Haunt Couture and Ghosts Galore (10 page)

BOOK: Haunt Couture and Ghosts Galore
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All I knew was that I'd managed to speak with one other model, Shandra and Meaghan had potentially had their designs stolen, and a mystery person had wanted to speak to me about the crime. Now that person had vanished, so I might never know what they had to say.
I suppose it was a good idea that Sam had urged me to snoop around at Meaghan's place. If not for that I would have never found the sketches for outfits with Meaghan's name signed on them. And the designs had looked just like the designs that Melanie had used in the show. Of course it was unfortunate that Meaghan had caught us snooping. Sam surely realized by now that I wasn't a good gumshoe after all.
I glanced over at Ken. He was discussing life in Sugar Creek. I smiled when he looked at me. I hoped he didn't think I was going out with him to find out about Hannah. Technically I was trying to help him too. Ken was a handsome guy, so of course that wasn't my only reason for going out with him. Never mind that Charlotte would have been most unhappy if I had turned him down. What would Dylan think of me going out with Ken? But I'm not technically dating Dylan, so he couldn't say anything.
Ken dropped me off at home. Charlotte said I should have kissed him. I figured a hug was good enough for the first date. She claimed I was too old-fashioned though. Maybe so, but I enjoyed it.
Chapter 15
Cookie's Savvy Vintage-Clothing Shopping Tip
Some items will need special undergarments,
so keep that in mind while shopping.
The next day, I was knee-deep in a pile of vintage undergarments at the back of the store. I sorted through slips, camisoles, satin waist cinchers, garters, and bras. It had been a slow day, so I thought I would take advantage of the lull. I held one of the bras up to my chest and wondered what it would look like on me. Standing in front of the mirror, I put the bra on over my clothes. The pointy bullet cups jutted out like traffic cones. The bell above the door rang, but I couldn't see who had entered. I tugged at the clasp on the bra, but it wouldn't budge.
“Hello?” the male voice called out.
I recognized the voice right away. As I struggled with the clasp, I spotted Dylan at the front of the shop. At that moment Dylan noticed me. I froze and stared at him. His gaze traveled down to my bizarre attire.
I gave a little wave. “Good morning.”
“Good morning. Did I come at a bad time?” he asked.
Dylan looked handsome in his dark blue pleated pants and long-sleeve button-down white shirt. I was surprised to see him here this early. Dylan's hair was cut short, but a shock of thick black hair tumbled onto his forehead, making me want to reach up and run my hands through it.
Snapping out of my distraction, I asked, “What are you doing out this early?”
Charlotte and Sam immediately popped up to see the action.
“Have mercy, what are you doing?” If Charlotte hadn't already been dead, she looked as if she might faint. “Are you trying to chase him away?”
Heat rushed to my cheeks. “I was trying it on, but it's stuck.”
Dylan's mouth twisted into a smile. “Can I help you with that?”
“You might as well let him, it can't be any worse,” Charlotte said.
“Thanks,” I said as I turned around for Dylan to reach.
Sam fidgeted from one foot to the other. “I don't see how you all wear those things.”
Within a second, Dylan had freed me from the cotton torture device. I surreptitiously tossed the bra on top of the pile and then gestured toward the front of the store. “We can go back to the counter.”
Charlotte followed along behind us. “Don't worry, Cookie, if he's seen a 1951 Sears catalog, then he's seen what you were modeling.”
Charlotte failed to realize it was more about the fact that I'd been wearing it over my clothes than the sight of the undergarment itself. Dylan probably already thought of me as quirky anyway.
Once at the middle of the store, I leaned against the counter.
Dylan stood in front of me. “I won't take up much of your time because I know you're busy.”
“I wonder if he has news about the murder,” Sam said.
Dylan shoved his hands into his pockets. “I guess I should come right out with it.” He studied his shoes and then looked up at me again. “I came to ask you if you'd like to go out with me tonight?”
Charlotte walked around Dylan, eyeing him up and down. “Oh, this is going to be interesting. Two dates in two nights. Cookie hasn't seen this much excitement since . . . since . . . well, I don't know since when. And Dylan even saw you in that over-the-shoulder pebble holder.”
Charlotte thought she was being humorous. I couldn't make a snappy comeback at the moment though. I'd have to get her later.
I tried not to show my giddiness. “Sure, I'd like that.”
Dylan somehow knew that I had gone out with Ken. I wondered if that bothered him.
“He probably knows you had a date last night,” Charlotte said, as if she had read my mind.
“Great. I'll pick you up at seven?” Dylan asked.
Charlotte propped her chin in her hands and rested her elbows up on the counter. She stared at Dylan all googly-eyed. “I just can't decide which man is better for you. But Dylan sure is dreamy.”
Charlotte was right about that. Dylan was dreamy.
“Don't just stand there though. Talk to him.” Charlotte waved her hands.
“So you want to pick me up at seven?” I asked.
He ran his hand through his hair. “If that's okay with you.”
“Of course it is okay with her,” Charlotte answered for me.
Good thing Dylan couldn't hear her.
“What did you have in mind?” I asked, trying to sound casual.
My stomach was really dancing like a drunk bachelor at a nightclub. I guess I had been suppressing my feelings for Dylan. Maybe it was time for that to change. There was nothing wrong with letting him know I liked him, right?
“I thought we could go to the concert in the park. You like Brothers J, right?”
I folded the emerald green Dior scarf and placed it neatly on the display table next to the counter. “Yes, I love their music. I love the drummer's voice.”
“Now this will be a romantic evening. Not that the restaurant last night wasn't romantic,” Charlotte said. “But a date under the twinkling stars with music is romantic.”
“So it's settled, I'll pick you up at seven,” Dylan said.
“Sure, that sounds great.” I smiled. “I've been meaning to go listen to them for a couple weeks now.”
“Seven it is then.” Dylan seemed more relaxed now. He wasn't fidgeting as much.
“That won't give us much time to get you ready after you close the shop.” Charlotte paced across the floor. “I guess it'll have to do though. It's just not giving me much time to work my magic.”
What was she talking about? I was perfectly capable of dressing myself for a date.
Dylan waved as he left the shop. Now I knew Charlotte would talk about tonight for the rest of the day.
After closing up the shop, I headed home. I had a lot to do before tonight's concert in the park. I wondered if Charlotte and Sam would show up for this date too. Oh, who was I kidding? I knew they would pop up at some point in the evening. Just as they had when I'd gone to dinner with Ken. Since he'd asked me out today, I knew Dylan was aware of my date. It was no coincidence. I didn't have the nerve to ask him if he knew though. Charlotte wanted to know more than I did. Maybe the subject would come up, but I hoped not.
Time was slipping away. I stared at my closet. Charlotte had succeeded in making me nervous and paralyzed my fashion senses. Sam had decided to stay away from the date preparations by staying in the living room. Probably a wise choice on his part.
“Maybe you should let me decide your outfit for tonight.” Charlotte motioned for me to get out of her way.
“You don't think I'll pick out a nice outfit?” I asked with my hand on my hip.
“This is an important event. I just want to make sure you make the right choice.”
“My life is fashion, of course I will make the right choice.” I pulled out a red sweater and then shoved it back in the closet.
“Everyone makes a fashion faux pas every now and then.” Charlotte inched her way closer to the closet.
I would have argued with her that I never made a mistake, but I knew that wasn't the truth. I tried to make sure my outfits were great, but everyone has their off days.
I'd just spritzed on my Chanel perfume when the doorbell rang.
I froze. “He's early. How do I look?”
“Hurry and put your lipstick on,” Charlotte ordered.
I grabbed the bright pink shade and covered my lips with it as I was told.
“Perfect. Now hurry up and answer the door before he leaves.” Charlotte pushed at me with her palms.
“I don't think he's going to leave just because I haven't answered the door yet,” I said.
“Well, just the same, I don't think you should keep him waiting,” she said.
“No, I won't keep him waiting any longer,” I said as I grabbed my black Valentino jacket.
When I answered the door, Dylan smiled. “You look great. Are you ready?”
“Thank you. Yes, I'm ready.” I grabbed the doorknob and pulled the door shut behind me.
“Have fun, kids.” Charlotte waved.
“Have her back by ten or else.” Sam laughed.
When I glanced back, Charlotte, Sam, and Wind Song stood in the foyer like proud parents. Dylan had brought his police cruiser to pick me up. Luckily, he hadn't made me sit in the backseat. On the short ride back to town we discussed movies and music. The classics of course. He loved
and the Beatles. Important facts that I was happy to learn about him.
We made our way to downtown Sugar Creek. The concert was at the local park tonight. It was near that spooky graveyard that I liked to avoid. Sure, the surroundings were beautiful, but I was always afraid of running into a scary ghost. That hadn't changed even after meeting Charlotte, although it was a little less frightening now.
A concert was being held every Friday night in the month of September. I had been wanting to listen to tonight's band for some time now. They were my favorite. Dylan and I walked through the crowd, hoping to score a great spot by the stage. When I glanced over and saw the food cart, I realized the best part about the concert other than being with Dylan would be that we could get refreshments or food there too.
Music streamed from across the park and a lot of people had already gathered near the stage. “Wait right there.” Dylan held up his index finger and then made his way over to the cart.
“Perfect night for a concert,” Charlotte said from beside me.
I jumped and clutched my chest. “What are you doing? I thought you were staying home?”
Sam waved as he stood next to Charlotte.
“You didn't really think that was going to happen, did you?” Charlotte asked.
“No, I suppose not,” I said around a sigh.
Dylan returned with two mugs of hot apple cider. He handed me one of the cups.
“Thank you,” I said, then took a sip. “This is good stuff.”
“Let's get closer.” He grabbed my hand.
“Aren't they cute?” Charlotte said from somewhere behind us.
Dylan and I made our way across the lawn to the front of the stage. The band had already started.
Dylan looked over and flashed his dazzling smile at me. “Are you having a nice time so far?”
“It's great.” I studied his handsome face.
He looked as if he was enjoying the music too. I hoped he was appreciating my company as much as I was liking his.
He leaned closer to me and I inhaled his intoxicating scent. “I love this song.”
As I tapped my foot to the music, I peered out over the crowd. There were a lot of faces, but suddenly I focused on one in particular. Yes, I knew it was Rita Riggs. I suppose it wasn't too odd to see her here. She probably liked the band too. But I needed to speak with her about last night. I really wanted to talk with her without Dylan knowing what I was up to. I just hoped she didn't think it was strange of me to confront her. I would just act as if I had accidentally run into her, not that I had purposely hunted her down. I had no idea what I would even ask her.
“I'll be right back,” I said.
Dylan studied my face for a moment, then said, “Don't get lost.”
I weaved through the crowd in the direction where I'd seen Rita. I hurried my steps so that I could catch up to her. When I broke through the crowd, I turned to my right. I didn't see her though, so I decided to go a little farther and see if I could spot her. I made it to the edge of the park, but I had no luck in finding her. Next door was the graveyard and I certainly wasn't going there to look for her.
“What's going on?” Charlotte asked. “Why did you leave him?”
“Did you see someone?” Sam asked.
“You're very observant, Sam. Yes, I saw Rita Riggs.” I pushed the hair out of my eyes. “But now I can't find her.”
I made it past the spot where I'd seen her, but she wasn't there either. There was nowhere else for me to go. In the distance I strained to look out over the parking lot, but as far as I could tell she wasn't there either. She had gotten away quickly. I moved a little farther toward the graveyard, but I finally realized it was pointless because she was gone. I might as well get back to Dylan and enjoy the rest of the evening. The band was playing one of my favorite songs too. After turning around, I thought I heard someone call out to me. As I scanned the area, I froze on the spot.
“I don't think someone was calling out to me, but look who it is. Meaghan is talking with Rita Riggs.” I pointed toward the edge of the park.
The women stood by the graveyard and then appeared to be in a heated exchange.

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