Happy Hour: From the Black & White Collection (4 page)

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“What’s that?” Jamie asked, not certain he wanted to hear the answer.

“Maura seriously fucked up your head when she gave back the ring. You were crazy about that bitch

and when she dumped you, it messed you up. I think you’re as afraid of getting into another serious

relationship as Grace is.”

Jamie considered his words, wanting to deny them, brush them off with a joke. Problem was, there

was a vein of truth in them that he wasn’t sure he could hide anymore. “I think maybe you’re right, but I'm not letting that stop me anymore.”

“Good, but you need to remember that if Grace is scared, it’s not just because of her fear of hurting


Jamie snorted. “And you think a threesome would make it easier for her?”

“With casual sex added to the mix, maybe it would be easier for her to move toward a relationship.”

Jamie was intrigued and terrified by his friend’s idea.

“Do you think it would work?” Trey asked.

Jamie narrowed his eyes. “We’re walking a very thin line. And I’m still not so sure why you want to

tread it. I mean, I know why I’m here. What’s in it for you?”


Mari Carr

Trey laughed. “Are you fucking kidding? Number one, I’d get to have sex with Grace. Number two,

I’d get to have a threesome. I mean in my wet dreams of that scenario it’s always me and two hot chicks, but I can deal with that. And number three, I won’t have to listen to you crying over Grace anymore.

Besides, she’s cool with me and Lucas, unlike Maura, the bitch from hell, so I won’t have to worry about her being a jealous girlfriend who won’t let you hang with us every now and again. Hell, best part about Grace is
hangs with us.”

Jamie fought back a grin. “So basically this is all about you.”

Trey laughed. “What can I say? That’s just how I roll.”

“No, it’s not. I’m not sure about this, Trey.”

His friend sobered up. “It’s your call, man. I don’t go anywhere you don’t want to go. Try to have a

little faith. I have a feeling everything’s gonna turn out just fine.”

Jamie nodded. Saying things would turn out all right in the end was simple, but given how much

could potentially go wrong, there was a good chance tonight would be anything but easy.

Cheryl came back to the table, wiping sweat off her forehead. “Dancing is damn hard work. Hey, how

many calories do you think I just burned out there?”

Jamie chuckled. Cheryl was forever dieting. Or at least talking about dieting.

“Why aren’t you guys out there?” she asked. “Poor Grace is trying to keep up with Lucas on that

Cotton-Eyed Joe song. It’s funny as hell watching him dance. Reminds me of that Riverdance shit.”

They all laughed at Cheryl’s comment. The beauty of their school’s librarian was what came up in her

mind came out of her mouth, and it was pretty much always funny.

“Shouldn’t you be home with the ball and chain by now?” Trey asked.

Cheryl laughed at his joke, then gasped. “Shit. What time is it?”

Jamie shrugged and reached for his cell phone. “Eight-thirty.” They’d been having so much fun

hanging out, drinking and bitching about work, they’d lost track of time.

“Fuck,” Cheryl muttered. “I told Jeff I’d be home at seven with a bucket of chicken.” She pulled out

her own cell and dialed. Jamie laughed as he listened to her talking to her husband. He hoped someday he’d have a relationship as solid as hers. Her husband was a great guy and it was obvious to anyone who spent five minutes with Cheryl that she adored him. They were independent people in a rock-solid relationship built on trust and true love. In Jamie’s mind, they had it all.

“I’ll head out now,” he heard Cheryl say and for a moment, he was sorry to see the evening end.

Cheryl was Grace’s ride. He looked back at the dance floor and watched Lucas spin Grace. The two of

them were drawing an amused audience with their silly dancing. It seemed a shame to cut the night off so early.

Cheryl closed her phone and spotted the same thing he did. “Hate to drag Grace away. She’s having

so much fun.”


Mari Carr

Happy Hour

“We could give her a ride. I go right by her house on the way to my place.”

Cheryl nodded quickly and stood. “Great idea.” He should have known she wouldn’t put up a fuss.

She was the consummate matchmaker. She waved to Grace on the dance floor, who returned to the table

with Lucas.

“I’m heading home, Gracie. Forgot to take Jeff his dinner.” Grace looked disappointed until Cheryl

added, “Trey and Jamie have offered to give you a ride home if you want to stay.”

“Awesome,” Grace said. “Are you guys sure it’s not a problem?”

Jamie shook his head. “You’re right on my way.” He tried not to show how pleased he was that Grace

was staying and that he and Trey would be driving her home.

“Hey, Cheryl, I’ll walk you out,” Lucas said. “I’m hitting it too. Helping my dad mow his yard

tomorrow. Five freaking acres and he mows it all.”

They said their goodbyes to Lucas and Cheryl as their friends left the bar.

Grace picked up her beer and took another drink. All Jamie could think was he’d prefer to bypass

Grace’s house, taking her to his home, but he still wasn’t sure she would accept that invitation.

Fuck it. She would accept it. He’d do whatever it took, because tonight Grace Wright was sleeping in

his bed. The real question was whether or not Trey would be there too.


Chapter Three

Grace leaned back in her chair. She looked completely relaxed and happy. “Thanks for offering to

drive me home. I really didn’t want to call it a night yet.”

Trey smiled. “Don’t blame you. The night’s still young.”

“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever been to a happy hour with you guys that was over in sixty


“I’ve always thought the name was wrong. Should definitely be happy hours. You and Trey looked

pretty good out there on the dance floor.” Jamie was fishing and he knew it, but he couldn’t help wondering if Grace was interested in his friend.

Trey’s head popped up and he smirked at Jamie, perfectly aware of what he was doing. Jamie couldn’t

help but notice there had been something about the way they’d looked at each other and he wondered if his friend was right. What if Grace did need a night of adventure? A night to explore things she’d only ever dreamed of?

Grace looked at Trey and grinned evilly. “He kept trying to work in some of those bump and grind

moves during “LoveGame”. Felt like I was at prom and I kept waiting for the principal to walk in and tell us to separate.”

Jamie laughed, the memory of Trey wrapping himself around Grace on the dance floor drifting back

to him. Now that those thoughts weren’t clouded with jealousy, he had to admit they’d looked good

together. “Trey only knows how to dance with his cock. If it’s not moving, he’s not moving.”

“Very funny,” Trey said. “At least I’ve got some moves. You white people are too stiff. All that

swinging your arms around shit makes you look like you’re having a fit to music.”

Grace giggled as she picked up a chicken wing. “Here we go. It’s the make-fun-of-the-way-Grace-

dances hour.”

Trey leaned closer to her and Jamie watched his friend turn on the charm. “Oh, you’ve got all the right moves, Gracie,” Trey murmured as Grace swatted him away with a playful push. Trey had never used his

charm on Grace before and she was obviously surprised. Jamie considered everything that had happened

since they’d arrived at Tully’s. Everyone and everything was moving slightly out of kilter tonight. Grace was livelier, more dynamic and Trey was succumbing to the lure of her magic as much as he was.

“Turn it down a notch or twenty, Trey. I’m not one of your usual brainless bimbos.”

Mari Carr

Happy Hour

Trey’s smile grew wide, revealing his perfect white teeth. It was a charismatic move Jamie suspected

was premeditated. Trey was a very good-looking guy and he knew how to use his attractiveness. Jamie

wished he shared the same confidence, had half the allure his friend possessed. However, while Trey was still young enough to enjoy the dating scene, Jamie was at the point in his life when he wanted to find something lasting, find someone who would stick around for a lifetime or so.

Grace rolled her eyes, and then looked at Jamie as if annoyed. “Here comes Mr. God’s Gift to

Women. Think we should find another table? Give him more room for his ego.”

Trey moved his chair closer. “Don’t worry, Grace. If it gets too crowded, you can always sit on my


“You are unbelievable. Please tell me that women don’t fall for this pick-up act.”

“What makes you think it’s an act?” Trey asked.

Jamie detected the tone in his friend’s voice that said his attempts at catching Grace’s attention were sincere.

Grace must have caught the same inflection in Trey’s voice because her smile dimmed a bit, her gaze

sharpened. “Trey—” she started.

Trey cut her off with a laugh that didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m just messing with you, babe. Giving you

shit.” Trey looked at him and Jamie knew that while his friend was definitely interested in Grace, he

wouldn’t make any serious moves unless Jamie agreed.

Grace accepted Trey’s words, but Jamie could tell she didn’t believe them any more than he did.

“I think I need to take a trip to the ladies’ room. I’ll be back in a second.”

Jamie acknowledged her clever escape. Things had taken an odd turn and he didn’t blame her for

taking a few minutes to gather her wits. Hell, he’d need a few days to figure out what the fuck was going on. Everything in him seemed to be on overdrive as he tried to decide what he should do.

“What are you doing, Trey?” he asked, the second Grace disappeared from view.

“Drinking a beer.” Trey lifted his glass and took a long swig.

Jamie narrowed his eyes. “You know what I mean. I thought you were going to wait for me.”

Trey looked down at his beer mug and Jamie knew he wasn’t going to like what his friend said next.

“I want her. She’s sexy and beautiful and I get a sense that she’s ready to go a little wild.”

“Wild.” The word hit Jamie like a two-ton truck. He’d seen the same restlessness in her lately and he

suspected Trey had hit on the truth.

“I know what you want from her, Jamie, and I meant what I said earlier. I’d never fuck that up for

you. You two were meant to be together. But Grace hasn’t dated in a long time. Hell, I’m not sure she’s had sex since her husband died.”

Jamie nodded. He suspected the same.


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“I think it’s time you stopped waiting. What if we gave her one blowout night of reckless, no-holds-

barred passion before you stake your claim?”

“You know, I’m not trying to put her in a cage and lock her away from the world,” Jamie began.

“I know that, but Grace is like you. When you ask her out and the two of you click—like we all know

you will—then that’s it. She’ll be as committed to you as you will be to her. What if we gave her a helluva memory before that? What if we gave her a night of fantasies—raunchy, crazy, fun, dirty-as-shit


Jamie stared at his friend, dumbfounded by the realization he wanted exactly what Trey proposed.

Grace had dedicated the past few years of her life to Maddie, to being a good mother. What about her

needs? He knew she read erotic romance novels. He’d seen the cover of one once. It had been of a woman

standing between two men. He’d teased her and she’d brushed it off as some silly, female fantasy, but now he wondered if Grace wouldn’t like to make that particular dream a reality.

The most troubling part of this whole scenario was his feelings. He wanted to do this, wanted to give

this to Grace. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her.

“Earth to Jamie. She’s coming back to the table. Ten seconds, man.”

“We’ll do it.” The words flew from his lips before he could consider the consequences.

Trey grinned and nodded once as Grace returned to the table.

“Jeez. There was some girl in the bathroom throwing up. It’s not even nine o’clock and she was

completely trashed. I had to track down her friend to get her to take her home.” Grace continued to ramble on, but Jamie’s mind couldn’t process the words.

His head and his body were consumed by thoughts of what he and Trey were about to offer her. What

the hell was he thinking? He’d been trying to find the right time to ask her out on a date for weeks. Now he was going to skip over the preliminaries and invite her to his bed…with Trey. He glanced at the half-empty beer pitcher in the middle of the table. How much had he had to drink? Not enough to calm the nerves

suddenly assaulting him.

“The bar is starting to get crowded. Looks like everyone else in town decided to dance their way into

the weekend.” Grace gestured at the now-packed dance floor.

“Bunch of amateurs,” Trey teased. “No one out there has our moves, Gracie.”

She started to laugh, but Jamie saw something—or someone—catch her eye behind him. “Oh shit,”

she murmured. He started to turn, but she stopped him with a quick hand on his chin. “Don’t look back.”

“Fuck,” Trey muttered. “Stripper at eleven o’clock.”

Jamie closed his eyes and sighed. “Jesus. It’s like she’s got a homing device on me or something.”

Grace gave him an amused grin. “I told you not to go out with her.”

“Well, now, in his defense, Gracie, she is a
stripper,” Trey replied, holding his hands in front of his chest to accentuate the fact the woman was well endowed.

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