Glow (6 page)

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Authors: Molly Bryant

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Glow
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I pushed the brake and rolled my window halfway down. “Yeah!”

“It's too bad you aren't feeling well enough to go to dinner with Jordan... no
worries though, he understood!” Ben smiled widely before turning to walk
into the house.

I am sure my face was priceless as I sat there staring at him with my mouth

“What the hell?!” I said aloud grabbing my cell phone then took a look at my
messages. Ben had text him from my phone acting as if it were me telling
him I needed to cancel due to my waking up sick.

“I forgive you too, princess!” he hollered from his car with the cupcake boxes
in his arms. “No more secrets!” he put the cupcakes in his back seat and
hopped in his car.

Damn him in all of his sexiness! I let out a scream of frustration. “I hate
him!” I growled as I angrily sped out of my driveway not paying any kind of
attention to what I was doing and wouldn't you know it- an oncoming car
honked frantically as it rammed right into the back side panel of my car on
the passenger side.

I angrily took my seat belt off and stepped out of my car. A short, older man
possibly in his late fifties with balding gray hair and tan skin is going off in
some foreign language I couldn't understand as he pointed to my driveway
then the damage to his Cadillac.

“Sir, please calm down. My insurance will cover the damages,” I tried to say
but the old man kept talking and talking and talking.


“Sir, please,” I pleaded as all I want to do is rip my hair out.




I turned around to see that Ben had backed his white BMW out of my
driveway and was stopped next to the wreckage.


“What, Ben?!” I yelled at him.
“It looks like you are riding with me, Princess.” he winked.
Chapter Two: Peek-a-Boo, I See You

Thirty minutes later after Ben had taken charge of my little 'incident',
swapping insurance information and pulling my car back into the driveway,
we are on our way to my mom and dads house.

“Are you okay?” Ben glanced at me from the drivers side. “That wreck
looked pretty nasty,”


“Yes, I am fine,” I stared out the window at the gas station halfway to my
moms house that Ben was pulling into.


“Do you want anything?” he asked as he took his seat belt off. “I mean, I feel
partially responsible for your little fender-bender,”


“You know what? Yes, the biggest pack of cigarettes and bottle of wine they
have stocked in their store,” I clenched my teeth.


He laughed. “You got it,”

I watched him as he walked into the store and I slightly smiled. Yes, he
makes me want to rip my hair out. Yes, I hate him. Yes, I want to kill the
sultry bastard... But, yes, I also have a soft spot for the asshole. Ben is
sending me through a whirlwind of emotions that I can't understand. One
minute I want to scream, and the next I want to
I looked down at the middle console and see Ben's phone sitting
in the drink holder lit up. I picked it up to find a text from that red headed girl
from Estrada's- Karen. I smirked taking a sneaky peek at the door to the gas
station, he is still inside. I opened the message screen;

It's too bad you had to cancel our dinner plans.
I hope you feel better soon, sexy...
xoxo Karen

I scrolled up and had seen that he had sent the message to her explaining the
same thing he said to Jordan for me- that he had awoken sick. His message
was sent earlier this morning before he sent anything to Jordan, before he
even knew I had text him. I furrowed my brows as I stared at the text.

He canceled on Karen? For what? Why?

I looked up and Ben is walking toward the car. I fumbled his phone, more
like dropped it back into the drink holder. “Shit,” I whispered. He opened the
car door and tossed a pack of cigarettes into my lap.

“You seriously bought me cigarettes?” I laughed, still trying to hide my
jumpiness. “I don't smoke! It was a joke, Ben,”

“You better start at almost ten-bucks a pack,” he sits in his seat and closes the
door, then places a heavy brown bag on my lap. I looked inside of it and
reached in pulling out a huge bottle of...
Arbor Mist?

“What is Arbor Mist?” I asked staring at the bottle then at Ben curiously.


“It was the biggest bottle of alcohol they had in there,” he shrugged.


“No Pinot, or Sauvignon?” I frowned.

“Hey, you didn't say the biggest bottle of a certain kind,” he pulled out onto
the road again. “You just said the biggest bottle of wine... well, actually it's
the biggest bottle closest to wine,” he laughed.

I truly didn't think that he was going to take me seriously when it came to the
bottle and cigarettes. I'm totally not going to smoke the cigarettes, however, I
cracked open the bottle of the Arbor stuff. I might as well after the afternoon
I have had. I looked at the label again- Peach?
Not bad.
I smiled. Much
“You know I could go to jail for that being open in my car,” he looked over
at me with the most unconcerned facial expression. He could care less.

“Eh,” I shrugged and took another drink. “It would be the perfect evening to
such a shitty afternoon, don't you think?” I smirked.


“Hey, tonight will be great, right?” he nudged my arm with his elbow.


“Just fabulous,” I said sarcastically with the bottle against my lips. I have a
feeling this will be a night I will never forget.


Down the road from my parents house; forty-two minutes later to be exact,
my phone rings interrupting my Arbor Mist induced singing, I answered it.




“Honey, hi!” my mom chirps.


“Hello, mother...” I sighed. “we're here,” Ben turned onto the driveway.


“They're here!” she squealed. “Wait, you brought someone?”


“Mom, it's Ethan's friend, we are pulling up into the drive way, bye,” I hung

He pulled up to the round about and parked in front of the doors. I got out of
the car, then opened the back door grabbing the cupcake boxes only to be
greeted by my mom and dad.

“Hey kiddo!” My father smiles under his brown and gray mustache. He took
the boxes from my hands as he eyed Ben. Trust me father, you have nothing
to worry about. No need for the 'you hurt my daughter, I hurt you' glare.

I smiled taking in the scene of my parents. My slightly overweight father in
his jeans and 'World's Greatest Father' T-shirt I bought him for Christmas
many years ago-the words are slightly faded. I know he wore it today because
I was coming. My tiny, petite mother... she has fashion sense like I do. She
looked astonishing in her gray dress that showed her still amazing figure. Her
blonde hair was in curls. With them standing so close together you would
never know that they were married as they look like polar opposites, but that
is what makes their marriage so amazing. I have never seen two people love
each other as much as they do.

“Hello, father,” I placed my hand on his back as I followed him to the door.


“Did you buy the whole bakery?” he stared at the boxes.


“Something like that,” Ben laughed.


“Vanessa,” my mom wrapped her fragile arms around me.

“Hi, mother,” I hugged her back inhaling the memorable scent of her
perfume. It is Channel No.5-she has worn the same perfume for as long as I
can remember. When I go to the mall after not seeing my family for a few
months, the perfume counter always has her smell lingering, my heart aches
every time.

“You two rode together,” she waggled her brows at me as Ben walked in past


“Mom, he had to give me a ride, my car got hit,” I sighed.


“You were in an accident?” She was starting to get upset.
Please, mom, don't
get me started.


“Mom, I am fine, no worries,” I reassured her.

As we enter the house, I could hear laughter bouncing off the walls from the
dining room already. My brother Ethan and Ben are already talking about a
memory of when they stuck whip cream on my palm and tickled my nose
when I was asleep. I stood there for a second trying to remember. I do, it just
seems hazy. All I can remember is Ben being so incredibly mean to me all
the time. It doesn't seem to amaze me why he was so hesitant on telling me
who he was.

“Why don't you go and join them in the dining room for cocktails,
sweetheart.” my mom insisted as she kissed me on the cheek. “Your father
and I will go and put these in the kitchen,” I heard her heels retreating out of
the entry way.

I stood in front of the stairs taking a moment as I am alone and close my
eyes, inhaling deeply. I have missed this house, and my family so much. I can
remember Ethan and I chasing one another up and down those stairs on
multiple occasions. For instance Christmas, Ethan would push me out of the
way to get to the tree first, or when the doorbell rang; half the time it would
be for me which I would just kick him in the shin and stick my tongue out at
him. Or, when he would have sleep overs and they would get bored then
chase me through the house with his stupid-hairy pet tarantula that he just
had to have
because it was
so cool
. I shuttered.

“You guys were so mean! Oh my gosh!” I heard a girls voice and laughter
snapping me out of it. Jackie, Ethan's girlfriend of five years; I love her, she
is a good friend of mine.

“Nessy!” I heard Ethan from the dining room.
I could kill him every
time he calls me that. It has been my nickname since I was two. My father
started it without thinking about the 'Lockness Monster' and what kind of
torment would come from it as I got older. Leave it to Ethan.

“Nessy! Come here!” Ethan yelled.


I rolled my eyes and confidently made my way to the right, towards the
dining room.


“She hates it when we call her 'Nessy',” Ben whispered making Ethan laugh.


I took a few steps closer and reached the dining room. I stopped dead in my
tracks when I see a shit eating grin on none other than Ben's perfect face.


“Oh my God, must you two be so annoying?” I ask them disregarding the
warmth in my belly Ben's smile spread through me.


“Don't be so uptight, sis...” Ethan stood up from his chair, wrapping his
muscular arms around my shoulders, then squeezed me tightly.


“Too tight,” I mumbled against his chest.


Ethan sniffed the air. “Has Nessy been drinking already?”


“Shut up,” I pushed him away from me playfully.


“Getting the party started early! Nice, sis.” Ethan winked at me.

“She said grab her the biggest bottle, so I did,” Ben shrugged as he mixed
himself a whiskey and coke. “But I didn't think she would drink half of the
bottle either,” he laughed.

“You bought it for her?” Ethan looked at Ben skeptically.


“Yeah, we rode together,” Ben looked up from his glass and winked at me.


“Ethan, only because my car is wrecked, that's all,” I pour myself a glass of
Pinot. With the rate this day was going, I needed a little more liquid courage.

“How exactly do the two of you know one another after you disappeared all
these years, Ben?” Ethan pointed between the both of us. I looked over at a
silent Jackie who is trying so hard not to laugh at the seriousness behind
Ethan's every word.

“And you drove my sister here,” Ethan sat back down next to Jackie.


“He did,” I smirked. “Go ahead, Benny, tell em'!” I winked, taking a sip of
my wine watching Ben squirm under my brothers warning tone, and glare.
Ethan has always been protective of me.

Ben's expression instantly relaxed. “We work together,” That's it? No
stuttering? No 'it's not what you think' extremely nervous explanations? Just a

“Wait, I'm sister is the crazy chic you are working with that
hasn't had a date in over a year? How sad!” Ethan laughed aloud.


“Vanessa,” Jackie says sweetly, smiling at me sullenly. “I'm sorry,” she then
mouthed. I mirrored her smile.
How embarrassing is this?

“How awesome is that!” Ethan said excitedly. “It's okay, Nessy... if you're
still single by the time you're thirty-five, you can go in-vitro. Start a family of
your own,” he joked. I was raging inside.

I stared at Ben with wide eyes as he laughed, I will kill him. I am going to
kill Ben McGurthy!


“Real nice, Ben,” I said as I turn around feeling my eyes start to prickle with
tears. I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a deep breath.


“Where are you going?” Jackie asks sadly.

“Just this day has been a freaking nightmare, I need some air,” I walked
toward the front door. I grabbed the door handle and I could hear my mother
asking everyone what all of the commotion was and where I went. When they
told her I was going outside, she got worried and told Ethan to come after
me. Ben insisted that he should be the one to come after me, and Ethan had
let him. I shut the door behind me and quickly skidaddled outside.

“Vanessa,” I heard Ben before I could even take a full ten steps.

I sighed, stopped with my back turned towards him. The anger that is boiling
inside of me is waiting to erupt like Mt. Saint Helen's. If it wasn't for my job
being on the line, I would call a cab and go the hell home. I would never look

“I'm sorry I told your brother,” he was right behind me now. I swallowed
hard and closed my eyes as I could smell him.

I quickly turned around, my hands were shaking. With complete loss of
control of my hands, I slapped him across the face as hard as I could. I
immediately gasped as I am not a violent person but he has gotten on my last
nerve; I had lost all control. He stood there just staring at me for a moment
then he slowly brought his hand to his face and rubbed the red hand print. As
I angrily stared into his eyes, I could see that he truly was sorry.

“I deserved that after the day I have caused for you, I did,” he said lowly, his
voice was deep and husky.

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