Good Intentions (Welcome to Paradise) (Volume 2) (22 page)

BOOK: Good Intentions (Welcome to Paradise) (Volume 2)
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That was last week and my legs are still sore from the hike up Diamond Head two days ago. Well, it might also be from our ‘doing it like there’s no tomorrow sexcapades, but I would never complain about my Evan lovins.

Throwing back the sheet, I look to my side.

“Oh, good, you’re awake,” Evan says, bright-eyed, all smiley, showing off his perfect teeth.

I grumble.

He comes over and sits down next to me. “Don’t be moody, baby, it’s a beautiful day.”

I flail my arms in the air as I whine, “Every day is the same here. Beautiful blue skies, the ocean sounds in the distance, birds singing,” I let my finger trail down his bare chest, “perfectly tanned, muscular, strong, sexy surfer boys.”

He tilts his head down questioningly, “Boys, as in plural?”

“Okay, just one perfectly tanned, muscular, strong, sexy surfer boy.”

“Go on.”

“Go on?”

“Yeah, I want to hear more.”

. Well.” I continue lightly dragging my nail down his abs. “A surfer who is incredibly smart, has the best blue eyes I’ve ever seen—”

“You’re kind of making my cock jealous of my eyes,” he says, batting his lashes playfully at me. He rubs his chest with his hand, spreading his fingers to cover a large portion of it then slides it over his abs, which are looking more defined than usual if that’s possible.

I involuntarily swipe my hand across my mouth in case I’m drooling, but stay focused on his hand as it travels downward. I can feel his eyes burning into mine, but I continue watching the show he’s all too happy to give me.

He dips his fingers into his pants, slides them up then back down completely disappearing into the fabric of his briefs, and grabs hold of his hard length. “You like watching, baby?”

Gulping, I squeeze my thighs together, my body responding to him.

His hand reappears, and I sigh in disappointment.

“Don’t worry,” He says. “We’ll have plenty of time to watch each other when we’re apart. We’ll sex-cam.”

“Can’t you give me a little preview of what to expect? I mean, it won’t be the same on the monitor. Wait, what? You want me…” I say, my anxiety showing through my tone. “To touch myself in front of the webcam while you watch?”

He leans down really close, rubbing the tip of his nose along my neck, and exhaling a warm breath. “Yes baby, I want to watch you get yourself off for me like you did that time in the bathroom.”

Open mouthed, wet, deep, and intense kisses are exchanged while he slides down on top of me and moves slowly, making me ache for more. My body flows with his as he presses his middle against my pelvis. My mind already lost in feelings and sensations as I start working against him for the friction I need. The cotton of my panties and his boxer briefs are a complete nuisance, but yet provide pleasure as it scrapes against my neediness.

Moaning as I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders, he pulls back, removing his lips from mine, and says in the most sextastic voice, “Does this feel good, baby?”

A mumbled utterance of approval escapes my lips as his hands slide under my tank top and he squeezes my breasts. His moan in return encourages me to grind harder. He kisses across my jaw, dragging his teeth and then sucking gently on my neck.

A tight squeeze on my breasts becomes firmer as his mouth reaches my peaks and teases me with soft licks, delicate touches, and gentle hip presses.

I lift my head to see why the change in speed. He’s looking up at me through dark lashes and half-hooded eyes as I watch his lips kiss my breast and his thumb caresses my other breast’s nipple.

Pushing my boobs together, he appreciates them… and then begins talking to them. “I’m going to miss you girls. Remember you’re mine and only mine. Don’t let anyone else manhandle you, okay?”

Evan releases them and abruptly takes my arms, pushing them above my head, and attacks my neck with kisses while gyrating into me again with passion. I don’t know what that stalling was all about, but I’m glad we’re back to the action portion of this morning sex.

His lips meet mine again and as we kiss, I wrap my legs around his middle and we grind hard and fast. “Get a condom,” I mumble with his tongue in my mouth.

“Let’s do it this way,” he says, never breaking pace. “I’m already so close.”

So am I, which is why I thought we would have sex, but this does feel too fantastic to stop now.

Rubbing down my sides, he glides his hands hard against me on the way up and grabs a hold of my breasts again. Our moaning takes over and he whimpers for a split second before pressing hard against my heat. Pushing back against his shoulders, I reach my orgasm. But we continue moving against each other a few more seconds before he collapses on top of me.

After panting for a moment, he rolls off of me, eyes closed and smirking. “God, I love you.”

“Me or my body?” I giggle at his obvious exhausted pleasure.

“Both,” he says, turning to face me. He strokes my face with his hand, his expression turning serious. “I love all of you. Everything about you, baby. Especially that beautiful blush that’s on your cheeks now.” He leans forward, kissing me sweetly on the lips then jumps up off the bed and heads to the bathroom. Before he leaves the room, he stops and looks back at me. “Get that cute ass out of bed. We’ve got plans today.”

I grab the pillow next to me and chuck it at him. “You can’t be serious! It’s been non-stop, babe. I’m tired. No more hiking or any activities like that. I’m good. I’ve seen more than my fair share. Can’t we just lounge in bed instead?”

“No, we can’t,” he shouts from the bathroom. “We’ve got big plans today.”

“Uggghh! What do I need to wear and bring?” I give in. Apparently, he has set his mind and there’s no changing it.

“Wear what you would normally wear. Or, we can wear our matching Hawaiian clothes,” he says and laughs.

“No! Absolutely not! It was cute one time. Twice is too much.”

“Okaaayyy, but if you change your mind…” He’s wise and doesn’t finish that sentence, but he does start the shower.

I get out of bed, disgruntled I might add, and pull off my soaked panties and scrunched up tank top. Tossing them on my growing pile of dirty clothes, I walk naked into the bathroom. He’s naked and brushing his teeth, but stops to drink me in with his eyes. With the toothbrush sticking out of his mouth and foamy paste all over his teeth, he releases it and takes my arm, pulling me in front of him. His body is flush against the back of mine as his hands feel me, wrapping around my ribs and stopping on my stomach. Gently rubbing his hands, palms flattened, on my breasts, he cups them. He’s been watching me move under his touch until it seems to dawn on him that he’s supposed to be brushing his teeth. He lets go of me and starts brushing again.

When I exhale, I realize I’d stopped breathing altogether when he looked at me the way he did. He’s touched every inch of my body before—gently and sexually—but something about the moment we just shared reminded me of the way he looked at me the very first day we met.

As I walk under the spray of the shower, I ask, trying to sound casual, “You asked me if I enjoyed myself after the first time we were together. I remember thinking that was thoughtful that you were concerned with how it felt emotionally for me.”

He steps in behind me and holds me so were both under the water. Backing up, he grabs the shampoo, squirts some in his hand, and starts washing my hair. “I also washed your hair that first night.” He kisses my shoulder. “If you’re asking me if I always ask girls that question afterward, the answer is no. I never cared enough about anyone to even think to ask. I really cared if you had a good time.” He leans down to my ear and whispers, “I secretly hoped you’d stay with me that first day, but—”

“But I was so pissed that I woke up alone.”

“Yeah, you scared me a little,” he laughs.

“You made love to me when all I was looking for was a good time.” I also laugh, rinsing the shampoo out of my hair.

His hand goes to his chest, ego wounded, and all dramatic. “Oh how your words pierce my very manhood. So, you didn’t have a good time then?”

He slides his fingers, conditioner coated, through my hair, carefully spreading it throughout.

I playfully respond, “I didn’t say I didn’t have a good time, but you made love to me. You didn’t fuck me.”

“Oh, I see. So Mallory Wray came to the island to get laid? Thank god, I was there to be of service, but my humblest apologies that I left her dissatisfied and in need of a proper fucking. I can only hope that I’ve made up for it.” I see the sparkle in his eyes as he teases.

Shimmying my soapy body against him, I say, “More than made up for it, but if you’d like to keep making up for it, you know where to find me, hot stuff.”

He steps out from rinsing his hair and I step under, closing my eyes and letting the water fall down my body. When I open them again, he’s staring at me and I recognize the look though it takes me a second to place it, a flashback to our first night together again.

His smile lessens as he looks at me, his other hand rubbing the back of his neck. His gaze drops away for the briefest of seconds, but when it returns there’s confusion, his expression mystified again.

He asks, “What am I going to do with you?”

“Just love me. That’s all.”

“That’s easy. I meant what am I going to do when you’re gone?”

“You’re also leaving.”

“But not for a week. You leave in…” A heavy sigh fills in the rest and we finish our shower in silence. Both of us are well aware that I leave in three days and we don’t need the reminder.

Within the hour, we’re on the road. But when we pull into the airport, I get confused. “What are we doing here?”

“We’re doing a day trip to Kauai.”

I grab his hand, stopping him as he tries to move forward. “Really?” I can’t hide my excitement.

“C’mon or we’ll miss our flight.”

After the short twenty-minute flight, we rent a convertible and drive along the coast eventually turning inland until we arrive at a place called Wailua River Cruises.

“It’s pretty here. Are we going on a boat?” I ask as we walk to the ticket office.

“Yes, we are. This is where parts of that old show “Fantasy Island” and I think some of “Lost” was filmed.” He leans forward over the counter, and says, “I have a reservation for two under Ashford.”

The girl smiles at him and then starts typing. “Yes, here you are, Mr. Ashford,
…” She eyes me up and down, but easily disregards me and focuses her attention back to Evan with a flirty smile.

Squeezing Evan’s hand, I answer confidently, “Mrs. Ashford.” As the words leave my mouth, I go into some minor form of shock.
Why did I do that?
I claimed him because I got jealous. I turn around quickly to walk away, embarrassed for acting so childish and for doing that to Evan. But Evan stops my retreat, gripping my hand tighter in his then bringing it to his lips and placing one sweet, slow kiss on my knuckles. A gentle smile plays on his lips as he takes the tickets without any further acknowledgment of the girl behind the counter.

I don’t say anything as we walk hand in hand down the long sidewalk to the pier where the boat is boarding, mainly because I feel a lump forming in my throat. He glances my way several times and I can see the smile that he’s trying to hold back. I’m so gonna be teased over that remark.

After finding our seats on the boat, in the back, he can’t resist, and asks, “Mrs. Ashford, huh?” His gentle smile gets all smirky —arrogance and satisfaction playing equally.

My face flames with heat. I’m about to go into all the pathetic reasons why I said that back there, but before I can speak, he says, “Stop freaking out. I like the sound of that name. Mallory Ashford has a nice ring to it. Is this something you’ve thought about before or did the green-eyed monster say that back there?”

I drop my head into my hands, humiliated in my weak jealousy. He’s not stupid. He knows I got jealous and I hate that I did. “I’m sorry. Yes I’ll admit, I got jealous, but did you see how she was eye-flirting with you. Seeing that set something off inside me.”

“I think it’s cute that you said that and no, I didn’t notice her eye-
with me.”

“That’s because you think that’s how girls look at everyone, but they don’t. They only look at
that way and I’m leaving in less than three days and I don’t like that girls are going to do that to you and I’m not going to be here to put them in their place and even though I’ve given you a hard time in the past about territorial pissing on me that’s all I want to do is mark you as mine and make sure that every female in a hundred-foot vicinity knows you’re mine and only mine!” I word vomit then take a deep breath since my lungs are completely deflated from my rant.

He leans over and kisses me softly. “Welcome to my world, except I don’t want guys closer than a hundred yards to you.” He laughs, making me smile and a little less crazy for how I acted.

As the boat travels leisurely toward our destination, there’s a cool breeze coming off the water. I lean back against Evan, resting my hand on his leg, and appreciate the view.

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