Gwenhwyfar (51 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Lackey

BOOK: Gwenhwyfar
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So, all of you who didn’t believe me . . . there you are. My dear sister, in the flesh, and looking more the queen than I do.
And that seemed . . . petty. Was there any reason for Gwenhwyfach to have dressed as if for a coronation?
Medraut pulled off his helmet and tucked it under his arm. His face was utterly unreadable. “Well, Father,” he began, just a little too casually.
But anything he was going to say was interrupted by his wife.
Gwenhwyfach suddenly stormed across the grass between them, and before Gwen could even think to move or speak, slapped her so hard across the face that her lip split and she saw stars and tasted blood.
“You witless loon!” Gwenhwyfach hissed. “Fool! Idiot! All my life you were first. All my life I was second to you. Finally I was first! Finally
was the one that someone loved! And you
She seized Gwen’s hair and wrenched her head around with shocking strength. “All he asked was for you to love him and be a true woman for him! All! And what did you do? You sat for months in his court and cried for your toy armor and sword like a spoiled brat! So I gave him what he wanted, and he loved
And you took that away from me!”
With a wrench, she flung Gwen to her knees. “You are no woman,” she spat. “You’re a half man. He should have been mine!”
Gwen stayed on her knees as her mind raced. Now she knew what it was that her visions in Medraut’s cell had shown her. Little Gwen had not fallen entranced with Arthur—she had seen a way to take Gwen’s place with a man who wanted what she was. She had probably been planning to betray Medraut—or at least, put this day off until Arthur died naturally, thus having her crown in both the present and future. But Gwen had escaped and spoiled her plan. Finally she rose, slowly, and looked into her sister’s furious eyes. “Well, little sister,” she said, weighing each word and casting them like weapons. “All my life you have coveted what I had, even when you didn’t truly want it or were ill-suited to it. You wanted Medraut because you thought I wanted him and would be jealous of your married state, but your husband married you because he could not have me.” She wiped away the blood from her lip with the back of her hand. “It must be causing laughter among the gods that my husband saw in you the reflection of what he wanted me to be and was enchanted. You rightly say that
were the one Arthur wanted, and not me, though he knew it not. Given that, I believe that the scales are even between us.”
Gwenhwyfach went white with fury. But before she or anyone else could say another word—
There was a cry and a flash of light on metal up on the slope, where the two armies had drawn near—dangerously near—one another.
And another great chorus of shouts and the cry of
and the parley disintegrated into chaos as fighting erupted on that slope and, in a flash, spread over the entire field.
Screaming warriors charged from both sides and overran where Arthur’s party stood. Gwen found herself separated from the rest and trying to beat her way back to her archers as the two armies surged forward and clashed. For a moment, before any real blows were struck, she felt hysterical laughter bubbling up inside her.
And then, as always, her world narrowed to the fighting in front of her, everything blurring into stroke and counterstroke, spin and blow and evasion. The noise was deafening; she shut it out. Once, she caught a glimpse of Lancelin riding through a sea of fighters, striking out on either side with his sword. Once, of Medraut and Arthur, fighting furiously like a pair of stags, oblivious to everything around them. Arthur’s skill was greater than Medraut’s, but Medraut was younger . . .
But mostly, it was just trying to stay alive, slipping in mud and blood, breathing the stink of spilled guts and voided bowels, with a stitch in her side and a burning gash across her forehead, with her arm growing heavier with every swing, and her heart in bits at her feet.
It all blurred together, until she was fighting in a kind of animal stupor, going on nothing but training and instinct.
And then, it seemed, she woke to find herself alone and without an opponent. And there was nothing more to fight. Somehow she had gotten to the edge of the battlefield, and as she looked about and saw no more enemies, her sword dropped from fingers too tired to hold it. Then she dropped to her knees, legs too weary to keep her upright. Numbly, she looked over the field again and saw nothing standing, nothing moving, nothing but the dead and a mist rolling over the battlefield to hide it. It was a vision of horror and carnage out of the end of some epic tale, one that does not end well for anyone—a tale that ends with all the heroes dead.
Despair overwhelmed her. She threw back her head and howled, sobbed, and keened a wordless lament, and she wasn’t even sure who she was weeping for. Arthur? Lancelin?
The end of the world?
For surely this was the end, the very end, of the world. After this, what could there be? Death, death, death; nothing left but darkness and death.
She sagged back on her heels, and the tears poured from that void where her heart had been. She had thought she had wept before. It had been nothing to this; the only thought left to her, if thought it could be at all, was that she would sit her forever, and weep forever, until she turned into a weeping stone and poured her waters into the little river that must now run red with blood until the end of time.
Someone was calling her name. Shaking her. Would not let her mourn in peace. Shook her again, harder. Finally, to make it stop, she looked up through eyes so swollen with weeping they were only slits.
And the shock of what she saw, with mist weaving around them both, dried her tears in an instant.
“You—queen—” she gasped.
Arthur’s second wife, cloaked and robed like one of Gildas’ monks, put back her hood with an impatient hand. There was no doubt; it was the same woman who was supposed to be dead. “Yes, well, queen no longer, but yes, I was Arthur’s second wife. Now get up and come with me. We have need of you.”
“We—” She shook her head. This was impossible. How had anyone survived? “Who—”
“Come, warrior
I tell you, you are needed for the journey across Anwnn, and Gwyn ap Nudd cannot hold the door forever.”
As if she had no will of her own, Gwen got to her feet and yielded to the phantom’s urgent tugs on her arm. Though if the second Gwenhwyfar was a phantom, she was an uncommonly strong and solid one. “Where—”
“Gildas persuaded Arthur to put me aside. Melwas’s
didn’t last past being confronted with an army.” The queen’s voice dripped with contempt, then softened. “Gildas is a good man. I have been . . . doing penance for my sins under his instruction. But Arthur needs us now. Arthur needs all of us now.” Her voice cracked a little. “He is dying.”
I thought he was already dead . . .
The mist swirled and billowed around them, making it seem as if they moved through a landscape of dream—or nightmare. They picked their way through tangled, motionless bodies and seemed to be heading for the single patch of light in the thickening shadows.
And then the mist parted before them. Lit by torches, Arthur lay on a crude stretcher, his head pillowed on someone’s wadded-up tunic, surrounded by a handful of his Companions, all of them with faces contorted with grief. It was obvious to Gwen that no one could survive the terrible wound in his gut; it had been bound up, but from the amount of blood that had soaked the bandages, he could not have much longer.
Kneeling beside him, his hand clutched in both of hers, was Gwenhwyfach.
“And . . . you really are . . . the sister?” he was saying.
Little Gwen bent over his hand, weeping, and nodded.
He sighed. “Then . . . you are the one that I loved most truly, most dearly, and I could never be healed of that sickness of love,” he said tenderly. “You are my true queen and ruler of my heart, who knew the desires of mine without my ever needing to speak them.” His free hand moved feebly to the bandages, and his breath caught. “Medraut is dead; no one has ever survived a single blow of Caliburn, and I struck him nine times. But his return blow was as deep as mine, and full as fatal. I shall die soon—”
“No!” Little Gwen cried out. “No, no, you can’t leave me! I need you! I’m meant to be your queen!”
He could only shake his head a very little, as his Companions wept.
A new figure loomed out of the mist. Gwyn ap Nudd, who nodded to the old queen and Gwen. “Arthur,” he said, his voice deep and sonorous. “It is time.”
Little Gwen looked up at him as if to protest, but at a single stern look from him, she shut her mouth, muffled her weeping, got up and stood aside. Four shadowy figures came from behind the King of Annwn; they approached the stretcher and took it up. Gwyn ap Nudd gestured to all three women to follow.
“You bear witness,” said Gwyn, as the Companions watched, seemingly unable to move. “You see that these three queens, all beloved of Arthur, come to bear him through Annwn to the Isle of Glass.”
The Companions stared; Gwen wanted to say something to them, but a power greater than she could deny pulled her after the others.
The mist closed behind them as they approached the riverbank. The shadow warriors put the stretcher gently on a boat that was tied to the bank; Gwyn gestured to the three of them to enter it as well. “I can go no further,” Gwyn said. “But the gate is open for you, cousin, and by your bargain with my people, none will harm you in passage.” Gwen went to the prow and stood there, facing the river and the mist; Little Gwen again took her place at Arthur’s side and held his hand.
“And you, Queen-that-was, you know the way. Yours will be the guiding hand.” The old queen took the tiller, and the shadow warriors, which all seemed to have the heads of beasts, stag, wolf, bear and otter, pushed it off.
For a long time, there was only mist and water, the splashing of waves interrupted only by Little Gwen’s sobs. Gwen thought she saw vague shadows in the water and in the mist, but they never approached the boat, so she was never entirely sure what she saw. She felt empty and exhausted, as if she had left all of her emotions back there on the riverbank. And then, out of the mist, loomed a small wooden dock with more shadow figures on it, silhouetted by torches.
But these were not Gwyn ap Nudd’s beast-men. Somehow, Gwen was unsurprised to see that they were robed in the garb of monks and that Abbot Gildas led them.
A good dozen hands reached for the boat and helped guide it to the dock and make it fast. More of them reached for the stretcher on which Arthur lay. As they lifted him out of the boat, to Gwen’s shock, he opened his eyes and raised his hand.
“Wait,” he whispered, and he beckoned to her.
She found tears pouring down her cheeks, again. “I—forgive me—” she choked out. “I never meant to harm you. I wanted to protect you from Medraut, and then—I thought you didn’t care for me, I thought you would be pleased to see the back of me.”
“It is you who should forgive me. I tried to make you—what you were not. I took a warhorse, and tried to fit it to a plow.” Pain contorted his face for a moment. “Go, and be yourself again. I release you from—every promise, every duty, everything.”
He waved his hand. The monks carried him away with Gwenhwyfach in close attendance, leaving Gwen and the old queen standing on the dock. And in that moment, a blankness came over Gwen, mercifully taking all thoughts with it.
Gwen came back to herself sitting in the Abbey church, with no recollection of how she had gotten there, nor how she had come to be clean of the mud and blood of combat and reclothed in another set of trews and tunic. The old queen was on her knees at the altar in the front of the church, but Gwen could not muster the strength or the will to move. It was dark in here, with only the candles on the altar and a small red lamp for light, but it was also dark beyond the windows. Somehow full night had fallen, not the strange twilight of the mist, while she had sat unaware.

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