Voyage of the Fox Rider

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Authors: Dennis L. McKiernan

Tags: #Fantasy, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Voyage of the Fox Rider
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“For classic fantasy, there is no better author…a treasure trove.”

—Jennifer Roberson, author of
The Wild Road

“McKiernan’s narratives have heart and fire and drive.”

—Katharine Kerr, author of
Apocalypse to Go



The Dragonstone

“Evocative and compelling.”

—Jennifer Roberson

“McKiernan brews magic with an insightful blend of laughter, tears, and high courage.”

—Janny Wurts, author of
Initiate’s Trial

City of Jade

“An entertaining adventure tale.”

—Alternative Worlds

“[A] good introduction to McKiernan and Mithgar, as well as a solid treat for long-haul fans.”


“Aravan is a terrific swashbuckling hero.…The cast makes Mithgar seem a genuine realm where magic and the paranormal are the norm.…Longtime fans will relish sailing the waters of Mithgar aboard the Eroean.”


“McKiernan’s talent for charming characters and exciting adventures of derring-do make this a good addition to most fantasy collections and an essential purchase.”

Library Journal

Once Upon a Winter’s Night

“Exuberant…never less than graceful…a solid, well-rounded fantasy that readers will enjoy as much on a summer beach as on a winter’s night.”

Publishers Weekly



“Intelligently told, romantic…and filled with the qualities of the best of the traditional fairy stories.”


Once Upon a Summer Day

“An interesting twist.…McKiernan’s writing is evocative, and much of the novel’s enjoyment comes from sinking into the story. He paints vivid landscapes and provides lots of good action sequences. The book is valuable as much for the journey as for the destination.”

The Davis Enterprise

“Romantics, rejoice! McKiernan’s retelling of Sleeping Beauty is the way it should have been done the first time around.…The lines between good and evil are clear, and romance and chivalry and true love are alive and flourishing. McKiernan’s magic invites readers to dive completely into the story, as children do, and conjures the same overwhelming wonder that children experience.”

(starred review)

“McKiernan embellishes another classic fairy tale in this enjoyably frothy fantasy…keep[s] the reader turning the pages.”

Publishers Weekly

“McKiernan takes the tale in some unexpected directions. He also offers an engaging, clever, and resourceful hero in Borel, as well as entertaining sidekicks in Flic, Buzzer, and Chelle herself. Recommended.”


“Steeped in tradition and timelessness and should appeal to fairy-tale lovers of all ages.”

Library Journal

Once Upon an Autumn Eve

“McKiernan’s latest entry in his four-part fairy-tale cycle goes beyond the reworking of the classic fairy tale
The Glass Mountain
to depict a world of magic and enchantment.”

Library Journal

“Using a fairy tale as its basis, McKiernan creates all-new heroes and heroines, placing them in a fantastical setting and giving them tribulations that would overwhelm the Brothers Grimm.…Readers who enjoy a well-told tale, full of enchantment and high adventure, will discover wonders and marvels to
beguile their time.”


“No one beats McKiernan at the traditionally styled adult fairy tale, with something for everyone: beautiful princess oblivious to all states of personal dishabille, handsome prince, impossible challenges, despicably evil creatures, and romance, romance, romance! Quite simply, enchanting.”


Once Upon a Spring Morn

“Entertaining.…The relentless, fantastical action will satisfy series fans.”

Publishers Weekly

“Dennis L. McKiernan is a wonderful world builder who reminds readers of the magic that can be found in fairy tales…an enchanting tale that will have readers spellbound.”

Midwest Book Review

“An inspired reenvisioning of two classic tales of love and adventure.”

Library Journal

“McKiernan seamlessly sews together two fairy tales and adds unique twists and enhancements in his fourth volume of a world of Faery that ought to have been.”


Once Upon a Dreadful Time

“A magical and beautiful fairytale.”

—Alternative Worlds

“Exhibits the author’s unflinching charm and obvious mastery of his art.”

Library Journal

“Solid.…Series fans should be satisfied.”

Publishers Weekly

“Features the author’s takes on a diverse group of fairy tales—complete with riddles, challenges, trickery, and a surprise ending.”

Library Journal

“[Dennis McKiernan] is one of the few writers who can hold my interest.…[
Once Upon a Dreadful Time
has] some clever tricks with time and magic that were more than usually amusing.”

—Critical Mass

“A satisfying conclusion to an imaginative world.”

—Monsters and Critics

By Dennis L. McKiernan

Caverns of Socrates

The Faery Series

Once Upon a Winter’s Night

Once Upon a Summer Day

Once Upon an Autumn Eve

Once Upon a Spring Morn

Once Upon a Dreadful Time

The Mithgar Series

The Dragonstone

Voyage of the Fox Rider


Book 1:
Into the Forge

Book 2:
Into the Fire


The Iron Tower
(omnibus edition)

The Silver Call
(omnibus edition)

Tales of Mithgar
(a story collection)

The Vulgmaster
(the graphic novel)

The Eye of the Hunter

Silver Wolf, Black Falcon

City of Jade

Red Slippers: More Tales of Mithgar
(a story collection)


A Novel of Mithgar

Dennis L. McKiernan


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Published by Roc, an imprint of New American Library, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Previously published in a Roc hardcover edition.

First Roc Mass Market Printing, September 1994

Copyright © Dennis L. McKiernan, 1993

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.



ISBN: 978-1-101-62647-4


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party Web sites or their content.

To my sister,
Donna Lorraine
in whom whimsey lives


Appreciation and gratitude to Daniel Kian McKiernan, without whose help the transliterated ancient Greek used as the Black Mage magical language would never have been; to Judith Tarr, without whom the Latin used as the magical language for all other Mages would have been seriously flawed; and to Martha Lee McKiernan for her enduring support, careful reading, patience, and love. Additionally, much appreciation and gratitude goes to all those who encouraged me throughout the writing of
Voyage of the Fox Rider
—if I wrote down all their names it would fill a page or two…and I would still manage to leave several off the list.





1. Aurora

2. Night Visitor

3. Herb Tea and Wild Honey

4. Shadowland

5. Kairn

6. Asea

7. Passage

8. Oaths

9. Straits

10. Portents

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