playing games, Nicky.”

“Trust me.”

Oh, that so wasn’t fair. With a heavy sigh, Jonas stepped out onto the porch and eased the door closed behind him. “Okay, where are we going?”

“You’ll see,” Nicholas answered cryptically.

“Am I going to get sex out of this?” Not that sex was all he cared about in their relationship, but he was primed and ready to go. It had been all he could think about during the flight home. They’d had sex on the floor, the sofa, the shower, and just about every other available surface besides a bed.

Jonas really wanted to make love to his mate in a real, honest to goodness bed—preferably the one they’d be sharing for the rest of eternity.

“Trust me,” Nicholas repeated, taking Jonas’s hand and leading him down the front steps. They walked along in silence, just holding hands in the moonlight.

It wasn’t long before Jonas realized where Nicholas was taking him. The pond held a lot of good memories for him, and he hoped they’d be able to create many more, but he couldn’t help feeling a little hurt that Nicholas was still treating him like a secret.


“Don’t say anything yet,” Nicholas instructed. “Just wait.”

Pressing his lips together, Jonas followed along, depressed that the night was not going in the direction he’d hoped it would. It had been easy for Nicholas to play the concerned and devoted mate while they were in the company of strangers who wouldn’t judge him. It probably hadn’t hurt that Jonas had almost died, either.

Now that they were home amongst their own people, would Nicholas go back to ignoring him? Or worse, would their relationship be relegated to the shadows and clandestine encounters far away from curious eyes?

As they crested the hill and the pond came into view, Jonas’s mouth dropped open, and he swallowed quickly, trying to push the lump down in his throat. “Nicky,” he whispered.

“Being the leader of the coven does have its perks.” Hundreds of candles surrounded the pond, some even floating on the surface, flickering softly in the gentle October breeze. Near the north bank, beneath the tree where they’d shared their first kiss, was a four-poster bed, adorned with white silk sheets and an array of fluffy pillows and blankets.

“You did this?”

Nicholas led him through the multitude of candles and right up to the bed before he stopped and faced him. “You deserve nothing less.

You deserve the world, Jonas. I might not be able to gift wrap the moon and stars for you, but I wanted to give you something to prove just how much I love you.”

The kiss they shared was slow, sensual, and filled with promises.

There was no rush or urgency in their movements as they undressed one another. Jonas took his time, caressing and stroking every inch of skin he revealed before moving on to the next article of clothing.

Finally nude, they didn’t immediately move to the bed but simply held each other close and swayed together to the symphony of the night. Jonas savored every touch, every kiss, and every contented sigh from Nicholas’s swollen lips. He wanted to remember every detail of this night.

“I’m sorry for all the things I’ve done to hurt you,” Nicholas murmured sadly as he rubbed their cheeks together. “I know this doesn’t make up for it, but I hope it’s a start. I’m never going to take you for granted again.”

“None of that matters anymore.” Jonas spoke the truth, and more importantly, he spoke the words from his heart. “We’re together now, I love you, and the rest of it is just forgotten sins.”

“Don’t you mean forgiven sins?” Nicholas asked, and Jonas was pleased to note the smile in his lover’s voice.

“No.” Easing away, he took both of Nicholas’s hands and pulled him toward the bed. Then he crawled in under the downy, soft blankets and held up one corner for Nicholas to join him. Once the man was settled against his chest, Jonas pushed the hair back from his mate’s handsome face and smiled. “We’re starting over, Nicky. A fresh, clean slate, so there is nothing to forgive. It’s all been forgotten.”

“I love you so very much.”

“And I love you.”

After that, there was nothing left to say. They kissed and touched, the intensity building until neither of them could wait a second longer.

Somehow, Jonas ended up on top of his lover with Nicholas pressing a small bottle of lube into his hand.

With shaky hands, Jonas used the oil to slick his shaft, and then coated his fingers liberally. Gently, he breached Nicholas’s hole with one finger and pumped lazily while he continued to attack the man’s mouth with passionate kisses. Adding a second and then a third finger, he stretched his mate quickly but carefully.

“Now,” Nicholas begged. “Please, Jonas.” Burying his face in the side of Nicholas’s throat, Jonas whimpered as he sank into the tight heat of his lover’s ass. Nicholas’s arms and legs wound around his back, and they clung to each other’s sweat-slicked bodies as Jonas began a languid, sensual rhythm.

Each surge into Nicholas’s body brought Jonas a little closer to heaven. As the tempo increased, the intensity spiked, and Jonas imagined he’d explode into a shower of dust when he reached his climax.

“Close,” Nicholas warned with a strangled grunt.

“Then come with me.” Two hard, quick jabs, and Nicholas did just that. Long, creamy ropes of cum erupted from the tip of his pulsing cock, splashing against his chest and abs.

Jonas’s head was jerked to the side, exposing his neck for Nicholas’s slippery tongue to trace the vein there. “Mine,” his mate whispered before sinking his canines through the yielding flesh.

White-hot pleasure ricocheted throughout Jonas’s body as his cock swelled and pulsed inside Nicholas’s ass. As the final link snapped into place, he encased himself to the root and roared when his orgasm slammed into him like a locomotive.

When he finally came down to earth, Jonas found himself on his back with Nicholas hovering over him and petting his hair. “You were wrong, you know.”

Jonas could barely remember his name, let alone figure out what the hell Nicholas meant. He’d been wrong about a lot of things in his life. Which offense was his mate referring to? “Wrong about what?” he mumbled sleepily as he turned and snuggled into Nicholas’s warm chest. It was too cold to sleep outside, but Jonas would sure as hell give it a try if it meant he didn’t have to move.

“When you said that you mean nothing to me,” Nicholas whispered, still gliding his fingers through Jonas’s hair. “You are my everything, baby.”

Jonas sighed in contentment, and his lips stretched into a goofy grin against the damp skin of Nicholas’s shoulder. “That’s all I ever wanted.” He curled his arm over Nicholas’s hip and pinched his pert ass. “And don’t call me baby.”

Gabrielle Evans



About the Author

Gabrielle Evans grew up in a small town in southern Oklahoma.

We are talking one red light that may or may not work depending on the day of the week. She married her high school sweetheart, and the rest is pretty much history. They have two very active boys and one high-strung wiener dog that keeps her constantly on the go. For now, she parks her car in central Indiana, but who knows what tomorrow will bring.

Gabrielle believes in love at first sight, falling hard and fast, taking chances, and grabbing your happy-ever-after with both hands.

Most importantly, she believes that a great cup of coffee can cure anything.

Also by Gabrielle Evans

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Haven 1:

Caution: Contents Under Pressure
Everlasting Classic ManLove: Haven 2:
Faith, Trust, and Stardust

For all other titles, please visit

BOOK: Haven 3: Forgotten Sins
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