Read Harvest Moon Online

Authors: Lisa Kessler

Tags: #Select, #Entangled, #nurse, #paranormal romance, #shifter, #Lisa Kessler, #Moon series, #Otherworld, #boxing, #boxer, #werewolves, #romance, #pnr, #tortured hero, #fated mate, #enemies to lovers

Harvest Moon (16 page)

BOOK: Harvest Moon
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We got to the ropes, and Marv helped me steady Jason despite his grumbles that he was fine. He’d passed out in the shower last night and got knocked unconscious tonight. This was no way to heal a concussion.

I looked back over my shoulder at Sebastian. “Go talk to Adam. We’ll meet you at the ranch.”

He frowned. “Enough with names; there are ears everywhere.”

I didn’t bother to look back. Nero’s ears were still out in the truck with Jared. Todd wasn’t going anywhere.

Jason got changed and sat on the bench in the locker room, his forearms on his thighs and his head down.

“Are you dizzy?”

“Nah. I’m trying to keep my back from cramping up.” He sighed, his head bowed. “And feeling like a hot-headed idiot.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I went into nurse mode. At the sink, I soaked a clean towel in hot water. I wrung it out and folded it before bringing it over to press the warm compress to his lower back.

“Mmm, that feels good.”

Hearing the gruff pleasure in his voice had my mind imagining other things that would feel good.

As the heat faded, he finally straightened, his eyes locking on mine. “I’m sorry about today, at the hospital. When I recognized Todd, something snapped.” He stared at his red hands. “You were right about my anger being out of control. The fights…it takes more each time to relieve the pressure. Tonight, I realized fighting isn’t helping me deal with the frustration and rage.

Again, I struggled for something to say. I’d never allowed myself to be close enough to anyone for a soul-bearing talk like this. I wanted to comfort him, but I had no clue how to accomplish it.

His gaze pleaded with me. “What I’m trying to say is, I’m never coming back here. It sounds completely nuts, since we haven’t known each other long, but the truth is, you are what matters most to me. I need to stop getting beat up so I can be at my best to protect you and keep you safe.” He tugged my hand, pulling me down to sit beside him. “I’m giving you my word right now. I’m through.” He tossed his boxing gloves in his bag. “Wolf is out. For good.”

I kissed him, gently at first, careful of his injuries, but he pulled me tight, his tongue parting my lips until I moaned with desire. My pulse raced as I tightened my fingers in his wet hair.

When he rested his forehead against mine, he whispered, “I want to be the mate you deserve.” I opened my mouth to respond, but Jason put his finger over my lips. “Jared’s here.”

We both turned as he rounded the corner to the lockers. “Bro, this place reeks.”

“Yeah. I’m sticking to the gym from now on. At least they disinfect the weight room.”

Jared’s expression lightened. “Glad to hear it.”

“I let Todd know that if he goes to the police, I’d be happy to place an anonymous call to the authorities about illegal gambling at an unlicensed fight club.” He leaned against the wall, crossing his ankles. “He agreed to let this go before he locked himself in his office here.”

“Thanks.” Jason got to his feet without any hint of a wobble. Good sign. He grabbed his gym bag and offered me his hand. “We should get over to Adam’s.”

He and his brother clasped forearms. I kept meaning to ask what that was about, but there were more pressing concerns.

“Call me if you need me.” Jared nodded in my direction. “Keep my brother in line for me?”

“You know it.” I grinned.

“I need to talk to Marv before we go.”

Jared pulled his keys from his pocket. “I’m going to check on Mom and Dad. I’ll call you later.”

“Sounds good.”

Jared headed for the exit, and Jason walked across the front of the bleachers toward the young guy who’d given me the ice pack. I trailed behind, just in case he went down.

“Hey, Marv.”

The kid with skittish dark eyes looked up. “Wolf. You’re okay?”

Jason nodded. “Yeah. I’m fine.” He scanned the club. “Where’d Jaguar go?”

“He left a few minutes ago.”

Jason took a slow breath. Was he sniffing to be sure Sebastian was gone? My life was getting way too strange, even for me.

He gave Marv’s shoulder a pat. “I’m retiring. You won’t see me back here again.”

Marv glanced at me and back to Jason. “You got a girlfriend.”

Jason chuckled and reached back for my hand, pulling me beside him. “She’s pretty wonderful. And I think she likes me better in one piece.”

Blushing, Marv grinned and stared at his shoes. Jason dropped his bag from his shoulder and tugged his battered boxing gloves free. “I want you to have these.”

Marv lifted his head, his eyes widened. “No, Wolf. I can’t take your gloves.”

“Yes, you can.” Jason put the laces in his hands. “You’re the champ now.”

Tears swelled in my eyes as I witnessed the joy on Marv’s face. He clutched the gloves tight. “I’m gonna miss you, Wolf.”

Jason mussed his hair. “You are the
thing I’m going to miss about this place.” He tilted his head toward the ring. “Okay, I might miss Bob a little, too.”

Marv stepped back. “I’ll take good care of these.”

“Thanks, buddy.”

Jason picked up his bag and took my hand. My fingers laced with his like we’d known each other for years. Once we were out of the building I glanced up at him. “That was sweet what you did for that kid.”

“He’s got a heart of gold, and Todd doesn’t treat him as well as he should. I wish I could do more.”

He clicked the keys, and the locks disengaged on his car. Jason froze, immediately tense at my side.

“Get in the car and lock the doors,” he whispered.

I gripped his hand tighter. “What is it?”

“Get in the car.”

“I’m not leaving you.” I kept my concerns about a concussion to myself. If someone was nearby, I didn’t want him to know Jason was injured.

they want.” He walked me to the door and opened it without ever taking his eyes off the parking lot. “Get in. You can be pissed at me later.”

I sat and he slammed the door, clicking the locks from his keys. I strained my eyes, wishing I had his vision, and hearing, and sense of smell. His gifts were at least useful. I wanted to help, not be a weak link he needed to lock away.

But without my pepper spray, and no weapon, that’s exactly what I was.

A man stepped out of the shadows toward Jason. He wore tailored trousers and a form-fitting turtleneck, but I couldn’t make out his face. Again I caught myself wishing I could control my gift on command. I could’ve kept us from walking into this trap.

The glare of the yellow streetlight kept reflecting off of an ugly-looking hunting knife in his hand. I had to do something. I hit Jared’s number on my cell phone, prayed to my
for Jason’s protection, and loathed myself for putting him in danger.

Chapter Fifteen


ith Kilani locked in the car, I welcomed my wolf closer to the surface. I couldn’t shift my form without the full moon, but I embraced his aggression. This guy with the knife came here for our mate. Physically, I was in no condition to protect her, but he didn’t know that.

Either way, this asshole wasn’t going to lay a finger on her. He’d have to kill me first, and I didn’t feel like dying today. “Not sure why you’re flashing a knife, but if you value your life, you should move along.”

“Cut the crap, Wolf. I know what you are, and unless you’ve lost your sense of smell, you know what I am, too. I don’t have a problem with you or your Pack. I just need the woman.”

I kept my focus on his knife, while I listened for more men on the periphery of the parking lot. “Then I guess we
have a problem, because she’s not going anywhere with you.”

He chuckled and his smile struck me as…familiar. This had to be the brother Sebastian warned us about. His sharp features and dark eyes definitely resembled Sebastian’s, but the smirk triggered something. Had I seen him before?

“I’ll get her one way or the other. I didn’t come all this way to fail.” He tipped his head toward the warehouse. “You’ve been wasting your time and energy brawling, and you’re unarmed. I’m going to get what I came for tonight, but in good faith to your Pack, I’m offering you an out. You can walk away. Take my offer.”

I rolled my shoulders, loosening my aching muscles for one more battle. “The fight club was just a warm-up.”

He was at least four inches shorter than me, and unlike Sebastian, this guy lacked broad shoulders. His torso was stout, and he probably worked out, but he was counting on brute strength. I wasn’t sure how much I had left, but if I could stay away from the blade and keep my head clear so I could think, I’d have a chance.

Shifting the knife from hand to hand, he shrugged. “So be it, but let the record show I tried not to kill your Pack’s doctor.”

I raised a brow, clenching my fingers into fists. “You’ve done your homework.”

“It’s possible I know more about your Pack than you do.”

He still didn’t move in. I glanced toward the entrance of the parking lot. He had to be stalling for time.

“You talk big for a guy who’s waiting on backup. I’d bet you introduced yourself to me prematurely.” I didn’t hesitate. Before he could reply, I knocked him to the ground. Landing on top of him, I grappled for the blade. My instincts screamed to head-butt him and snatch the knife away, but given my recent knockout, I couldn’t risk it. If I lost consciousness, Kilani wouldn’t stand a chance.

Engines hummed in the distance. His team was coming. I needed to get her out of here. I might be able to best one attacker, but werewolf bravado wasn’t going to be enough to stop bullets from Nero mercenaries.

I slammed his wrist against the broken pavement, once, twice, but just as I pried the weapon free, his other fist got loose. He clocked me in the jaw hard enough to ignite stars at the edge of my vision. Gripping the handle of the knife, I slammed it down through his hand and scrambled to my feet as he screamed.

A truck pulled into the lot, followed by a Jeep. Adam’s Jeep. The cavalry had arrived. Jared drove up closer to us and got out of his truck, leaving the engine running. “Get Kilani out of here. We’ve got this.”

“We all need to go. He has a team. They could be here with firepower any minute. He was buying time.”

Aren, my Alpha’s twin brother, jogged over. I watched his bum ankle. Even in a crisis, I couldn’t separate the doctor from myself any more than I could the wolf. And Aren had no business running on this uneven pavement in the dark. “Kilani has the Pack’s protection. Take her someplace safe.”

My attacker was on his feet, blood dripping from the hole in his hand. He brandished his blade, snarling. “If your Alpha values the lives of his wife and children, he should stay out of my business.”

Aren wheeled on him, careful to keep himself more than an arm’s length away from the knife. “Don’t you dare threaten my brother’s family, you pissant. I could kill you before your backup arrives. You’re only alive because we want you to get a message to Nero.”

“I don’t take messages.” He lunged for Aren, and Jared moved in from behind, catching his knife arm. Aren landed a body shot to his abdomen as a black van pulled into the parking lot.

“Shit,” I shouted. “It’s Nero. Get the hell out.”

I rushed to the car, to Kilani, popping the locks and climbing in. Behind me, Aren bellowed at the jaguar, “You tell Nero to leave Reno. Now. We don’t give a shit why you’re here. This is Pack territory. Next trespasser won’t get a warning.”

I slammed the door and started the car. The tires squealed as I punched the gas pedal. “Hold on.”

Her scent filled the interior of the car, reassuring my wolf of her safety. I gunned the engine, glad to see Jared and Adam in my rearview mirror behind me.

Suddenly the passenger side mirror exploded. “Damn it! Get down.”

Kilani bent over, keeping her head out of view, as I cranked the wheel and hit the accelerator. We skidded out onto the old highway. I watched my mirror, holding my breath. Jared’s truck headlights came up behind me.

“Come on, Adam,” I growled, gripping the steering wheel tighter and struggling to watch the road in front and the rearview mirror. Finally another set of lights made the turn. Was it Adam or Nero?

My phone buzzed. I handed it to Kilani. She pressed speaker. “Adam’s out,” Jared said. “Cheney took a hit, but we’re clear.”

Call waiting beeped. Kilani glanced my way. “It says ‘Aren cell.’”

“Gotta run, bro. Thanks for the backup.”

“Thank Kilani. She sent out the SOS.”

I smiled over at her as she clicked on Aren’s call. “Jason. You guys okay?”

“My mirror has seen better days, but we’re fine.”

“Good. Cheney’s got a new battle scar on the back panel, but otherwise we’re good. We’re headed back to the ranch to be sure Lana and the kids are all right. Adam wants you to drive for a while. Be sure you’re not being tailed, then go home. He’d rather not bring Kilani to the ranch and lead Nero to the family.”


“Adam’s sending backup to your place to keep watch. They should be waiting when you get there.”

“Sounds good. Any word from Sebastian?”

“He called. Adam was talking to him when we got the call from Jared. Luckily Adam’s Alpha senses were tingling, so we were already headed your way. Adam got the info he needed from Sebastian. We’ll talk soon. Be careful.”

The call ended. I reached over and gave her thigh a squeeze. “Thanks for calling Jared. I should’ve thought of that.”

“You had your hands full.” She stared out the window.

The high of getting away from Nero faded. “Are you pissed at me for locking you in the car?”

“No.” She paused. I waited. Finally, she sighed. “I’m upset that you needed to. You could’ve been killed tonight. Because of me.”

“But I wasn’t, because of
. You called for backup. You’re the hero here.”

She groaned, resting her head back against the headrest. “So the rest of your Pack could be endangered, too. What if those guys from Nero started shooting before everyone drove away?”

BOOK: Harvest Moon
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