From Fame to Shame (2 page)

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Authors: Veronica Blade

BOOK: From Fame to Shame
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“Tabloids are part of being in the spotlight.” I stroked her hair. “You’re an awesome actress and you worked your butt off to land a hit TV show. Tabloids profit every time a celebrity makes a mistake. But no one’s perfect and other people understand that. You just need thicker skin.”

“It still hurts. Oh, Maddie, I’ve never wanted anything like I want that part. My agent heard Henley is considering Phoebe Owen. What if he decides on her?” Jackie said something else, but it got muffled in a sob. A couple minutes later, she lifted her head and wiped her eyes.

“Come home, sweetie. There’s got to be some clause or loophole to get you out of whatever they want you to do,” I said.

Jackie squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. “There isn’t. I checked. And if word gets out that I’ve breached a contract, I could kiss that role goodbye forever. Or any other decent role.”

“Jackie, this is just… the
idea ever.” I stifled the rising angst.

“Please, Maddie. Be me for a few days. I’ll do anything. I’ll—” She froze and gripped my wrist. “I’ll give you my car.”

I inhaled and choked on a gulp of soda, bubbles fizzing up my nose. I stood up as an image of me cruising in the Tesla Roadster all the way to Hemet, wind blowing through my hair, flashed through my mind. I forced myself to mentally brush it away. I loved the car, but it wasn’t worth the hounding I'd endure from the paparazzi.

“It isn’t just me,” I said. “Mom and Dad need help at the store.”

“I can be you. Besides, I had that job and I know the difference between blue topaz and sapphire. A quick refresher on inventory and bookkeeping and I’m set.”

“You were fifteen and way more interested in boys. You sucked at that job.” I scrunched up my nose. “Sorry.”

Jackie’s scheme
wasn’t going to happen. I paced the dining room.

“Ouch.” She covered her heart protectively and faked a pout. “But if Mom and Dad don’t object, why should you? It’s
store. I’ll hide in the back, like you do. You’ll still have your phone in case your friends call.”

At least Jackie was thinking it through. Still… “No one but Mom and Dad would know?” I asked.

She gave me her
Are you crazy
? look that she did so well. “Being myself to anyone else would defeat the whole purpose of swapping places with you. Stella’s the only exception, since she knows every detail of my life and you’ll need her help.”

I thrust a hand up, palm spread. “Have you totally lost it? I’m so sorry you’re going through this, but your plan will never work. Too many things can go wrong. We just need one person to notice anything different about me — I mean you — and they’ll immediately think of me.”

“Why would they suspect anything? I’ve never told a soul, other than Stella, that I even have a twin.”

She’d never told anyone? My brows furrowed and my gaze drifted to the hardwood floors. I’d been too grateful for my privacy to question why none of the magazines ever mentioned Jackie’s twin. "Yeah, but secrets are harder to keep when you’re in the public eye."

Her eyes pooled again and she rose to meet my gaze, then held my hands in hers. "Please, Maddie. I'm begging you."

Jackie had always been the tougher one of us, bailing me out of jams. Like the time she’d switched places with me, so I wouldn’t have to speak in front of the class. Now she needed me. But could I get away with impersonating her in front of the whole world?

“What if you run into someone I know?” I asked.

“You’re kidding, right?” she scoffed. When I answered her with a blank stare, she continued. “I’ll fake it, of course. I pretend to be other people
for a living

True. Besides, I lived with my parents in a small, retirement town — hardly the type of people who searched the internet for gossip on teen starlets. And, unlike me, Jackie piled on makeup to run a simple errand the same way she did for filming. And she always made a fashion statement. I did the exact opposite, usually in sweats or jeans and a ponytail and easily flew under the public radar.

It might work…

I shook my head as the last little bit of my resolve slipped. Could it be that easy pretending to be Jackie? “You have highlights in your hair. I don’t.”

“Everyone will just assume I got tired of them. When I come back, they’ll think I missed the highlights and put them in again.” She gently squeezed my hands. “It’ll work, Maddie.”

I'd thought Jackie was insane to move to Hollywood, but when she set her mind to something, she did it. If Jackie believed I could swap places with her, maybe I could.

I stopped staring at the floor and met the desperate, but hopeful look on my twin's face. My sister. My other half.

Oh God. I was about to become Jackie Bloom.

Chapter Two


“I’m going to kill her. How did she talk me into this?” I punched the decorative pillow in my lap and brooded.

“That’s what I ask myself on a daily basis.” Stella chuckled.

Jackie swept back into the living room and dropped a suitcase by the door. Finally. She and Stella had spent at least two hours going over Jackie’s itinerary for the next several days and briefing me on anyone I could possibly encounter. Then she’d spent over an hour gathering her stuff. The sooner she left, the sooner she could get on with her sabbatical and the sooner I’d be done with the charade.

I rose from the sofa to see her off.
“Thank you so much for doing this, Maddie. I owe you big time.” She sighed. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
I scrunched up my nose. “Just don’t alienate my friends back home.”
“You worry too much.” Jackie gave me a big hug. “Love you.”
My stomach tightened. I could do this. “Love you, too.”
“Oh, I almost forgot.” She reached into her purse and pulled out her wallet.
“What do I need that for?”

“You need my ID if someone asks for it. You’re me, remember? And if you want to buy something, your ID has to match the plastic. We’ll trade.”

I flinched. Handing over my ID and credit cards made it so much more real. For the next few days or weeks, I wouldn’t be me. I wouldn’t even have my faithful Volkswagen Beetle. I’d have her Tesla though. And Jackie needed this. I’d do it for her. In a daze, I rifled through my purse, then offered up my wallet.

“You’re going to do great. Thanks again. Really.” She snatched my wallet, gave me another hug and darted through the door.

Stella closed the door after Jackie, then glanced at the legal pad she’d been making notes on. “I think we covered any situation that could pop up. Other people in the building you might run into, upcoming appearances. But if you forget something, I’m familiar with most everyone she knows, so I can give you a refresher any time. If I’m not here, you can reach me on my cell. All you need to do is stick to the plan and not leave this condo without me. Okay?”

I nodded.

“I’ll be back here at eight in the morning. We’ve got that movie premier tomorrow night. You — I mean Jackie — had to send the dress back for alterations. They swore they’d have it ready, but just in case it’s still not quite right when we get there, I’d like us to arrive early.”

“But you guys already worked out the dress stuff. What problem could there be?” I asked.

“Jackie’s the one who fitted for the dress. You two look the same weight, but you never know.” She shrugged.

I didn’t want to go gown shopping for myself, much less Jackie. I'd rather be in jeans and a tee. Besides, I’d surely end up with something Jackie Bloom wouldn’t be caught dead in. “What are we going to do if it doesn’t fit?”

“We’ll figure it out. Believe me, I’m highly motivated to convince everyone you’re Jackie. If we pull this off, Jackie's promised me a big, fat bonus.” Stella grinned. “Gotta go. I have a date.”

“Have fun. See you tomorrow,” I said, returning her smile as she waved and left.

From the black leather sofa, I glanced around the room and willed my muscles to relax. Okay, so staying here wasn’t exactly a hardship. I had all the modern luxuries — gleaming, hardwood floors, a giant kitchen, more bedrooms than I needed and the biggest TV I’d ever seen in my entire life. Then there was the gorgeous balcony with a dazzling view of the Hollywood Hills. I'd think of this as a vacation. All I had to do in between was make a few appearances.

Posing for the camera wasn’t difficult and I could be charming when I wanted to. In front of hundreds of people? No problem. Except my body disagreed, butterflies making war in my stomach. I seriously needed to chill.

Darting to the kitchen, I brewed some herbal tea, then made myself comfortable again on the sofa. I turned on the TV and flipped through stations.

At home in my own room, reading kept me happy, but I hadn’t thought to pack a book or my e-reader since I’d only planned on a day trip. Getting lost in an epic romance novel would’ve made me forget, at least temporarily, that I’d only brought pajamas, one change of clothes and my camera. Not having my belongings made me feel out of sync and being alone in Jackie’s huge condo didn’t exactly put me at ease.

I switched off the TV and rolled my shoulders. My friends often teased me for being a hermit, because I preferred the comfort of my own home and tried to get them to come over, rather than leave the house.

Ironically, now that I’d been required to stay inside, I wanted nothing more than to get out.

The Tesla called to me from the parking structure below, beckoning me, silently begging to be set free for a quick spin. It was dark now, so no one would see me. I’d take her out, just for a few minutes, and come right back. Easy.

A snicker escaped me at the image of Jackie driving my car after being so spoiled with hers. Well, she’d been the one to insist on switching cars, just like we’d switched IDs. I grabbed my baseball cap, pulled it low over my forehead and plucked Jackie’s keys off the hook by the door.

Getting caught wasn’t an option, not without Stella around to bail me out. Keeping my head down, I opened the door and hurled myself past the threshold, into the hallway — and slammed into a chest. A very big, firm chest.

“Holy broken nose, Batman.” My nose burned and I squeezed my eyes shut as they stung in pain.
“In a hurry?” the owner of the hard chest said. I knew that voice…
I lifted my chin to meet his gaze and stared into familiar charcoal gray eyes. “I—”
Dallas Bines.
Jackie’s ex.
My dream crush.

My mouth dropped open. An image flashed through my mind of the last article I’d read called
Top Ten Hollywood Abs
. They’d given him the number three spot, but in my opinion, he should’ve rated first. No contest.

“Are you okay?”

“Well, it depends on if you know a good surgeon.” I may not have been obsessed with my looks like Jackie, but the less I resembled the elephant man, the happier I’d be. I covered my nose with my hand. If I did look grotesque, I didn’t want
Dallas Bines
to see.

Dallas laughed softly. “I’m sure it’s fine. Let me have a look.”

He laid a steadying hand on my elbow and his other hand gently pried my fingers from my face. His hands were warm and soothing and my resistance melted away.

Oh, my God. Dallas Bines, the object of my two-year obsession was actually
me. My nerve endings pulsed at his nearness and I tried to ignore how his gray eyes seemed to see through me. He looked different in the flesh. His hair wasn’t as dark, only a shade lighter than mine. But he was just as gorgeous as in the magazines. Maybe even more so.

Already, the pain was subsiding which pushed me toward the theory that nothing was broken. That didn’t mean my face wouldn’t be bruised tomorrow for the premier. I hoped Stella had arranged a miracle worker to do my makeup.

His one hand remained at my elbow and the other cupped my cheek. He leaned toward me for a closer look. “Your nose looks the same as before.”

Suddenly thirsty, I licked my lips. “I think I’m good. Feels better now.”

“On your way somewhere?” The gravelly tone of his voice commanded me to freeze.

Not that I was about to move any time soon. It was as if an invisible string connected me to him. Oh, wait. He was still holding my face and my elbow. He really needed to stop being so hot while his hands were on me.

“Uh, I was about to go for a drive,” I said, trying to ignore the pressure of his thumb at my elbow.

“In sweats?” His gaze traveled from my waist to my tennis shoes. A smile spread over his face. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without super high heels. Didn’t realize how short you are.”

I fought back a blush, feeling like I’d just been thoroughly dissected. Jackie never blushed. I’d already risked exposing myself to the first person I ran into.

“Are you sick or something?” he asked as his hand slid down my arm to my fingers. “You look flushed.”

This was getting worse. I swallowed, which made me feel even thirstier as I tried to come up with a reply that sounded like Jackie, but my mouth went numb.

I forced a smile. “I’m fine. Didn’t plan on getting out of the car, so I figured no one would notice.”

His brows furrowed. “Since when does Jackie Bloom go out for leisurely drives without being seen by someone? Isn’t the whole point of leaving the house to attract attention? Where are you really going?” He gave me a crooked smile.

“Uhm.” My front teeth grazed my lower lip.

Leaving the condo had been a horrible idea. If I didn’t stop talking immediately, Dallas would discover I was an imposter. Stella wouldn’t get her bonus and Jackie would be forced to come back.

Dallas’s eyes crinkled at the corners and I wondered what it would feel like to run my fingers through his hair. I had to snap out of it, because I shouldn't want to date ex-boyfriends of sisters or friends. Ever. Besides, he’d already dumped me. Dumped Jackie, I mean. Whatever. Point was, even if he became interested in Jackie again, which he wouldn’t, he’d be bored out of his mind with Jackie’s country-girl twin.

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