Ghost's Treasure (26 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Tags: #contemporary action crime erotic romance

BOOK: Ghost's Treasure
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"I agree. Definitely interesting." He grinned at her gasp of pleasure. So responsive, she made everything new for him as well. From her rapt attention to every nook and cranny of his body to her unbridled passion in his arms the night before. Josie fanned the flames of his desire into a fiery blaze, fulfilled his needs, and left him hungry for more.

He cupped the junction of her thighs. "Tender?"

She met his gaze unflinchingly. "Only a little. Not enough to avoid what I want."

"Which is?"

"You. Inside me." She licked her lips.

Her words and actions made his stomach clench as his cock began to throb. He slid to the side of the bed, opened the bedside table, and pulled out a condom. Scooting back to her, he handed her the foil wrapper.

"And, you'll have me." Flipping on his back, he guided her over him. "Climb on top. That way you can control everything."

She smiled at him as she gained her balance straddling his hips. Opening the condom, she made a big production of fitting the device, using the excuse to caress his cock at the same time. His hips bucked. "Josie…"

"Impatient much?" She giggled, finished with her task, then settled over him.

Slowly, ever so slowly, she accepted him inside her body.

Tightness and heat welcomed him back. He set his teeth and stomped down the urge to surge upward. She probably underestimated her soreness this morning. Let her do the work, take what she could comfortably handle. His hands clasped her hips as his gaze flicked from where their bodies joined to her expressive face.

Inch by inch, she took all of him only to sit still for a long moment.

Cupping the back of her head, he pulled her down for a thorough kiss, treating her to a precursor of things to come. He nibbled her bottom lip, flicked his tongue over hers, and shared his blazing passion. Releasing his hold, he covered her breasts, plucking at the nipples, enjoying the way they jiggled when she rocked back and forth.

Josie sat up, lifted, then reversed course. Up. Down. Up. Down. Slowly, with short movements, she stroked his cock with her inner muscles, her snug walls lashing at him like a hundred hot tongues offering the epitome of pleasure.

"Damn. I'm not going to last long like this." He found her swollen lips, tunneled between, then placed his finger squarely on her sensitive nubbin. Lightly pressing, he rotated his wrist.

"Ohhhh." Josie's head fell back as she slammed down hard.

He stared at her face as he repeated the motion, only relenting to tenderly pinch the taut area. "That's it, baby. You're right on the brink. Just let go. I want to watch you come."

He groaned as she increased the tempo, putting power behind her movements. The entire time, he strummed her clit, pushing her headlong for the precipice. "Take it, Josie. Take your pleasure now."

One more pluck with his fingers, and she tightened like a bowstring. A split second later, strong rhythmic muscle contractions sucked on his cock like a vacuum. His balls drew tight, tingling began. On her next down stroke, he thrust upward, sealing himself as deep as possible. He yelled out as rapture overcame him in potent waves of absolute bliss. Josie whimpered as he held her tight, her channel still squeezing, though with less frequency and intensity than before.

Sated for the moment, he opened his eyes and looked at the woman still perched astride his cock.

After all these years, he never expected to find someone who could accept him for who he was and continued to be even if he had a soul to share. Now, a little blonde librarian reminded him of the good days, a time when he could enjoy life, plan for a future instead of dwell on the past. She found his heart, thawed the ice covering with warmth from caring, from loving. She'd set him free, and he couldn't imagine a life without her.

"Wow. Just wow." She smiled coyly down at him.

"I second that." He found her grin contagious. "Up you go." Clamping his hands on her hips, he pulled her up and off his slowly deflating member. Settling her across his chest, he kissed her swollen lips.

"Do we have to get up?" She pouted down at him.

"Yeah. The shower calls. I'm sure you're getting hungry, too."

"Well, that's true." She folded her hands on his chest, resting her chin on top. "I'll make you another omelet like at the cabin. One so delicious you'll decide to keep me."

His eyebrow arched. "Think food is the answer?"

She grinned mischievously. "Food. Sex. Love. I'll offer it all."

Ghost smiled, chuckled, and smacked her lightly on her bare rump. "I'll take it all."

Her amusement faded. "I do have one favor to ask."

"Go for it."

"I want to start training for the biathlon again. Would you be my shooting coach?" Her green eyes held hope.

"That's a great idea."

With glee, she sealed her lips over his. "I think I love you."

He chuckled. "It's a start. An excellent start."



Eight months later


Fatigue settled over her entire body as she hit the wall in athlete terms. Her arms and legs continued through the motions of skiing the course, but her strength quickly lapsed. The small incline felt like a steep mountain as she focused on sticking to the tracks made by the four women in front of her. Josie sucked in air and forced her legs to work, made the small trek to the top, then curled into a tuck position to slide down. The small decline allowed the contestants in the US Women's Biathlon Championship to quickly catch their breaths in the long course.

She'd taken a year off but decided to return after the fiasco with the Polish Royalty Chest jewels. Life appeared short at that point, and she'd realized she wasn't quite done with the sport. Not yet. Unfortunately, the participants were better than ever. Great for the country and the sport itself, not so wonderful when she strove to be on the podium, yet managed only fifth place as she started the final lap.

Just around the next bend, she yanked her rifle around, flattened out on her belly, and slowed her breathing as she fixed on the five targets fifty yards away. The size of a silver dollar, the metal plates made for a difficult challenge especially when a person is sucking in great gulps of air.

Relax. Focus. Gentle on the trigger.
She replayed Ghost's words of instruction through her mind.

Once they had started dating, she'd asked if he would give her tips on target shooting. After all, who better to school her than a former Navy SEAL? His sniper skills and physical conditioning put pretty much everyone she knew to shame. Much to her amazement, with his attention to detail and training methods, her percentage of hits went up, higher than ever before in her career. A fact she attributed completely to Ghost. That wasn't the only improvement in her life he'd provided. Not by a long shot.

Click. Click. Click. Click. Click.
She only took enough time between firings to aim at the black targets. Time was of the essence along with the need to hit all the targets to avoid time penalties. She sighed in relief as each turned white, indicating she hit each and every one.

Slinging her rifle over her shoulder with the business end pointing straight up, she grabbed her poles, and started back down the trail. The third and fourth place participants were just ahead.

A shrill whistle split the air. Turning toward the sound, she spied a tall, muscular man, wearing a tan sweater that complemented his medium brown hair standing against the rope that separated spectators from the course. Ghost! She beamed and lifted her hand in a quick wave.

"I'll meet you at the finish line," he hollered to her.

She nodded, then turned her attention back to the last mile and a half of the course.

Ghost waited at the end. She couldn't get there fast enough.

He'd been off on assignment the past three weeks, didn't think he'd complete his tasks in enough time to watch her race. She understood, of course, but disappointment had weighed her shoulders down all week. Nonetheless, she'd driven in for the big event, needing to prove herself possibly for the last time. Her parents had encouraged her to participate and they'd flown in just to watch and cheer her on as well.

Somehow Ghost had made it just in time. Energy surged through her as she caught her second wind. The man of her dreams waited for her. She kicked her previously tired legs into high gear, using her arms to push with each stride.

With over a mile left, only a fool would begin a final sprint. Most would empty their tank, then have nothing left for the final yards while other athletes bypassed them in a flurry of activity. However, this wasn't a normal situation. Love and excitement motivated her like nothing else could.

Putting everything she had into a fast pace, she managed to overtake the two ladies in front of her, leaving them with perplexed expressions as she dashed onward, her gaze finding the finish line in the distance. Still she hurried along, ignoring the burning of her lungs as she sucked in much needed oxygen. Her arms began to hurt while her legs slid through the motions almost on autopilot, complaining loudly about the punishing workload she forced upon them. Nothing mattered except she get to the end and throw herself into Ghost's arms.

Punching her poles into the ground, she pushed off over and over again, using every ounce of power and strength she could draw upon. Two more competitors loomed ahead. Josie moved to her left, found another well-worn track from numerous skis before.

Come on, Josie. Just a little bit farther. Do it for yourself. For Ghost.

Breathing through her mouth, she shoved ahead, pouring everything into each movement. Glancing to the finish line, she found Ghost standing just a few feet past the mark in the snow. He stared at her, yelled, and clapped. She couldn't hear his words but knew he called to her, encouraged her, his face full of pride.

By inches, she edged up on the two ladies now sprinting for the end, taking turns nudging ahead before the other recovered the lead. Gathering the last of her energy, she pulled even, then gradually moved past. Josie didn't bother to look back. Instead, she stared straight ahead at the man she had come to love.

With the last of her strength, she whisked under the finish line and directly into the arms of Ghost a few steps off the course and to the right. Too winded to speak, she could only wrap her arms around him and hold on tight.

"You did it, sweetheart. I knew you could." He hugged her tight before leaning back to look at her face.

"I was done… until I saw you," she managed to get out between pants. "I got here… as soon as I could."

He chuckled. The laughter music to her ears each and every time. "I love you, Josie."

She smiled wide.

Ghost kneeled on one knee in the snow. Surrounded by media, spectators, and competitors still crossing the finish line, he pulled a black velvet box out of his pocket, opened the lid, and held the ring out to her.

"Will you marry me?"

Exhaustion forgotten, she threw herself into his arms with a resounding, "Yes." Kissing his lips, she giggled as he lifted her for a quick spin. "I love you, Sterling." She saved the use of his real name for special occasions. This one certainly fit. Her rifle bounced against her back as he wrapped her in his strong and protective embrace.

Her dream had come true. Winning the US Women's Biathlon Championship paled in comparison to Ghost's proposal.


* * * *


After the awards ceremony, he met her parents. They assessed him and seemed to be sincerely happy with Josie's choice. She and Ghost packed up, dropped her parents off at the airport, then he drove the two hours back to his house. Josie immediately jumped in the shower. He followed suit, scrubbing them both down until the water threatened to turn chilly. As they dried off, he offered a back rub to Josie. She pounced on the idea, let her towel fall to the floor, and stretched out prone on the bed.

A sight he'd remember for decades to come.

"You know, if your present career doesn't work out, you could make a living as a masseuse." Josie sighed with pleasure.

Ghost snorted but continued working the muscles of her body, easing the tension, soothing the achiness. After leaving everything she had on the trail, she'd be sore as hell tomorrow. He only hoped the massage helped minimize the discomfort. He'd caressed every muscle of her body, felt her limbs turn to jelly, and started over again. Anything to make Josie feel better.

"You must be worn out." He understood how much the race took out of her. Every ounce of energy. She made the final few meters on sheer guts and willpower, he'd bet his bottom dollar.

"Not really. I'm still hyped up from such a wonderful surprise marriage proposal." She twisted to look into his face. "I'm still pinching myself to make sure it's not a dream."

He grinned, leaned forward, and kissed her lips. "All real."

"Did I mention I'm the luckiest woman on earth?" She settled back on her stomach.

"Maybe a time or two." She actually spoke the phrase often, though he never tired of hearing how happy he made her.

Scooting back, he worked on her legs, starting with her calves. "Have you decided where you want to go on a honeymoon?"

"Well, I just happen to have a couple of tickets to Poland with an all paid vacation at one of their finest resorts."

He chuckled. "Why do I think Ryan had something to do with this?"

She flipped over. "Probably. I refused any sort of monetary reward. I'm sure Ryan dropped a few hints that I just happened to be head over heels in love with my sexy boyfriend, and they decided to foot the bill for a short vacation, or in this case, honeymoon."

"I suppose that's to be expected. He's the one who put us together in the first place." He shifted his weight forward to hover over her body and rubbed his nose against hers. "Don't tell him this, but he makes for a pretty damn good matchmaker."

She giggled. "Not a peep."

"Why are we talking about Ryan when you're all naked and I'm in great need of your body?"

"I don't know." She blinked at him.

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