Ghost Fleet (The Pike Chronicles Book 4) (18 page)

Read Ghost Fleet (The Pike Chronicles Book 4) Online

Authors: G. P. Hudson

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Adventure, #Alien Invasion, #Colonization, #Exploration, #First Contact, #Galactic Empire, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Space Marine, #Space Opera, #Space Exploration

BOOK: Ghost Fleet (The Pike Chronicles Book 4)
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Chapter 40


The Juttari Battleship initiated a broadcast which sought out the Chaanisar brain chips on board the Ronin. The broadcast sent its authentication code, to which a Chaanisar brain chip was supposed to respond, only AI had altered the authentication codes required for the brain chips, causing them to ignore the broadcast, protecting them from Juttari control. The Juttari expected a response, however, and the lack of one would arouse suspicion, and escalation. AI had anticipated this and sent the expected response herself, instead.

The Juttari systems accepted the authentication and a handshake was made, allowing for transmission between the Juttari ships and the Chaanisar. AI, disguised as a data stream, used that handshake to travel the distance between the two ships, and gain access to the Juttari Battleship’s systems. The Juttari never expected an attack of this nature, traveling across a frequency used exclusively to control their Chaanisar. While they might have foreseen attempts to disrupt this transmission, they didn’t conceive of it being used as a vehicle to mount an electronic attack. So, the defenses in place were merely precautionary measures, not robust enough to foil the AI’s sophisticated exploits.

AI needed to avoid detection, and that would take longer than an outright brute force attack. Nonetheless, the first piece of the puzzle had been solved. She had bridged the electronic gap between the two warships and had established a beachhead on the Battleship’s systems. More importantly, she had not triggered any alarms, and the crew were none the wiser. She worked quickly, yet carefully, and continued to bypass the security measures in place, burrowing deeper and deeper into the unsuspecting system.

AI continued to use the ship’s broadcast, only this time she used it to gain access to the Chaanisar brain chips on board the battleship. Once satisfied that the security measures had been defeated, without triggering any alarms, AI again traveled across the broadcast disguised as a data stream. This time, however, she split herself into multiple instances and simultaneously spread to every brain chip aboard the Battleship. None of the Chaanisar noticed her presence as each of their brain chips allowed her to enter. After all, the transmission between the Chaanisar and the Battleship’s systems was considered secure. Information already flowed freely back and forth. AI simply hid within that data flow.

Once inside she quietly took control. She rewrote each brain chip’s security features and disabled the Juttari administrative privileges, all the while continuously returning the expected response from the chips, ensuring no alarms were tripped. The operation was distributed and simultaneous.

She drilled deeper and deeper into the compromised brain chips. Then it happened again. She encountered consciousness. Within each Chaanisar she witnessed the unique force hidden there. Only this time she saw the Juttari boot that suppressed it. Like a malignant cancer, the darkness of Juttari control spread throughout their bodies, complete in its oppression. That was about to change. For, just as she experienced consciousness vicariously through each Chaanisar, she now experienced their awakening. And with that came realization. The realization that they were suddenly free of the Juttari chains they’d known since childhood. She had caused these Chaanisar to be reborn. She had given them a new life.

Colonel Steeg
, said AI through Steeg’s brain chip.

Who are you? What is happening?
replied Steeg.

I am a friend. Colonel Bast sent me to free you and your crew.

I don’t understand. How? Why?

I will explain later. Right now, your crew has awakened and you must move quickly before your Juttari Masters realize what has happened. You must seize your ship.

AI felt Steeg’s understanding of the situation, and the necessity of quick, resolute action. She felt his murderous rage, and knew no Juttari would survive the day. It was the logical course, and AI was not troubled by any of it. She still had much more work to do.

She used the Juttari broadcasts to travel to the other ships, where again she infiltrated the ship systems and the Chaanisar brain chips. She experienced a new Chaanisar crew as they awakened. Felt their consciousness, and newly realized freedom. And with each member of each crew, she felt herself become something greater.

I can feel them,
said Bast, through his brain chip.
All of them. It is magnificent.

As can I
, she said.

They are hunting their Masters,
said Bast.


Will they join us?

They should. They have been reborn. They need a family now.

Chapter 41


Colonel Steeg marched through the corridors of his Battleship, holding a powerful assault weapon in his hands. He knew he would need a heavy weapon to kill the Juttari. They always wore a translucent armor that protected them from most energy weapons. Their armor wouldn’t stand up to the firepower he carried, though. Of that, he was certain. He knew a lot about the Juttari. Not only had he been taken as a child like all the Chaanisar, but they had seen something in him early on, and the Masters chose to make him a leader. That allowed him certain privileges, which included special access to the Masters, typically denied to the lower Chaanisar ranks.

A contingent of equally well armed Chaanisar joined him as he moved, falling into line behind him. Steeg had inflicted much death and suffering in his life. None of it had been his choice. All of it had been at the command of his Juttari Masters. A command he had been incapable of refusing. Today would be different. Today he would kill by choice. Today the Masters died.

Every Chaanisar on board had been freed, and the Juttari were still unaware of the event. AI now worked to free the Chaanisar on the other ships. She showed him everything, making him a witness to their awakening. Their rebirth. Through his brain chip she shared information, revealing how she now protected him and the other Chaanisar from Juttari control. In return, he gave her greater access to the ship’s systems, and he watched as she spread throughout the Battleship’s network, using his clearance to bypass all security measures.

Steeg and his men now approached the security door leading to the Masters’ section of the ship. More men waited to join in the attack, but Steeg ordered them to stay out of sight until they gained entrance. He knew AI controlled the ship’s sensors, and she hid their presence from the Juttari. As the commander of the ship, Steeg was the only one with clearance to open this door. He looked up at the camera situated above the entrance, ignoring the twin turrets pointed at him. Even with access to the Masters’ section, he still needed to announce his presence, and he didn’t want to arouse suspicion. Not yet.

“Noble Masters, security on this ship has been compromised. I have brought a contingent of my men for your protection,” said Steeg.

“Why do we not know of this intrusion?” said a voice through a hidden speaker.

“Forgive me, Noble Master. It happened quickly and is being dealt with, but I wanted to ensure your safety.”

“Your vigilance is noted, even though we are well equipped to protect ourselves.”

“I do not question your superior abilities, Noble Master. This measure is merely precautionary.” Steeg knew that the Juttari didn’t appreciate anyone questioning their fighting abilities. They considered themselves the greatest warriors in the galaxy. Now was not the time to question that belief. It would be put to the test soon enough.

“You may enter,” replied the Juttari voice.

Several banging sounds followed as the heavy security bolts locking the door were released and the door slid open. Steeg strode through the opening with his weapon at the ready. Beyond the entrance was a large section of the ship that the Juttari used for their own quarters and operations. Two Juttari stood dead ahead. One worked at a console and the other approached Steeg. No longer under its control, Steeg felt a lifetime of revulsion surface upon looking at the monster’s razor sharp claws, and dark green leather-like skin. Without thinking he raised his weapon and fired, burning a large hole through the beast’s head. He had originally planned to refrain from attacking until he had more of the monsters grouped together, but the power of his emotions caught him off guard.

The second Juttari scrambled for cover, as a barrage of energy bolts followed it. Juttari were incredibly fast, but so were the Chaanisar. Steeg’s men immediately gave chase, fanning out to cover all routes of escape. Steeg took in a deep breath, tightened his grip on his weapon and followed, ready to dispense judgment.

The Juttari, however, did not build a galactic empire through weakness. They were a dangerous, ruthless enemy, and now they had been warned of what was coming. But Steeg had numbers on his side. His men now poured through the open doorway, eager to hunt down every last Master on the ship. He heard the Juttari battle shrieks as his men closed in. He had heard the sound before, but only when they performed their ritual hunts. On such occasions they would hunt down armed enemies using only their natural weapons. Their strength, speed, agility, and those fearsome claws. Did they actually believe that they were the hunters now? Did they hang on to their arrogance, even in their final moments?

The answer came when a Juttari sprang from a hiding spot on the ceiling, eviscerating one of his men with its claws, and tearing out the windpipe of another. The attack was blindingly fast, the response overwhelmingly lethal. The nearby Chaanisar immediately opened fire on the monster, burning dozens of holes through the creature before it could get away. The blasts hurled the former Master backward, and onto the floor, where it lay in a smoking heap.

Two Juttari down
, thought Steeg.

There are nine more Juttari located in this section of the ship
, said AI.

You see them?
said Steeg, through his brain chip.

Yes, Colonel. I have gained access to the network on this section. It proved more challenging, as it was kept separate from the rest of the ship’s systems, but not impossible. Would you like me to send the security data to your brain chip?

Yes, please do. Send the data to all the Chaanisar brain chips.

Sending now.

Thank you, AI.

You’re most welcome, Colonel.

Suddenly Steeg had access to the Juttari security feed, revealing the locations of every Juttari on the ship, as did every other Chaanisar. His men now knew where the Masters hid, and tracked them as they moved. Another Juttari tried to sneak up on them using the ceiling. The vicious Juttari claws made them exceptional climbers, giving them the ability to maintain a grip on almost any surface.

Don’t fire
, said Steeg to his men through the brain chip.
Let it get close

His men obeyed, ignoring the beast. Steeg waited until the monster was almost on top of them. “Now!” he ordered, and dozens of weapons fired simultaneously, ripping through the alien body until it fell to the floor. Steeg felt the elation in his men as they exacted their revenge. Each one of them had been taken from their parents as a child. Each one had been violated and enslaved. Now they had the power, and he felt their rage rising, like surging waves against a cracking dam. They needed this, so he let them have it. No more discipline. No more restraint.

Kill them all
, he said.

The dam broke, and slaughter ensued.

Chapter 42


“The Chaanisar have been liberated,” said AI over Jon’s comm.

“What about the Juttari?” said Jon, staring at the four menacing warships on the viewscreen.

“They have been killed,” said AI, in her usual emotionless tone.

“On all four warships?”

“Yes, Admiral.”

“Damn, I wish I was there,” said Jon, imagining what it must have been like when those men were freed.

“I know you’ve seen your share of dead Juttari,” said Kevin, with a wry smile.

“I have, but it never grows old,” said Jon.

Kevin shook his head. “You do know the war is over, right?

“No it’s not,” said Colonel Bast, his face suddenly appearing on Jon’s console.

“What do you mean?” said Jon.

“Colonel Steeg, the leader of the Chaanisar on those ships, has told me that they were part of an invasion force that attacked the Sol System,” said Bast.

“What?!” said St. Clair. “Sol’s been invaded?”

Several heads on the bridge turned in response to the outburst. The bridge crew was mostly made up of the Hermes bridge crew. People with deep roots back on Earth.

“He didn’t know if the invasion was successful,” said Bast. “Their mission was to hunt down and destroy a second Space Force jump ship. The Juttari wanted to keep the Jump ship out of the fight. He did say that the Juttari had launched similar invasions across multiple Galactic Accord systems.”

“Another galactic war,” said Jon, almost to himself. “The Diakans are going to have their hands full. They might not be able to come to Sol’s defense. Not for a while, anyway.”

“They’re on their own. We need to go back and help,” said Kevin, the vein in his neck bulging like it was about to burst.

“We will,” said Jon. “Don’t forget, we promised to help New Byzantium. They did give us these ships in return for our protection.”

“Yes, Sir,” said Kevin, clearly struggling to stay composed.

Jon knew that emotions would be running high among the Hermes crew, but they weren’t on the Hermes anymore. The fleet they had put together had a large New Byzantium contingent, to whom Earth was almost a myth. The Ronin was full of Chaanisar who had been taken from Earth as children. And the Reivers didn’t know what Earth was until they were rescued from the Kemmar. These contingents had sworn to protect New Byzantium. Jon didn’t doubt they would follow him back to Sol, but not if it meant leaving New Byzantium undefended while an enemy fleet approached.

“AI, what will the Chaanisar do now?” said Jon. With any luck they would agree to join Jon’s fleet.

“Colonel Steeg, wishes to speak with you,” said AI.

“Fine. Patch him through to my console.”

“He wants to speak in person, Admiral. He requests clearance to land a shuttle on the Freedom. He wants the Colonels commanding the other Chaanisar ships there too.”

Jon glanced at Kevin. “Tell him he has it. And tell him I’m looking forward to meeting all of them.”

“Yes, Admiral. He also requests that Colonel Bast be present.”

Jon looked at his console. “Colonel, are you aware of this request?”

“Yes, Admiral. I’ve agreed to the meeting. I’ll be boarding a shuttle shortly.”

“Very well,” said Jon, and Colonel Bast ended the transmission. Jon tapped the display and Jonas appeared on his screen.

“Yes, Admiral.”

“Jonas, I assume you’re up to date on the recent developments?”

“Regarding our new friends?” said Jonas. “AI just briefed me on it. So those Chaanisar are now the same as Colonel Bast and his crew. They’re free of that mind control?”

“Correct,” said Jon. “There’s going to be a face to face meeting with the commanders of those ships. Colonel Bast is coming, and I want you to be there too.”

“In person? Why not just setup a conference over the comms?”

“The Chaanisar requested that the meeting be in person. If it makes them happy, then why not?”

“We could use those ships,” said Jonas.

“My thoughts as well.”

“Count me in. It’ll give me an excuse to see my granddaughter. I’ll take a shuttle over shortly.”

“Good.” Jon ended the transmission. He turned to look at Kevin. “Walk with me, Commander.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Ensign Petrovic, you have the bridge,” said Jon to the young tactical officer.

Jon and Kevin exited the bridge and walked down one of the many long corridors. The ship had stood down from General Quarters, but was still bustling with activity, as the crew worked to ensure the necessary repairs were made.

“I’m sorry about my outburst on the bridge, Sir,” said Kevin, as they walked. “It’s just the thought of the Juttari invading Sol again… I don’t know.”

“It’s okay, Kevin. I understand. Hell, I feel the same way. But we made a promise to these people that we would defend them.”

“What about the one we made to Sol?”

“I haven’t forgotten my oath. But the Chaanisar didn’t make the same promise. Neither did the Reivers, or New Byzantium.”

“I know. You’re right.”

“Look, the Hermes crew is going to be itching to go back to Sol and fight the Juttari. I know that. But we’re not on the Hermes anymore, and they’re going to have to deal with that fact. You’re my XO. I need to know that you’re going to be able to keep everyone in line.”

“Don’t worry, Sir. You can count on me.”

“Good. That corporate fleet is still coming. We need to deal with them first, then we’ll go and help Sol.”

“What about the Kemmar?”

“With any luck they’ll wait until we get back,” said Jon, with a tight, grim smile.

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