Read Harvest Moon Online

Authors: Lisa Kessler

Tags: #Select, #Entangled, #nurse, #paranormal romance, #shifter, #Lisa Kessler, #Moon series, #Otherworld, #boxing, #boxer, #werewolves, #romance, #pnr, #tortured hero, #fated mate, #enemies to lovers

Harvest Moon (13 page)

BOOK: Harvest Moon
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I opened the door a little, taking in a slow breath. One more while scanning the trees. Nothing unusual. Satisfied there were no scents I didn’t recognize, I reached back for her hand. She walked around me and out to the car.

Damn it.
Biting back a growl, I closed the door and followed.

Inside the car, I started the engine but didn’t take it out of park. “Want to tell me what’s wrong?”

“I’m fine.”

“Oh, please.” I shifted my attention out the front window, hoping to stop myself from saying something I might regret later. “We may not have known each other long, but I can see you’re not happy.”

“I know better.” She rolled her eyes and glared at the trees. “This shouldn’t bother me. I’ve been through it more than once. When your mom greeted me with a hug earlier, it threw me off. I lost sight of where I stand. I’m just pissed I let it surprise me.”

A humorless chuckle escaped me before I could stop myself. “Where you stand?” My grip tightened at the bottom of the steering wheel, that all-too-familiar frustration simmering in my gut. “What are you talking about?”

She groaned and shifted in her seat. “Your mom thought I might be your girlfriend, and the horror that her son, the doctor, might be sleeping with a little island girl nurse was too much for her. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen that face. You saw it, too, and back-pedaled me into the friend zone like a champ.”

I opened my mouth to reply, but for a second I was speechless. “Whoa.” Turning off the ignition, I ground my teeth, gathering my thoughts. “You think my mom and I give a rat’s ass that you’re Polynesian? Give me a break. I wouldn’t care of your skin was green.”

“Easy to say that when we’re alone in a car.” She pointed toward the house. “But in that room, your mom put two and two together, and the shock on her face said it all. She was already picturing her grandchildren looking nothing like her son, and you covered it so she wouldn’t worry.” She gulped a breath, the anger dissipating just enough for me to glimpse the pain hiding underneath.

Shit. I never meant to hurt her, but how would I explain about mates without her getting a restraining order?

I stared at her profile as she gazed into the distance. Who had ever made her feel like she was anything less than a beautiful miracle? I’d kill the bastard, or maybe hurt him bad enough he’d
I’d kill him.

Usually I didn’t fantasize about getting even, but my protective wolf was closer to the surface right now than I’d ever experienced. Instincts to keep her safe colored every thought and decision.

I ran the back of my fingers down her soft cheek until she met my eyes. “Kilani, I would never be ashamed to tell the world you were mine, if that were true. You’re smart, tough, intelligent, and so beautiful.”

She blinked back tears as she rolled her eyes. “Again, easy to say that while we’re alone in the car.”

“Wouldn’t you have been equally pissed if I had told my mom you were my girlfriend when I hadn’t even bridged that with you yet?”

Sighing, she shrugged with a nod. “Probably.”

“I opted for the easiest out for everyone.”

“It doesn’t change that even if I was your girlfriend, your mother would never accept me into your family. Her expression made that perfectly clear.”

I raked my hand through my hair. I wasn’t going to be able to get out of this without telling her about mates. If giving fate the finger were possible, I’d be flipping her two birds right about now.

“Remember that other thing I needed to tell you about?”

“The crazier-than-werewolves thing?”

“Potentially, yeah.”

She turned in her seat a little to face me. “It has something to do with your mother?”

“No. Not really.” My chest tightened. I cleared my throat but my voice still sounded raw. “Wolves mate for life. Werewolves are no different.” I showed her my hand. “At Adam’s house when you reached out to examine the bruises on my hand…I knew.”

A crease marred her brow. “Knew what?”

“When we touch our mate, skin to skin, the wolf recognizes her.” I waited while she put the pieces together.

“You think I’m your…”

“No, I don’t
. I
you are.”

She unbuckled her seat belt and bolted out of the car. I hustled around, putting myself between her and the woods. “I didn’t want to tell you yet. I’m sorry. I know it sounds crazy. I didn’t believe it either until you touched me.”

“This is beyond insane. How can I possibly be your mate? I’m not a werewolf. We hardly know each other. Does Nadya know her boyfriend is a werewolf? Is she his mate?”

I kissed her. I didn’t have all the answers, and I had no clue how to explain the fear that I might lose her, that she might reject me. Was this how she felt when she misread my mom’s reaction?

Her soft lips brushed mine as I wrapped her in my embrace. She fit in my arms perfectly, made for me. I rested my forehead against hers. “Can we go back inside so I can tell my mom the truth? Trust me, she already loves you. I only said what I did because I didn’t want her to blurt out that we were mates before I told you myself.”

Although her voice was barely a whisper, I had no trouble hearing her. “I don’t know how to handle any of this.”

“I don’t, either.”

The corners of her lips turned up, almost a smile. “Not often you hear a doctor admit something like that.”

I chuckled and kissed her forehead. “Not many doctors are werewolves.”

She rewarded me with a laugh. For a second, I worried my heart might leap out of my chest. “When did my life get so crazy?”

I took her hand, walking her back toward the house. “I’ve been asking myself that same question lately.”

Chapter Twelve


ates. Insanity. But if I could believe Jason and his family shifted into wolves one night a month, how much further around the bend was a mate? Pretty far. Destiny couldn’t possibly be determined with one touch.

Of course, most people would say no one could see into the future, either.

Jason opened the door, and I stepped into the house, my pulse pounding in my ears. What if I didn’t want to be Jason’s mate? Would he be destined to be alone? I glanced over at his tall, chiseled frame and he flashed me a smile that could give a nun weak knees.

No way he’d be alone. He probably hadn’t been alone since high school.

We walked down the hallway, my mind whizzing a million miles per hour. I barely knew this man. Besides being gorgeous and smart and making me laugh, I’d seen his artwork. He had the passion of an artist and more than a few pent-up anger issues to go with it.

But I didn’t know his favorite color, or his favorite flavor of ice cream, or music, or movies… Did any of that matter?

We came in the back bedroom and Sarah smiled up at us. “I heard you come in. Did you forget something?”

Jason gave my hand a squeeze. Her gaze shifted to our joined hands. A smile brightened her features as she got to her feet. “I was right. I knew it.”

She embraced me, and the warmth of her affection brought the tears flooding to my eyes all over again. She pulled back, smiling. “You’re the one. He found you.”

And in that moment, I wanted to be the one. I wanted a family who didn’t walk out when the road got rocky. I wanted a man who I could trust with my battered heart.

She released me and hugged Jason. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

He chuckled. “You’ve forgotten how crazy it sounds to non-Pack members. I just barely got her to accept that we shift once a month.”

I sat down in the chair next to Wyatt’s bed to give Jason and his mom some room. Jared appeared in the doorway and grinned as he leaned against the doorframe.

Their mother chuckled. “Oh, I’m well aware of how crazy it sounds. Your father told me I was his mate
he admitted he wasn’t exactly human.”

Jason raised a brow. “And you believed him?”

She nudged him and turned to look at Wyatt. “No, I thought he was trying to get into my bed, but secretly, it was a romantic notion, like the old arranged marriages, only this one is arranged by fate instead of family.”

“Fate…smarter…than any of us.”

The raspy whisper silenced us, sucking the oxygen out of the room. All of our attention shifted to Wyatt. I held my breath as Sarah rushed to the other side of the bed, taking his hand. A tear spilled down her cheek. She kissed his forehead.

“Yes it is, Wy.”

We waited, but he didn’t move. And just when I started to doubt he had actually spoken, his hand gripped mine. “Fate…was good to my boy…the day…she chose…you.”

Jason came up beside me, giving his dad’s calf a squeeze. “Dad? Can you open your eyes?”

Again we waited. And I got a flash in my head of Wyatt standing and embracing Sarah. I struggled to find something to give me a hint to when or where they were, and I noticed a cake with two names. Then it was gone.

I tipped my head up. “Jason, is there a birthday coming up? There was a cake with more than one name.”

He nodded. “Adam’s twins are going to celebrate their first birthday.”


“Next month.”

I looked over at Sarah. “Wyatt will be on his feet with you at that party.”

She wiped a tear, smiling. “How do you know?”

“It’s a hunch.” I glanced at Jason, appreciating that he still hadn’t outed my gift, not even to his family. Reaching across the bed, I put my hand over Sarah’s and Wyatt’s joined hands. “I used to go to Brightwood Academy with Nadya. I get visions, little video clips of the future. Just now, Wyatt was on his feet hugging you at a birthday party.”

A sob choked her as she rested her head on her husband’s chest. Her mate. I got up, letting go of Wyatt’s hand. Jason pulled me into his arms, kissing the top of my head, and I accepted the comfort, still unsure I would ever be able to wrap my head around all of this.

Jared cleared his throat, and we stepped back. He tilted his head slightly and grinned. “I’m glad my brother finally told you. What you do with it now is up to you.”

“So I still get a choice in the matter?”

“That’s the kicker for us.” Jared glanced at Jason for a second before meeting my eyes again. “The wolf inside us recognizes you and we’re hooked, for life. You become the other half of our soul, but you’re human. You don’t have a wolf pushing his instinct on you. We know the minute we find you that you could walk away and reject us. I’d bet money Jason will do everything he can to keep that from happening, but you’re the one with the final say.”

I hadn’t considered that side of it.

Jared stepped up and clapped a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Add to the mess, my brother didn’t believe in mates, so he got a double helping of reality and panic.”

I looked up at Jason. “And you believe it now?”


A clock somewhere in the house chimed, snapping me back into reality. Human reality. “I need to get to work.”

Jared moved out of our way, but his grin faded. “You think that’s safe?”

“No.” Jason took my hand. “But she’s dead set on going anyway.”

“Want some backup?”

Jason nodded. “I’d love some. Until Adam gets proof Kilani isn’t some sort of trap, he won’t get the Pack involved. Sebastian’s supposed to be in town later tonight…”

“’Til then, I’ll help keep an eye out for any Nero ops.”

“Thanks, man.” Jason hugged his brother and took my hand again. “See you soon, Mom.”

Sarah straightened with a gentle smile. “See that you do, and bring Kilani with you.” Her gaze moved onto me, her expression softening. “I remember what a confusing time this was for me, too. My best advice? Follow your heart. The rest will come.”

he awkward silence in the car was killing me. We were only about halfway to the medical center. But I couldn’t think of anything sane to talk about. What could I say?
So, if I decide to walk out on you like I did my grandmother and cousins back in Hawaii, will it doom you to be alone forever?
Or maybe something like,
So when do I get fur and sharp teeth?

Ugh. I took a slow breath. We needed to talk before I made myself insane.

“Your mom likes Neil Diamond?”

He nodded, keeping his attention on the highway. “Yeah.”

“My grandma Nani loves him. She claims she’s his biggest fan on the islands.”

“Has she ever seen him in concert? My mom says he puts on a great show.”

I shook my head. “No. Or at least not as far as I know.”

“Sounds like you miss her. What’s keeping you from talking to her?”

Suddenly this was deeper conversation than I had intended, but I’d already told him about my visions, and he’d not only believed me, he’d kept my secret. Maybe I was starting to trust him.

More likely I was just sick of being alone. Trust wasn’t exactly an area where I had much experience.

“I left for Brightwood even after she said no. Looking back on it, I have no idea how they were able to enroll me without my guardian’s consent, but I didn’t think about it at the time. I was an angry preteen who thought she knew everything.”

“You think she’s still upset with you?”

“Maybe.” I swallowed a ball of emotions I’d never shared before. “I’m still angry at my mother for walking out on me. Why wouldn’t Grandma Nani have those same feelings about me?”

“Your mother walked out on you?”

He turned onto the hospital’s street and I prayed for green lights to escape this conversation. At least he couldn’t look at me and drive at the same time. “Yeah. I was six. I came home from school and Grandma Nani was waiting for me. She said Mom took a job on the mainland. I asked when I’d get to move over there with her and Nani said I couldn’t. I’d be staying with her from now on.

“I wrote letters, prayed, and cried, but my mother never came back for me and never explained. And as I got older, I stopped being sad. I’ve been angry ever since.”

He parked the car around the back, far from the hospital entrance. He took my hand. “You were a little girl who needed her mother. You have every right to be mad. But I bet your grandmother is too worried to stay upset about you leaving against her wishes.”

BOOK: Harvest Moon
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