Four to Go (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (6 page)

Read Four to Go (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Online

Authors: Sandy Smyth

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Four to Go (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Take it, sweetheart. Take it all, and tell me you love it. You know you do. Tell me! And tell
Tell them how much you love having them fuck you with your vibrators. Beg them to suck and squeeze your tits while they fuck you with your toys. Use their names and tell them how much you love having them play with you and how much you want them to do it to you. Tell them, Kate.”

Kate’s head whipped back and forth on the pillow as she lifted her hips and moaned as waves of increasing pleasure spread throughout her body. Suddenly, the vibrations stopped, and she could feel the vibrators slowly being pulled from her body.

“No! Please don’t stop. Don’t stop, please.”

“Then tell them, Kate. If not, we can all leave until your next therapy session tomorrow morning. Use their names, Kate. Keep the blindfold on, but tell them what you want them to do to you and don’t forget the details. Start now, babe, one at a time.” At his words, Kate could feel the vibrators being very slowly inserted back into her body. She shuddered with pleasure.

Her heart began beating so hard she thought it would come right out of her chest. Emotion threatened to overcome her, but she beat it back. She realized with devastating certainty that she and Tom had been heading for this even before his accident. And, as erotic sex talk, it was arousing and exciting to talk about John and Mike touching and fucking her, impaling her on their cocks and filling her with her sex toys. The reality, however, far exceeded even her wildest fantasies. Knowing they were watching and listening as Tom pleasured her was incredible, but had not been truly real to her. But now it was real. The feel of the vibrators had had her clawing the sheets, squirming and lifting as Mike and John fucked her with them. But when they, again, turned the vibrators off and began slowly pulling them from her body, she realized that she could no longer pretend that she didn’t know they were there watching her. It was time for the truth.

“John,” she cried brokenly. “Don’t take it out, please. Stick the vibrator back inside me and turn it on again. Please, John, do it to me. Fuck me with it!” Kate felt the vibration begin in her ass as the vibrating probe pushed its way slowly inside her once again. “Yes, oh, yes, John. That feels so good. So good. I love it. Please, keep fucking my ass with it. Please!” Kate’s breathing became harsh and fast as her hips lifted and thrust to meet the vibrator which was now slowly and gently fucking her ass.

“Mike, stick that thick dildo up in my pussy and fuck me with it. Do it, Mike. Turn that vibrator on full force and fuck me with it. I need you to fuck me. I need you both to fuck me because I’m going to come. Yessss. Just like that. Do it. Fuck me.”

Tom quickly covered her clit with his mouth and sucked strongly, and Kate came wildly in his mouth, her hips still pumping against the buzzing vibrators. After her earth-shattering climax, she felt the vibrators being carefully removed from her body and swore that she felt several very intimate, gentle, licking kisses between her legs as she came back down from the orgasmic heights. Finally, exhausted and limp with completion, Kate’s eyes closed and she slept.

The next night Kate deliberately ramped up the erotic sexuality of her “therapy” sessions by really getting down and dirty. She loudly told Tom that her poor clit was so abused and needy. She spread her legs and lifted her hips, her fingers spreading her pussy lips wide open as she detailed how her cunt and ass and mouth needed to be fucked, filled to the limit with their hard cocks, and her clit needed to be licked, sucked, stroked, spanked, and played with.

She described how she fantasized about having the three of them fill every fuckable orifice on her body, separately and together. Kate grabbed the vibrating dildo that Tom had put on the bed next to her. She raised it to her lips, running her tongue around it seductively, and then she rubbed the dildo along her dripping, creaming slit down to her cunt and pushed it inside, stroking it in and out.

There were three separate, deep, masculine gasps and groans of need and appreciation as they watched her fuck herself with the vibrator and listened to her moans of pleasure. Kate made sure every move was visible to her audience. After her explosive orgasm, Kate slowly pulled the vibrator from her cunt and slid it down to the puckered rosette of her ass. She pushed the tip of the vibrator into her ass and moaned loudly as her head thrashed back and forth on the pillow.

“I need to be filled, my mouth, my cunt, and my ass. All of you at the same time.”

“Kate!” Tom said with a hot, predatory look. He made a quick movement with his hand. A few seconds later she could hear the quiet snick as the door closed, and they were alone. She sat up on the side of the bed, and Tom maneuvered his wheelchair next to her.

“Are you sure, Kate? Absolutely sure? Because once it starts, it’s forever, Kate. It has to be what
want. What
are comfortable with. I know I’ve been pushing for it, but only because I…” Tom stopped, closed his eyes, and shook his head.

“I want to say it’s because I want your pleasure so much, and it’s true, I do, but I also want it for me. I can’t explain it, I wouldn’t know where to begin, but I have a deep, imperative
to see you with them. I
to watch you take them into your body and your mouth. I
to see the pleasure they can bring you. I need
to know that you will allow them to take care of you in every way, and I mean physically and emotionally. You have to understand, Kate, that this need applies only to Mike and John because we are so much a part of each other. I’m very much afraid that I’d destroy anyone else who tried to touch you.”

“Tom, I—”

“No, Kate. Listen to me, please! I know you’re aware of the connection Mike and John and I share. They tried calling it The Children’s Home, but we’ve always called it what it was for us, an orphanage, plain and simple. It wasn’t until our midteens that our relationship added sex to the mix. I suppose it was an expression of the love we couldn’t verbalize to each other.” He looked away from her briefly. “How sad is that? It was easier to fuck and suck than to say a simple ‘I love you.’ When I met you, I pulled away from the physical bond with them, but the emotional bond couldn’t be cut off as easily.” Tom shook his head slowly.

“I would have asked you to join and become one with the three of us the day I met you if I hadn’t been so terrified of losing you. Now that you’ve come to know us as we are, I hope you will join with us, to share the ultimate connection and the love, to become part of what we were and still are to each other and—”

“Tom, it’s okay. I understand what you’re saying, and it’s okay with me. Actually, the four of us have become a true family unit over the last three years, even before your accident. John and Mike have been there for us, and for me, in so many ways, and have become such an integral part of our lives that I can’t imagine life without them. I developed a strong emotional bond with them while you were in the hospital, and that bond has continued to grow and deepen since you’ve been home. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that they are two incredibly attractive, sexy, hot, desirable, eminently fuckable men,” she said with a grin.

“Yet, those are not the only reasons I feel a physical desire for them,” she continued in a more serious tone. “It wasn’t even seeing them make love at the pool, or the things you make me say in my ‘therapy’ sessions, although those things helped me come to terms with what I feel for them. Mostly, it was the realization that they complete us in so many ways. They make our relationship stronger, deeper. Sorry, Tom, I don’t think I’m making any sense.”

“Oh, Kate! I’ve never heard anything that made more sense.”

“During two of our ‘therapy’ sessions, I felt as though something, or someone, was missing, and while you know how much I love the sex, something felt slightly off. Later, I learned that Mike wasn’t there on one occasion and John was missing on the other. Not only that, but I’ve never had any interest in exhibitionism until you started inviting Mike and John to watch our so-called ‘therapy sessions.’ Now, I’m comfortable knowing they are watching us. No, to be honest, I
knowing they are watching us. It turns me on and makes me hot, makes my juices drip from my pussy. It was an eye-opener for me, and I’ve decided that I want my three musketeers in my bed as well as in my heart.”

“Musketeers? What is that, another fantasy? You’ve mentioned musketeers several times, now.”

“Not a bad idea, but not quite what I meant. The very first day you introduced me to John and Mike, the neighbor had a kitten, Queenie, who was stuck up high in a very tall tree, remember? Well, for over an hour the three of you plotted and planned how you were going to rescue that kitten. And the three of you managed that task very well, torn shirts and all. You reminded me of the three musketeers rushing to save their ‘queen.’ From that time on, I thought of you three as my own personal musketeers whenever I saw you together.”

Tom smiled wryly. “I vaguely recall something about a kitten, but would certainly never have considered us to be musketeers. And I’ll bet Mike and John didn’t either. Interesting, though, isn’t it? The motto of the musketeers is one for all and all for one. You are the one for all of us, and we are all for you.”

“I have to be sure, Tom, that having John and Mike in our bed will not hurt us. That means if you truly want this to happen you will have to take the necessary steps to see it through. Quickly, because this teasing is also affecting me. If you’re going to do it, Tom, then don’t fool around anymore. Just do it.”

“Soon, love. I’ll have everything in place soon. I promise. And you have my word that letting the two of them into our lives will only be a benefit to us all. It can never hurt us, Kate. Never. Trust me on that.”

“I believe you, Tom, and I do trust you, completely. Now come to bed with me. It’s been a long, long time, and I need you now. You won’t have to do anything but lay down. I’ll take care of everything, you won’t even need to move, I promise. But I need to feel you inside me again before we go on to any more complex relationships. And that erection you’ve been sporting all week has had my mouth watering and my pussy aching to be filled. By you, Tom, by you. I’ve missed you so much.”

“God, Kate, I’ve missed you, too,” said Tom roughly as he quickly began unbuttoning his shirt.

Kate knelt down in front of Tom’s wheelchair, she lifted the foot rests and moved between his legs. She carefully undid his zipper. Her hands trembled as she removed his thick, meaty cock from his pants and grasped it with both hands. The clear drop of pre-cum glistened brightly on the firm crest of his cock before her tongue licked the tiny drop into her mouth with a moan of pleasure. With a firm movement of her head, she took his cock deep into her mouth, sucking strongly as her tongue lashed his penis.

“Kate!” Tom cried. “Kate, I can feel every move of your lips and tongue. I can
you, Kate. Oh, God, it’s really true. I can feel you. I can feel every lick and suck. I can even feel the vibration of the moans in the back of your throat.” Tom fisted his hands in her hair and held her to him as he moved her head on his cock, fucking her mouth as he chanted, “I can feel you, Kate. I can feel you. Suck me, babe. Let me feel you sucking me, Kate. Let me feel it.”

His agonized words unleashed emotions Kate desperately tried to suppress. She could feel tears brimming in her eyes as she gazed into his eyes, which were overflowing with love, lust, and incredible joy as he watched his cock thrusting in and out of her mouth.

Suddenly, he stopped and pulled his cock from her mouth. “No, Kate. Not like this. I need to come in that hot cunt. I need to be inside of you, part of you. I want to see you riding me, taking my cock deep inside your slick heat. Now.”

“Oh, God, yes. Yes, Tom. I need you, too.”

Tom levered himself up out of his wheelchair. He held on to the side of the bed while Kate, still on her knees, stripped his trousers and briefs off and removed his shoes and socks. Kate looked up at the naked body she hadn’t seen for almost three years, amazed at the muscular definition in his arms and shoulders and the firmness of his stomach and abs. Yes, his legs were a lot thinner than she remembered, but not excessively so. He looked wonderful!

“Damn it Kate, stop eating me up with your eyes.” Tom reached down and pulled Kate to her feet and into his arms, holding her tightly.

His voice, savagely aroused, grated, “I’ve dreamed about seeing that hungry look in your eyes and being able to
something about it. This past week has been heaven for me, just to touch and stroke you, to suck your pussy and clit and to play with you and pleasure you the way I used to. The way I’ve dreamed. Now, I’m going to fuck you. Just the thought of actually being able to
my dick inside your tight cunt almost makes me come. Just knowing the feelings in my cock are not those insubstantial, fleeting, phantom sensations that I felt for so long is incredible. This is really
. Now, Kate, now.” His mouth descended on hers with a ravenous hunger, his tongue tangling erotically with hers as they eased back onto the bed.

There were a few awkward moments as they situated themselves on her huge bed and then Kate straddled his body. She took his violently aroused cock, which was red and glistening from her suckling, and began rubbing it between her slippery cunt lips and over her swollen clit.

“Take me, Kate. Take me now. Balls-deep, babe,” Tom cried as his hips jerked upward, thrusting against her slick pussy.

Taking just the bulbous head of his cock inside her vagina, and feeling the stretching of the sensitive tissues there, had Kate crying out in pleasure. Tom then grasped her hips and pulled her down while he thrust up, filling her cunt with his thick, meaty dick. Kate threw her head back with a keening wail and ground her pussy hard against Tom in a circular motion as he held himself still inside her.

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