Friends With Way Too Many Benefits (24 page)

Read Friends With Way Too Many Benefits Online

Authors: Luke Young,Ian Dalton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Humor, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Humor & Satire, #General Humor, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Friends With Way Too Many Benefits
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"I just want you to know that whatever happens between us that I really am crazy about you."

"What do you mean?" He narrowed his eyes. "Whatever happens…"

"I mean everyone has things they hide about themselves, right?"


"There are things in my past I've done that I'm not proud of. Things I'm not quite ready to tell you, but I, I just want you to know that I've never felt this way before about anyone."

"We all have some things to hide." Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her gently as the elevator climbed to the top of the hotel.



to skip over the Ian Dalton expanded scene.



As they hurried down the hall toward the room, Paul pulled the key card from his pocket. Once inside the room, Natalie turned to him, looked to his groin and smiled. "I see you don't need that sweater anymore."

"Well, not at the moment." He grinned, moving to her and scooping her up in his arms. He kissed her hard, placing his hands under her ass and lifting her feet off the floor. She wrapped her legs around him and as he held her up, she went to work on his belt. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and they moaned loudly as she cupped his growing erection.

Pushing aside her panties, he slipped a finger inside her wetness and she pulled her mouth from his and breathed out long and slow. After unbuttoning his pants, she pulled the sides apart tearing at the zipper. She reached into his underwear and extracted his equipment, pulling at his length hard. He looked to the ceiling and groaned, cradling one arm under her rear end, lifting her higher as he kept hold of her panties with the other and using his thumb directed his erection to her swollen entrance.

"Oh, Paul," she whispered in his ear with her head resting on his shoulder as his thickness pressed against her.

Finally he was inside her and they both gasped, returning their lips together in a long, slow kiss. Placing both hands on her ass, he cradled her gently lifting her up and down on his length.

They looked into each other's eyes as she slid fully down on him and held still a moment as he filled her completely. Her eyes fluttered closed as he lifted her up once more then pumped his hips back and forth driving into her. She cried out first, digging her fingers into his shoulders and pressing her lips to his neck and sucking at his flesh.

Moments later he exploded inside her and turned his head desperately searching for her mouth. She brought her lips to his and they kissed as he slowly thrust inside her.



Early the next morning at the South Miami Fertility Center, Brian sat in the waiting room while Jillian was being prepped for the procedure. The sounds of construction were once again ringing through the building. After twenty minutes of paging through a magazine, Leigh appeared in front of him, frowning— all six foot five inches of her. "Mr. Nash. They're ready for you."

"Thank you."

As he followed her back to the collection rooms, the noise level increased. He asked, "When are they going to be finished?"


He yelled out, "When are they going to be done?"

"Next month."

"Great." He frowned.

She walked into the room and after pulling a wipe from the dispenser, she picked up the remote control and cleaned a few buttons before handing it to him. Then the giant burly woman moved over to the stack of magazines.

"No, I'm, I'm good," he called out over the ear piercing shrill of a table saw.


"You don't need to sort the magazines I can find my own."

She shot him an insulted look, then stormed from the room. He shook his head and grumbled, "Leave me the hell alone Shaq."

Walking back to the door, he locked it then pulled his shirt over his head and draped it over the arm of the chair. He glanced toward the stack of magazines and frowned then selected an adult DVD from the stack and inserted it into the player. When the DVD menu appeared he selected the play option and waited. A scene began with a young woman and some scary looking guy, he cringed then hit the button to skip to the next scene.

The screen brightened to the image of a young woman laying on a massage table with only a towel draped over her rear end. The door to the room opened and in walked an attractive young blonde wearing a white uniform.

Brian smiled as the masseuse worked massage oil into her hands. Suddenly the construction sounds resumed and he sighed. He retrieved the iPod from his shorts pocket. After securing the unit to his arm with the attached armband, he slipped the earphones into his ears and turned up the volume. Chris Isaak's song,
Foolish Game,
began playing. He smiled and returned his attention to the screen where the masseuse was now rubbing her hands up the woman's shapely legs, slipping them slowly underneath the towel as the woman shimmied her hips suggestively on the table.

Brian unbuttoned his shorts, pulled them down along with his underwear and carefully stepped out of them keeping on his shoes and socks. He walked bare-assed over to the sink, washed his hands then opened up an alcohol wipe and quickly rubbed it all around the head of his flaccid penis. He knew the drill.

Glancing down to the leather sofa, he cringed. There was no way he was sitting on that— he never did. He preferred to stand while doing this, even when doing this for pleasure at home and that sofa just had to be dirty, he didn't even want to think about how many naked rear ends had plopped down on it previously. There's no way they could clean it properly.

He grabbed his sterile specimen cup with his name already written in permanent marked on the side and twisted off the top. After placing it down on top of the counter next to him, he returned his attention to the screen where the masseuse was now using her mouth on the woman on the table. He chuckled and glanced down to his still flaccid penis and sighed. He wasn't looking forward to this, not at all. He needed to work himself to completion with no lubrication whatsoever while being careful to avoid contaminating his semen and get every drop he could into the cup and not just to appease Shaq.

The roar of some type of equipment blasted louder behind him. Turning, he pulled one of the earphones from his ear and looked at the wall. It sounded like they were right on the other side of it. What the hell could they be doing over there? Were they blasting a hole through rock to install a swimming pool or something? He rolled his eyes, pushed the ear phone back into his ear, turned up the volume on the music then looked at his fingers, frowning. Realizing he didn't properly clean the iPod his fingers were now possibly contaminated. Not to mention that the iPod was in his pocket bouncing around in there next to his unclean keys. Either way, now after touching it, he needed to wash his hands once more before he began his work. This was freaking exhausting.

After cleansing, he moved back to the center of the room, returned his attention to the screen as he reached down and started to pull on his manhood. The women on screen were now performing oral sex on each other on top of the massage table. He smiled thinking that what the two hotties were doing looked like a lot of fun; more fun than jerking off to supply a sperm sample in a dingy and sad room.

He rubbed the shaft of his unlubricated penis harder and faster. After a few minutes he didn't feel very close at all, so he increased his speed and closed his eyes as he attempted to focus on the blaring music and tried to imagine that it was Jillian who was working him over— something, anything to help wrap this up.

Rising up on his tip toes, he flexed every muscle in his body as he struggled to move the dry skin of his manhood back and forth with vigor. He grunted, groaned and pressed his eyelids together tight, fighting with everything he had to complete his mission. He was close, oh boy, he was almost there.

A jig-saw blade whirled as it punched through the wall, starting at the floor, then headed up quickly. As the saw blade took a sharp left turn, Brian was preoccupied, rising a bit higher on his toes, straining just a little more and keeping at it.

The saw blade turned once again, this time down as it headed toward the floor seemingly framing the cutout for a double door opening. Suddenly the blade retracted from the wall and the roar ceased.

Brian kept working himself, unaware of any of it, with the music blaring, his focus laser sharp just as four sets of fingers appeared at the top of the cutout taking hold of the freshly cut drywall seam and rocking it back and forth. Suddenly it snapped free and now pulled toward the construction site it opened up to a sea of men and bright temporary lights on the other side.

Two burly men took a step forward, the looks on their face priceless as they took in the scene of the completely naked young man, eyes closed, wearing earphones and abusing himself as a lesbian porn scene played on the small screen in front of him.

One of the men turned and called to his coworkers and soon there were seven of them crowding the opening and gawking at the show inside. Some cringed at the sight of Brian while others looked on curiously to the television screen intrigued.

Brian felt it coming on, he opened his eyes to look for the cup, but the bright lights lured his attention to the opening in the wall and the seven set of eyes staring right at him.

"What the fuck," he yelled out, quickly covering his junk before looking around the room in a panic, not having any idea what to do. Returning his attention to his audience, his eyes were like giant saucers as he held his hands over his groin and shrugged his shoulders as if to say, 'Who the hell are you guys?', 'Why are you standing there?' and 'Get the fuck away from here!'— one look never, ever conveyed so much.

Two of the men were equally horrified, four were crying with laughter and one was flashing Brian a suggestive look. Brian's eyes locked on his lone admirer for only a moment before he bolted for the door, ripped it open and headed into the hall without giving it a lot of thought.

Bursting into the empty lobby wearing only an iPod armband, shoes and socks and covering his manhood with both hands, Brian stood before Leigh who returned an expression that appeared to be born of horrified pleasure.

"Uh, Mr. Nash, we generally prefer if our patients get dressed in the back." She frowned. "And where is your sample?"

"Why don't you ask the construction guys?"


Doctor Green emerged from a door behind Leigh and gazed at him dumbfounded. "Mr. Nash, are you, um, done?"

"No, I'm not done." Brian shot him an angry look.

"We prefer if our patients finish in one of the back rooms. It's more comfortable, we have magazines, videos and—"

"You try finishing in front of half a dozen construction workers and see how easy it is."

Suddenly the outside door opened and in walked a husband, wife and toddler. "Oh my God," the wife shrieked as she covered the child's eyes. Brian took a quick step backward and knocked into the wall. "Sorry."

Picking up a lab coat, the Doctor rushed to the irritated streaker, placing it over his shoulders and guiding him into the hall.

"Mr. Nash, are you okay? Are you taking any medication that might—"

"Look, I was in the room, doing, you know…" After buttoning the lab coat, he raised his hands up in exasperation. "…and all of a sudden I open my eyes and there's a giant hole in the wall and the damn Village People are standing there enjoying the show!"

"Are you serious?"

"No," Brian replied sarcastically. "I just really like running around naked."

"Well, I have seen the Youtube video." The Doctor raised his eyebrows suggestively.


"You know, the Youtube video of you sneaking around your neighborhood naked."

"What?" Brian's jaw fell open. "It's on Youtube?"

"That was you, right?"

"Look, that was… um, I was locked out of the house and... can we just focus on the problem here?"

"Okay. Let's take a look." The Doctor headed down the hall with Brian in tow. When he entered the room, Green looked to the opening and shook his head. "I'm so sorry Mr. Nash, we're expanding and I guess there was a bit of a—"

One of the construction workers walked through the opening carrying a blueprint. "Yeah, Benji sorta got a little turned around back there. We'll patch this up right away and you can, yeah…" Suddenly super-loud moaning blasted from the still-running lesbian DVD scene as the two young women were sandwiched together and obviously really enjoying each other's company. All eyes went to the screen.

"You went with girl on girl," Green said casually. "Nice!"

Brian shrugged, embarrassed. "It's, uh, a good one."

Turning his attention to Brian, Green rubbed his hands together. "Okay, um, we've got a woman back there with her legs up and we need to get her going. So, do you think, if I got you setup in another room, you could...?"

Brian gave him half a nod.


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