God's Word in My Heart (8 page)

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Authors: Paul J. Loth

BOOK: God's Word in My Heart
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When was the last time you wanted to be alone?

What did you do?


Jesus spent time a
one w
th God. Moses spent time alone with God. This
pleased God.

Jesus prayed. And God told Jesus what to do.

Moses listened to God also. Then Moses knew what to te
the people.
We can spend time alone with God, too. We can tell God that we love Him.


Help me listen when You speak to my heart.

Pray to your Father in private.
Matthew 6:6
Acts 4:36; 12:25—13:3

How do you make your friends feel when you

re with them?


Paul had friends to encourage him. This helped Paul. It kept
him going.

It is easy to be discouraged. We need friends to encourage

We want to encourage our friends. This helps them want to do
the right thing. This pleases God.


Teach me how to encourage my friends

Encourage and help each other.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Forgiving and Forgetting
Matthew 18:21-35

When was the last time someone did something wrong to you?


A man owed a lot of money. The man he owed did not make him
pay. He was forgiven. The man who was forgiven was owed a small amount. He made
the one who owed him pay.

The first man was not fair. He was treated well. He should
treat others we
l, too.

God for
ives us for what
we do. We should forgive and forget.


Help me forgive my friends.

If you for
ive others for the wrongs
they do to you, your Father in heaven will forgive you.
Matthew 6:14
Giving Up Our Ri
Philippians 2:6-11

When was a time someone tried to take advantage of you?

What did you do?


Jesus always obeyed God. He even gave up His own rights in
order to obey.

Jesus was dying on the cross. Some soldiers made fun of Him.
What did Jesus do? He did not try to get even. He asked God to forgive them.

We should obey God, too. It may mean giving up our own
rights. This is a small price to pay to obey God.


Show me how to act when people are mean to me.

But I tell you to love your enemies and pray for anyone who mistreats you.
Matthew 5:44
Helping Others
Acts 9:1-19

Have you ever helped someone who was not nice to you?


Before Paul loved Jesus, he was mean.

Jesus asked Paul for help. Then Paul loved Jesus, too. He
was not mean.

God told a man to help Paul. The man was scared of Paul. He
knew Paul had been mean.

God says we should help everyone. Even someone who has been


I want to help people this week. Please show me how.

Use your [freedom] as an opportunity to serve each other with love.
Galatians 5:13
Others Live
2 Timothy 3:1-17

Have you ever tried to tell someone they are doing something


The Bible is God
God uses it to show people when they are doing wrong things.

Timothy had to tell people they were doing wrong things. He
used the Bible to do this.

Paul said the Bible helps people stop doing wrong things. It
helps them know the right thing.

The Bible helps us, too. It shows us how to do the right


How can I help someone do the right thing?

Understanding your word gives light to the minds of ordinary people.
Psalm 119:130
Looking Out for Others
John 6:1-14;

How do you try to help your friends?

Do you help them even if it is hard for you?


Jesus cared about others. Many people came to hear Him.
Jesus gave them all food. He showed He cared.

We should care, too. Jesus wants us all to get along. We
should not just think of ourselves. We should be like Jesus.

What would happen if we all did that? The world would be
better. Right?


Help me think of others before I think of myself.

Care about them as much as you care about yourselves.
Philippians 2:4
Loyalty to the End
Genesis 1; Exodus 4; 1 Samuel 20; John 15:13
Acts 4—6

Who are some of your closest friends?

Would they be loyal to you no matter what?


God wants us to have friends. God is happy when we are good
friends to others.

The Bible tells us about many good friends. They helped each
other. This made God happy.

The best friend of all is Jesus. He gave His life for us. He
l do anything for us. We should try to be
that kind of friend, too.


Make me a better friend to someone today.

A true friend is closer than your own family.
Proverbs 18:24
Picking Friends
Genesis 37

How did you choose your friends?

When did any of your friends make you do something for which
you were sorry?


We read about many friends in the Bible. These friends
helped each other. They helped each other do the right thing.

Bad friends get us in trouble. Joseph
brothers were not good friends. The brothers were mean to
Joseph. They helped each other do the wrong thing.

We must choose good friends. Good friends help us do the
right thing.


Give me good friends who help me obey You.

Wise friends make you wise.
Proverbs 13:20
Sacrificing for Others

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