Hard to Love You

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Authors: Megan Smith

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Hard to Love You
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Copyright © 2013 by Megan Smith.


All Rights Reserved.


This book may not be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect is appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.


The following story contains mature themes, strong language and sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.


Printed Version:


Cover Design:
Sommer Stein, Perfect Pear Creative



Cover Art:
CE Images, Heidi Chickerell & Emily Erdie


Luke & Jada Boyles


Edited by:
Sarah Jones


Formatting by:
Angela McLaurin, Fictional Formats




Contact Megan Smith



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Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One






No one wants to go home for spring break; and we’ve all waited too long to book flights to Cancun, so we’re doing the next best thing. Our best friend’s roommates are having a party tonight and have invited all of us to go. He says the locals stay around for it, like some kind of tradition. I don’t really give a shit where we go as long as it’s out of this god damn dorm room.

I finish my run and head upstairs for a quick shower. By the time I shut off the water I can already hear the thumping of the music. The medicine cabinet starts rattling and the toothbrush holder is about to fall off the sink.

“Come on, let’s go. The party is starting.” Someone bangs on the door.

I dress quickly and hang the towel around my shoulders, grab my basketball shorts, socks and running shoes from the floor and open the door. As I walk down the hallway I pass a few people already making out.
Damn, they don’t waste any time.
I open the door to the room I’m staying in and throw my dirty clothes and shoes in my bag.

I pick up the key that’s been left for me on the dresser and make sure to lock the door behind me. As I’m making my way downstairs, the front door swings open and two guys wearing football jerseys walk in with a keg on each of their shoulders. A few girls follow them. A blonde catches my attention, she looks a little young but her body is smoking hot. I follow her with my eyes as she moves after the guys into the kitchen.

The kitchen is right where I’m heading. I fight my way through the crowd and hear someone calling my name.

“Finally, pretty boy. Took you fucking long enough.”

Before I can respond, I’m being introduced to one of the keg carrying guys.

“This is one of my boys from back home. Dude, this is Logan.”

I lift my head, acknowledging Logan.

“What’s up?” he says.

Someone clears their throat behind him. Logan turns his head toward the blonde and then back to us, “Sorry guys, this is my cousin, Brittany.”

Brittany bats her eyelashes at us. I skim my eyes over the entire length of her body and grin as Logan pours her a cup of beer.

“You go to school around here?” I pluck up the courage to ask.

Brittany’s friend stumbles over before she can respond and practically knocks her right over. I watch the whole show, she’s definitely drunk. Her eyes are glazed over in an inebriated haze. She starts giggling when her eyes connect with mine. “The pool table is free, let’s go.” The girl starts pulling Brittany anyway.

Managing to pull her arm free from her friend’s grasp, she asks, “You guys want to come play?”

My phone starts to ring before I can reply. I pull it from my pocket.
I knew I should have called her before the party started.

I quickly excuse myself and move through the kitchen, slipping through the sliding glass door and sliding my finger across the screen to answer the call.


“Hey, I thought you were coming home for break.” She clips out, more of an accusation than a question.

I sigh heavily into the phone, “No, plans changed, the guys didn’t want to.”

“Alright,” she says so quietly that I barely hear it.

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m sure you are. Hope you have a nice break.” The line goes dead.

Fuck! I feel like a dick.



A few hours later and everybody at the party is three sheets to the wind. The fucking room is spinning. I’ve got some girl sitting on my lap and we’ve been making out for so long that I’ve lost track of where everyone is.

We finally come up for some air and she asks, “Where are your friends?”

I look around but can’t see shit. Everything is a damn blur. “I have no fucking idea. How about we finish this upstairs in my room?”

She looks around the room we’re in; the revelry is still going strong. These people know how to party. “Alright, but I have to find my friend first,” she says as she untangles herself from me.

I have to adjust myself before I can stand up with any sort of dignity. Some guy is lying on the floor, face down, I nudge him with my foot to see if he’s still alive; he groans and covers his head with his hands.

“Isn’t that your friend over there?” She points to where all my boys are sitting around the kitchen table.

“What’s your name again?” I ask as I scratch my head. I can’t remember shit.

She giggles and shakes her head, “Brittany. You’re really drunk aren’t you?”

I shake my head. Bad move, it feels like someone is pounding on it.

We walk over to the boys and I find an empty seat, I pull Brittany down on my lap and wrap my arms around her. We get dealt into a game of poker, which is a really stupid decision. I can’t pay attention to shit, especially not with her on my lap. I have to keep shifting her over when she lands in just that right spot.

“Babe, if you don’t stop moving that fine little ass of yours I’m gonna have to haul you upstairs.” I tell her.

She laughs.

About an hour or so later, Brittany stands. “I’m taking this guy up to bed.”

I arch my eyebrow at her.
Bed my ass.

All the guys start laughing and then cough to cover it up when Brittany glares at them all.

Logan eyes his cousin, “You sure that’s a good idea?”

Brittany rolls her eyes, “Mind your fucking business.”

“Dude, you got condoms in your bag?” My roommate asks.

“Do I ever go anywhere without them?”


Brittany grabs my arms and pulls me away. My friend yells, “Keep that shit on your bed.”

Everyone starts laughing as we walk away. We barely make it to my room before I’m inside her; our clothes were taken off in a fit of drunken lust on the way up here. I remember knocking something over but she’s all over me and I don’t care what it is. I finally manage to get to the bed with her before everything turns hazy.


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