Have Husband, Need Honeymoon (23 page)

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Authors: Rita Herron

Tags: #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Love Stories, #Fiction, #Contemporary, #General

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Brady saw the hurt and confusion in Ali’s face and knew he couldn’t hurt her again. And he couldn’t deny his feelings any longer.

“Because I love you.”

Her mouth opened with a soft gasp.

“I’ve always loved you. Even if I’d thrown the letters away, I would have still loved you.”

“But you said—”

“I didn’t think I deserved you, not after what happened with Josh.” He lowered his head, the guilt still on his face, his emotions raw. “I thought I could never fly again, that you deserved someone whole, that I’d never be that man again.”

“You told Vivica that nobody was perfect, Brady. I didn’t want you to fly for me. I wanted you to fly again because I knew it would make you happy.”

He moved toward her. “I know. And you helped me do that, Ali. Today.”

She started to turn away, to fight her feelings. But Brady lifted her chin and forced her to look into his eyes. “I’m so sorry I hurt you, that I pushed you away, but I was hurting so much.”

“I understand about the guilt, Brady, I do. But loving someone means for better or worse. That was in our vows, and I meant them. If you didn’t—”

“I did mean them, but my pride got in the way, and I couldn’t accept the man I’d become.”

“Oh, Brady. I love you and I want you any way I can have you.”

Brady pulled her into his arms. “You still want me as your husband?”

Alison’s face broke into a smile as she raised on tiptoe to kiss him. “Always, forever and ever.”

The kiss seemed to last forever, but definitely not long enough. Alison curved her arms around his waist, clutching his sinewy muscles as he explored her mouth and gave her a taste of passion. When he finally broke the kiss, they were both breathless.

“Then I suppose we’d better talk to your mom.”

Alison jerked his hand. “What if you change your mind again?”

He pulled her to a halt and cupped her face. “I’m never changing my mind, Ali.”

Alison suddenly felt a presence, and glanced up to see most of her family peeking through the screen.

“Does this mean you two want to stay married?” her mother asked.

“Yes,” they both said at once.

Her mother’s smile faded. “I’m sorry, honey, but it’s already official.”

“We’re divorced?” Brady said in a gruff voice.

Mrs. Hartwell nodded sadly. “That is, unless you were, um, together during the thirty-day waiting period.”

Alison swayed as she glanced at Brady. If she told him she’d known about that detail, would he think she’d tricked him?

“You knew about that technicality?” he asked in a gruff voice, as if he’d seen her reaction.

Alison bit down on her lip, tempted to lie, but dishonesty was no way to start a marriage, so she nodded slowly. “Vivica mentioned it.”

“Vivica.” Instead of anger or distrust, a tender expression darkened his eyes. “I guess I owe my meddling sister, after all.” He cupped Alison’s chin in his big hand. “So you’re still my wife, Ali?”

“Yes,” she whispered, tears clogging her throat. “But I didn’t do it to trick you, Brady.”

He traced a finger along her cheek and she heard her family’s footsteps and giggles fade as they left them. “Ah, and I was hoping you wanted me so badly you’d do anything to keep me.”

Alison smiled at his husky whisper. “Listen, Brady, I already swallowed my pride a dozen times.”

He brushed a kiss across her lips. “Well, then, would you marry me again? Will you plan another wedding, Alison – our wedding this time? One we can share with our families?”

Excitement danced in Alison’s chest as he kissed her ear. “I don’t know. Your sister’s was pretty hectic.”

“We’ll make this one simple.” Brady narrowed his eyes, then nipped at her earlobe. “And I’ll make it worth it, I promise.”

Alison looped her arms around his neck and leaned up to whisper in his ear. “All right, but only if we get married up here on the mountain, in the gazebo, like Hannah and Mimi.”

Brady gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I don’t care where we have the ceremony, just as long as it’s the two of us standing together.”

“I say we’d better seal this proposal with a kiss,” Alison whispered.

Then Brady claimed his wife-to-be’s mouth with a passionate kiss and a promise to love her forever.



lison ran her thumb over her grandmother’s wedding veil, smiling as she thought about the hope chest and how it had brought her back to Brady. Today she and Brady, her one and only love, would be married.

It had been the longest and shortest three months of her life.

Brady had left for the Air Force the day after Mimi’s baby was born. As much as Alison had wanted to marry him immediately after his proposal, they’d decided to wait and have a traditional wedding at Christmas with all their family present. She’d spent the last few weeks planning her own wedding. But she’d missed Brady terribly, and some part of her had been afraid that today wouldn’t come – that somehow she would lose Brady again. He had promised to write, and this time he’d kept his promise.

Hannah and Mimi bustled into her grandmother’s attic, where she was getting dressed.

“Where’s my flower girl, Maggie Rose?” Alison asked.

Mimi laughed. “Mom and Dad are fighting over who gets to hold her.”

Alison laughed. Hannah raised the veil and helped her pin it into her hair.

“You look beautiful,” Hannah said.

“Brady’s a lucky man,” Mimi added.

Alison hugged both her sisters. “No, I’m lucky. I have a wonderful family and I’m so happy you’re all here this time.”

Grammy Rose knocked on the door. “It’s time!”

The girls laughed and hurried down the stairs, each taking her place on the velvet carpet their father had rolled out as an aisle. White chairs draped with bows and ribbons were situated around the gazebo, poinsettias decorated the railings and guitar music strummed in the background.

Mrs. Hartwell carried Maggie Rose down the aisle, taking her tiny hand and dropping rose petals as they went. Hannah and Mimi, Vivica and Rebecca – all bridesmaids – slowly followed. Alison took her father’s arm and glanced at her friends seated around the gazebo, then slowly let her gaze find Brady.

His dark hair gleamed in the fading sunlight, his smile shining like a beacon of light, drawing her toward him. The wedding march began, and she and her father walked down the aisle. The next few minutes passed in a dreamlike blur as they exchanged rings.

Brady cleared his throat. “I wrote a few things down that I wanted to say.” He unfolded a piece of paper, and Alison’s heart thudded.


“Dear Alison,

When I was a young man, I met you and fell in love. I knew then that no other woman would ever fill my heart the way you did. And when we pledged our vows the first time in the chapel by the lake, I meant every word.

But I was young and naive. Distance and circumstances came between us, because I forgot something very important about those vows – they were for better or worse.

It’s easy to keep those vows when things go well. But they mean nothing if you don’t have the courage to fight for them when things get tough.”


Brady clasped her hand in his, brought her fingers to his lips and kissed them, then continued in a gruff voice.


“But you had that courage, Alison. You taught me what love and marriage are really all about.

I loved you when I was a young man, I love you more now, and I will love you even more in the days that follow.

Your husband, your friend, your lover,

, Brady.”


A tear trickled down Alison’s cheek, but she wiped it away and clutched his hand to her bosom. “I wrote you something, too, Brady.”

He smiled and she cleared her throat.


“Dear Brady,

The first time I married you I was young and naive, but so much in love my head was spinning with romantic notions and ideas of happily-ever-afters. Now my head is simply spinning with you.

You have taught me that love isn’t always easy, but that without it, my life is empty. You are my lover, my friend, my hero, and no matter what you choose to do in life, no matter where you go or how far you fly away, my heart will always be with you.

I love you today, forever and always.

Your wife, forever, Alison.”


Reverend Barnes sniffed and dabbed at his eyes with his handkerchief. “I say you should kiss the bride.”

Applause rang out as Brady swept her into his arms for a kiss. Seconds later, family hugs and congratulations engulfed them.

Mr. Hartwell pounded Brady on the back. “Well, son, how long are you home for?”

Brady smiled and pulled Alison into his arms. “Forever.”

Alison looked up into his face. “You didn’t tell me what you decided.”

“I’m going into the reserves.” Brady shrugged. “I want to spend time with you now, to make a family.”

“Will you be happy with that?” Alison asked softly.

Brady nodded, and they both realized the family had gathered to hear his plans. “I’ve already talked to Hannah about starting the medical flight services. I spent the last three months taking lessons to fly the chopper.”

Alison threw her sister a shocked look. “The little stinker, she didn’t tell me.”

Hannah laughed. “He made me promise.”

“It’ll be the best of both worlds,” Brady said seriously. “I can use my flight skills and help people here, then be on call if I’m ever needed in the Air Force.”

“Did y’all hear that?” Wiley called. “Brady’s going to run the medical flight services.”

Everyone cheered.

Wiley hooked a thumb around his tux lapel. “It sure will be nice having a pilot around. Listen, Brady, can I keep you on retainer to run some ads for me? I’ve got some great ideas for this winter, I’m thinking about a polar bear…”

* * *

Later, when Alison and Brady had changed clothes for their getaway, Alison hugged each of her family members goodbye. Finally, she made her way to her grandmother. “Grammy Rose, you knew all along we were meant for each other, didn’t you?” she asked.

“Why, of course, dear. I could see it in Brady’s eyes.”

Mimi popped up beside them, the baby in her arms. “Grammy, I saw another hope chest in your parlor. Don’t tell me you’re already starting one for Maggie Rose.”

Grammy Rose laughed. “Well, yes, I am, but the one in the den is for your cousin Rebecca. And next, I believe, will be her sister, Suzanne.”

Alison, Mimi and Hannah laughed. “Do you think we should warn them?” Mimi asked.

Alison shook her head. “No, let Grammy surprise them.”

Brady walked up and curved his arm around Alison, nuzzling her neck. “Hey, Mrs. Broussard.”

“Hey, Mr. Broussard.” Alison leaned into him. “You know, Brady, now that I’ve married you twice, there’s one thing you could do for me.”

“Anything, sweetheart.”

Alison turned in his arms. “How about a honeymoon?”

Brady laughed and pulled two tickets from inside his jacket pocket, then waved them in the air. “We leave at

Alison clutched his hand. “Then what are we waiting for? I say I should throw this bouquet so we can get started. After all, you did write me some pretty steamy letters while you were gone. Something about flying me to the moon?”

“Yeah.” Brady kissed her neck, then nibbled at her ear. “And I wasn’t talking about flying in a plane.”


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