Have Husband, Need Honeymoon (21 page)

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Authors: Rita Herron

Tags: #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Love Stories, #Fiction, #Contemporary, #General

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“Oh. I just wanted to see how she was holding up.”

“The house looks like a tornado hit it, my Mom and Vivi both need Valium, but other than that…”
I’ve been dying to hear your voice.

Alison chuckled. “Then I won’t tell her that the photographer just called in sick, something about being the victim of a practical joke in which he ate a chocolate cake made with Ex-Lax.”

Brady laughed in spite of the tension between them. “So, there’s no photographer?”

“Actually, I’ve already replaced him. We may have to pay a little more, since he’s coming from
and he had to shuffle some appointments to fit us in, but he does quality work.”

“I’m picking up the tab for the wedding, so don’t worry about the cost. As long as he’s good and he’s on time.”

“All right, well, let’s just pray there are no more disasters today.”

Brady agreed and reluctantly hung up, his heart clenching. Obviously Alison wasn’t counting their divorce as a disaster.

* * *

Alison’s heart was racing. It was five-fifteen and Vivica hadn’t shown up yet. The storm had worsened, dumping inches of rain on the town during the day. They also hadn’t heard from Mimi. Worst of all, Brady hadn’t changed his mind.

She supposed all the chaos should be taking her own mind off Brady, but she’d still thought of him at least every other minute of the day.

Now he was trying to settle Joe, who’d blustered in, saying he and Vivica had had another squabble. Brady and Joe were both standing by the door looking for Vivica.

Hannah darted over to Alison. “Dad just called again. Still no word on Mimi.”

“How are Seth and Dad holding up?”

“Jake’s with them now, trying to convince them they don’t need to call the National Guard.” Alison forced a calming breath. “She has to be okay, she just has to be.”

“Mimi may be impulsive, but she wouldn’t do anything crazy like trying to drive in this weather,” Hannah said. “She’s very protective of this baby.”

“She must know the roads are all washed out, too,” Alison said. “Besides, Grammy would never let her drive at this point.”

“You’re right.” Hannah chewed a thumbnail. “You don’t think Grammy would try to drive in this storm?”

Alison exchanged a panicked look with her. “No way.”

“Dad’s trying to get through on the cell phones, but connections are out because of the storm.”

The lights suddenly flickered off, and Alison thought she heard Reverend Barnes swear.

“I’ll help light the candles,” Hannah said. Rebecca ran up from downstairs, hysterical. “Oh, my God, Ali, the lights went out and I ran into Thomas and just dumped a whole tray of pastries on him.”

Alison grabbed her cousin’s hands to calm her. “Shh, it’s okay, Bec.”

“But it was awful. I know he thinks I’m the biggest klutz in the world. And I ruined his shirt and—”

“Was he wearing his tux?”

“No…” Rebecca’s voice broke. “But he’s in the bathroom trying to get the whipped cream out of his hair, and now we’re short on pastries.”

Alison patted her back. “Listen, Bec, Mimi always makes extras, so don’t worry. I’m sure there will be enough food. Is Thomas changing?”

Rebecca nodded, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Alison handed her a tissue. “Go freshen up. Thomas will be fine and everything will work out.”

Rebecca nodded, blew her nose and darted down the aisle.

“Be careful, Bec, don’t run into the—”

Her cousin slammed her foot into the corner of a pew and yelped.

The videographer tapped Alison on the back. “Miss Hartwell, without power, I’m not sure the lighting will be sufficient to video the ceremony.”

“The electricity will come back on,” Alison said, striving for a calm voice.

Mrs. Broussard rapped on the doorway. “Vivica’s here! Hurry, Alison! She doesn’t even have her makeup on!”

“How are you going to fix her face in the dark?” Donna asked.

“I’d probably stab my eyeballs with the mascara wand if I tried to put my makeup on now,” Tammy said.

Alison felt her way down the aisle toward the rear of the church. “There’s bound to be some flashlights here, somewhere. Come on, we’ll manage.” After all, they did have thirty whole minutes before the wedding began.

“The guests are starting to arrive!” someone shouted from the back.

Alison groaned. “All right, we need the ushers in place to seat people.” She pointed to the piano player and directed her to sit. Hannah was helping the florist light candles along the altar.

Alison ran down the steps to help Vivica dress, praying she wouldn’t break her neck. She might be getting a divorce today, but she was going to make sure Vivica got married.

* * *

I’m not getting married
,” Vivica wailed.

“He’ll be a great provider,” Brady said.

“Rather a workaholic than a bum,” Alison pointed out.

Vivica clutched the wedding dress to her chest. “But I’m not sure we should go ahead with the ceremony.”

Brady paced the bride’s room and glanced at Alison, then turned to Vivica, striving for patience. He’d finally coaxed Joe into agreeing to go through with the ceremony, but now Vivica was balking.

“What exactly is the problem?”

“I called him to remind him to pick up his tux, and he put me on hold for thirty minutes and forgot all about me.”

Alison bit her lip. “Look, Vivi, I’m sure he’s just as frazzled as you are today.”

“Yeah, sis, no guy’s perfect.”

Alison met Brady’s gaze for a long, tension-filled second. “The important thing is whether you two love each other.”

“She’s right,” Brady said.

“You’re a fine one to be giving me advice.” Vivica glared at Brady. “You love Alison but you’re too stubborn to work things out.”

Alison’s face paled. Brady sucked in a sharp breath.

“This isn’t about me and Brady, Vivi, this is about you and Joe,” Alison said calmly. “You do love him, don’t you?”

Vivica sniffed and nodded.

“Do you want me to get him so you two can talk?” Brady asked.

“No!” Alison and Vivica both said at once.

“It’s bad luck for the bride to see the groom before the wedding,” Alison added with a small smile.

As if they needed any more bad luck, Brady thought.

“Why don’t you leave and let me help Vivi into her dress, Brady?” Alison handed Vivica a tissue.

“Now, blow your nose and let’s get that face repaired. Mimi taught me a few tricks about covering up puffy red eyes.”

* * *

The electricity flickered back on just as the wedding music began, and magically, the rain slackened to a light drizzle. Brady dimmed the lights to a soft glow so the candlelight bathed the room. Alison smiled, feeling a calmness settle inside the chapel. She watched in envy as the flower girl and bridesmaids strolled down the aisle.

Alison’s dress swished softly at her sides as she followed them. Joe was beaming a smile, with Thomas grinning and poking him. A sharp pang squeezed Alison’s chest. She wanted to be walking toward Brady, to be exchanging vows with him today, not ending their marriage.

Too bad he didn’t want the same thing.

Tears blurred her eyes, but she struggled to contain them as she took her place, turned and watched Vivica and Brady move to the entryway.

The tempo of the music faded, and the wedding march began. As Brady and Vivica slowly walked down the aisle, Alison’s gaze latched onto Brady. He stood tall, looking powerfully masculine in the black tux, and she couldn’t help but remember the way he’d looked on their wedding night. Manly, but younger, happy and excited. Now he seemed solemn and intense, sad. Still, Alison soaked up his image, memorizing every detail.

She loved him more than she’d ever thought possible.

Thank goodness no one else knew about her hasty marriage. She didn’t think she could bear the sympathetic looks from her sisters and the whispers behind her back when they learned of the divorce.

The next few minutes passed in a blur. The preacher asked who was giving Vivica away, and Brady said, “Her mother and I.” Then he kissed Vivica’s cheek and handed her to Joe.

The minute Vivica and Joe joined hands, the earlier tension between them faded and love replaced it. Alison knew they were going to be all right.

From the front pew where Brady sat with his mother, she felt his gaze on her through the ceremony. Unable to resist temptation, she angled her head so she could watch him out of the corner of her eye. When Vivica pledged her vows to Joe, Alison silently repeated the vows she’d made to Brady years ago.

She saw him twitch, then shift as if to stand, and her heartbeat escalated. Was Brady going to change his mind?

* * *

Brad ached to tell Alison how much he loved her.

Selfish or not, he couldn’t stand to give her up. And what was it Joe had said? “I’m not perfect.” Maybe Alison didn’t expect him to be, either. He could accept his physical limitations, and maybe fight harder to fly again. He just knew he couldn’t lose her.

“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Joe took Vivica in his arms for a kiss, and applause and laughter rang out. His mother started to sob.

Brady stood, ready to go to Alison, to declare his love, to ask if she could take an imperfect man.

But Wiley Hartwell burst into the church in a flurry of arms and legs. Seth and Mrs. Hartwell raced at Wiley’s heels, looking shaken.

“Ali, Hannah, uh, excuse us, Reverend, folks,” Wiley yelled out. “But we’ve got to do something right away. It’s an emergency. Mimi’s in labor!”

Chapter 20


he’s stuck on
,” Seth said in a shaky voice.

“And Grammy Rose is going to have to deliver the baby if we don’t hurry!” Mrs. Hartwell called.

A collective gasp reverberated through the room. Vivica and Joe both turned, grinning with joy, but concerned.

“I have to go to her,” Hannah screeched. She and Jake started climbing over people, exiting the pew.

Wiley raced down the aisle, his lime-green jacket flapping. “I’m sorry for interrupting, Vivica, Inez, but this is an emergency.”

Brady’s mother clutched her chest. “Oh, my word, Brady, do something.”

Alison stuffed Vivica’s bridal bouquet back into her hands. “Congratulations, Vivi. Rebecca will take care of the reception. I have to go.” She hurtled down the aisle, almost tripping, but Brady caught her.

Wiley yanked at Brady’s arm. “You have to help us, son. All the roads are closed because of the flooding. We need someone to fly us up there to her.”

“I’ll get my medical kit from the car,” Hannah said.

“I have to be there to see my baby born,” Seth said, his face pale.

“You’ll do it, won’t you, Brady?” Janelle Hartwell asked.

Alison swallowed, emotions clogging her throat at the panic in Brady’s eyes. She understood his fears, but she had to convince him to help them.

* * *

Brady had no idea what was happening, but he hated to leave his sister’s wedding. And what if something went wrong? What if he froze behind the controls?

He couldn’t put the Hartwells’ lives in danger. He broke out in a cold sweat, his pulse accelerating. But no one seemed to notice.

“Look, son,” Wiley said, “don’t let your divorce from Ali keep you from helping—”

“Divorce?” Hannah shrieked.

“Marriage?” Mrs. Broussard yelped.

“You’re married to him?” Thomas asked.

Heated whispers bounced through the chapel like Ping-Pong balls.

Brady felt all eyes on him.

Alison wilted behind him and turned to Thomas. “I’m sorry, it’s complicated,” she whispered.

“When did you and Brady get married?” Hannah asked.

Brady’s mother grabbed his sleeve. “Son, why didn’t you tell me?”

“I … we can explain,” Alison practically screeched.

Vivica hooked her arm in Brady’s. “I’ll fill everyone in. Go on, Brady. Do this for Alison.”

Brady turned to Vivica. “But this is your wedding, sis. I don’t want to spoil it.”

She hugged him. “You won’t, silly. If you help Ali, you’ll make me happy. Besides, I’m married now, and—”

“And I’ll take care of my wife,” Joe said, slinging his arm around Vivica with a grin.

“It’s time you took care of your own wife,” Vivica whispered to her brother.

“You’re married?” Thomas asked Alison again in an incredulous voice.

“So it’s true?” Brady’s mother fluttered a hand over her chest. “But then why was she with—”

“Mrs. Broussard, it’s not how it seems,” Alison said. “Thomas, please listen. I … it was a long time ago, in high school. Brady and I eloped—”

“And we thought Alison’s father annulled the marriage,” Brady interjected.

“I only found out when Brady came back,” Alison whispered.

“We really need to go!” Wiley wiped a hand across his forehead.

Vivica hugged Brady. “Go on, Brady,”

Moisture filled Brady’s eyes. “Congratulations, sis.” He shook Joe’s hand. “Glad to have you in the family.”

Alison turned to Thomas. “I’m so sorry. It’s a long story, but I thought it had been annulled…”

“It’s okay,” he said softly. He bent down and kissed her on the cheek. “Just be happy, Ali.”

Alison muttered a heartfelt thanks, and Brady slipped his hand through hers, then smiled. Their gazes locked, a silent message flashing in his eyes – things weren’t finished between them.

“Dad, did you know Alison was married?” Hannah asked.

“Yes, we’ll explain in the car. Now come on.” Wiley bolted down the aisle, leading the pack. “We have to hurry. Grammy Rose said Mimi’s contractions are only minutes apart.”

“Oh, Lord.” Seth staggered.

Jake threw a beefy arm under Seth’s shoulders to support him. “Come on, man, you gotta be brave for Mimi’s sake.”

“Don’t worry, first babies take a long time,” Mrs. Hartwell said.

“Do those breathing exercises like you and Mimi learned in Lamaze,” Hannah instructed. “He-he-ho. He-he-ho.”

Alison dragged Brady out of the church behind the Hartwell clan, joining the chorus breathing, “He-he-ho. He-he-ho.”

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