Give Me More (8 page)

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Authors: Kortny Alexander

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Western, #Adult, #Fiction

BOOK: Give Me More
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“Hurry up, Spring, the elevator doors are opening!”

“Yeah, yeah, keep your panties on, girl. I’m coming!” Spring and her sisters were headed to breakfast, and she had taken too long to get dressed. She tried to find something that would cover up her passion mark, but finally decided against it. She would wear it like a battle scar.

Nothing had slipped by her sisters once they arrived. But they also realized Spring was beyond tight-lipped about who sucked her neck into oblivion and plastered that silly grin on her face. Eventually they gave up. They settled for teasing her instead. She knew her sisters would play their famous sit-and-wait game. And eventually, she would spill. She trotted down to the bank of elevators just as she heard her sister, Summer.

“There. Is. A. God. Come on, Spring. There are three hot cowboys holding the elevator for you!”

What in the world had gotten into her sister? She acted as if she had never seen men before. Hell, the men probably weren’t real cowboys anyway. Spring smiled and immediately shrugged. It was Vegas. Why the hell her sister was yelling down the hall so early in the morning was lost on Spring. But then again, nobody really slept in Vegas. They were there to have a good time, so she yelled back as she approached the elevator. “I’m coming, Summer. I can’t run in this dress…” Every word in the English dictionary was lost to Spring when she reached the elevator her sisters were waiting in.

She instantly knew why her three sisters had the dumbest grins on their faces. The three cowboys were hot. Their mutual overpowering and imposing presences filled the elevator to damn near capacity. Her eyes lingered a moment too long to go undetected by her detective-like sisters. Damn! Her body tingled like it knew who it belonged to when she caught Bo’s gaze.

There he stood with his Stetson on, snug T-shirt, low-rider faded jeans, and well-worn cowboy boots. The men flanking him were dressed in similar clothing. But Spring couldn’t take her eyes off of Bo. The man who had fucked the living daylights out of her only hours earlier. The sight of him made her nipples hard, and her pussy instantly flooded with her juices. What the hell?

Bo was flanked on either side by what had to be his brothers, the same men she had seen the night before. They stood against the back wall of the elevator. Cowboy hats low on their heads, but not low enough that she couldn’t see the identical pale sky-blue eyes. Her sisters stood in front of them. And all eyes were on Spring. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Could things be any more uncomfortable? The three men donned knowing smirks before their facial features were serious again. It took her sisters only moments to pick up on the obvious point that something was going on.

“Spring, get on the elevator. I’m hungry,” her baby sister, April, whined.

Spring thought that would be the end of it. She prayed her sisters thought she was enthralled by the three hunks just like they were. She hoped like hell neither Bo nor his brothers would open their mouths.

Damn, she should have known things wouldn’t go her way.

She stepped into the elevator and pressed herself to the side wall, trying to put as much distance between them as possible. She muttered to herself and unconsciously brushed her hair to the side and bared her passion mark.

Her older sister, Summer, was the first to notice the looks that passed between Spring and Bo. Spring knew it was over when Summer smirked at her, but held her tongue. That was so unlike Summer. Too bad for Spring, Bo’s brothers were not so forgiving.

“Hey, Vance, have you noticed that our brother has a similar big-ass hickey on his neck just like the pretty lady over there?” He nodded in Spring’s direction. Twerp. Unable to look away, she watched as Bo’s eyes zeroed in on her and only her. He didn’t care who knew.

“Uh-huh. You’re right, Cade. We must have missed out on one hell of a party last night. Two people with big-ass hickeys! What are the odds?” Bastards!

Spring felt her entire body flush with embarrassment. Running into her one-night stand and his sarcastic brothers was not something she had expected to do. Spring watched as her sisters took in what was
being said as they looked from her neck, her eyes, her body movement, then to Bo and did the same. Dammit!

Karma screwed with her this morning. The first time she decided to go wild, look what happened. What were the odds of getting into the elevator with Bo and his brothers? She just watched as her sisters continued to do mental inventory on the situation as the elevator continued to descend. She was trapped. Trapped on the elevator with her one-time lover, her nosy-ass sisters, and his bigmouthed brothers.

Bo must have realized the panicked look in her eyes. A slow, sexy grin crossed his lips as he ignored their curious siblings and reached out a hand to her. Without hesitation, Spring placed her hand in his and walked into his embrace. She wished she could have ignored him. She wished that after one night it would have remained one night. She wished she would not have run into Bo the rest of her trip. But none of those things were possible.

Spring wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her head into his chest. It was like coming home. He smelled so damned good. Every naughty act she shared with Bo came rushing back. She belonged there with him, and yet, she knew this would not last. Spring knew that when it came time for them to part ways, it was going to hurt like hell. But for now, right now, she embraced everything Bo offered her. She pressed her ear to his chest and let the pounding of his heart calm her, tune out their siblings.

“Awwwwkward,” May, Spring’s other sister, mumbled.

The elevator dinged, and luckily for Spring and Bo, his brothers saved the day. If only momentarily.

“How about you three ladies have breakfast with us, on us, and let these two do…whatever.” Vance smiled at his brother while Cade smacked him on the back. They were clueless just like the sisters, but they would give Bo whatever he needed. And right now, he needed to be alone with Spring.

Calling for reassurances as they stepped out of the elevator, Summer turned to Spring, who had now turned to them. “We will see you at breakfast, right?”

Spring couldn’t help but laugh. Summer, always the big sister, no matter how old they got. “Yes, Summer. Just give us a few minutes. Okay?”

“Don’t be long.” Spring could see the worry in her sister’s eyes. She nodded her head as the elevator closed once again.

Spring turned to Bo and watched as he swiped a card across the panel where the buttons were located. The elevator stood motionless. When the phone inside the elevator rang, he quickly picked it up and spoke into it.

“Hit the camera and give me twenty, okay?”

Apparently, whoever was on the other end didn’t put up a fuss. He gently hung up the phone and turned to Spring. He ran the pad of his thumb across her lips and grinned. “You gave me your real name.”

That hadn’t been the first thought to cross her mind, but she smiled at the statement. “I did. And so did you, Bo.” Her grin was just as wide as his. She watched as his pale blue eyes twinkled and darkened as he leaned down towards her.

“You snuck out of my suite.”

She didn’t expect that to come out of his mouth. Frankly, she thought they should have avoided that topic altogether. She looked down, because she couldn’t look at him and think of a lie. She did sneak out. What was she supposed to do? Instead, Spring said nothing.

Bo’s hand went to her cheek. Instinctively, she turned into it with her eyes closed and kissed his palm. The intimate gestures should have unnerved her, but they didn’t. It only made her womb tighten at his every touch.

“Spring,” he whispered as he tipped her chin up and once again held her gaze. “What is this? What’s happening between us?”

“I-I don’t know. But I don’t want it to stop.” Had she said that out loud?

“Me neither.” He held her head in his hands and ran his tongue across her lips just before she parted them. He welcomed the silent invitation. His tongue slid past her lips and instantly tangled with hers. The deep sigh from Spring simply encouraged him to kiss her with more passion. The desire for her burned deep in the depths of his soul. He couldn’t part with her. He growled in her mouth as hands skated all over her body. She moaned at his touches and moved in impossibly closer to him. Breaking their kiss first, he stared at her with lust-filled eyes. Panting as he tried to catch his breath.

“Wish number two,
fuck me now.” Oh, dear God, she didn’t even recognize the sound of her own voice. Where had the confidence come from? She just begged a man to fuck her in the elevator where anyone could hear or see them. And all Spring could do was concentrate on not coming before he touched her.

Bo only arched a brow at her request. “Minx, take off your panties before I rip them off.”

There was no smile on his face or in his voice. His face had gone stern, determined, and his eyes darkened even more. Spring had never moved so fast in her life. This is what she wanted, what she craved. A man that knew what she needed and what she craved. Sometimes Spring wanted soft and gentle and sometimes…sometimes she just wanted her brains fucked out. The desire for this man made her insane. The throbbing of her clit couldn’t be ignored. After slipping her panties off, she tossed them to the floor and looked up at Bo. He had already removed his hat.

“You are so damn sexy.” He grabbed both of her arms and linked them around his neck. She hadn’t even realized he had already unzipped his pants and had his cock out, bobbing and ready to make her scream his name.

His hands slowly caressed down her body until they found her naked pussy and slid two fingers inside of her. She was soaked. Bo removed his fingers and grabbed handfuls of her dress and pushed it up to her waist. “Are you ready, minx?” He did not bother to let her answer. It would not have mattered either way. She was always ready for him.

He took her mouth in such a rough kiss it took her breath away. When her knees began to melt at the sheer force of it all, Bo cupped her ass and lifted her off the floor as if she weighed nothing. “Lock your legs around me,” he whispered against her lips.

Spring did as instructed. She immediately felt the cold surface of the elevator wall at her back. He was going to use it for support. She felt his fingers glide down the crevice of her rounded cheeks and dip into her saturated pussy. Her juices were everywhere. They had coated her tender folds as well as her clit and inner thighs.

“Mmmm,” he murmured against her ear. “All for me.”

It wasn’t a question. It was a statement. A statement she wouldn’t dare argue against. A statement she wholly agreed with. A statement she wished could last past her vacation. A statement she would hold on to as long as possible.

“Bo,” she groaned as she tossed her head from side to side against the elevator wall. Her hips moved of their own free will. She had no control over her body. It only seemed to respond to Bo and his ministrations.

No words were uttered by him. Only the delicious haze of desire and hunger for Spring shone brightly in those stormy, ever-changing eyes of his. He aligned her sheath with his dick and slowly sank into her to the hilt. His come boiled, ready to burst through his slit. The pressure was insurmountable. He watched as Spring squirmed and moaned, but he held her firm and controlled every stroke.

“Bo, I-I won’t last. You have maybe sixty seconds.” She closed her eyes. Embarrassed by the admission.

“Look at me, Spring.” He began slow, deep thrusts as he spoke to her. When she opened her eyes and looked at him, he continued to talk. “I will be right behind you, baby. Let go. Come for me, minx.”

His words were like an aphrodisiac. Spring tightened her legs around his waist and gripped him harder on the shoulders. Her clit became so sensitive to touch that when Bo thrust into her, just the light strokes of his curls were enough to send her over the edge. Spring was by no means quiet when she came.

Bo latched on to her mouth and swallowed her cries. He melded her to his body as he thrust harder into her. His fingers dug into her bottom as he fucked her. He was so deep inside her, he couldn’t tell where he ended and she began. All he could do was enjoy her sheath tightening and sucking at his spent cock. When he slowed his strokes, he called her name and waited for her to, once again, open her eyes.

“You’re mine, Spring.” One slow stroke in and out. “You are mine. No matter what.” Another slow stroke as his cock went soft. “I don’t know what this is, but I can’t let you go.” His cock slipped out of her, but he still held her firmly against his chest and the wall.

“Don’t do this.” Tears filled her eyes, but she did not look away. She couldn’t. The sincerity and uncertainty in Bo’s eyes held her gaze. Her fingers found their way into his hair. She had to touch him. Anything to keep from letting those tears fall. “This was supposed to be a one-time thing.” She wanted to believe that, but she could no longer hold on to that thought any more than Bo could. One night was all it took to confuse the shit out of both of them.

“Baby, you already staked your claim on me, remember?” Bo pulled one of her hands free of his hair and pressed it to the love bite she had given him last night. He smiled and moaned at her touch. He did not want to continue to focus on this. “Let’s get you cleaned up. I’m sure your sisters are looking for you and driving my brothers insane.”

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