Forgotten Man, The (58 page)

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Authors: Amity Shlaes

Tags: #United States, #History, #20th Century, #Comics & Graphic Novels, #Nonfiction

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Dahlman, Jane

Dailey, Joseph L.


Davenport, Russell

deficit spending


Democratic Party

taxes and
see also specific elections

Democrats for Willkie


Depression, Great:

African Americans and
bank crisis in
barter in
bonus marchers and
corporate profitability in
deflation in
drought and
industrial production in
Mellon’s summary of
opening phase of
Panic of 1937 in
as public-vs. private-sector struggle
public works projects and
Roosevelt’s missteps in
scrip used as currency in
stock market crash and
strikes and
trade and
unemployment in,

De Priest, Oscar

Des Moines Tribune

Dewey, John

Dewey, Thomas E.

Dewson, Molly

Dickerman, Marion

Dnieprostroi dam project

Dodson, Owen

Dos Passos, John

Douglas, Dorothy Wolff

Douglas, Emily

Douglas, Lew

Douglas, Paul

background of
divorce and remarriage of
election of 1928 and
food cooperative of
New Deal and
Soviet purges and
Soviet trip of
unemployment insurance and

Dow Jones industrial average

inflation of
“Roosevelt Rally” on

Dow Jones industrial average

statistics for

Dow Jones utilities index



Du Bois, W. E. B.


Duke Power

Dunn, Robert Du Pont, PierreDuranty, Walter Dust Bowl

Dutch elm disease Dutch West India Company

Duveen, Joseph




Earhart, Amelia

Early, Steve

Eastom, Sherm

Eccles, Marriner Stoddard

at Federal Reserve


Edison, Thomas A.

Edward, Prince of Wales

Eisenhower, Dwight D.


of 1924
of 1928
of 1932
of 1934
of 1936
of 1938
of 1940

Electrical Review

Electric Home and Farm Authority


Eliot, Jared

Ellison, Ralph

Emergency Exchange of New York



Essays upon Field Husbandry in New

England (Eliot)



Evans, Llewellyn

Evans, Walker





Fair Labor Standards Act (1937)

Faison, Emmet

Falke, Grace

Farley, James A.

Farm Board

Farm Security Administration (FSA)

Father Divine (Baker, George)

Faul, Robert

Federal Emergency Relief


Federal Power Commission

Federal Reserve

bank crisis and
Eccles and
Panic of 1937 and
real bills doctrine of
stock market crash and

Federal Reserve Act (1935)

Federal Theater Project

Federal Triangle
Federal Writers’ Project

Feis, Herbert

Ferguson, Samuel

Feuer, Lewis


Finley, David Edward

Firestone, Harvey

Firestone Tire and Rubber Company

Fischer, Louis

Fisher, Irving

Flanagan, Hallie

Flight from the City

Flood of 1927

Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley


Forbes, Alexander

Ford, Henry

Ford Motor Company

Rouge plant strike at

“Foreign Policy Uppermost” (Krock)

Forest Service, U.S.

forgotten man

“Forgotten Man, The” (Sumner)


Foster, Michael

Foster, William Trufant


economic collapse of
World Economic Conference and
World War II and

Frank, Jerome

Frankfurter, Felix

Parrish case and
Supreme Court nomination of
Supreme Court-packing issue and
tax issue and
TVA and

Frankfurter, Marion

Franklin, Benjamin, 24

Frazier-Lemke Act (1934)

Freedom House

Frick, Henry Clay

Frost, Robert




Gallup, George

Galsworthy, John

Garland Fund

Garner, John Nance

Garvey, Marcus

Gaston, Herbert

General Electric

General Motors

George Babbitt

Georgia Power Company

German Empire

Germany, Nazi

Austria and
Jewish persecution in
Soviet nonaggression pact with
World War II and

Germany, Weimar Republic of

Great Depression and
stock market crash and

Gershon, Shochet

Gilbert, S. Parker

Gladstone, William

Glan, Betty

Glass-Steagall Banking Act (1932)

gold clause issue

Gold Diggers of 1933

Goldman, Emma

gold standard and supply

Panic of 1937 and
Roosevelt and

Goldwater, Barry S.

Gone With the Wind

Good Housekeeping

Gore, Thomas


Government Project(Banfield)

Grand Coulee Dam

Grapes of Wrath, The

Great Britain:

electric industry in
Great Depression and
National Gallery of
progressive movement in
Soviet Union and
stock market crash and
tariff and
unemployment insurance in
utility system in
World Economic Conference and
World War II and

Great Gatsby, The

Great Northern American Holding Company


Green, William

Greenbelt, Maryland: A Living Legacy of the New Deal

greenbelt towns


Group, The

Grubb, William I.

Guffey, Joseph

Guffey Coal Act (1935)

Gutheim, F. A.




Hadfield, George

Hall, Charles M.

Hamilton, John

Hand, Learned

Harding, Warren G.

Hardy, Thomas

Harriman, Averell

Harrison, Byron P. “Pat,”

Harrison, Francis Burton

Harrison, George

Hatch Act (1939)

Hawley, Willis

Hayes, Roland

Haywood, William “Big Bill,”

health care

Hearst, Mrs. William Randolph

Hearst, William Randolph

Hell Bent for Election

Heller, Joseph

Hellman, Lillian

Helvering, Guy

Helvering v. Gregory

Henderson, Leon

Henry Street Settlement

Hepburn, Katharine


Hewes, Laurence

Hickok, Lorena

Hillman, Sidney

Hindenburg, Paul von

Hiss, Alger

Hiss, Donald

Hitler, Adolf

Hogan, Frank

holding companies

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr.

Hoover, Herbert Clark

in Australia
bank crisis and
Black Canyon project and
Bonus Army and
changes to presidency by
childhood and youth of
in China
Colorado River dam project and
as commerce secretary
Coolidge compared with
Coolidge’s differences with
economic policy of
election of 1924 and
election of 1928 and
election of 1930 and
election of 1932 and
election of 1940 and
as engineer
failure to confront Depression by
Flood of 1927 and
foreign debt moratorium of
Mellon compared with
Muscle Shoals project and
National Gallery and
New Deal and
personality of

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