Ghost Fleet (The Pike Chronicles Book 4) (26 page)

Read Ghost Fleet (The Pike Chronicles Book 4) Online

Authors: G. P. Hudson

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Adventure, #Alien Invasion, #Colonization, #Exploration, #First Contact, #Galactic Empire, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Space Marine, #Space Opera, #Space Exploration

BOOK: Ghost Fleet (The Pike Chronicles Book 4)
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Chapter 62


A shuttle flew Major Ilthos from the Vanguard to the Freedom. Once he arrived, he was led from the hangar to sick bay by Security Chief Henderson and a Marine escort. Jon was already waiting with Doctor Ellerbeck when Ilthos walked through the sick bay doors.

“Major Ilthos,” said Jon. “I am Admiral Pike, formerly Captain Pike of Space Force, and this is Doctor Ellerbeck.”

“Ah, the great Doctor Ellerbeck. You are well known on Diakus Doctor.”

“Thank you, Major. I had the privilege of studying Diakan medicine there.”

“So I’ve read. And last I heard you were Captain Pike,” Ilthos said to Jon. “When did you become an Admiral.”

“It is not a Space Force rank. We are a new, independent military force now.”

“You’ve become a mercenary?”

“No. We are an independent force. We do not fight for money.”

“What do you fight for?”

“We have agreed to protect the planet New Byzantium.”

“I don’t know that name.”

“It is a planet in the colonies.”

“Ah yes, the colonies. You say you’ve found them?”

“That is correct. Shall we get this DNA test over with first?”

“Yes, of course. Let’s dispense with that formality,” said Tallos, producing a handheld device.

Formality? At least I’ve convinced the Diakan,
thought Jon.

“I’ll need to have a look at that,” said Henderson. Ilthos handed the device to Henderson without protest. Henderson looked it over, searching for any sign that it could be a weapon. Satisfied he handed it to Doctor Ellerbeck who verified that it indeed was what Ilthos said it was. She verified its authenticity and handed it back to Ilthos.

“I’ll just need a strand of hair, Admiral,” said Ilthos.

Ellerbeck reached over and plucked a single strand of hair from Jon’s head, handing it to Ilthos.

“Thank you, Doctor,” said Ilthos, placing the strand into the device. The response was immediate. Reading the results, Ilthos said, “Thank you for your cooperation, Admiral Pike. The test confirms that you are Jon Pike. We have much to discuss. Of course, we’ll need to update Captain Pierce.”

“In that case, why don’t we move to our briefing room.”

“As you wish, Admiral.”

Jon led Ilthos out of sick bay toward the Freedom’s briefing room. “Tallos told me about the prophecy.”

If Ilthos was surprised, he didn’t show it. “General Tallos violated protocol in doing so. How did that happen?”

“I gave him some encouragement.”

“I see. Is that why he is not here now?”

“He’s fine. I left him on New Byzantium.”

“Diakus will have to arrange his retrieval.”

“Yeah. Do you believe this prophecy?”

“I am a Diakan. It is not my place to question the visions of the Great See’er.”

“Is that a yes?”

“Yes, Admiral. I believe the prophecy. And I am here to tell you that you have Diakus’s full support.”

Jon stopped, stunned by what he just heard. “I’m sorry, say that again?”

“The Great See’er has told of humanity’s rise in the galaxy with you as their leader. Diakus supports this prophecy, and therefore supports you, Jon Pike.”

Jon couldn’t believe his ears. “I only have six ships. Why would Diakus support me?”

“As I said, we do not question the will of the Great See’er. Diakus is what it is today because of our belief.”

“Something doesn’t add up here. Tallos told me that Diakus was trying to delay my supposed rise, which is why I was given the mission on the Hermes.”

“Yes, that is correct. The Great See’er has seen more clearly since then, however.”

“I’ll never figure you Diakans out.”

“Understandable,” said Ilthos.

They continued to the briefing room. Once inside they contacted Captain Pierce, whose face appeared on the wall screen.

“Well, is it true?” said Pierce.

“It is,” said Ilthos. “This is Captain Jon Pike of the Hermes, although he is an Admiral now.”


“I’m not a Space Force Admiral. I was given the title on the colonies,” said Jon.

“What about the Chaanisar?” said Pierce.

“I told you. They are no longer Chaanisar. They’ve been freed. They fight for me now.”

“Okay, I guess I’ll have to take your word on that, but I don’t like it,” said Pierce.

“I’d feel the same way if I was in your shoes. Believe me, it took me a while to accept it.”

“So, what happens now?” said Pierce.

“We’re going to Sol to find out what happened. Are you coming with us?”

“Hell yes I’m coming.”

Chapter 63


“Ensign Richards, ping the jump gate,” said Jon, eager to get to the Sol System as quickly as possible. Things had become quite bizarre recently. Was this just a taste of things to come? Not only did he have four Chaanisar ships under his command, but he now had a Diakan telling him that Diakus supported him. After what had happened on the Hermes, he was certain that Diakus would be screaming for his head. Instead, they promised to back him up. A galactic superpower backing
up. He became dizzy trying to grasp it all.

There was also Captain Pierce and the Vanguard. His appearance reminded Jon of Space Force. While in the colonies, Sol and Space Force seemed very far away. He had honestly thought that it would be years before he saw a Space Force ship again. But speaking to Captain Pierce reminded him that he was a Space Force officer first. He’d promised to defend New Byzantium, but he had vowed to defend the Sol System long before that. After killing those Diakans on the Hermes, he had been convinced that Sol would consider him a fugitive. He didn’t think he could ever return. It was why he accepted Prime Minister Sallas’s offer of political asylum. With Diakan support, however, everything changed.

On the viewscreen the jump gate appeared. What forgotten empire had built the jump gate system? They must have been the largest empire the galaxy had ever known. How long did they rule? How many millennia? Where were they now? They’d fallen, as all great empires do. As the Juttari would. He didn’t know what this Diakan prophecy meant, but he knew this. He would make sure the Juttari were finished for good this time, or he would die trying.

“Launch drone,” said Jon. “Let’s see if anyone’s waiting for us on the other side.

“Drone away,” said Petrovic.

The tiny drone raced toward the jump gate, and crossed through. Jon glanced around the bridge at his crew. Most of them had served on the Hermes. As they readied to cross the gate, he could sense their combined anxiety. They had all been on a great adventure, and through all the hardship they persevered. Each one of them had become a battle hardened veteran. But now their thoughts turned to Earth, and their loved ones. Had the Juttari managed to conquer Sol? No one knew, but they needed to find out.

“Drone has returned,” said Petrovic. “Receiving data feed… Analyzing data… Reading all clear, Sir.”

“Take us through, Mr. Richards.”

The fleet crossed the gate, entering the binary system on the other side. This was where it all began. Where he discovered the Reivers for the first time. Met Breeah and Anki. Fought the Kemmar. All here. In the distance the two binary stars continued to circle each other, locked in their deadly dance. The vampire star eternally feeding on the other’s energy, even when humanity, the Diakans, and the Juttari were long forgotten.

“What is the status of our jump system?” said Jon.

“Jump system is at sixty-three percent,” said Richards.

“That’s good for two jumps. Then we recharge. Send word to the rest of the fleet, and ensure the Vanguard has the jump coordinates.” Pierce didn’t want to sync his jump system. Jon understood. The Vanguard was a Space Force ship. Jon had no power over it. But, he had to admit he didn’t mind having those big guns tagging along.

“Fleet is reporting they are jump ready, and the Vanguard confirms receipt of coordinates.”

“Initiate jump.”

The fleet jumped, and immediately jumped again, for a total of one hundred light years. They were now one-hundred-and-fifty light years away from Sol. They would need to wait for the jump system to recharge before traveling the rest of the way home. Three more jumps to find the truth.

Chapter 64


“What is our jump status, Ensign Richards?” said Jon.

“Jump system is at one hundred percent,” said Richards. We are jump ready.”

Twenty-four hours had passed since they last jumped. Twenty-four hours for the jump systems to recharge. Twenty-four long, restless hours. Jon had tried to sleep, but got very little rest. Like the former Hermes crewmembers, he felt a foreboding that he couldn’t shake. It was something he was sure the crew of the Vanguard felt as well. But, the New Byzantium contingent were simply filled with awe that they would actually visit mythic Earth. A place many thought only existed in legends and fairy tales. To the Reivers, it was merely another world. They had no knowledge of Earth before the Hermes, so they had little emotional attachment to it.

Then there were the Chaanisar. Every one of them born on Earth, forcibly taken at childhood. How many of them remembered their homes? Their families? Did they feel anything for their place of birth? Or was it beaten out of them by the Juttari? Were they feeling anxiety about returning to their rightful home? He knew they had too much control to let their emotions seep through, but he still wondered if it was possible.

“Initiate jump,” said Jon, clenching his fists.
It won’t be long now
. He glanced over at Kevin who had been uncharacteristically quiet. Normally jovial, the big man looked exhausted.

“Jump complete,” said Richards.

“All ships accounted for?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Initiate the next jump.”

The stars on the viewscreen shifted and the second jump was complete. They were only fifty light years away. One more jump to go. They would jump into the Sol System a safe distance from Earth. They would have plenty of time to size up the situation if they had to defend themselves.

“This is it, people. Stay focused. Initiate jump, Mr. Richards.”

“Jump complete,” said Richards.

Jon looked up at the viewscreen to see the familiar Sol System, with its blazing yellow sun. They had landed on the edge of the system. Far enough away that they were safe from attack by Juttari, or Space Force.

“Contacts,” said Petrovic. “Reading well over one hundred warships.” Petrovic looked up at Jon, his eyes wide with shock. “All Juttari.”

“Damn it,” said Jon. “Okay, does it look like they’ve noticed us yet?”

“None have adopted approach vectors yet.”

“Admiral,” said AI through Jon’s comm. “The Juttari are broadcasting. They’re trying to access the Chaanisar brain chips.”

Here it is. The moment of truth

“They’ve accepted my security response,” continued AI. “Handshake has been made. Initiating infiltration.”

“Keep me updated,” said Jon.

“Yes, Admiral.”

Jon’s comm display came to life and Captain Pierce appeared. “Are you seeing this, Pike?” he said angrily.

“I am.”

“They’ve conquered Sol. The goddamn Juttari conquered us again.”

“I know.”

“Why are we still sitting here?”

“What do you want us to do, Pierce? Go into battle against over one hundred Juttari warships?”

“None of those ships have jump systems. We can use guerilla tactics. Hit them hard, and jump away before they can hit back.”

“We have a better strategy, Captain.”

“Your AI?”


“So we just sit here and wait?”

“I’m afraid so.”

“I don’t like it, Pike. We need to hit them now, before they know what we’re up to.”

“I understand how you feel, Captain. But if we attack we might destroy ten ships. On the other hand, if AI succeeds, all of those ships will be on our side.”

“Why the hell would we want those bastards on our side?”

“Admiral,” said Petrovic. “I’m reading high levels of radiation on Earth.”

“What? Where on Earth?”

“Everywhere, Sir. The Juttari have nuked the planet!”

“And you want those monsters to be on our side!” said Pierce.

Jon was speechless. Even during the worst years of the occupation, the Juttari had never done something like this. His display flickered off and Pierce’s face was gone.

“Sir, the Vanguard has jumped away,” said Petrovic, before anyone had time to process the tragedy.

“Where did they go? Are they still in system?”

“I have them. They’ve landed near Earth, near a Juttari warship. Sir, the Vanguard has engaged the Juttari.”

“Goddamnit. AI, are you making any progress?” said Jon.

“Yes, Admiral. I am simultaneously accessing the brain chips on multiple vessels.”

“How much longer?”

“If I move faster I may be detected. That would compromise the entire mission.”

“Understood. Do what you can.”

“Vanguard has jumped again, Sir,” said Petrovic. “They have landed alongside a second Juttari warship and are firing on it.”

“What happened to the first ship?”

“The Vanguard destroyed it, Sir.”

Jon tapped his comm screen and Pierce appeared again. “This is how you fight a war, Pike,” said Pierce. “How long are you going to sit there and watch?”

“Pierce, stand down. The AI has almost freed the Chaanisar.”

“Listen to yourself, Pike. Free the Chaanisar? Did you see what they did to our home? Did you!?”

“I did.”

“And you can still talk of freeing the Chaanisar?”

“It’s the only way. The real enemy is the Juttari, not their human slaves.”

“To hell with you, Pike. Go back to your colonies and leave the fighting to us,” said Pierce, his face blinking off the screen.

“Shit,” said Jon.

“Sir, the Vanguard has jumped again,” said Petrovic.

“Where did it go now?”

“It’s landed alongside us, Sir?”

“What the hell is Pierce doing now?”

Jon’s comm screen came to life again, only this time it was the Diakan, Major Ilthos, who appeared.

“Ilthos. What is going on over there?”

“Captain Pierce has been relieved of command. I have assumed command of the Vanguard.”

“I’m sorry it had to come to that,” Jon said sincerely, remembering his own experience on the Hermes when Tallos tried to take the ship from him. He liked Captain Pierce, and he understood him better than Pierce knew.

“Admiral,” said AI. “I have gained control of the brain chips. The Chaanisar have been liberated.”

“What about the Juttari?” said Jon.

“The Chaanisar are hunting them now. They don’t have long.”

“I see. Do the Chaanisar understand what has happened?”

“Yes, Admiral. They understand everything.”

“And will they join us?”

“Yes, Admiral. The Chaanisar have agreed to join your fleet.”

“Congratulations, Admiral Pike,” said Ilthos. “It appears your fleet has grown considerably.”

“But at what cost?”

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