Ghost's Treasure (23 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Tags: #contemporary action crime erotic romance

BOOK: Ghost's Treasure
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"Yeah. No holes in my hide, no ER. No nasties, either."

She smiled recalling the same words spouted back weeks ago.

"Almost home now. Just wondering if you wanted to get something to eat after work."

She checked her watch. Four forty-five. Fifteen minutes and she'd be free for the day. Opening her mouth to answer, she paused at a sudden thought. Poor guy had to be exhausted after being gone for two weeks straight. Sleep seemed to be a rare commodity when faced with battles. As much as she wanted to go out with him, she had to consider his needs first.

"I've got an even better idea. Why don't you head to your house? Do what you need to do. I'll pick up some Italian for dinner and bring it out."

He answered immediately. "Sounds good to me. How long?"

"I'll be out of here at five. Give me time to round up the food. Let's call it five thirty?"


"Great. I'll see you soon, then." She waited until the other end went dead, then clicked off.

Stepping back out into the main area, she headed directly to her desk. Time to shut down for the day, call in an order at her favorite restaurant for carry out, then go spend the evening with Ghost. Her day just got one hundred percent better.


* * * *


No sooner did he open the front door than she threw herself in his arms. "I missed you."

He returned her embrace, grabbed the precariously swinging bag of food, and kissed her forehead. "I missed you, too." Releasing her, he gestured for her to enter and shut the door in her wake.

She reclaimed the food and carried the overfilled containers directly to the kitchen. "I hope you're hungry. I got lots."

"I could use a hearty meal." He followed her in, his eyes sparking for a split second.

She grinned at the sign of emotion. Each tiny step thrilled her and solidified her hope he'd fully embrace happiness in the near future. Dutifully pulling out their meal, she soon plopped down across the table from him, watching as he shoveled food in with obvious hunger. "I'll cook for you this weekend. Something really special to celebrate your return."

He glanced up and met her gaze. "I was going to ask you about this weekend. You're off for Memorial Day, right?"

"Yep. All three days."

Wrapping his fingers around his cup of soda, he sucked deeply on the straw. "I wanted to visit Lindsay's grave Saturday. Been needing to for a while, just didn't have the guts, I guess." He set the drink back down. "I thought about it a lot this past couple of weeks, realize that I have to go there, say my piece, in order to complete my circle."

Josie held his gaze, but remained quiet, waiting for him to finish. Her heart buoyed at his words, knew deep down he'd be making a huge step, and wanted to show him as much support as possible.

"Will you go with me?" His pale eyes flashed hope.

She smiled gently and placed her hand over his. "Of course. I'll be honored to go with you, learn more about the woman who captured your heart."

Relief settled over his features. "Thanks."

"I'm looking forward to it." She watched him for a second more before forking a long noodle, wrapping it around and around the utensil.

After their meal, they cleaned the kitchen, tucking the leftover food in the fridge to be warmed up at a later time. Considering the emptiness of Ghost's ice box, he needed something to snack on should the midnight hungriness strike.

He reached out, took her hand in his, and led her to the couch. She plopped down, tucked a leg under her, and turned to face him. "Did I tell you how much I missed you?"

"I think so."

"Well, I missed you more than that."

"Uh huh. Why's that?"

"Well…" She looked up at him from under her lashes. "You're interesting, smart, and sizzling hot."

"Sizzling hot?" He arched an eyebrow as his lips twitched.

Amusement. Finally. "Yep. I see you like a sculpture expert would look at Michelangelo's David. Grace. Artistry. The fine lines of a male body in prime condition. Inspiring and beautiful. You're my David, Ghost."


She blinked. "What?"

"My given name is Sterling. Sterling Locke."

"Sterling." She tilted her head to the side. "It fits." Joy and humbleness washed over her as she realized the enormity of him confiding his name. For a man who lived in the shadows and whose very existence relied upon secrecy and invisibility, to share his actual name ranked at the top of the trust ladder. She swore not to treat the amazing gift lightly. "I like it."

"That's good since I'm not about to change it." He grinned.

She sucked in a breath at the transformation the small action caused. Handsome didn't begin to describe Ghost. He resembled a living Adonis. "You should do that more often."

He shrugged, as if unused to praise for a simple smile.

He'd just have to get accustomed to it since she wasn't about to give up showing him how wonderful the world can be if you only allow yourself to look and experience everyday miracles.

Impulsively, she leaned forward, balanced herself with her hands on his thighs, and meshed her lips with his. He wrapped his fingers around her neck, lightly encouraging her to move closer, as he flicked his tongue over her lips. She opened wide enough to thrust her tongue in his mouth, tangling with his before delving deeper. He tasted like fettuccini and spice and all male. He supped from her lips, lazily exploring while revving up her passion with an expert lip-lock hot enough to melt her into a puddle of unbridled sensual need.

The ringing of a phone broke them apart.

Ghost plucked the object off the holder on his belt with a disgruntled growl. "Yeah. I just got home."

Josie eavesdropped unrepentantly.

"She's right here." He punched a button putting the caller on speaker phone.

"Hey, Josie."


"Yep. I've got some news for you."


"The secretary of state returned your jewels to the Polish government this week. They were absolutely stunned and delighted. So much so, they want to give you a reward."

She shook her head. "No way. I don't want anything. Honestly. I'm just glad they're back with the rightful owners."


"But nothing." She shut him down. "If they try to give me something, I'll just return it. Really, Ryan. Please thank them profusely for me, but assure them I didn't do it for the money or any other kindness. My reward is knowing the items are where they belong."

"I'll tell them." He paused a second. "Ghost?"


"You get tired of the little librarian, let me know. I've got half a department of agents eager to meet her."

Ghost met Josie's eyes and grinned like a wolf. "Not happening."

"Uh huh."

"Signing off now. Don't bug me for a while. I have a pretty lady welcoming me home."

"TMI, buddy. Way TMI."

Ghost clicked off and tossed the phone aside. "Now where were we?"

She placed one hand on his chest, forestalling his lean. "What's this about me not meeting more FBI agents?" Her lips quirked up as she tried to keep a straight face.

He met her gaze and smiled brightly enough to outshine the sun. "You're mine, lady. And I don't share."

"Oh, in that case…" She slid her hand down his chest, found a handhold on his hip, then shifted closer once again. "Welcome home, Ghost."

Their lips met like a much anticipated summer storm. Hot. Sultry. Hungry. And, full of electricity.

Chapter 37


"You don't have to come with me. Stay in the car, I won't be too long."

Josie shook her head. "She was part of your life. Still is and always will be. I want to be there for you and learn a little about Lindsay along the way."

He puffed out a breath and ran one hand through his short hair. Driving there had been the easy part. Sitting in the small gravel parking lot at the edge of the cemetery proved much more difficult. Gathering his emotions, Ghost forced himself to step out of the vehicle, automatically clicked the vehicle locked as soon as Josie exited and walked to his side carrying a large bouquet of graveside decorations.

Together, they slowly walked toward the spot he'd only visited once before, weeks after her death when the military finally granted him an emergency leave. Since then, he couldn't bear to return and have his heart shredded all over again.

However, with Josie beside him, he drew on his strength, determined to step over this major hurdle in order to move forward with his life.

Scanning the area, he spied an older couple, both vaguely familiar. The redheaded woman wore a flowery dress while the salt-and-pepper haired man stuck with khaki slacks and a yellow oxford. They chatted amongst themselves, then stepped to the side, giving him a full side view.

His heart stuttered with recognition. Stopping, he simply stared at the people he hadn't seen in nearly four years.

"What is it?" Josie whispered.

"Lindsay's parents."

She looked up at him, adjusted the memorial flowers, and gave him a slight nudge. "I'd like to meet them if that's okay."

Hesitant and uncertain, Ghost grappled with his churning gut.
Come on, SEAL, you've faced more difficult challenges before.
With effort, he put on a stoic face, gathered up his gumption and stepped forward with more confidence than he felt.

Joseph rose from his knees after securing a colorful ring of artificial flowers with a banner across the middle reading daughter. He wiped his face, then turned.

Freezing, he looked at Ghost for the longest time as if trying to decide if his eyes deceived him or not. "Sterling?"

Martha spun around, her eyes wide as she raked him from head to toe. "Sterling." With a warm smile, she stepped closer. "It's been too long."

"Joseph. Martha. Yeah, it's been a while." He glanced from one to the other, trying to judge their reaction. So far, they seemed surprised but not in the least hostile. Hoping the preliminary awkwardness would soon abate, he tightened his grip on Josie's hand.

She squeezed lightly in encouragement. "I'm Josie, by the way."

The older man studied her for a long moment. "You and she…?"

Ghost nodded. "Josie's my girlfriend."

"Oh, my." Martha grinned wide.

A small smile came to the man's face. "I'm glad to hear it. Lindsay would have wanted you to move on, to find another woman to love."

Those same words replayed through his mind from just before he left on his last tour of duty. His wishes for Lindsay if he didn't return. "Thank you, sir."

Plucking the flowers from Josie's hands, he laid them carefully across Lindsay's grave, using a metal hook to anchor each in place. For the longest time, he kneeled beside the headstone, searching for the right words, knowing nothing would bring back the past. Josie had reminded him of that very fact more than once. He could only pick up and move ahead, enjoy each day for no one ever knew when the end might come.

He traced his fingers over the letters on the marble marker, then stood, blinking back tears as he did so. Words rushed through his mind. None of them seemed adequate.

Finally, he uttered a simple truth. "You'll be with me always." Standing back up, he fought to regain his composure.

Martha stepped over to lay her hand on his forearm. "I'm so happy for you, Sterling. I've worried about you for a while now, prayed for you."

The older woman had always sung his praises even when he first began dating Lindsay their junior year in high school. He heard the warmth and sincerity in her voice.

"Thank you, ma'am. It's taken a while, but I think things might be looking up." He lifted his and Josie's joined fingers and kissed the back of her hand.

Ghost watched the cascade of emotions across Joseph's face for a long moment before giving in to the demands of his soul. He glanced at Josie, felt her squeeze his hand, saw her tender smile and nod.


The man met his gaze.

"I…" He blew out a long breath. "It's been a long time since I've seen any pictures of Lindsay. Could Josie and I come over sometime and go through some of the albums?"

The man smiled sincerely and gave a sharp nod. "Come on over. Martha will be thrilled to cook for someone other than me. Besides, she's missed you something awful."

"Please do. I would love to have you both over. Joseph can throw some burgers on the grill. We'll have a good old fashioned Memorial Day get-together."

"I'm afraid I don't have anything to bring. But I'll be more than happy to help you prepare and clean up," Josie said to Martha with a friendly smile.

Joseph's gaze traveled to Josie. "Anyone that loves that hard-headed SEAL of yours is always invited. Food or no food."

Joseph held out his arm and ushered his wife back toward the parking lot.

Ghost watched them go as Josie stood by his side. He couldn't help but grin in happiness and relief. After all this time, they seemed to hold no ill will, even missed him as if he were a long lost member of the family.

His uncertainty fled as a feeling of peace filled his heart.

Turning back to the grave marker, he watched a butterfly land on the top of the stone, gently raising and lowering her wings as if she were trying them out for the first time. After a long moment, she took to the air, dancing with the light breeze until she disappeared into the trees and out of sight.

Josie held out her hand. He intertwined his fingers with hers once more. "Thank you."

"No, thank you. You protected me, risked your life for me, pushed me to follow my dreams."

Leaning in, he nuzzled her cheek. "You never fail to entertain and nudge me in the right direction."

She smiled. "I think we're even. Although, anytime you want to thank me with more toe-curling kisses, I'm up for the task."

He chuckled, kissed her cheek, and wrapped an arm around her waist as they began to leisurely amble toward the truck. "Anytime, Josie. Anytime."

Chapter 38


Ghost quietly opened the passenger side door, unsnapped Josie's seat belt, and slipped his arms under her. Stepping back, he cradled her against his chest as he used his hip to quietly shut the door behind them.

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