Read Freed (Bad Boy Hitman Romance) Online

Authors: Terry Towers,Stella Noir

Freed (Bad Boy Hitman Romance) (14 page)

BOOK: Freed (Bad Boy Hitman Romance)
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Chapter 12




“So what would you like to watch?” I asked as I brought up Netflix on the television.


“Are you serious? Why don’t we just get down to it?” She shook her shackled hands at me.


I’d feel bad if I could, but sympathy wasn’t one of my strong suits. Besides, I was having a great time tormenting the living shit out of her. I’d structured the entire day to seem almost like a normal weekend out at the cabin. Of course, I was feeling hate coming at me in waves instead of affection. It didn’t actually upset me all that much. It amused me more than anything. She’d come around. They always did.


I turned to face her. “I’m trying to make this enjoyable for you.”


“I know what you’re doing.”


No doubt she did, but that wouldn’t interfere with it working on her. Crossing my arms over my chest, I cocked a brow up at her. “And what is it exactly that I’m doing?”


“You took two days to display to me you were the one in control of the situation, nice set-up by the way.”


“Hey! I was nice enough to remove your handcuffs after day one.”


“My hero,” she replied dryly rolling her eyes. “Can’t help noticing I’m back in them though.”


I shrugged. I didn’t need to address the handcuff issue. She knew why they needed to be on for the time being. “Okay, so tell me, what am I doing?”


“After displaying you’re in control, you release me and intentionally let me almost escape to prove there really isn’t any. Now, you’ve shifted gears, and you’re softening me, hoping I’ll see you as a friend and confidant. It just so happens you have a nice orange carrot, aka the information about my father, to dangle in front of my nose to sweeten the pot.”


Such a smart girl. I had to give her kudos where kudos was due. She wasn’t afraid to put it all on the line and call me out. Normally, by this stage, most women were a mess. There’d be tears and begging, and the women would be so scared they couldn’t even think straight. Tears and begging annoyed me. I had zero patience for tears.


There was none of that with Rebecca. She was strong and proud, and considering she knew the textbook procedure and psychology on how interrogations worked, she was one step ahead. Or at least, she thought she did. In truth, I supposed I could get on with things and try to get the information from her, but then the fun would be over.


I draped my arm over the back of the sofa and eyed her carefully. “And how do you think this will all pan out in the end?” Even with her hair all mussed up, her make-up smeared, and her dress in need of a good cleaning, she still looked incredible. Fuckable, very fuckable indeed.


Her eyes narrowed at me, and the look she gave me shot through me, straight to my soul, if I had one that was. “One of us will be buried in the back yard.”


Silence overtook the cabin, the tension between us so intense it could have been cut with a knife.


I took a deep breath in and slowly released it. There was going to be a change in plans. This little girl needed to know for certain who was going to come out on top. “How about we forego the movie and do something different?”


“Like finish this now?”


“Nope. It’ll be finished when I say it’s finished and not a second sooner.” Getting up from the sofa, I left her and entered the bathroom. It was a pretty simple room, a toilet, shower, and sink with a small medicine cabinet above it. Going over to the shower, I turned it on and adjusted the temperature until it was to my liking.


Going back to the living room, I saw Rebecca’s head had perked up, and she was staring at the bathroom door. I had a feeling she was going to hate every moment of this – or maybe not. I kept on making the mistake of lumping her in with other women.


“Taking a shower?” she asked.


“Nope. You are.” I walked up to her and unlatched her cuffs from the radiator next to the sofa. “Now, I’m going to unlock the cuffs from your wrists so you can bathe. If you try anything, this will be the last shower you get and back into the room you’ll go.”


She frowned and I could see the wheels turning in her head. She was no doubt trying to think of every angle. “Fine.” She straightened herself up to her full height and offered her wrists to me. “Uncuff me. I won’t try anything.”


“You’d better not,” I warned, secretly hoping she might. Though every escape attempt meant real danger for injury, and it was only a matter of time before she managed to get her hands on another weapon and got a lucky shot in. I had to keep reminding myself she wasn’t like other women and captives. If I was right about her, and I knew I was, she’d have no issue with slitting my throat and leaving me to bleed out on the wooden floor.


She was being so docile right now, aside from that silver-tongue of hers, that I had to keep reminding myself I was dealing with a caged tiger. Tiger or not, I’d tame my little kitty cat.


~*~ TT ~*~




There was no way a shower would come without some sort of price. I knew that as well as I knew my next breath. I followed him into the bathroom, which was already beginning to steam up with the warm water.


“Okay, strip. That dress is pretty written off.”


“It’s written off because you threw me in a trunk!” I got angry at him all over again. Asshole. “This was one of my nicest dresses by the way. I can’t believe I wasted it on you.”


He stood in the small bathroom with his back against the wall, no indication he was going to give me any privacy. Good enough then. I wasn’t about to let him intimidate or humiliate me.


Reaching behind me, I unzipped the back of my dress and let it fall to the floor and puddle at my feet. He shifted from one foot to the other, his smug grin fading slightly. A surge of self-satisfaction raced through me. Score one for Rebecca.


I proceeded to undo the front clasp on my bra, and it popped open, my breasts springing free. Even though they were perky, I straightened my back, lifted my chin, and square my shoulders, just to give them that little extra oomph affect. It seemed to be working. When I look a quick look down, I saw a bulge beginning to form in his pants.


My pussy clenched remembering how good he’d felt in me. Then a thought sprang to mind. Maybe it was not the best idea in the world, but a thought nonetheless. As much as I detested him at this moment, that didn’t mean I couldn’t get off and perhaps grab the upper hand from him.


Turning away from him, I walked a couple steps to the shower as I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my thong. With one swift action, I pulled my panties down, exaggerating my bend, and showing off my ass and pussy to him. I heard a little cough-like groan coming from him and smiled. Good.


“What do you think you’re doing, Rebecca?”


Stepping into the shower and into the warm stream of water, I looked over my shoulder at him. “Taking my clothes off. That is how people take showers. I assumed you wouldn’t want to leave me alone since I might do something crazy like whittle a shank from my bar of soap.” For good measure, I gave him a wink before closing the curtain behind me.


Grinning, I stepped fully under the stream of water. I bet he was just seething on the other side of the curtain, unsure what to do. Sure, the little stunt of mine might end up with me back in the windowless room, but it might also end up with his dick in me one final time and give me a possibility to escape.


I’d take whatever chance I had to in order to up my chances of getting out of here alive. The worst case scenario would be that I pissed him off and made his life miserable until he finally decided to put a bullet in my skull, but there was a part of me that sensed that wasn’t going to happen. There was no doubt in my mind he was a complete psychopath, so it’s not like he’d feel remorse from doing me in, but as long as I kept him interested and on his toes, I had a chance. The worst thing I could do was have him become bored with this game he was playing with me.


“I know what you’re doing, Rebecca.”


Grabbing a bottle of shampoo, I squirted a dose into my palm and began to massage it into my hair and scalp. “Then by all means, tell me, what am I doing, Kyle?”


“You’re trying to seduce me.”


I grinned. “Don’t flatter yourself.” Damn, I was playing with fire, but at the same time, I was getting a perverse thrill out of challenging him. This whole back and forth was actually turning me on, as fucked up as that sounded.


There was no response on his side of the curtain, just a faint shuffling sound. Maybe he left me? I was tempted to open the curtain and look out, but I refused the urge. My escape plan wasn’t from here, so there was no point in giving him the satisfaction of me looking out.


After a minute, the curtain was flung open, and there he stood, buck naked, his body rigid and cock standing rock hard and proud. For just a fleeting second, I forgot the events of the past two days, and I remembered how much I craved his touch and the way he fucked me, with force and purpose.


Cocking a brow at him, I turned in the shower so the water could rise the shampoo from my hair. “The shower is kinda occupied at the moment.”


“I’m fully aware.”


“There isn’t much space in here.”


He stepped in and nudged me out from under the stream of water. Planting my hands on my hips, I glared up at him. “I haven’t put conditioner in yet!”


Kyle stepped to me and roughly grabbed my chin in his hand, forcing me to stare up in his eyes, those captivating orbs that were so light blue they were like ice. Our gazes locked for what felt like an eternity, and it seemed like the entire world froze for the moment. Then suddenly, he growled, dropped my chin from his grip, grabbed my shoulders, spun me around, and slammed me against the cool grey title of the shower stall.


I released a soft, “oooph” sound as his body slammed up against mine, and I placed my hands, palms flat against the wet surface.


Pressing up against me, Kyle’s mouth grazed my ear. “Don’t ever think of me as a mark, Rebecca. That never turns out well for anyone.” The warmth of his breath and threat in his words sent a shiver through me.


I turned my head just enough so I could look at him over my shoulder. “Or what?”


Chapter 13




Kyle’s body tensed against me, but he didn’t answer.


A rush of adrenaline shot through me as he rubbed himself against my back, and his mouth lowered to the back of my neck and bit, just hard enough to make me wince, but at the same time increasing my arousal.


I had to be seriously fucked in the head if this was turning me on, but it was, and I was powerless to stop it. I was the one that set the wheels in motion, after all. I moaned and bucked back against him, savouring the feel of his erection as it slipped between my soapy butt cheeks.


“I really shouldn’t reward you for being defiant,” he growled against my ear.


The sound of his voice, so deep and gravelly, sent a shiver of desire down my spine. I bucked back against him again, attempting to impale myself on his length. It wasn’t working. In fact, it only made me want him more.


“But…” I urged.


His mouth went to my neck again, nipping lightly and periodically flicking his tongue along the sensitive flesh. “But, I want to fuck you more than I want to punish you.”


“Then what are you waiting for?” I gasped, my fingernails digging into the seams of the tiles, attempting to dig in, but to no success.


Grabbing my hips, he positioned me bent over, supporting myself with my palms flat against the slippery wall. “Not a damned, thing.” Kicking my legs further apart, he reached around me and cupped my shaven mound. I moaned softly as he spread my labia, and his finger played with my clit, flicking and pinching it, making me buck back against him, my need for him increasing with every moment that passed.


“Please. I want you in me.” I placed my forehead against the wall and moved against his teasing fingers. His torturous digits were taking me higher and higher, bringing me to the point where I was moments from coming.


And then it stopped.


“Wha - ” I looked back over my shoulder at him, but I didn’t get a chance to ask the question. His ran his dick along the crack of my ass, and I leaned back into him. Each time his cock pressed against my entrance, I held my breath hoping he’d finally give my aching pussy some relief. But he seemed intent on the merciless torture.


Kyle leaned over me, his teeth gently nipping at my lobe. “Tell me who owns you.”


I growled.
I hated
he was going to make me say it, but my body was demanding the pleasure he could give. “You’re such a prick,” I groaned out.


“Not what I wanted to hear.” He softly tisked in my ear as if I were a naughty child. But instead of punishing me by pulling away, he pressed into me. I was in the process of giving a silent thanks to a God I didn’t believe in when he stopped pushing in, the head of his cock just barely breaching my core. When I attempted to push back, he moved with me.


He was teasing. Such a fucking cruel tease. I both hated and loved it.


“Tell me or I leave right now.”


My jaw clenched. “I want your cock. Give it to me!”


He leaned down and placed a kiss on my shoulder. “Say please.” He rocked against me, in and out, in and out, just barely breaching my entrance with each movement.


The word tasted like acid in my mouth. “Pleasssse.” The word was hissed from me between gritted teeth. He’d won this round. I was pissed at myself. I’d initiated the game, and somehow, he was the one that won.


But I didn’t have time to think about it. Kyle pulled out and then slammed into me, filling me to the hilt and pushing me flat against the tile. I cried out at the feel of his large shaft filling and stretching me to my limits.


“See how nice I can be when you ask nicely,” he whispered against my hair.


I didn’t answer, and he didn’t give me a chance. He began slowly moving in and out of me, each thrust building my desire and fuelling the fire between my legs. After a couple of minutes of his teasing, his pace increased, and he fell over me, placing a hand on either side of my head.


“Fuck, I love how you feel around me,” he whispered in my ear.


God, and I loved how he felt in me. No man had ever made me feel so good, as if his dick was meant just for me. It was an silly notion, but it seemed like the only reasonable explanation at the moment as the pleasure flowed over me in waves, each wave cresting just a little bit higher than the last.


Oh, me too
, I thought, though the words seemed to be lost on me. I was too consumed with the pleasure. I didn’t want the feeling to end, but I didn’t think I could take another moment. And I couldn’t, because right then, the knot in my stomach released, my pussy clenched, and a pleasure swept over me so intense, it caused me to cry out and left me light-headed.


“Fuck, it’s amazing when you come for me baby,” Kyle groaned.


I couldn’t respond. My body was trembling, and my hands clawed at the tile as he increased his pace, pounding into me. I couldn’t take any more, but at the same time, I didn’t want him to stop. I didn’t want it to ever stop as his forceful thrusts slamming me against the wall re-ignited the desire within me.


“Tell me you want my seed.”


I moaned, bucking against him, barely registering
he’d spoken to me.


Winding my wet hair around his large fist, he yanked my head back and nipped at my neck. “Say it! Say you want it!”


“Yes! Yes, oh God, yes!” I screamed out as I felt his dick swell within me moments before he took one final thrust, slamming hard and deep into my core. He groaned, a low, feral sound as he released stream after stream of his cum within me.


The feel of the warm cum and the head of his cock slamming against my g-spot with intense force sent me spiralling into an abyss of pleasure. I moaned with him, grateful for the wall in front of me and his body against mine, pinning me in place, otherwise, I was sure I’d have slumped down to the floor.


We stayed like that, our bodies united, for seconds, minutes, I had no idea. But the feeling was way too good for me to want him to leave me so soon. Sex with him had been good before, but it hadn’t been anything like this. This time was raw and feral. This time, there were no masks up between us – no barriers. For the first time since we’d known each other, we were laid bare and vulnerable. It was the most exhilarating experience of my life.


But as quickly as the moment came, it shattered, and the reality of who and what we were came back into play.


“Finish up. The water is going to run cold soon.” He pulled out of me and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing a towel from the overhead cabinet, he wrapped it around his waist. Without another word, he left the room, leaving me to shower alone, the evidence of what we just did dripping down my legs and mixing with the warm water as I stepped back under the stream of it.


~*~ TT ~*~




Grabbing my clothing from the floor as I left the bathroom, I gave myself a mental shake. That wasn’t part of the plan. Not that I didn’t enjoy it. On the contrary, I enjoyed it immensely. To say my sex drive was high would be an understatement, and fucking her had relieved a lot of tension within me. However, I’d just undermined my own power in the situation by falling into her little trap.


So what now?


I raked a hand through my hair as I entered my bedroom, heaving a loud sigh. I had it all planned out, and now, it had all gone to shit. This was Rebecca though. This wasn’t some ordinary chick I could manipulate and throw away. Part of my attraction to her was
she wasn’t easy prey. She was a fighter, and she was smart enough to keep one step ahead of me.


Would I be as infatuated with her if she wasn’t like me? If she didn’t have a streak of manipulative cunning running through her? The answer was a resounding no. She was a challenge, and there was nothing I craved more than a mental battle of wills and wit. I knew as soon as she lost that fire within her, I’d lose interest in her. It was as certain as the tide.


As I toweled off, I kept an eye out for Rebecca in case she decided to make a run for it. I kinda hoped she would so I could give chase again. But she didn’t. Tossing my towel over the back of a wooden chair by the bedroom door, I grabbed a pair of lounge pants and pulled them on sans underwear and then pulled on a black t-shirt.


I was walking out of the bedroom just as she was exiting the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body and one around her hair, turban style. I watched her from the doorway of my bedroom, my eyes taking in every inch of her and how the droplets of water slithered down the curves of her body, leaving a glistening sheen.


My dick immediately sprang alive and began to tent my pants. I groaned inwardly, This was going to be torture.


She looked over at me and caught my stare. “I need clothes.” She raised her hand, and her ruined dress was dangling from her fingertips. “And you owe me for a new dress.”


I couldn’t help it, a wide grin spread across my lips. She was talking to me as if I were a boyfriend and really cared about her dress. It was rather charming. As smart as she was, she still didn’t get it; who and what she was dealing with, and even more importantly, who and what
was. Though it could just all be an act, and that uncertainty was what was making this so damned exciting and fun for me.


“We’ll see about the dress.” I motioned with my hand for her to follow me into the bedroom. “But for now, I can give you some replacement clothes.”


“Don’t suppose you have replacement underwear too?” she said, following behind me.


I looked over my shoulder and winked at her. “Why would I want to get you underwear?”


She huffed behind me, and I laughed. She really was too cute. I could honestly see myself with this woman for the long term.


Walking over to my dresser, I pulled it open, and after rummaging through it, I pulled out my smallest t-shirt and boxers. Balling them up in my hand, I tossed them to her, the ball of clothing smacking her in the face. She yelped and jumped backwards, the sudden movement loosening the knot holding her towel together, and it fell to the floor at her feet, leaving her stunning, glistening body naked for my eyes to feast upon.


She shot me a dirty look. “How old are you, twelve?” Her comment only made me laugh harder. She was adorable when she was pissed. Her anger didn’t seem to last long, but when it struck, it hit like a bolt of lightning.


“I’m sorry.” Leaning my shoulder against the door frame, I crossed my arms over my chest. “I didn’t realize this was the Ritz. I was under the impression you were here against your will.” The look she gave me wasn’t of fear, not at all. The look she hit me with was that of anger and hatred.


She pulled the t-shirt over her head and stepped into the boxers. “You brought me here for a purpose. Playing this little game you’re playing is only making us both have to suffer in each other’s presence. Ask me what you need to and be done with it.”


“Maybe I’m enjoying your company too much to end it already.”

BOOK: Freed (Bad Boy Hitman Romance)
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