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Authors: Lauro Martines

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Heyday of the New Christians
: Boyajian, xi.

War and rise of Medici
: Martines (2003), 41–53; and (1988), 300–311.

On the rise of regular taxation, see the entries above regarding funding public debt
; also Ertman, 70–71, 73–75, 240–47, on Spain, France, and Germany.

England and tax farming
: Brewer, 65–66.

Of twenty thousand German and Swiss mercenaries
: Ertman, 95; and unpaid troops, Mallett/Shaw, 279–86.

Debt of 100 million
, then strain and bankruptcy
: Wood, 283; Lynn (1997), 20–27.

Proprietary officeholders, numbers, 28 percent of revenue, and Spain
: Ertman, 203, 119; Tallett, 186.

L. B. Alberti on merchant oligarchy
: Martines (1963), 29.

French army numbers
: Lynn (1997), 55.

Quote, “forced loans”
: Ertman, 136.

Ballooning French debt in seventeenth century
: Lynn (1997), 20–27; Hoffman (1994a), 237–45; Bonney (1999), 147; Rowlands, 111.

Revenue and debt
: Lynn (1997), 25–27; Bonney, in Bonney (1999), 141–47.

Quote, tsar's army
: Keep, 91.

Quote, Swedish “war budget”
: M. Roberts (2002), 123.

Germany, payments as late as nineteenth century
: Krüger, 57; Wilson (2009), 805.

Saxony's debt, Swedish army costs in 1649
: Wilson (2009), 579, 771.

Dutch Union's budget, quote
: Hart (1993), 218.

Dutch war costs, debt, taxes
: Hart (1993), 71, 164; Veenendaal, 123; Manning, 32–33, on complaints against the Dutch; Tracy (2008), 181–82, on Dutch miserliness with soldiers.

Kings were not absolute rulers
: see P. Anderson; Collins; Henshall; Mackay.

Germany, Brandenburg
: Clark, 34–43; Ertman, 246–54; Carsten, 187.

Quote, the “central financial administration”
: Lynn (1997), 29. Corruption in French government: Rowlands, 135–49 and Parrott, 232–58.

Brandenburg's commissaries
: Ertman, 249–50.

Swedish military state, quote
: Frost, 122.

and “crusade” money
: Lovett, 230–34; Tracy (2002), 104.

On Jesuits
: Birely (2003), ix–x, 28–30, 61, 64.

Sovereignty and Roman law
: see Jane Black, 19ff., 37–38, 143–44, on the idea of
plena potestas
; and on sovereignty, Luard, 100–28.

Ius in armis est
: Martines (1968), 380.

The “balance of power” principle
: Luard, 1–25; as found in Alberico Gentile, Tuck, 18; and in diplomacy, M. S. Anderson (1993).

Peasants and tax collector, quote
New Cambridge Mod. Hist
., IV, 492.

For early modern European reflection on the state
: Tuck; Skinner; J. H. Franklin; and the essay by Arenilla.

Dynastic rights as “sacrosanct”
: Bonney (1991), 80.

Jean Bodin
: Skinner, II, 293–96.


On Louis XIV and the Palatinate
: Lynn, 79–87, in Grimsley/Rogers.


: Lane/Mueller; Denzel; W. A. Shaw; Spufford; McCusker; and Braudel/Spooner.


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