GirlMostLikelyTo (16 page)

Read GirlMostLikelyTo Online

Authors: Barbara Elsborg

BOOK: GirlMostLikelyTo
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When Adam slumped limp beneath him, he crawled round until
he lay with his head next to Adam’s. Adam slipped his hand into his, threaded
their hands together and something sparked in Tomas’ chest. Adam turned and
kissed him, trailing his tongue around Tomas’ mouth.

“You taste good,” Adam muttered. “My cum and you. Oh fuck.”

Adam squeezed his hand. Tomas had rarely been with any guy
who’d shown this sort of affection.

“Sorry,” Adam muttered.

Tomas stiffened. Well, his cock was already stiff but the
rest of his body joined it. “Why?”

“Multitasking suddenly failed me. Your fucking mouth. And
your fingers. They hit the right bloody spot every thrust. Christ. Are they
patented? It’s a wonder I’m not on the ceiling.”

Tomas laughed.

“Give me a minute and I’ll have my mouth and brain back in
gear. My cock has a willing heart but you’ve worn him out.”

“Or I could fuck you,” Tomas said quietly.

Adam turned to look at him. “Or you could fuck me.”

Goose bumps popped up all over Tomas’ body. “I hope fast and
furious works because I’m not sure I can manage anything else.”

Adam brushed his lips over Tomas’. “I’ll time you.”

Tomas smiled.


Something niggled at Adam’s sex-befuddled brain, awareness
Tomas might have been a touch too desperate to get him off. Tomas stretched out
to a drawer of his bedside table and came back holding lube and a string of
condoms. Adam’s heart beat faster. Was that it? Tomas making sure he got the
first shot at ass? Did it matter? Probably not. Adam would get his turn.

Tomas shuffled round to lie behind him and Adam arched into
him like a cat, rubbing his backside against Tomas’ groin. Puffs of warm breath
hit his shoulder, followed by a wet tongue lapping his neck, and Adam shivered
with longing. Tomas slid a hand onto his chest and rubbed a nipple with his
palm while running his thumb up and down the depression between Adam’s pecs.
the guy feel how fast my heart is beating?
Tomas licked his way to Adam’s
ear and circled his tongue in the hollow beneath while Adam tried not to
squirm. When he took the whole ear in his mouth, Adam clenched his fists and
buried his face into the pillow to stifle his groan.

“Like that?” Tomas whispered.

Adam lifted his head. “Hate it.”

Tomas laughed, slid his hand back to Adam’s nipple and
pinched hard at the same time as he bit the lobe of his ear. Adam heard a
muffled squeak and realized it was him, whimpering. Shit.

“Like that?” Tomas asked.

His throat was too thick to answer. His cock should have
still been limp with exhaustion after being played with so expertly, but the
ever-hopeful organ was already swelling. The heat against his back vanished as
Tomas moved, and Adam heard the crinkle of ripping foil. Tomas pushed his legs
apart and Adam jerked as a splash of cold lube hit the crease of his butt.

“Sorry,” Tomas said and sniggered.

Then Tomas’ warmth was back, his soft lips mouthing his
shoulder, his cock nudging his asshole, rubbing the slick liquid back and
forth, gliding over his skin, setting nerve endings on fire.
What happened
to fast and furious?

Tomas dropped his hand to Adam’s cock and wrapped his
fingers around it. One tight squeeze forced a groan from Adam’s throat. The
sensation of Tomas’ erection against his anus brought out a deeper groan.

“Okay?” Tomas asked.

Adam lifted his head. “Just do it.”

“I don’t get please?”

He growled. “Fuck off.”

Tomas shifted on the bed and another wash of cold air over
his skin made Adam shiver.

“Fuck on,” Tomas said and leaned in to nip Adam’s ear.

He hissed as Tomas squeezed hard under the tip of his cock
to draw pre-cum onto his finger and thumb. He brought his hand to Adam’s mouth
and smeared the silky liquid against his lips and at the same time pushed his
cock more firmly against his anus. Adam sucked in a breath and braced himself.
Tomas let his cock go and put his hand on Adam’s hip, holding him tight as he
increased the pressure.

Pain and then pleasure.
He kept repeating that as the
force against his anus increased, his muscles still resisting the intrusion.

“Oh Christ, Christ,” Tomas muttered. “Let me in.”

Adam gritted his teeth, bore down and sighed when the broad
cock head finally breached the muscle barrier. He held himself ready, not
knowing if Tomas was going to keep going and slam deep into him, but the guy
didn’t move. Even as Adam felt his own tension ease, he sensed it building in
the immobile Tomas.

“Forgotten what to do?” Adam asked.

“Just trying not to come on the first fucking thrust,” Tomas
blurted. “And if you ever remind me of that, I’ll kill you.”

Adam chuckled.

“Bloody hell, don’t laugh. You’re squeezing the cum out of

Adam sighed as the pressure on his asshole grew and muscles
spasmed. He eased his hips wider to allow Tomas more room. Then Adam stopped
thinking and just went with feeling as Tomas finally began to move, sliding
back and then thrusting deep, within seconds driving him facedown into the
mattress. A grunt was all he could manage as his ass clenched around Tomas’

“Fuuuuuck,” Tomas groaned.

He yanked Adam onto his side and wrapped his hand around his
cock, pumping at the same speed as he plunged into his ass.

“Feels so good,” Tomas muttered. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

More than good. Perfect. He wanted to tell Tomas, but only
had enough air in his lungs to keep breathing.

Tomas slid his arm under Adam’s shoulder and clutched his
chest, pulling him back, his other hand still fisting his cock. A change of
angle and with the next stroke he hit Adam’s prostate.

Shit, was that another whimper?
Impossibly, orgasm
was on the rise again, Tomas’ grip on his dick and the swelling cock in his ass
enough to raise the dead. Adam rocked his hips back as Tomas thrust forward.
want to come. I want to come.
Tomas picked up speed, his movements growing
choppier, and tension coiled at the base of Adam’s brain like a snake readying
to strike.

“Now,” Tomas gasped.

The cock inside him pulsed and swelled, and Tomas shoved
deeper and harder. Fire sparked in Adam’s head and as Tomas cried out and
stiffened at his back, his cock jerked in the guy’s fist, cum spurting in long,
thick ribbons over his belly, the bed and Tomas’ hand. Tomas’ hips kept moving
as he emptied himself inside Adam’s ass, his breathing fast and jerky.

Oh yeah, that’s what he needed to do. Breathe. Adam sucked
in air and thought he was going to dissolve as his body floated down from the

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Tomas mumbled.

“Did you come?” Adam managed.

Tomas snorted. He pulled his softening cock from Adam’s ass,
spun him onto his back and buried his face in his chest.

Chapter Sixteen


Wren intended to deposit the money she’d earned for the
private tuition in the bank on the way to work, but as she walked across the
marble concourse heading for a cashier, she stumbled to a halt. A man behind
almost bumped into her.

“Sorry,” she said to his back as he tsked his way past to
the cashier she’d been heading for.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.
She pushed the paying-in slip
and cash deep into her purse and walked out again. If she was right and the
women were call girls, did she really want to keep the money? She shivered in
discomfort. She’d have to give it back, or donate it to charity. The momentary
pleasure of the thought of making a dent in her debt fizzled to deep
disappointment. Today, she’d
find a new job.

Her phone rang as she reached the street.

“Hi, Squirt.”

“Hi, Matt.”

“You okay?”

She heard concern in his tone and put on her cheerful voice.

“I’ve been thinking.”

“Oh wow. Did it hurt?”

He growled.

She smiled and stepped around a line of people waiting for a
bus. “Oh, it did hurt. You poor thing. Try not to do it again.”

“I’ve called to apologize.”

The phone almost slipped from her grip.

“Did you nearly drop your phone?” he asked.

She let out a choked laugh. “You
say sorry.
Remember that was one of your life lessons? Men don’t say sorry.”

“I’m saying sorry because I love you.”

“I love you too.” She smiled.

“What you were saying about Ezispeke… I mentioned it to
James and we decided maybe you were right. It doesn’t make sense to add names
to your registers.”

She suspected James had changed Matt’s mind. If James’ house
had been nearer, she’d have let Tomas drive her there. James was much more
suspicious than his twin.

“If you get me a copy of your class list, I’ll check the
names against some databases. Ask Sylvie for hers too and if there are extra
names, I’ll check those as well. I’m just walking into work now, so I have to

“I could try and get the lists for every staff member.” Wren
tried not to sound too excited.

“Okay, as many as you can without getting caught.”

“I’m an expert in not getting caught.”

Matt groaned. “I forgot. You always get caught. Well, don’t.
And don’t go back to that private teaching. If there
something shady about
this, I don’t want you caught up in it.”

“Ahhh. I love you.”

“I’m at work now,” he mumbled.

“You have to say it back,” Wren teased. “You started the

“I love you too,” Matt snapped and broke the connection.

The call put a spring in Wren’s step. She’d been going to
call Marco and tell him she couldn’t teach the women, but she’d changed her
mind. Now James and Matt were on the verge of believing her, she’d go back. She
might be able to get all sorts of useful information. She’d save the money and ask
the guys what to do about it later.

All she had to do was figure out how to get the information
from Ezispeke. If she could get hold of a key to the office, she could sneak
down tonight while her class was busy cooking.

“Hello, little bird.” Tomas stood in the doorway of the
language school, his presence keeping the automatic doors open. He had his
hands in the pockets of his coat and the collar up. “I make sure you see glass
this time.”

“Thank you.” She wished she didn’t feel that tug inside when
she looked at him. Even now that she suspected what he was involved with, the
interest lingered. If he’d opened his arms, she’d have walked into them.

Maybe she could turn him from the dark side.
Wren struggled to suppress her snigger and then felt guilty for finding any of
this amusing. But good-looking bad guys were hard to resist. She just didn’t
want Tomas to be that sort of bad. Maybe he was desperate for money like her.
Jobs weren’t easy to find in the current economic climate. And his English wasn’t

Stop making excuses for him.

She walked past him into the school.

“Is better if you don’t teach women anymore,” he said at her
ear as he followed.

Both annoyed and anxious, she chewed the inside of her
cheeks. “Why?”

“I worry you get hurt. I worry I must hurt guys who hurt

Annoyed evaporated, and was replaced by fear. She spun round
and he stared at her so intently, she audibly gulped.

“Marco is bad man. So is Veton and Dragen. Better you never
see again.”

“And you?” she whispered.

“You see me in lesson.”

“I mean are you a bad man too?”

He didn’t blink. “Not in my heart.”

“We’re going to be late.” Sylvie bustled up behind and
tucked her arm through Wren’s, propelling her down the corridor.

Not in my heart.
What did that mean? As she and Sylvie
headed up the stairs, Wren’s mind tumbled like a fast-flowing stream. Maybe
Tomas wasn’t like the others. Or didn’t want to be like the others. Maybe he’d
had a girlfriend who’d stolen all his money and left him with a mountain of
debt. Or a boyfriend.

Maybe he was searching for his wife, his sister, his lover
because they’d been trafficked for sex work and he was only pretending to be
like Marco and the rest, which was why he wanted Wren out of there. He wanted
her safe. Tomas wasn’t bad. She refused to believe it.

“How come all the gorgeous ones are gay?” Sylvie moaned.

Wren wouldn’t accept Tomas was exploiting women. There had
to be another explanation.

Nor did she believe he was gay.

to believe.

oh darn, why is there always a but?
—she’d watched
him kiss Adam. Straight guys didn’t do that. Tomas had asked her out, flirted
with her, sort of kissed her. Adam had done more than that. Were they bi? Two
bi guys and her. A threesome. A ménage. She was edging closer to her fantasy
than she’d ever dared hope. But—
there it is again, that damn word
couldn’t ignore the fact that Tomas worked for a guy who gave her the creeps.

She and Sylvie split up at the next junction and Wren headed
for her conversation class. If she carried on looking for evidence of Marco
trafficking women, maybe she’d find he wasn’t and so Tomas would be innocent
too. Whatever way round, she needed to know.

When she reached her classroom, only Benoit was there.

“Good morning, Benoit. How are you today?”

“Good, thank you. How are you?”

“I’m fine.”

He stared down at his notebook.

“Are you enjoying being in England?” she asked. “Have you
made any friends?”

He shrugged.

Wren’s heart clenched and she crouched by his desk. “I hope
you’re not worrying about yesterday.”

“Belinda spoke to me.”

Oh God.
That was enough to depress anyone.

“She said I should have psychotherapy.” He lifted his head
and looked at her through his hair.

“What?” Wren gasped. “You don’t need to speak to anyone like
that about what happened. She’s crazy. Oops. Don’t tell her I said that. But
really, Benoit, ignore her.”

That won her a little smile.

“It was an accident. Don’t even think about it again. I’m
sure you had no intention of stealing anything. You’re a really nice guy, you
just need to believe in yourself.”

And stop collecting models of the Eiffel Tower and go and
find yourself a girlfriend.

His eyes filled and he sucked in his cheeks. Wren wondered
how on earth he made a living as a photographer when his people skills were so

“We’re going to talk about jobs today. What do you


That explained everything. “I can’t wait to hear all about
it.” It had given her an idea. “I need a favor. I wonder if you can help me.”

He looked so pathetically grateful she’d even ask, she
almost wanted to take him out herself. Not a good idea. She pulled out a sheet
of paper from her bag, scribbled a couple of lines along the top and spoke in
French to be sure he’d understand.

“My mother is protesting about the closure of an animal
sanctuary in Meanwood.” Which was true. “The council wants to sell the land to
a developer. She needs to get as many signatures as possible.” Which was not
true. “Do you think you could ask the students to sign this? They need to put
their signature on the left, together with what they’re studying and write
their name and address in capitals on the right. If you could ask as many
students as you can, I’d be really grateful.”

“I’ll try.”

Wren hugged him. She registered a familiar clip-clop in the
corridor, and as she let him go, she looked over his shoulder to see Olive
glaring. Monique and Duscha stood behind.

Dites rien
Say nothing
, Wren whispered in
Benoit’s ear.

“I’m sitting in on your lesson today,” Olive said.

“Great.” Wren hoped her smile didn’t crack her

Georg strode in, followed by Tomas, and the pair sat down.
Wren dragged her gaze from Tomas’ outstretched legs, closed the door and faced
the class.

“Good morning, everyone. Today we’re going to talk about our
jobs. We can also use the word occupation. What’s your occupation? What do you
do for a living? What’s your job? Georg? Would you like to start? What’s your

“I am heat treatment engineer. I make metal best for work.
It can be made soft, hard, strong, resistant to impact. Depends on how treated.

“Hold on,” Wren said. “You could contract the ‘I am’. I’m a
heat treatment engineer. I treat metal to make it suitable for use in different

“Yes. I do that.”

“Can you give us an example?”

Olive endured five minutes of Georg giving details of
timings and temperature before she slunk out.

* * * * *

By the end of the day, Tomas had come to the conclusion Wren
was doing everything she could to avoid speaking to either him or Adam. He’d
tried to get her attention after the morning’s conversation class and failed.
She hadn’t chosen him to talk about his job and they’d run out of time. He
suspected that was deliberate. Not that he cared. He hadn’t looked forward to
making bartending and shopping for loo rolls seem like something he was proud

Benoit had been a revelation. He photographed wildlife and
when Wren persuaded him to show some of his photos on Georg’s laptop, Tomas had
been seriously impressed. Benoit didn’t seem the type to go diving with killer
whales. Even Monique had regarded him with awe.

At lunchtime, he and Adam had searched for Wren everywhere
and not found her. In the afternoon, after the Italian for Travelers class
ended, she’d slipped into the corridor and disappeared before they could get
out of the room. Their plan to ask her for a drink before the cookery lesson
that evening crumbled to dust.

“Pub?” Adam asked.

Tomas nodded.


They took their beers to a booth in the corner and sat down.

“This is my fault,” Adam muttered. “I’ve fucked things up.”
He raised his head and eyeballed Tomas. “If a woman slunk out of my bed after
we’d had sex, and then avoided talking to me, I’d assume she didn’t want
anything more to do with me. I just wish Wren had given me the chance to
apologize. To explain. She’s spent the day avoiding me.”

“Not just you. Both of us.”

Tomas suspected Wren’s behavior had as much to do with her
suspicions about his job as it did with Adam’s sneaking out of her bed. But he
could hardly tell him that. Though thinking about it, she’d been pissed off
with him last night even before she got
the car.

“What are you thinking?” Adam asked.

“When I picked her up last night to take her to teach the
group of women working for my boss, she was annoyed with me. I wonder if she
saw us kiss.”

Adam raised his eyebrows.

“We’d just come back from Waterstone’s. I kissed her, my
boss turned up, she left and then you kissed me. Maybe she saw.”

Tomas had no idea whether Wren had seen them or not, but it
made him feel better not letting Adam believe this was his entire fault.

Adam put down his glass. “That’s not exactly a bad thing. We
just need to let her know we want to kiss her too. But how are we going to do
that if she hides from us?”

“We find her, pin her down and tell her,” Tomas said.

Adam laughed. “It’s that easy?”

“You can tell her first obviously.”

He laughed even harder.

* * * * *

Wren waited until the last possible minute to approach
Alfred, Ezispeke’s caretaker. He was in his basement room, putting on his coat
when she knocked on the door.

“Thank goodness I caught you,” she said. And thank goodness
she and Alfred had always got on well. A mutual dislike of Jolene helped.
Jolene had tried to persuade him to retire a few months ago.

“Hi, Wren, what’s up?” The white-haired guy smiled at her.

“You know I’ve a cookery class tonight? I bought the
groceries this lunchtime and because there was too much to go in the staffroom
fridge, Millie let me put the bags in the café’s cold storage. Except she’s
gone home and of course, it’s locked. Could I borrow your master keys?”

It wasn’t exactly a lie, but even so Wren felt bad about the

“I’ll come and open it up for you.”

“I’d rather not get it this minute. I’ve three
cartons of cream in there. It’d be better if I collected it just before seven.
I never even thought about the café closing. I could give you the keys back
when you come to lock up.” She crossed her fingers behind her back.

He hesitated and then lifted the bundle off a hook. “Don’t
lose them.”

“I’ll guard them with my life.”

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