Full Circle (Avalon: Web of Magic #12) (2 page)

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mistwolves, unicorns, a dragon, and three mages materialized in the portal field at the Ravenswood Wildlife Preserve. The unicorns whimpered and shook, too stunned to move. Dark magic swirled from their bodies like coils of steam. The magic agitated the mistwolves, still caught in the fever of battle.

A cry rang out: “Packleader!” Rasha, Roniff, Balthazar, and the other magical animals of the Ravenswood Preserve raced toward Adriane, shocked by the sudden appearance of the dark unicorns and snarling mistwolves.

“Get me a head count,” Adriane shouted. “I want to know exactly who’s here. Rasha, you know what to do, most seriously hurt first. Go!”

Her pack of animal friends moved out, organizing the mistwolves and unicorns just as they had done so many times before when wounded animals had arrived at Ravenswood.

Kara checked Lyra from nose to tail, searching for any sign of a scratch.

“I’m fine,”
Lyra insisted, golden wings folding back and vanishing.

“You’re fine when I say so.” Kara lifted the cat’s rear paw for inspection.

Her paladin Starfire had vanished, retreating to his elemental home now that his bonded was out of danger.

“Over here, healer!” a pair of duck-like quiffles pleaded, leaning over a mistwolf with a wounded foreleg.

All eyes turned to the dark mage, who stood off to the side and watched the chaos icily. Her dark paladin had vanished, but the twisted unicorns gathered around her, red magic glimmering from their horns.

Adriane planted herself in front of the girl she’d known as the healer. “Emily, these animals are hurt!”

But the healer was oblivious to everything except the cold, rasping voice in her head.
“The web needs magic!”

Adriane saw that Emily was not going to help and took charge. “We need first aid kits and blankets!”

Quiffles and brimbees raced from the field to get supplies.

Kara dashed from unicorn to unicorn. “Calliope, Ralphie, Violet, are you okay? It’s me!” But these magical friends were caught in the dark spell; they did not recognize the blazing star.

“You found the unicorns!” Tasha, the goblin sorceress, exclaimed as she made her way through the mass of animals toward Kara. “What are you doing here? We thought you were inside Avalon.”

“We didn’t make it,” Kara said brusquely.

“But the gates opened. Who went in?”

The blazing star could barely answer. “The Dark Sorceress.”

Tasha gasped. “How?”

Adriane’s dark eyes flashed with anger. “She used us to open the gates and walked right in.”

“I don’t understand,” Tasha said. “With the power of Avalon on your side, she would have been no match for the three of you.”

Kara and Adriane exchanged a look.

“Avalon’s magic is not what you think it is,” Adriane told the goblin girl.

“Whoa!” The magic meter in Tasha’s hand screeched. The small screen flashed with bright colors.

“The Spider Witch twisted the unicorns with dark magic,” Kara tried to explain.

“The dark magic isn’t coming from the unicorns,” Tasha said gravely, tapping the screen to squelch the piercing noise. “It’s coming from Emily’s jewel.”

“Emily was caught in the same spell,” Adriane said. “How do we break it?”

The dark mage had wandered to the edge of the woods. She stood staring into the forest, her back to the field. And to the people who were once her closest friends.

Tasha held up her magic meter to show them. “She’s way under, really deep. I’ve never seen anything like this!”

Moonshadow limped toward the warrior, tongue lolling, his midnight coat caked with blood and sweat.

Adriane knelt before the packleader. “You’re hurt.”

The mighty mistwolf shook his head. “
Others need help more than I do. I have ordered patrols of the grounds in case the shadow creatures try to follow us through the portal.”

Moonshadow yelped as the blazing star poked at a jagged cut along his flank.

“Quiet, you.” Kara wiped the cut clean with an alcohol swab.

“I said I am fine.”
The big wolf twisted away.

“Packleader.” Kara bowed her head as Adriane looked on.

Moonshadow nodded before padding off.

“Kara, are you all right?”

Kara turned to find a handsome teenage boy with spiky black hair rushing into the portal field, his arms piled with blankets.

“Lorren.” Looking into his concerned dark eyes, Kara instantly felt better. “Yeah, but Emily isn’t.”

“The Dark Sorceress has Avalon,” Tasha told him.

Lorren’s eyes widened in fear, then he scowled at Kara. “I told you not to make that crystal!”

“Lorren, I—”

“I knew that fairy was trouble!” he cut her off angrily. “Logan is notorious for black market magic.”

To replace the power crystal she’d accidentally destroyed, Kara had worked with a dark fairy to make another one—despite Lorren’s strong objections.

“Take it easy, Lorren.” Adriane stepped between the two. “Kara saved Drake with that power crystal.”

“She did?” Lorren studied the blazing star. His expression softened. “You are so… stubborn.”

Kara flashed the warrior a smile before taking blankets from Lorren’s arms and leading them toward the most seriously wounded animals. “Emily and the Spider Witch totally rewove the magic web.”

“It’s amazing!” A snow owl soared over their heads. Riding on it was a small creature made entirely of twigs, leaves, and grass. Tweek hopped from Ariel’s back and projected an image of the new web from the turquoise jewel hanging on his neck. “The web’s pattern has changed dramatically.”

Brilliant points sparkled in the air, forming a diamond grid pattern. It looked nothing like the swirling loops and curls of the old web.

“How is that possible?” asked Adriane.

“The Spider Witch must have been preparing a powerful weaving for a long time. Probably in the form of an elemental tapestry,” Tweek hypothesized. “Emily brought it to life.”

“She used the dark magic of Avalon,” Kara told him.

Emily had turned out to be more powerful than any of them had expected—and the most vulnerable.

Tweek pointed to several sections of glowing grid. “At least the web seems stabilized. Portals shouldn’t be opening and closing all over the place anymore.”

“But look at the center,” Tasha pointed out.

In the center of the web, deep green and black throbbed like a dark heart.

“What is that?” Lorren asked worriedly.

“I’m still processing data,” Tasha replied, “but something is happening inside Avalon.”

“What?” Adriane pressed.

The goblin girl ran a finger over the screen, tuning the dials. “The signature is off the charts.” She hesitated, eyes wide with worry. “Look at these levels.”

“You know what will happen if the sorceress unleashes
of Avalon’s magic on the web?” Lorren asked.

“Every creature and animal that uses magic will turn dark,” Tweek answered. “Just like the healer.”

Kara bit her lip.

The goblin prince stepped away. “You should have been helping Emily.”

Kara flushed. “I screwed up.”

“We both screwed up,” Adriane said. “All that matters right now is Emily. We need to help her.”

“How?” Kara fretted. “How do we break the Spider Witch’s spell?”

Adriane raised her silver wolf stone. “I have some healing magic. Maybe that will be enough.”

Suddenly, a burst of deep green erupted through the forest, snapping branches with a thunderous roar.

Kara scanned the portal field. “Where did Emily go?”

The dark mage was nowhere to be seen.

“Over here!” Ronif called from the edge of the field. “Hurry!”

“The forest is under attack!” the quiffles screamed.

Green lightning flashed deep in the woods.

“The glade!” Adriane cried. “Let’s go!”

Adriane, Kara, Tasha, Lorren, and the magical animals raced into the forest. Ariel, with Tweek on her back, zoomed overhead, the mistwolves loping behind.

They could feel dangerous magic rushing through the trees, reaching for the heart of Ravenswood. Even the Rocking Stone, the ancient monument, its jagged peak pointing to the afternoon skies, seemed to shudder. The group barreled past it into a pristine clearing surrounded by a perfect circle of tall firs: the magic glade.

On the shore of the lake where she had first found her jewel so many months ago, Emily stood, arms spread wide. Dozens of unicorns surrounded her, heads lowered.

Glowing coils of red, green, blue, and purple swirled from the very fabric of the land into their horns, fueling the dark mage.

Adriane’s and Kara’s jewels sparked red with danger.

“What is she doing?” Lorren shouted.

“She’s weaving Ravenswood’s magic onto the web!” Tweek goggled.

“Everyone, together we can heal her!” Adriane cried.

Kara stood by the warrior’s side, blazing light swirling up her arms. Dreamer, Lyra, and the animals of Ravenswood surrounded them, streaming all the magic they could muster.

Healing blue flared in Adriane’s jewel, supercharged by the blazing star.

Their magic wrapped around Emily, covering her in muted colors.

Greedy for more, the dark mage turned. Eyes settling on the warrior, she latched onto her wolf stone.

Adriane fell back as Dreamer howled, trying to shake free of the assault.

“Emily!” Kara cried. “Stop! You’re hurting them!”

With a burst of diamond fire, Kara sliced through the connection.

Frustrated, the dark mage sent the full force of her magic into the roots of Ravenswood.

Tempests swirled up from the ground with gale force. Wind screamed through the trees in a blast of breaking branches.

The animals did their best to calm the angry forces tearing the glade apart. But protected by the unicorns, the magic of the dark mage was too strong. Ravenswood’s magic rose from the earth, uprooting willow trees and tossing them into the churning waters of the lake. Rocks and branches hurtled through the air and smashed against the Rocking Stone.

“Emily, you’re hurting Storm!” Adriane yelled, reeling from the cries of the forest spirit of Ravenswood.

But Emily ignored her as she began to weave the preserve’s magic onto the web.

“You’re destroying Ravenswood!” Kara screamed.

“Not destroying. Fixing.” Emily’s voice was scarily calm. “I need to fix everything.”

The dark mage’s eyes swirled to black. Spikes of magic erupted from the dark heart jewel upon her wrist, plunging deep into the earth. An eerie silence lasted a heartbeat before the entire preserve rippled, sending everyone running for cover. Tree limbs groaned as branches twisted into sharp thorns. Dank muck churned in the crystal waters of the lake.

“What are we going to do?” Kara cried.

Silver fire flared from Adriane’s clenched fists. “We have to stop her.”

“We can’t attack Emily!” Kara protested.

“We have no choice!”

The two mages paused… they glanced at their bondeds and at the animals of Ravenswood. None of them could believe what they were about to do. To save Ravenswood, they were going to have to fight—and maybe destroy—their best friend.

destruction spread into the forest, tearing over a patch of bright flowers. For an instant, the funnel faltered.

“Packleader!” Rasha and Ronif dashed to the warrior, wind whipping their tail feathers. On their outstretched wings sat several round puffball flowers, each glittering with tiny rainbow lights.

Adriane’s eyes went wide. “Kara!” she called out, picking the precious magic blooms. “Phelowers!”

The sparkling flowers floated out of Rasha and Ronif’s wings. They seemed to be drawn toward Emily. For an instant, flashes of pure rainbow colors danced around her. The dark mage faltered, her powers dulled by the infusion of pure magic.

“Everyone, we need more!” Kara cried, recognizing the power of these magical flowers. Phel, the fairy creature who had first taught Emily about healing magic, had planted them.

Adriane turned to her pack. “Hurry! Gather as many as you can find.”

Starpoints of color like tiny jewels surrounded the dark mage, whirling and twirling as the animals of Ravenswood tossed paw-fulls of phelowers into the air. Glittering blossoms sparkled as they were swept into the cyclone. Flecks of light flashed, growing brighter as Emily unwittingly gathered pure magic into her dark weaving.

All at once, a bright spark glimmered in the former healer’s inky eyes. The cyclone around her was transforming into a column of light, bright as a rainbow. It trembled and slowed, colors pulling together. Forming in front of Emily was something big. Something purple.

The last shreds of dark magic fell away. What remained was a large, purple, bear-like creature. He turned liquid eyes upon the healer.

“Phel,” Emily whispered, lowering her arms.

A fog cleared from her eyes as she saw Phelonius’s magical aura glimmering in pinpoints of rainbow lights. What had seemed like an overwhelming jumble of colors now looked exactly like... a phelower.

Silence fell over the glade.

Emily blinked. How had she gotten here? Why were her friends staring at her so strangely?

Phel approached Emily, reaching out massive paws to touch the healer’s hands. Splinters of light flew across her mind. Memories glowed.

The mermaids swarmed around Emily. Wet, ragged hair and black eyes rose to meet her as cold hands tried to drag her into the ancient sea of Aldenmor before she could fulfill her destiny. “You are the dark witch.” Emily had told no one this terrible secret, convincing herself that if she ignored the warning it could not come true.

The Dark Sorceress’s commanding presence loomed over her, guiding Emily as she wove her first web. “You are more powerful than the Spider Witch.” Emily had been too much in awe of her new powers to realize she was being tricked into stealing the magic of the animals, betraying a healer’s promise.

The Spider Witch’s tapestry mesmerized her. Vibrant with elemental magic, the vision of a new web, strong and sure, was magnificent. Emily could save all she loved. All she had to do was bring the web to life. “See how the unicorns have come to you.” But the beautiful magic of the unicorns had been twisted by an endless craving and greed. They would run the new web with the magic of Avalon. All they needed was the dark mage to lead them.

One mage had always gone dark. It was the true meaning of the prophecy.

She had had no choice. She’d become the dark mage.

The Gates of Avalon burst open like a dam as the magic crashed into Emily, filling her with power. It rushed through her, taking everything she was, everything she loved.

The vision cut off, leaving her feeling sick and empty.

What happened to me? she thought, shivering. She had lost her connection to the animals, to her friends, to all living things.

Phel’s expression was serene as a sunrise. Compassion glowed in his gentle eyes as he turned her around to face the unicorns. She blanched at the tight red knots binding their true auras.

Only she could fix it. But…

What if she couldn’t heal anymore? The thought terrified her.

With a wave of his furry, purple arms, Phel sent his flowers cascading over the unicorns.

Greens and blues flared from Emily’s jewel, responding to Phel’s gentle power. Feeling the connection to her magic, soft blue light swirled from Emily, raining over the dark spell. The unicorns’ auras instantly began changing, bright crystalline colors rushing to the surface.

Carefully, Emily loosened the complex knots of the Spider Witch’s spell. She could see the weaving unraveling, slipping away. Horns stained blood-red shimmered to glittering crystal, restoring the unicorn’s pure auras. One by the one, snorting and leaping in joy, the unicorns broke free of the spell.

Calliope whinnied as a dozen young unicorns barreled into the blazing star.

“Calliope! Electra! Snowflake!” Kara called their names ecstatically.

Lorelei moved close to Emily, her presence warm and reassuring. Emily blinked, senses awakening. She felt as if she’d been sleepwalking. Looking at the healthy unicorns, she felt no joy. Only the dull, empty ache of a broken heart.

Something awful had happened. Something so horrible, so unthinkable, she could not remember it.

“Are they all okay?” Adriane ran through the excited herd.

“I think everyone is accounted for,” Kara responded. “Great job, Emily!”

The voices of her friends faded away as Emily surveyed the group of magical animals in the glade.

“Emily?” Adriane looked at the healer, uncertain.

The glade had gone eerily silent.

The unicorns watched the healer, along with every quiffle, brimbee, and mistwolf in Ravenswood. A veil of sorrow seemed to permeate everything and everyone.

Emily looked at Phel, but he was already vanishing. Having used his magic to help Emily, he could not stay. Dread flooded through her as she saw the sadness in his fading eyes.

Emily felt weak, her knees buckling.

“Easy. We’ve got you.” Adriane and Kara slung their arms around the healer.

Suddenly, Emily gasped, her chest heaving. Something was missing—it felt like a piece of her was gone. Something that always supported her, gave her strength when she had none left. Panic raced up her spine.

Not something.


She scanned the crowd of creatures, animals, and humans for the one friend who had been with her from the beginning. Among the hundreds of unicorns and mistwolves and the animals of Ravenswood, she searched desperately for one familiar furry head. All at once, the colors faded, leaving her alone as the awful truth came into focus.

“Where’s Ozzie?”

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