Groomless - Part 1 (10 page)

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Authors: Sierra Rose

Tags: #Billionaire Romance

BOOK: Groomless - Part 1
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His beautiful face and gleaming smile flashed in my head.
He was so damn handsome in that suit.

I took another breath and held on to the wall for a moment, trying to get my bearings. I didn’t understand why I was having such a meltdown. I was sure I was over him, no longer in love with him, and I wouldn’t have expected him to have any effect on me whatsoever. I had told myself a million times that he was ancient history and had no part in my future, and now I was panicked at the feelings drummed up by seeing him again. The guy was like a toxic spill in my life. I could still hear his voice asking me for forgiveness on the answering machine, and every now and then, I replayed it just so I could hear him.

“Are you sick?” the bridal shop attendant said, knocking on the bathroom door. “If so, get that dress off right now!”

I opened the door and stared at her.

“You’re as pale as a ghost!” she said.

“You’re right. I’d better get out of this.”

“Please let me help you.”


She helped me get out of the dress, then left. I changed back into my clothes. When she knocked to check on me, I handed the dress to her so she could hang it up, and hurried out to my friends.

“We know what style of dress you love,” Kate said. “We’ll find one just like it but cheaper.”

“Yeah,” I said, “but that one sure was gorgeous.”

“You looked like Cinderella,” Zack said.

“How are you feeling?” Kate asked me.

“Seeing Luke was hard, so unexpected. I feel like he just blew up my world.”

Zack grabbed my hand. “We showed him though. He thinks you’re getting married. I bet he’s crying like a baby. He screwed around and lost the best thing in his life. Girl, I bet he regrets picking Hong Kong over you. I sure as hell know I would. There’s no comparison!”

“Thanks, Zack,” I said.

“You still have a hole in your heat,” Kate said. “It’ll heal.”

“It’s been five long years. The wound should be nothing more than an old scar by now.”

“You just need to find someone to mend it,” Zack said, “like that hot nurse at your dad’s nursing home.”

We all burst into laughter.

“You know the guy’s loaded, right?” Kate said.

“The male nurse?” I asked.

“No, silly. Your ex.”

“Why, because he was wearing a designer suit?”

“That, and because he took off in a black limo!”

“He’s a different person now. The Luke I knew loved jeans and flannel.” I bit my lip hard. “Then again, so did I. I guess we’ve both changed.”

“Tell me you don’t still love that jerk, baby girl,” Zack said. “I understand if you do though. Girl, he looks hot in an Armani!”

I wasn’t sure if I still loved him, and it was really the question of the century. “It’s normal to still love and miss an ex, but just because I loved him once doesn’t mean I’m meant to be with him. We had a special connection, and that love will never fade away.”

“There’s a big difference between being in love with someone and loving them,” Kate said. “Which do you think it is?”

“I don’t know. I kinda wish it was neither.”

Zack wrapped an arm around me. “Well, as your groom, I forbid you from being in love with him!”

I smiled. “C’mon. Let’s go get lunch.”

He grinned. “Then more shopping! There’s a huge 50 percent off sale we’ve gotta hit. I’m trying to get this leather gig, and the photo shoot offers a huge payout. If I can find some hot leather at the sale, it might give me the edge.”

“You love leather,” Kate said, “so let’s not pretend it’s strictly for your job.”

He laughed. “You know leather’s not just for bikers and rock stars anymore.”

I tuned out their conversation, because my past was burning a whole into my mind. Luke had stepped back into my life, if only for a moment, when I least expected it, and I felt like my whole world had been shaken.







To be continued…

Groomless – Part 2:

Groomless UK Part 2:


If you enjoyed this book, please leave a review. I really appreciate all of your support, and thank you from the bottom of my heart! Thanks! ((hugs))






Other books by Sierra Rose:

***Click here to read sample at the end of this book***

My Despicable Ex Part 1 – US:*Version*=1&*entries*=0

My Despicable Ex Part 2 – UK*Version*=1&*entries*=0

She thinks he’s despicable. He wants her back…with a vengeance.

Short blurb: A woman must travel around the globe with her despicable ex in order to get her hands on her inheritance. 





My Despicable Ex longer blurb:


Ashly Roberts and Jake Connors are barely twenty when they decide to take the proverbial plunge and walk down the aisle to exchange vows in front of the dearly beloved. Basking in bridal bliss, Ashly feels she is living the perfect fairytale, until she’s faced with a runaway groom, dumped at the altar by bad-boy fiancé, Jake Connors. 
Five years later, Jake steps back into her life… 
He realizes that being a no-show for their nuptials was the worst mistake of his life. A little older and more mature, he is ready to fight for Ashly’s love once again. When Ashly sees him, she can’t deny the attraction she feels, but her hormones are overruled by the horror of what he did to her in the past. Nevertheless, Jake’s most potent weapon, those dazzling baby blues, ignites a spark in Ashly, no matter how angry she wants to be. She cannot deny the spark, and she only hopes the inferno it ignites will not consume her heart again. 
*This is a two book series* (All of your answers won't be answered in book 1)











***Click here to read sample at the end of this book***


Amazon UK:


This is a 3 book novella series. 18+ due to sexual situations. 
Britt woke up in Jack’s glorious arms. 
Jack…whatever his last name was. She hadn't a clue who he was. Kicking her way out of the sheet, Britt got to her feet and clutched her head instantly. It pounded like an unsuccessful road construction project and her teeth hurt, actually ached from the hangover. Stumbling to the bathroom with annoyance, she drank water and took a shower and drank more water, chastising herself for letting it get this bad. 
She knew to drink water and take aspirin before bed to help curb this hideous feeling. She needed a full breakfast, something big. But she was stuck with this guy who thought it was socially acceptable to hang out after a one-night stand. Britt didn’t have any experience with a one-nighter except that time in college with the one guy in her women’s studies class, the one with the tattoo of a hard drive motherboard on his chest. That hadn’t ended well but for sure he had at least had the courtesy to leave her dorm immediately afterward. Were they supposed to have breakfast together? Bond in some way? She had work. He had…probably the unemployment line or guitar practice or something. Mainly, she needed head-space to get ready for her day and try to forget what she’d done the night before, namely some guitarist whose last name was a mystery better left unsolved. The guy was HOT! But she knew she would never see him again. 
Or would she? 



***Click here to read sample at the end of this book***

Addictive Collision:




Addictive Collision tells the story of twenty-five-year-old Morgan Tyler, who works as a receptionist at Belmont University and also takes classes on the side. She journeys through the pain of being trapped in a sexless marriage. Tired of having a roommate for a husband, she explores her options. Should she stay in the confines of her unhappy marriage or make the painful decision to leave? As she debates what direction her life should take, sparks begin to fly with a hot, hunky mailman named Foster. Is it time to move on with her life, or should Morgan fight for the man who is ignoring her? 





Here’s a sample of My Despicable Ex (part 1)


My Despicable Ex Book Trailer:


The Ashly Roberts Saga


She thinks he’s despicable. He wants her back…with a vengeance.



Ashly Roberts and Jake Connors are barely twenty when they decide to take the proverbial plunge and walk down the aisle to exchange vows in front of the dearly beloved. Basking in bridal bliss, Ashly feels she is living the perfect fairytale, until she’s faced with a runaway groom, dumped at the altar by bad-boy fiancé, Jake Connors. 

Five years later, Jake steps back into her life, realizing that being a no-show for their nuptials was the worst mistake of his life. A little older and slightly more mature, he is ready to fight for Ashly’s love once again. When Ashly sees him, she can’t deny the attraction she feels, but her hormones are overruled by the horror of what he did to her in the past. Nevertheless, Jake’s most potent weapon, those dazzling baby blues, ignites a spark in Ashly, no matter how angry she wants to be. She cannot deny the spark, and she only hopes the inferno it ignites will not consume her heart again.  

According to the terms of her mother’s will, Ashly cannot cash in on her inheritance until she and Jake travel to nearly a dozen locations around the globe. The thought of pairing up with her old flame makes her blood boil, but she has little choice other than to put up with her despicable ex.

Can Ashly put up with Jake through her globe-hopping scavenger hunt to get her family fortune? Will she ever be able to forget or forgive being dumped on her wedding day? When wounds run so deep, is forgiveness even possible between old lovers? Or is it, “Goodbye!” all over again, after everything is said and done?


Both versions together are available now.

Stormy Love (Complete version of My Despicable Ex Parts 1 & 2)

Amazon link to Stormy Love:

Amazon UK link to Stormy Love:*Version*=1&*entries*=0








My Despicable Ex Book Trailer:


Chapter 1


I was born and raised in New York City. Every day, I’m amazed by the breathtaking landscape and awe-inspiring skyline. The Big Apple is, truly, a city that never sleeps. Bright lights, honking taxicabs, and noise are present twenty-four/seven, but somehow, in the midst of all that hustle and bustle and crowded chaos, I found my soulmate. Gazing down at my glittering diamond engagement ring, I couldn’t stop smiling.

Jake Connors lived in the Bronx, the son of a housekeeper who worked for a multimillionaire business tycoon. His mother’s boss used his personal connections and whipped out his checkbook to help Jake enroll at the same elite private school where I was a student. Jake was smart, but he still had T-R-O-U-B-L-E written all over him. In school, he was reprimanded numerous times and even suspended twice. If it wasn’t for his benefactor’s connections, he would have been thrown out right on his naughty butt.

Bad boys are irresistible (as any private school girl, teacher’s pet, or preacher’s daughter will tell you), so of course it wasn’t long before Jake and I fell madly in love against my parents’ wishes, and the rest is history.

At the ripe old age of twenty, I was about to begin my life as Mrs. Jake Connors. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, and excitement and nerves washed through me like a tidal wave. Matchbox Twenty’s  “Overjoyed” played softly in the background, one of the songs on the playlist I’d put together just for that morning. I loved the way the beading from my wedding gown sparkled under the bright lights of the church.

I pulled the lace material down over my shoulders and turned to gaze at Nadia, my best friend since childhood. Her long blonde hair was twisted and woven into an elegant and elaborate up-do, and her sapphire-blue silk dress and matching heels was a stunning ensemble.   

A tear rolled down her face as she adjusted my veil and diamond tiara. “There. You look perfect, just like Cinderella,” she said, wiping her eyes. “I know I promised I wouldn’t cry, but I’m so happy that your fairytale is finally coming true.”

I gushed with emotion. “I’ve dreamt about this moment my entire life.”

Her brown eyes gleamed. “I know. You’re gonna be Mrs. Ashly Connors!” she squealed, clapping her perfectly manicured hands together.

I couldn’t stop grinning. “I’ve never loved anyone the way I love Jake.”

“And you’re putting all those doubters to rest.”

“I know. Everyone swore we’d never make it, yet here we are, about to walk down the aisle!” Tears welled up, and I started fanning my face. “This is the happiest day of my life.”

She reached for a tissue. “Don’t cry. You’ll ruin your makeup that I spent so long trying to get just right.”

“I-I can’t help it,” I said, sniffling and in a trembling voice. “I’ve never ever been this happy and excited.”

“This is just the beginning,” Nadia said. “You two are going to have a fabulous life together.”

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