from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1) (49 page)

BOOK: from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1)
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Alex walked inside and sat on the couch. He had wanted Brian to pay, but that was brutal. “He in the hospital?”

“Nah. They had mercy on him after a while and slit his throat. Guards arrived just before he bled out.”

His mouth agape, Alex didn’t know what to say.
How am I gonna tell her?
He couldn’t imagine she would take it well, even though she hated him. She never actually wished him dead.

“You get that, Alex?” The silence was eerie but understandable. Damien leaned on a wall. “If he lived, he never woulda been the same anyway. I heard—never mind. You don’t wanna know.”

Alex sighed. “Wow. I—I don’t know what to say.”

“He brought it on himself.” Damien looked around. “I gotta go. Let me know how she takes it. Later.”

The phone still in his hand, Alex stared at it.
Is this real?
Damien wouldn’t lie to him. He didn’t know what had brought on the attack at the jail. Was it really just because Brian was a rapist? Or had he mouthed off to the wrong inmate? Those were questions that would never be answered.

Logan knew something was off. He stepped into the living room. “Everything OK?” Alex’s head shake was unexpected. That meant something bad happened. He hoped it wasn’t Corey. After he had sat down next to Alex, he asked, “What did Damien say?”

“Brian’s dead,” Alex deadpanned.

“Shit!” Logan’s jaw dropped. “How?”

Alex’s eyes didn’t move. “Bled to death.”

Guilt began to creep up on him. He hadn’t urged Damien to leak Brian’s crimes in the prison, but had he?
Is this my fault?
He hated Brian. But to go out like that? It sounded like there was more to it. Had he been tortured some other way? His mind conjured images of the bloody scene.

“In jail?” Logan realized too late that was a stupid question. “Of course he was in jail. Sorry. Kinda shocking. He give you details?”

Alex nodded. “Some. Gruesome. Guess he deserved it.”

“He did.” Logan patted his shoulder. “Don’t blame yourself. He was evil in human form. I wouldn’t be surprised if he pissed off everyone he met there.”

“Probably.” Alex took a deep breath. “I need to tell her, somehow.”

Logan glanced behind them. “Well. Here’s your chance. I’ll get going. Let me know if you need me.”

Danielle reached the bottom step just as Logan waved goodbye. She felt tension in the air. One look at Alex told her he was upset. For a few seconds, she faltered.
Did something happen to Corey? I don’t know if I can survive that

“Alex?” Curiosity got the best of her. “What is it?”

He turned. “Nothing.”
Maybe I don’t have to tell her. How’ll she find out? The internet. Can’t hide it
. “Not true. Something

“What?” She took a few breaths and moved to the couch.

Alex took her hand and tugged her to sit. “I need to tell you something.” He paused, unsure how to word it.
Blunt may be best
. “Brian’s dead.” He pulled her hand to his chest. “This morning.”

She gasped when she finally understood. “Seriously?”



Alex closed his eyes. “It’s not important. You don’t wanna know anyway.”

“I do.”
I hope he suffered a bit first
. Then she gasped.
How can I think like that?
“Was it another fight?”

“A one-sided fight.”

Danielle glared at him. “Why are you being cryptic?” It didn’t make sense. He obviously hid something. “Tell me what happened.”

“Throat cut.” He hoped that would end the questions.

Memories suddenly assaulted her. She tensed as she felt Brian choke her. Then she noticed Alex still seemed distressed. “There’s more to the story. Isn’t there?”

“Yes.” Alex closed his eyes and leaned his head back. “It was bad. You don’t need to know.”

“But I do,” she insisted.


“Was it something he did? Did he piss someone off? Was it a yard fight, and he was just there?”

Alex turned and hugged her. “He’s dead. That’s all that matters.”

“There’s a reason you’re not telling me.” She thought hard. “Did they find out what he did to me? Is that why he died? Or did you have him killed?” Her mind raced.
Why else would he be acting like he was hiding something?

He shook his head and pressed her head to his chest. “Nothing like that. I didn’t tell anyone to do anything. But they had to know. They all raped him first.”

She was so stunned she couldn’t speak. Tears ran down her face. She thought that he was killed because of her. Then her emotions swung again.
It’s really over. He can’t get me again
. She smiled.
That’s so wrong

“Babe,” Alex called to her. “Talk to me. I’m getting such mixed emotions from you.”

She shook with confusion and overwhelming emotions. She looked up. “I don’t know how to feel. It’s wrong to be happy, but I can’t help it. And… I feel so guilty it was done because of me.”

“It wasn’t your fault.” He rubbed her back. “Even if they heard what he did, they didn’t know you. He brought this on himself. If he had been honest, he’d be in a psych ward somewhere getting help. He chose to fake it. He went to that prison because he tried to trick the system. It’s no one’s fault but his own.”

He held her until she calmed. When their eyes met, he kissed her lips softly. Then he nuzzled her nose with his. Although it meant Brian couldn’t find a way to have his conviction overturned, the news was bittersweet. It would take time for the two of them to close that chapter in their lives completely.

“We should head back to the hospital.” Alex kissed Danielle’s forehead. “Everything’s ready here.”

She nodded. “Yeah. I wanna hold Corey.” If not for Brian, she would have never met Alex, and they wouldn’t have their baby. She would never forget that. “Time to start our lives as parents.” It would be a different world once Corey was home.

Alex stood and took Danielle’s hand again. “It’s gonna be great.” He led the way to the front door. “Just hope Charlie doesn’t bitch about the middle of the night feedings.” He lifted the infant car seat at the front door and smiled. “If he does, I’ll leave a stinky diaper in his room.” He laughed, glad the tension was gone.

About the Author

Bella Jeanisse hails from New York City. At 10 years old, Bella picked up her first guitar. She was instantly hooked. Because of her deep passion for tall men, rock music, tattoos and motorcycles, she has gotten to know many musicians and roadies over the years—in every possible way. And although she has been writing risqué stories about musicians for many years, she has just recently taken these tales to the next level revealing, through her protagonists, the hold some of these men still have on her. They have inspired more than they ever imagined.

Now living in Florida with her three sons, she juggles domestic responsibilities, a social life, her career as an IT professional and her writing as carefully as possible. They do cross paths as you have seen in her first collection of short stories. Her life is busy and full, yet very fulfilling.

The few limits Bella puts on her love-life may be found as but a shadow in her writing. She draws from life, fantasy and inspiration to create each tale.

Bella has broadened her horizons to include short stories, with many more to come; some are still just a sentence at this point. Their subjects range from military men to biker chicks to naughty doctors and much, much more. You can always find a taste of the newest shorts on

, her latest series, is different from her usual work. It’s the first of three books about students at the fictional North Florida University. This series will broach subjects like abuse, stereotypes, racism and many others. It’s time for a whole new set of young men and women to fall in love with.

She is also expanding the
Triple Threat
world to include bands that readers have met in the original novels.
Gasoline Book Two: Evolving Urges
is up next.
Triple Threat Book Three: Dual Desires
will come after that. Soon enough you’ll also get to know
Hands of Fate, Winter Winds, Brass Monkey, Mark of the Devil
Wounded Hearts
, too. So many hot rock stars, so little time to make them come to life.

Interact with Bella on
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Facebook Group
dedicated to her books. She would also love to hear from you on her
. Keep up to date with all her new releases by
Bella on her
Amazon Author Page

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