French Fried

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Authors: Nancy Fairbanks

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Praise for the delectable Culinary Mysteries by Nancy Fairbanks
“A clever, fast-paced tale sure to satisfy the cravings of both gourmands and mystery buffs. Food columnist Carolyn Blue is a confident and witty detective with a taste for good food and an eye for murderous detail. A literate, deliciously well-written mystery.”
—Earlene Fowler, author of
The Saddlemaker’s Wife
“Not your average whodunit . . . Extremely funny . . . A rollicking good time.”

Romance Reviews Today
“An entertaining amateur sleuth tale . . . Fun.”

Painted Rock Reviews
“Fairbanks has a real gift for creating characters based in reality but just the slightest bit wacky in a slyly humorous way . . . It will tickle your funny bone as well as stimulate your appetite for good food.”

El Paso Times
“A fast and funny whodunit.”

The Best Reviews
“Nancy Fairbanks scores again . . . a page-turner.”

Las Cruces (NM) Sun-News
“Nancy Fairbanks writes a delicious . . . amusing amateur-sleuth story.”
—Midwest Book Review
“Humor, entertaining characters, and a puzzling mystery round out the mix . . . a not-to-be-missed read.”
—Roundtable Reviews
Berkley Prime Crime titles by Nancy Fairbanks
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PUBLISHER’S NOTE: The recipes contained in this book are to be followed exactly as written. The publisher is not responsible for your specific health or allergy needs that may require medical supervision. The publisher is not responsible for any adverse reactions to the recipes contained in this book.
A Berkley Prime Crime Book / published by arrangement with the author
Berkley Prime Crime mass-market edition / December 2006
Copyright © 2006 by Nancy Herndon.
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For My Niece, Anne Herndon
Author’s Note
Characters and plot elements are fictitious. Many places and dishes are real, but used in a fictitious context. Who wouldn’t love the sights, food, and people, not to mention their dogs, of Southern France? The book was inspired by one of our most delightful trips ever, but of course no one got killed, or even injured. Winston Churchill was inspired by a pug dog named Winnie, who belongs to my friend Mary Sarber. Charles de Gaulle was inspired by the late Buster, who belonged to my friend Becky Craver. I have no dogs, but they
fun to write about.
Take my word for it: Southern France is a wonderful place to visit, and the natives are very nice, even if you can’t understand a word they say. There were no riots when we were there, and while I was writing
French Fried
, the rioting didn’t last too long, but that’s easy for me to say; no one torched anything belonging to me. None of the places I write about are as perilous as my books might make them seem, so don’t obsess about danger; travel if you have the chance.
Books I used for research in writing
French Fried
are Gerard Comeloup,
Lyon: World Heritage Excursions
; Louis Jacquemin,
Traboules & Miraboules
; Gerard Gambier,
Murs peints Lyon
; Louis Jacquemin,
Colors of Lyon
; J. Granier and S. Gagniere,
; Alexandra Bonfante-Warren,
Timeless Places: Provence
; Francie Jouanin,
A Taste of Provence
; Gerard Gambier,
The Traditions of Lyon’s Gastronomy
; Andre Domine (editor),
Culinaria France
; Maria Villegas and Sarah Randall,
The Food of France
; Giovanna Gibert,
Provencal Cooking
; Patricia Wells,
At Home in Provence
; Waverley Root,
The Food of France
“There is another stretch of wine-covered hillsides, running from Macon almost to Lyons. Here the wine is coarser and the food becomes heavier; the southernmost section, which produces the coarsest wine of all, Beaujolais, has probably affected the cooking of Lyons, too, with its sausages and its potato dishes . . . The cooking of Lyons fits the character of the city—it is hearty rather than graceful, and is apt to leave you with an overstuffed feeling.”
Waverley Root,
The Food of France
“It is no accident that Maurice Edward Saillard, the famous writer on food and drink, known as Curnonsky (1872-1956), referred to Lyon as the capital of gastronomy, considering the city’s optimal strategic position, from the culinary point of view . . . Many well-to-do gourmets have lived in Lyon during the course of its history, whether they be Romans, medieval princes of the church, bankers, merchants, or silk manufacturers. Their cooks created exquisite dishes from the rich variety of the ingredients on offer.”
Andre Domine, Editor,
Culinaria France
Perilous Pâté
I made the
pâté de foie gras, using nothing but the best ingredients, including exceedingly expensive black truffles, minced fine. The four slices had to be irresistible in taste as well as appearance.
My own kitchen was the scene of my preparations, which is not to say that, as a rule, I cook. I have better things to do with my time than to waste it on what, among nonprofessional cooks, is considered woman’s work. But any scientist who has worked in a lab can follow a recipe. This one had been in my family for generations. I followed it exactly but for the one tiny addition, which should not change the flavor for the worse. Even if it did, it was only one tiny drop surrounded by several inches of delectable homemade pâté on all sides. This particular compound is over 1,250 times more toxic than cyanide and would begin to do its work rapidly—the more ingested, the quicker the effect.

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