Full Circle (Avalon: Web of Magic #12) (10 page)

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“The Fairimentals wouldn’t listen,” Kara said, annoyed. “Now we’re doing the quest for Avalon, take two, by ourselves.”

“How do we get back inside?” Adriane asked. “Make new power crystals?”

Gardener shook his head “It is not the crystals themselves, but the magic of the animals they contained. The power crystals were merely the best way to gather and store high concentrations of magic.”

“Emily can do that,” Adriane said.

The healer nodded, looking a little nervous.

Gardener arched an eyebrow at the healer. “There is no question you have come this far because of your remarkable abilities to bond with animals. But finding enough to open the Gates of Avalon could take years.”

“HAWWWTdogg!” Buttercup suddenly announced.

“Brilliant!” Adriane cried, patting Buttercup’s knobby head.

“Buttercup’s right!” Emily exclaimed. “The Garden.”

“Everyone is there—mistwolves, unicorns, griffins, cats.” Kara grinned. “You name it, they love us!”

“And we’ve got dragons,” Gardener added, beginning to get excited.

Gwyx had put aside his bowl of noodles and was shuffling away.

“Two of them,”
Drake boasted, arm around his dragon brother, pulling him back.

Gwyx corrected him.

“The unicorns are ready,” Emily stated.

“The mistwolves, too,” Adriane said proudly.

“We need more than one or two dragons,” Gardener sighed. “Where can we find enough dragon magic?”

They all looked at Gwyx.

you want to go to Dragon Home?”
Gwyx turned his back and crossed his arms.

The warrior patted the startled dragon. “I give you your new warrior quest: convince the dragons to help us open the Gates of Avalon!”

“No way. No dragon will follow me to aid humans and their plotting. I have heard enough of these ridiculous stories!”
Gwyx stormed off.

“Brother Gwyx, wait,”
Drake pleaded.

“Let him go,” Adriane said.

“Only took one dragon to make the crystal, anyway,” Kara said. “Combined with my unicorn jewel.” Her dazzling gem caught the firelight as she twirled it.

Gardener froze. “I see you wear Lucinda’s jewel.”

“It was given to me by fairy wraiths.”

Gardener shook his head sadly. “Yes, protected, no doubt, until they could find you.”

“Actually,” Kara corrected him, “I found them with fairy maps.”

Gardener’s blue eyes moved from the jewel to meet Kara’s gaze.

“You and Lucinda were close?” the blazing star asked, sensing more to the story.

Gardener smiled wistfully, a blush coloring his pale cheeks. “We were to be married.”

“You fell in love.” Kara swooned dramatically. “That is so romantic!”

Tears glistened in his eyes. “She was the best of us all. She also had a paladin, an incredible white unicorn.”

“I know that unicorn!” the blazing star exclaimed. “He totally rescued me, twice! He brought me to the unicorn jewel!”

“He must be connected to you through the jewel,” the wizard said. “I should not be surprised that her paladin is still strong. All animals loved her.”

“Sound familiar?” Adriane smiled.

“She was a blazing star, duh,” Kara remarked. “But what do you mean still strong?”

Gardener continued, his voice raw with emotion. “Lucinda tried to save Faylinn, but the dark magic was too strong. They were both killed by Miranda.”

“That’s terrible!” Goldie sobbed.

Kara petted Goldie. “Chill, G, you met Lucinda, remember?”

The mini blinked her jeweled eyes. “Oh yeah.”

Gardener leaned forward. “What are you talking about?”

“She helped me bond with my paladin,” Kara told him. “She brought me to some astral plane of magic. I thought she was a fairy spirit or something. She said she was trapped. But if you and the Dark Sorceress and the Spider Witch have lived this whole time, then it’s possible Lucinda’s alive too, right?”

“Alive.” The wizard’s face registered utter shock. He stood and began pacing around the campfire, energized by a newfound hope. “Lucinda could have communicated with you because you share the jewel of a blazing star. She gave up her jewel for you, knowing she would remain trapped in the astral planes. Yes, of course!” Gardener’s eyes opened wide. “Her paladin is connected to you, if we could contact him, he could take me to her.”

“I’ll call him!” Kara clasped her unicorn jewel and closed her eyes tight. One eye peeked open. “Um, how do I do that?”

“Think of Lucinda,” Gardener instructed, “of her paladin. Remember what you felt like when you saw them, what their magic felt like.”

Kara stood perfectly still, Goldie upon her shoulder, both concentrating.

Instinctively, Emily, Adriane, and the animals added their magic. The unicorn jewel began to shimmer with iridescent sparkles. Gardener sat still as a statue by the fire, a faint glow radiating around him, mages and mentor working together for the first time.

Something flashed in the night. From the dark woods, framed by the firelight, a magnificent white unicorn galloped from the shadows, silky white tail and mane ruffling over sleek muscles.

“I knew you would come!” Kara ran to her friend, hugging his neck. “You have helped me so much. Now it’s my turn to help you.”

The great paladin stared into the depths of her clear blue eyes
. “Thank you, blazing star.”

Gardener ran his hand over the silky white hide. “Take me to her, please.”

The unicorn turned and nickered.

With a leap Henry Gardener was atop the great stallion.

“Star-crossed lovers, reunited after hundreds of years!” Kara sighed dreamily.

“You must get to the Gates of Avalon.” Gardener’s eyes reflected fire. “If I am successful, Lucinda and I will meet you there. Together we might just have a chance.” The wizard paused, looking at each mage in turn. “Do not underestimate the sorceress. Surrounded by so much magic, she is surely gathering power.”

The warrior’s wolf stone sparked silver fire. “So will we.”

The unicorn reared, whinnying to the starry skies.

Gardner’s eyes sparkled and a smile creased his hopeful face. “To Avalon!”

In a blaze of light, they vanished.

like a mirage. Endless rhythms of surf and sand played counterpoint to the wind’s whispering melody. It seemed nothing could disturb the peace and serenity of this sunshine paradise, as if here, time stood still. Except in the center of the tropical oasis, where mages and bondeds stood upon a glittering mosaic circle surrounded by towering pillars. The smooth floor lay pristine and untouched. There was no sign of what had happened the first time the mages had come to this place, of what had happened each time the ancient prophecy had come to pass, destroying the hopes of all who tried to open the Gates of Avalon.

These mages stood side by side, together. This time they would not betray the animals they loved, who had sacrificed so much to bring them to this place one last time.

Adriane stepped forward. “Here’s the plan. We’ll be gathering magic from all our animal friends on the web. Kara and I will balance Emily as she weaves their magic into a key. Once we open the gates and the magic of Avalon comes spilling out, we all help Emily heal it. As the unicorns take it onto the web, the magic should be infused with enough power for Emily to heal the shadow creatures.”

The healer listened silently, trying not to panic. If one shadow creature had been enough to awaken the dark mage, what would happen when she was connected to all of them?

The mistwolf pack, led by Moonshadow and Dawnrunner, pawed the sandy ground and sniffed the air. Hundreds of unicorns, led by Lorelei, stood with them, stamping their hooves, eager to begin.

The warrior’s long hair danced in the wind as she took her place in the center of the ancient ring. Dreamer and Drake were by her side. Lyra, Goldie, and the blazing star followed, determination shining in emerald green, golden, and sky blue eyes. With Buttercup close behind, the healer drew a deep breath and stepped forward to join her friends.

“Come in Base, this is Star One,” Kara spoke into Goldie’s belly.

“Reading you loud and clear, Star One!” Tasha’s steady voice replied. “We’re all in position.”

“Who’s there?” Kara asked.

“More and more animals have started showing up to help. You think we were crowded before, The Garden is jam-packed!” She took a breath. “Zach has them organized and ready for your signal.”

“Excellent. Stand by.” A poke to Goldie’s belly switched signals, linking Kara to Ravenswood. “Talk to me, Tweek.”

“We’re all ready in the portal field,” the Experimental Fairimental reported excitedly. “This will be the most amazing act of magic attempted since Stonehenge!”

“Great, what color is the bandstand?”

“Huh? Oh, pink, green, and white.”

Kara set Goldie firmly on her shoulder. “We’d better hurry.”

Emily addressed the red dragon. “Drake, you’ll go last. We’ll need as much magic as possible to support you, since you’re only one dragon.”

“What if it’s not enough?” Kara worried.

Emily swallowed, a lump of fear rising in her throat. “It will have to do.”

Buttercup whimpered and snuffled at the healer’s feet.

“Emily, it won’t be like last time,” Adriane promised.

“That’s right,” Kara said, extending her fist. “Adriane and I won’t let anything happen to you.”

The warrior touched her fist to Kara’s. “We do this together.”

Emily took a deep breath and reached out her fist. “Together.”

Still, Emily hesitated. Making the key to Avalon would be the largest weaving she had ever attempted. She had no idea if it would work. And even if it did, healing the dark magic of Avalon was a monumental task.

If there’s one thing I taught you, it’s to never give up!

Ozzie’s voice rang in her head. Emily steeled herself. There was nothing to do but face her fears head on.

First, she needed magic that would balance her and keep her focused. Instinctively she reached for Lyra, the first magical animal she had ever healed. The cat’s pale gold aura immediately gave Emily strength, just as it had the very first day she discovered her magic.

“Easy, Emily,” the blazing star said.

“Slow and steady,” Adriane advised. “We got your back.”

A bright flurry of magic danced at the edge of her vision: Buttercup, eager to join her weaving. Emily savored his aura for a moment, cherishing the creature who had helped her become a healer just as much as Lyra. Without him, she might have feared her powers forever. Healing him had shown her there was always light in the face of darkness.

Adriane stepped forward with Dreamer, wolf stone glowing bright silver tinged with healing blue. Emily’s own magic was a mirror image of her friend’s, swirling with the compassion to heal and the strength to protect.

Kara joined the mix in a blaze of pink and gold. The fire of the blazing star made everyone else’s magic shine brighter, revealing glittering shades even Emily had not seen before.

Emily closed her eyes and tried to form the pattern for her key, something as real to her as the heart stone upon her wrist. Then it came to her, the seeds of her weaving visualized as a flower, no—a phelower. “I’m ready,” she announced.

“Okay, give her some room,” Kara ordered.

Carefully, Emily released magic from her jewel, drawing the outline of a sparkling dandelion, a seed waiting to blossom with magic. Now that she had the framework, she would call upon all of her friends to fill the key with their magic. She hoped it would be enough to open the Gates of Avalon.

Emily called out in her mind, summoning the first group of animals whose magic would power the key.

“We give you our magic, healer,”
Lorelei’s musical voice echoed in Emily’s head.

The white unicorn had taught Emily the essence of goodness, that magic could never be taken, only given freely.

Instantly, Emily’s heart stone flashed white. She aimed her jewel, and diamond light blazed inside the key, swirling and dancing like a million fireflies.

Adriane added a swath of silver to keep the magic steady, and with a flash of Kara’s blazing pink, the phelower shimmered lightly in the breeze.

Emily gave a quick nod to Adriane. The warrior and her packmate raised their heads in unison with the mistwolf pack and called their song.

High-pitched howls reverberated up Emily’s spine as the spirit pack answered. Thousands of misty forms appeared overhead, a shifting river of ghostly light. Silver magic raced through Emily’s stone and leaped into her weaving. The mighty power of the mistwolves shone like moonlight next to the starry brilliance of the unicorns.

The healer turned to Kara and Lyra. “I’m ready.”

Kara stroked Lyra’s head. “Call your sisters.”

Lyra’s green eyes blazed as she summoned the magic of her kindred cats, all the family and friends she had left behind to live at Ravenswood. Yowls filled the skies of Aldenmor as Emily’s jewel blazed golden as the sun.

It was working. Magic was building in the circle, reflecting off the crystal pillars, the very air dancing with sparkles.

Moving faster, Emily reached toward the blue-green oceans of Aldenmor.
“Marlin, are you there?”

“You think I’d miss a date?”
The merprince’s warm voice filled her with courage.

Waves of power crashed into the healer’s weaving. Sea dragon auras swam before her eyes in brilliant flashes of fins and scales, all of them familiar and treasured. They had shown her the most joyful aspect of her powers, matching animals to their bonded mages. Pearly blue flowed through her jewel as the sea dragons’ power locked into the blossoming phelower.

Confidence rushed through Emily. With her friends beside her, she could do this! They had all worked so hard, had come so far, been through so much together, she would not let them down now.

“Tash, Zach, you ready?”
Emily called out in her mind.

“I was born ready!”
the goblin sorceress enthused.

“We’re with you, Emily!”
the dragon rider agreed.

A flicker of sorrow darkened her weaving as she thought of The Garden, forever hidden from the web. Emily hoped the animals still trusted her enough to give her a second chance. She reached out tentatively, and was rewarded with an exuberant burst of colors. Their faith in the healer was stronger than ever.

Power rushed through the ancient circle, alive with glittering swirls. Emily’s senses were becoming overloaded as she tried to weave all the magic into her key. For a second, her control wavered, unbalanced by the churning mass of color.

Instantly silver and pink curled around her.

“Easy.” The warrior’s magic grounded her, calmed her.

“Almost there, Emily.” The blazing star held her steady, bolstering the healer’s powers until Emily regained control.

Taking a deep breath, she called upon Team Magic at Ravenswood.

“Rock and troll!”
Tweek hollered as he and the animals of Ravenswood showered her with earthy green brilliance. Emily reveled in the strong auras of the animals, the creatures who had first shown her that magic was real, that wondrous worlds lay beyond the limits of her imagination. And who loved her unconditionally. The bright green magic swirled into her jewel, shading the phelower with their pride and love.

Now Emily paused. The Fairy Realms and all its magic lay waiting, but if the Spider Witch still hid in her lair, she would sense Emily’s weaving and try to take control of the animals’ magic. Nerves fluttered in the healer’s stomach.

Emily took a deep breath and reached out for the Fairy Realms.
“I need all of your help.”

“We’re ready, Emily,”
Prince Lorren returned her call.

“We are all with you, healer!”
cried the proud kings and queens, along with every pixie, spriggan, and sprite she had met in that magical realm. They had given the mages their support throughout the quest, and did not waver now.

Emily smiled with joy and relief as all the fairy magic flowed through her jewel.

She quickly realized the Spider Witch was nowhere to be found. Wherever her enemy was, the weaving was safe, still firmly under the healer’s control. Rose pink filled the phelower, adding to the rainbow of colors.

“Keep going,” Kara’s voice was filled with excitement.

“We’re almost there!” Adriane exclaimed.

Reaching out, Emily tentatively tested the key. But the dark portal would not open. Drake’s magic would come last, so where was she supposed to get more? Where had she not looked?

“Flup up!”

Buttercup’s aura sparked excitedly, tugging Emily’s awareness to a different part of the web. She shuddered. Buttercup was leading her toward the big red swath of the Otherworlds.

She had not seen it since the Spider Witch tricked her into weaving that dark place onto the web. One terrible mistake that had led her down the path to becoming the dark mage.

Emily recoiled, but Buttercup held her steady, shouting out his own magical call.

“Great witch,”
a chorus of familiar voices answered.

The kobolds! Fear raced up her spine. They were grateful to her for healing their home, but like all dark creatures, they had a powerful desire for magic.

They sensed her now, and immediately responded.
“We will give you our magic, great weaver,”
the kobolds promised.
“Without your help, we are surely lost.”

Emily gasped in wonder as magic flowed from the heart stone and into her weaving. Otherworld creatures like the kobolds never gave their magic to anyone! Yet here they were, freely offering their help. The kobolds had turned their dark powers around, using them for good. Buttercup bounced with glee as deep blue locked into place in the glowing phelower.

Emily was vaguely aware that she was trembling, her body exhausted by the strain of controlling so much magic. Still she forged on.

Her vision zeroed in on a single fiery aura: Drake.

The powerful creature eagerly sent his magic to the healer, chest puffed with pride. The phelower weaving sparkled like a rising sun.

Emily tried her key again. The dark shield held, locking the portal tight. It wasn’t enough.

The determined dragon tried to give her more, steam pouring from his nostrils with the effort. But he just didn’t have any more to give. In a burst, Drake’s red aura flickered, unable to sustain the tremendous weight of the magical weaving. Adriane and Dreamer stood by their bonded dragon, feeling his magic slip away.

“Drake, you can’t do it on your own. Find Dragon Home!” Adriane urged.

Emily loosened her hold on Drake and desperately searched the magic web for more dragons. But the creatures had hidden themselves well. Dragon Home was not there. And even if she found it, they would have to give their magic willingly to complete the key to Avalon.

“Emily, take my magic,”
Drake snorted, even as his muscles shook.

“Drake, one dragon isn’t enough,” Emily told her friend.

“Yes, it is.”
Steely determination rang in the dragon’s strained voice.

“Drake!” Adriane cried. “Back off, now!”

But the brave dragon ignored her, sending more of his magic.

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