Fromms: How Julis Fromm's Condom Empire Fell to the Nazis (30 page)

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Authors: Götz Aly,Michael Sontheimer,Shelley Frisch

Tags: #History, #Holocaust, #Jewish, #Europe, #Germany

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. Evidence and adjudication of the District Court of Berlin in the matter of restitution Max Fromm et al., dated January 11, 1966 (Judges: Schlecht, Schmilinsky, Schmeisser), LAB B Rep. 025-06, 61 WAG 8778/59, pp. 21f., 37, 112-121 (also 61 WAG 8780/59).

. German Credit Bureau, regarding Fromms Act and Julius Fromm, factory owner, February 8, 1933, BA R 8136/2994.

. OFP Berlin-Brandenburg (Thulcke) to RFM, dated February 13, 1943; RFM (Maedel) to OFP Berlin-Brandenburg, dated April 1, 1943, LAB A Rep. 093-03/54570.

. Friedenberger et al., p. 88f.; Aly,
Hitler’s Beneficiaries
, for the wording of the stricter regulation of February 16, 1943, BA R 1501/1838.

. Land registry entry for Rolandstrasse 4, Division One, district court of Berlin-Schöneberg, Lichterfelde branch office.

. Finance senator to the restitution division of the Berlin regional court, dated February 12, 1954, LAB Rep. 025-08, 8 WGA 7/50. For a general and instructive overview of the personal
profit of Nazi officials and on the “endowments” for loyal Nazi officers, see Bajohr.

. Klemperer, vol. 2.

. For an overview of this issue, see Aly,
Hitler’s Beneficiaries
, for a detailed analysis of one individual case, see Aly,
Into the Tunnel

. Sworn statement by Max Fromm, 1963. Compensation claim filed by Herbert Fromm on December 31, 1957, LAB B Rep. 025-0661, WAG 8778/59.

. Aly,
Hitler’s Beneficiaries
. (The official number of freight cars—528—was actually 10 percent higher; these additional freight cars were brought to central storage areas for cities at particularly high risk.)

. Final notification concerning the compensation claims filed by the Fromm community of heirs on October 9, 1962, finance senator (Berlin) to the regional compensation bureau in Berlin on February 24, 1955; Loebinger to Fromm on February 24, 1939, LEA Reg. no. 53154; OFP Berlin-Brandenburg, Asset Valuation Office, Fromm, Ruth, BLHA Rep. 36 A II/10612.

. Compensation proceedings for Ruth Fromm, BLA B Rep. 025-06, 62 WAG 799/57.

. RA Hans Noltenius to the 44th Restitution Division of the District Court of Berlin, dated April 6, 1951, LAB B Rep. 025-06, 6 WGA 765/50.

. Death certificate for Berthold Fromm, BLHA Rep. 35 H KZ Sachsenhausen/319.

. Naujoks, pp. 303ff.; Scheffler, pp. 105ff.

. OFP files for Jenny Steinfeld et al., BLHA Rep. 36 A II/36982 and 24897.

. Expropriation file of Jenny Steinfeld, BLHA Rep. 36 A II/36982.

. Sworn testimony of Leo Lippmann, January 13, 1956, LAB B Rep. 025-06, 6 WGA 1944/51, vol. 1, p. 88m; expropriation file of Willy and Esther [Else] Brandenburg, BLHA Rep. 36 A II/4673.

Sworn statement by Elsbeth Fromm (née Kuntze), on January 12, 1960, BLA B Rep. 025-06, 62 WAG 799/57, communication from Ruth Fromm, who spoke to this concierge in 1945.

. Czech.

. Gestapo Berlin to OFP Berlin-Brandenburg on April 21, 1943, BLHA Rep. 36 A II/24897.

. Max Fromm to Wolfheim, dated June 26, 1950. Henri Fromm (Paris) has kept a copy of this letter, on which the preceding account is based.

. Résumé of Siegfried Fromm, dated November 5, 1945, LAB C Rep. 118-01, no. 38685; Sunniva Graefe, sworn statement dated January 9, 1956, OAB B Rep. 025-26, 6 WGA 1944/51, vol. 1, p. 88k; letter from Alfred Fromm to his mother, written in Balz on May 11, 1943, property of Ilse Fromm (Munich).

. Nagel,
Geschichte MAPA’s
, published in serial form in
, August, October, and December 1991.

. License agreement, Metz-Randa’s appeal, the subsequent written statements by attorneys Walter Fuhrmann (Berlin) and Hans Noltenius (Bremen), and the final settlement on June 27, 1951, LAB B Rep. 025-06, 6 WGA 765/50.

. Advertising brochure for the Hanseatic Rubber Company (1948).

. Details about the nature of these attacks can be found at
; for information about the repercussions for Fromms Act, see LAB A Rep. 005-07/274.

. Unless otherwise indicated, the following details are based on files at the Berlin municipal authority, finance dept., LAB C Rep. 105/1822/43204/43205.

. Order no. 124, issued by the commander-in-chief of the Soviet occupying troops in Germany on October 30, 1945.

. Report by Fritz Schmitt, chief engineer, Berlin, written on January 24, 1934 at the request of the Prussian chief administrative officer in Potsdam, BLHA, Rep. 2A I St, naturalization of Fromm, Israel Julius.

Will drawn up by Julius Fromm on December 12, 1944, in London, estate of Edgar Fromm, in the possession of Raymond Fromm (London); Julius Fromm to Max and Paulette Fromm on February 6, 1945, estate of Max Fromm, in the possession of Henri Fromm (Paris).


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