Hard Days Night (The Firsts Book 8) (25 page)

BOOK: Hard Days Night (The Firsts Book 8)
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“I am adjusting. I spent a few days in California recently, and I loved the time there.  I believe it is good for me to venture into the world now.  Our children will have such a visceral connection with the world someday, and we must all be prepared to teach them and lead them.”

With a nod, Eillia reached for a French fry. It really
very good!  She grabbed a second before she spoke.

“The world is changing.  Children are coming faster than any of us can believe.  Ahmose, you are the father of t
wo, and soon three, of those children.  Are you worried for them?”

“I am worried for the Mother Earth, not the children who are destined to be her protectors.”  He smiled suddenly,
then continued.  “I’ve seen what they can do.  I would worry more about anyone who must battle them.”

Eillia stepped back to appreciate the brilliant smile. 

What a lovely glow the smile gave his already handsome face.  Her dear friend Starla had been given the choice of the vampire who had become her mate, or this spectacular leader of dozens of vampires.  She would have been lucky either way.

Returning the smile, Eillia took his arm and led him from the eatery.  “Boys, follow, please.”

She glanced back to see Koen and Xavier packing the fries into a large bag before they joined David to do precisely as instructed. 

Minutes later, they converged on a small community park that had the minimum of playground equipment, abandoned since it was after dark, and a small, but nicely landscaped pond.   Abundant trees circled the pond, lit by a vibrant moon directly overhead.

“Here,” a voice called out from the darkness under one of the stands of trees, followed by a dark figure that advanced at a slow human pace.

“Taggert,” Koen said, and stepped forward to take his hand.  “You look well. 
Odd, but well.”

“Camouflage, sir,” Taggert answered, his hand running across his short hair, now dyed light auburn, his beard shaved.  “Claude and Lamont have passed me several times over the past months and no one has noticed me at all.  They’re focused.”

“I bet they are,” Koen snorted.  “Let’s fuck up their day.”

“That’s the plan.  I’ve sent the addresses for both Lamont’s house and Claude’s apartment
to Eillia.  I think it’s easier to take them in their homes.  The lab is better fortified than I’ve ever seen anything anywhere.  His security crew is triple what you saw in Switzerland or L.A. coupled with state-of-the-art cameras.  Once we have them, then I’ll return to the lab, bring in my new team, and we’ll do what we need to do to shut this entire operation down permanently.”

“This must end tonight,” Ahmose said, intense, his eyes focused on Taggert, who he did not know, but trusted on the strength of
Eillia’s recommendation.  “Shall we go now?”

Xavier pitched the bag, now empty, into a trash bin, and brushed off his fingers.  “Now’s good.  I’ve a right lovely wench waiting for me in my bedroom.”

Eillia turned away and faced Koen.  Xavier was such a womanizer and always said something to piss her off.  Tonight was no different.  But he was a good and passionate fighter and she was grateful he’d come with them.

“David, Xavier, do you want to take Claude?  Since Lamont likely still has vampire skills, I think Ahmose, Koen, and I should go for him.”

“Then we go, and now, yes?”

Ahmose’s urgent plea
was unusual for what Eillia knew of this man, who, ordinarily, was very patient.

“We will.  I understand your desire to end this.  Your children are in as much danger from him as mine, but we must approach
with caution.”

“I apologize.  Yes, I agree.  It is just that…again, apologies, but I find that my attention is fractured right now.  There is someplace I find I need to be.”

Up popped Eillia’s eyebrows and curiosity.  “And where is that, my friend?”

Ahmose bowed his head.  “I am ashamed that I have allowed my mind to wander from this mission which is more important than anything else at this time.  You have my complete focus now, Eillia.”

He didn’t answer her question.  That alone was very telling.  Was it a woman?  Was it possible that after all of these centuries, and Ahmose’s pain last year when Starla chose Jacob over him, that the woman destined to be his mate might have finally arrived?

“We will go in moments.  Ahmose, what is this attention-hog you’re dealing with?”

His soul-dark eyes landed on hers, unblinking.  When he finally spoke, he was less than illuminating.  “A project.  Something that I left back in the States that I need to complete.”

Eillia’s simple response was only because she already knew, she could feel it within him, the emotions roiling, the need peaking…this man was, for lack of a better term, in heat.  He needed someone, and he needed her badly…probably worse than even he realized.

It fit with current events.  The most powerful were pairing off and unexplainable numbers of children were coming.  Ahmose would father his third child with Starla sometime this coming year.  Eillia wondered how this new woman would fit into this unprecedented first blood relationship. It would be interesting, and she intended to be there to see it unfold. 
But for now…

“Let’s look at the plans Taggert brought us for the apartment and house before we go in.  We have a tendency to just bulldoze through everything.  It’s time to be smart.”














Jinx had been nervous ever since he’d stolen the information that would ultimately successfully prosecute Canzone.  He’d come back to Canzone’s office just long enough to grab a packet he’d stashed with access numbers to one of Canzone’s overseas accounts so he could afford his relocation out of the country.  He was sure that Canzone wouldn’t be back soon, there was another charity event, and the guy loved them.  Jinx was terrified of getting caught. 
His fucking heart was
going to explode!

Just as he was leaving
the room with a packet stuffed into his jacket, the elevator door pinged and Canzone walked out of it with four oversized apes that went everywhere with him for protection. 

Fuck me
, Jinx thought.  Guilt-ridden, and moments from escape, he was too nervous, he had to calm down or Canzone would see that.  The man was a freak, it was like he had eyes in the back and sides of his head and could read minds.  Jinx knew that his only chance was to do everything he could to appear casual and untroubled.  He wouldn’t know if he pulled it off until he got on that elevator and made it out of town alive

“Eh, boss.  How’s it hanging tonight?”  Lame, but at least he
managed to smile.

Canzone stopped, his apes alongside
him, and stared at Jinx. 

Jinx tried to maintain the casual smile, but he could feel the muscles of his cheeks pulling
, the forced smile failing.

Canzone’s eyes got sharper, his expression stormier.

“What’s wrong with you?” he asked Jinx abruptly.

Nothing, sir, nothing at all.  I think I had too much coffee this evening, caffeine overload.”  Jinx laughed nervously.  “Bouncing off the walls!”

Standing still, his hands clasped, Canzone kept his steel-like gaze on Jinx, which froze Jinx in place as he waited for Canzone to catch his act of betrayal. 
Why had
he done it?
  He still had no idea.

Suddenly Canzone motioned for his apes to step aside.  Once they did, Canzone stepped forward and slid his hands under Jinx’s collar.  “You’re acting like a guilty man, Jinx.  I recognize the stink.  What did you do?  And don’t lie.  I
fucking hate
it when my people lie to me.”

Jinx had no control now, he was so terrified.  His head kept moving back and forth frantically.  “Nothing, I swear. 
.”  He paused as Canzone stepped back and perused him, head to toe.

Canzone clicked his tongue. 
“Second chance.  And last.  What did you do?”

“Honestly, sir, what could I do?   There’s no problem, I swear. I killed one cop for you, and the second one is out of town, maybe permanently.
  With them gone, no one is really looking at you anymore.  Right?”

“Unless someone brought me to attention again.
  Unless someone betrayed me.  I’m getting a strong vibe that tells me that you’ve been breathing too long.”

This was it, this was it,
he was toast! 
Jinx lost it.  “I swear, sir. It wasn’t my fault!  I don’t even know why I did it.  But I couldn’t stop myself!  I gave her the files from your office.  All of them.  Please don’t kill me!  It was like I was possessed or something!”

Canzone’s face turned red and he walked over to the floor to ceiling window on the front of the
office.   No one spoke or moved for the next sixty seconds.  Then Canzone turned and spoke quietly, in control, almost kindly.

“Jinx, where’s my girl?  Where’s Mahalo?”

“Out of town, I don’t know where.”

“Okay.  Now, you said you gave her my private files.”

“Yeah.”  Jinx stopped.  “Well, not directly, she wasn’t in her apartment, so I gave the files to her neighbor tonight.”

  So she doesn’t actually have them?  They’re with some civilian?”

  I told you, I was possessed or something, I had to get them to her, but I swear, I don’t know why I did it.”

“We’ll deal with that later.  Right now, I’m interested in the fact that the files are likely still uncompromised.  Jinx, go with Ted and Neck here.  I would like you to retrieve the files and eliminate the threat.  Come back as soon as you’ve done this and we’ll talk about your future.”

Jinx’s heart nearly flew from his chest.  He had a future?  Or futile hope that he did?  There wasn’t any point in worrying about it now, he was at Canzone’s mercy, and that was a bad place to be.







Tommy pushed his socks off his feet and propped them up on the glass end table his wife
had bought last month, which she loved, and he hated.  The glass just didn’t seem solid enough for anything, he didn’t like fragile things.  And even though she told him to keep his feet off of it, she was at work, and a great MMA fight was starting in ten minutes.  His beer and tortilla chips waited on the side table along with his remote.  Just as he reached for it, the doorbell rang.

Don’t it figure,” he mumbled, and reached for a chip as he walked to the door.  Usually, he didn’t bother with the peephole, but for some reason, this time, he did.

What the fuck?
  It was the goofy guy who’d given the folders to him to give to Mal.  He waited for a few moments before he opened the door, but then pulled the safety chain, turned the lock, and flew backward when the door slammed open with brutal force.

Tommy’s head hit the floor hard enough to see light splinter in his field of view, then he sat up.

Two professional wrestler-sized men stood beside of the smaller guy that had begged him to get the folders to his neighbor.  Tommy knew immediately that this wasn’t going to go well for him.  He glanced around to see if there was anything he could use for a weapon, but there was nothing.  It didn’t matter anyway when a few moments later, one of the big guys grabbed him by the neck and hauled him up.

“Where are the files I gave you?” the little guy asked.

Tommy pointed towards the kitchen, where he’d stashed them in the microwave.  The second big guy went into the kitchen, Tommy heard crashes, glass shattering, and then the guy came out with the folders in his hands.

“This all of it?” the huge man asked the smaller man.

Jinx nodded.

“Where’s the girl?”

Tommy paused, then told the truth. “I don’t know.  I swear.”  He prayed they would just take the folders and go, but the man who held his neck in one beefy hand hauled him through the living room, shoving the glass end table over with one foot.  It crashed and broke into shards against the wood floor. 

As he was dragged
into the bedroom, he knew he would die here tonight.  He thought about his wife and how pissed she was going to be about the table.





hapter 12



Kai would understand, Mal thought, as she took her seat onboard the small jet heading to Oahu, and then back to L.A.  So would Bev.  Besides, leaving them alone to deal with their budding relationship was probably exactly what they
needed, both of them had had such failures in connecting with anyone in years.

BOOK: Hard Days Night (The Firsts Book 8)
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